At night, isascends the Arakiliveliesttime, afterSundescends the mountain, thiscityenlivened.
夜晚,是拾荒城最热闹的时候,当太阳下山之后,这座城市就活跃了起来。Eachnight, thiscityisbrilliantly illuminated, the noisesoars to the heavens, peoplewith all kinds ofways, ventedvariousdesires and a whole dayaccumulating.
每个夜里,这座城市都是灯火通明,喧嚣冲天,人们用各种各样的方式,发泄着一整个白天累积起来的各种欲望和情绪。Thereforeduring the night, picking upinArakioftento hear the sound of gunfire, occasionallywill present the explosion the flame, thesephenomenato the residents in city, wereuniversal.
于是到了夜里,拾荒城中不时会听到枪声,偶尔会出现爆炸的火焰,这些现象对于城中的居民来说,是再普遍不过的了。Takes a broad view at the entirecity, the daytimelonelystreets, are filled with the personnow, somedrunkardsevenfall downdirectly, orby the garbage heaprested. As fortomorrow morningtheyalsowhethersober, living, no onewill be caringradically.
放眼整个城市,一条条白天冷清的街道,现在都挤满了人,一些酒鬼甚至直接倒在地上,或者垃圾堆旁边就睡了起来。至于明天早上他们还能否清醒,是否活着,根本没有人会关心。Was somewhat illuminatedunder the dimcurtain of nightby the lights, the personof all formswalks out of the door, starts the activity, seeks forownexciting and joy.
被灯火照得有些朦胧的夜幕下,形形色色的人走出家门,开始活动,寻找起属于自己的刺激和快乐。In a remotelane, suddenlyhas the silverlightto outline, an illusorymysteriousfront doorappearsto reflectfrom the shadow. The arched entrance that starts out from opposite directions folioswayhit, somepeoplecome outtotteringly, is the EllHoyne'shead of householdoldfine jadethought.
The oldfine jadethinkserraticallylooks atall aroundsurprisedly, suddenlydoes not knowwhereoneselfarrive, thensaw that Tian YangleftfromgateBank of China, hits a soundto refer, thatleaf of mysteriousarched entrancevanished.
老琼思惊疑不定地看着四周,一时间不知道自己来到哪里,然后就看到天阳从门中行出,打了个响指,那扇神秘的拱门就消失了。Until now, the oldfine jadethinksalsosuch asin the dream.
直到现在,老琼思还如在梦中。Hecannot bearask: „Where is this?”
他忍不住问:“这是哪里?”Tian Yangshows a faint smile: „Picks upAraki.”天阳微微一笑:“拾荒城。”
The oldfine jadethoughtto be startled for twoseconds.
老琼思怔了两秒。Hebeforesome time ago, but alsoindesertdeep place'swhite stonecamp, butarrivesnowunexpectedlypicked upAraki.
The old personlooks at the place that the front doorvanisheda moment ago, but alsoremembers that Tian Yangleadshimto leave the campalone, healsothinks that Tian Yangmustexecute itself. After the resultleaves the Baishiwinding corridor, thisyoung peoplehit a soundto refer, summon a mysteriousfront door, ledhimto a strangeroom, thencame outfrom the front dooragain, has arrivedpicked upAraki.
老人看了看刚才大门消失的地方,还记得天阳独自带他离开营地,他还以为天阳要处死自己。结果离开白石回廊后,这个年轻人打了个响指,召唤出一座神秘的大门,把他带到一个奇怪的屋子,接着再从大门里出来,就已经来到了拾荒城。Whatability is this?
“走吧。”Tian Yangwas not worried that the oldfine jadethinkswill escape, guidesinfrontdirectly.天阳一点也不担心老琼思会逃跑,径直在前面带路。
The old personis perturbed, reallyhas not actually daredto escape, can only brace oneselfto followinTian Yangbehind.
老人心里七上八下,却还真不敢逃,只能硬着头皮跟在天阳身后。Tian Yangpasses through the alley, aftermen and women of pair of illicit intercourseside, changes course the livelyavenue, finallyarrived at‚desertwild rose’, thisispicks upinArakia fewin the night not livelyplace.天阳走过小巷,经过一对苟合的男女身边,转进热闹的大街,最终来到了‘沙漠蔷薇’,这是拾荒城里少数在夜晚也不热闹的地方。BecausethisisLuoDudomain, no onedaresto cause troublehere, because of‚spear/gunhero’ the custom, makingmostdrunkardsnot be willingto buy winetohere.
因为这是罗度的地盘,没有人敢在这里闹事,同时也因为‘枪侠’的规矩,使得大多数酒鬼不愿意到这里来买醉。„Thisis...” The oldfine jadethinksknowswhatfinallymustsee is in itself , simultaneouslyraisedat heart a ray of hope.
“这是...”老琼思终于知道要见自己的是谁,同时心里又升起了一线希望。Tian Yangopens the door of bar, sees‚spear/gunhero’LuoDuto adjust the liquorbehind the bar, the cool-coloredillumination of floorin-linetubeon the body of thisman, makinghimseeminglyice-coldcoldnot be warm.天阳推开酒吧的门,就看见‘枪侠’罗度自己正在吧台后面调酒,台面内嵌灯管的冷色光照在这个男人的身上,让他看上去冰冰冷冷一点也不热情。
When Tian Yangopens the door of barLuoDulooks up, whensawbehind when Tian Yangalso the followingoldfine jadethinks, hehas not nearly caught the beverage bottle that oneselfthrow.天阳推开酒吧的门时罗度就抬头看去,当见到天阳后面还跟着老琼思时,他险些没接住自己抛起来的酒瓶。Even if at night, LuoDualsowears the blackvisoreyeglasses, thereforealsoknows his timelookonno one, butonhisfacenoexpression, hebeckons, makingonesprinkleinsuranceto replace itself, thengesturestoTian Yang: „Comeswithme.”
纵使是夜晚,罗度也戴着黑色的遮阳眼镜,因此也就没人知道他此时的眼神,但他脸上没有什么表情,他招了招手,让一个洒保代替自己,便对天阳打了个手势:“跟我来。”Tian Yangthenlooked at the oldfine jadeto think ofone, hintedhimto follow, threepeoplearrived at a bardeep placeroom.天阳回头看了老琼思一眼,示意他跟上,三人来到酒吧深处一个房间。
After Luo the gatecloses, looks at the oldfine jadeto think ofone, saidtoTian Yang: „Youkeep one's wordvery much.”
“我一向如此。”Tian Yangpointed at the oldfine jadeto think saying: „Hegaveyou.”天阳指着老琼思说:“他交给你了。”Luonoexpressionsaid: „Idid not fear that Ido let gohim?”
罗度没什么表情地说:“我不怕我放走他吗?”Tian Yangshows a faint smile saying: „Had not related, EllHoyneismyit's in the bag, the fine jadethinks of the misterisdieslives, the relationsare not, was casualyouto handle.”天阳微微一笑说道:“没关系了,艾尔霍因已经是我的囊中之物,琼思先生是死是活,关系已经不在,随便你处置好了。”At this time the oldfine jadethoughtto shout: „LuoDu, my child, killedhim! Killedhim, EllHoyne'sallindustrieswereyour!”
这时老琼思嘶吼起来:“罗度,我的孩子,杀了他!杀了他,艾尔霍因的所有产业就是你的了!”Luopulls out a roughpistolafter the waistslowly, thendoes not return, opens firetoward the thigh that the oldfine jadethinks.
罗度缓缓从腰后掏出一把粗犷的手枪,然后头也不回,朝老琼思的大腿开了一枪。On the leg that the oldfine jadethinks of the bloomingblood, the old personcalled out pitifullyto sitimmediatelyfallsto the ground, listened toLuoDuto sayin a soft voice: „Closesyourmouth, listened toyouto say a characteragain, Ikilledyou.”
老琼思的腿上顿时绽放鲜血,老人惨叫一声坐倒在地,就听罗度轻声道:“闭上你的嘴巴,再听你说一个字,我就杀了你。”Tian Yangsmiles, saidtoLuosound‚saying goodbye’, thenleft the room.天阳笑了笑,对罗度说了声‘再见’,便离开了房间。Luohas then turned around, receives the pistol, tookonebottle of strong liquorto walk.
罗度这才转过身,收起手枪,拿着一瓶烈酒走了过来。Herips open the pants leg that the oldfine jadethinks, firstdrenches the strong liquor, the painresults in the old personto send outto killpig the cry, thenputs out the medicine box, discovers the anastomat, suturesold person'swound.
After tossing aboutone, the oldfine jadethinks of the lipto turn purple, heaskedweakly: „You, sincedid not helpmekillhim, whymustsaveme!”
折腾了一阵后,老琼思已经嘴唇发紫,他虚弱地问道:“你既然不帮我杀了他,为什么要救我!”Luosaidindifferently: „Do not misunderstand, Ido not saveyou, Iwantto leadyouto go to mother. Youoweher an apology, this/should.”
The oldfine jadethinks: „..........”
The war-godfort, opensonbleakdesertonekilometer away from the city gate, in the dimdim light of nightsuddenlyhas the silverrayto highlight, hoversto outline, in an instant a mysteriousarched entranceappearsin the air.
The front door that starts out from opposite directions folioopensquietly, Tian Yangwent outfrom the front door, hits a soundto refer, making‚the gate of crevice’vanish.
对开的大门悄然开启,天阳从大门中走出,打了一个响指,让‘夹缝之门’消失。Hisformtwinkle, runs a piece by pieceremnantshadowin the desert, onekilometerdistance, almostin a flash.
他身影闪烁,在沙漠中跑出一片片残影,一公里的距离,几乎转瞬既至。Whenheappearsin the entrance, a city gateebullition, soldier of guardinganxiouslymuzzleoutward, fortsturn around the muzzle, aimed atoutside the front door.
当他出现在大门口时,城门一阵沸腾,驻守的士兵紧张地将枪口朝外,一尊尊炮台掉转炮口,指向了大门外。Tian Yanghas not used‚darkbreath’intentionally, therefore the war-godfortdiscovered an energy of rapid traverse, discoverythisenergydirectly soars the fortressto comemoreover, naturallyunavoidablyanxious.天阳故意没有使用‘黑暗呼吸’,因此战神堡发现了一股快速移动的能量,兼之发现这股能量直奔堡垒而来,自然不免紧张。But after the discoveryisTian Yang, the military officer who is responsible for the city gatesecurityallows to passimmediately, andarranged a car(riage)to deliverhimto go toEllHoynemanor.
The peoplein the car(riage), Tian Yangnoticedfrom afarEllHoynemanoris brilliantly illuminated.
人在车中,远远的,天阳就看到艾尔霍因庄园灯火通明。In the afternoon after kingLingjuncomes back, Tian Yangmakeshimbe responsible for the town/subduesfield, oneselfgo to the BaishiCampwith‚the gate of crevice’, processesEllHoyne'swrap-up work.
下午王凌君回来之后,天阳就让他负责镇场,自己则用‘夹缝之门’前往白石营地,处理艾尔霍因的收尾工作。Nowreturns to the fortress, Tian Yangto believe,EllHoynemanorhad been suppressed, howthento handle the personnel who thatfamilyremains.
现在回到堡垒,天阳相信,艾尔霍因庄园已经被镇压,接下来是如何处置那个家族剩下来的人员。Regardingthisissue , he whendecided that copes withEllHoyneto ponder, andobtained a quitebrutaldecision.
对于这个问题,他在决定对付艾尔霍因的时候就已经思考过,并得出了一个相当残酷的决定。„Sincedecidesto go outthisstep, will dye the fullbloodonbeing doomedboth hands...”In the car(riage), the Tian Yangcorners of the mouthflutter, butin the eyedoes not have the slighthappy expression.
“既然决定走出这一步,就注定双手将染满鲜血...”车里,天阳嘴角轻扬,可眼中却没有丝毫笑意。A moment later, hesaw the front door of EllHoynemanor. Outside the front dooris stoppingseveralchariot that picks upAraki, the muzzle and muzzle on chariot, aimed at the manor.
片刻之后,他就看到了艾尔霍因庄园的大门。大门外面停着好几辆拾荒城的战车,战车上的炮口和枪口,都对准了庄园内部。Innearbycommanding point, cansee the soldier of thunderparliament.
在附近的制高点上,都可以看到雷霆议会的战士。In the ground of villafront doorhasseveralconspicuousbloodstains, butcannot see the corpse, shouldbe cleaned up.
别墅大门的地面上有几片显眼的血迹,但看不到尸体,应该已经被清理掉。Tian Yanggets out, Adolf'ssubordinatescattered the gatethento walk: „Congressman, wehave processedsimilarly, EllHoyne'sarmed forceshad been suppressedbyusall, have the surrenderalsohasto revoltis killed.”天阳下了车,阿道夫的手下撒门便走了过来:“议员,我们已经处理得差不多了,艾尔霍因的武装力量已经尽数被我们镇压,有投降的也有反抗被杀的。”„Now, the EllHoynefamily'sremainingpersonnelstronglyin the hall, CongressmanAdolfthey there, are wantingto wait foryouto decidetheirresults.”
“现在,艾尔霍因家族的残余人员正集中在大厅里,阿道夫议员他们正在那里,想等待你来决定他们的结局。”Tian Yanghas no expressionto nod, withscattering the gatearrivedconducted the hall of banqueton the same day. In the hallwas cleaned up a stretch of open area, therestandseveralrows of personnel, theyunder the muzzle of parliamentarysoldier, the expressionare varying.天阳没什么表情地点了点头,跟着撒门来到当日举办宴会的大厅。大厅中被清理出了一片空地,那里站着好几排人员,他们在议会战士的枪口下,表情不一。
The youngmanfeels indignant but not daring to speak outmostly, the younggirlor the sobordreadto shrinkonegroup, a middle-aged men and womenface of getting oldis wooden, the eyesare atheistic, as ifhas foreseentheirfollowingdestinies.
年轻的男人大多数敢怒不敢言,年轻的女孩或哭泣或畏惧地缩成一团,上了年纪的中年男女则一脸木然,双眼无神,仿佛已经预见他们接下来的命运。„CongressmanTian Yangcame.”
“天阳议员来了。”SeesTian Yangto walk, GongZhibinsaidlow voice.
看见天阳走进来,龚智宾小声说道。Adolfhas not responded, hearskingLingjun the voiceto resound: „CongressmanTian Yang, youcomes back, was laborious.”
阿道夫还没有回应,就听到王凌君的声音响起:“天阳议员,你回来啦,一路辛苦了。”AdolfandGongZhibinexchanged a look, the formershakes the head, the latterscoldedsentence‚bootlicker’with clenched jaws.
阿道夫和龚智宾交换了个眼神,前者摇摇头,后者咬牙切齿地骂了句‘马屁精’。Tian YangtowardkingLingjungentlyjawhead, after having greeted, takes a list that Reddinghas handed over.天阳朝王凌君轻轻颌首,打过招呼后,拿过雷丁递过来的一份名单。Inside the list, displayedEllHoynefamily'smember, as well asfor the staff who thisfamilyserves.
名单里头,罗列了艾尔霍因家族的成员,以及为这个家族服务的工作人员。Andincludeddozensservants, certaindriversand evenchefs, gardenerwait/etc.
其中就包括了数十个仆人,若干司机乃至厨师,花匠等等。Moreover, EllHoynenow the remainingmembers, majorityare the families who the oldfine jadethinks ofthreesons, as well assomecollateral relativeswait/etc.
In Tian Yangis reading the list, a manthrew, on the face is the tears and nasal mucus, crawledto saytowardTian Yang: „Sir, Sir. Do not killme, do not killme, IandEllHoynehave no relations, putsmeto walk the Sir.”
就在天阳翻看着名单时,一个男人扑了过来,脸上全是眼泪和鼻涕,朝天阳爬了过来道:“大人,大人。不要杀我,不要杀我,我和艾尔霍因没有什么关系,放我走吧大人。”Does not needTian Yangto tell, the autumndesertflashed, the handlemankicksin the crowd.
不用天阳吩咐,秋漠就闪了过去,一脚把男人踢回人堆里。Tian Yangputs down the list, does not haveanxiouslyhandling, looks all around, sawLüsecure, immediatelywalked.天阳放下名单,没急着处置,环顾一圈,看到了吕安,当下走了过去。Lüsecureseeshisline, on the faceshows the smile, gentlynod.
吕安见他行来,脸上露出笑容,轻轻点头。„Good evening, SecretaryLü.”
“晚上好,吕秘书。”Tian Yanglooked at the eyetothesecaptives: „Is handlingEllHoyneaspect, what does the fortresshaveto suggest?”天阳向那些俘虏看了眼:“在处置艾尔霍因方面,堡垒有什么建议?”Lüsecurenods, approves the Tian Yangconductto be appropriatesecretly, had first askedbeforehandling the opinion of fortress, displays the respectto the fortress, will not fall the personhandle.
吕安点了点头,暗赞天阳行事得体,在处置前先问过堡垒的意见,表现出对堡垒的尊敬,不会落人把柄。Hesmiles saying: „Icomeforthis matter, the citylordsmakemeinformyou, howaboutto handleEllHoyne, butdecidesto be possibledepending onyou.”
他微笑道:“我正是为此事而来,城主让我通知你,关于如何处置艾尔霍因,但凭你决定既可。”„Good.”Tian Yangalsoexpects to besuchresult, has turned aroundto looktoAdolfand the others, „how did yousay?”
“好。”天阳也料到会是这样的结果,转过身看向阿道夫等人,“你们怎么说?”Adolfis pulling out the flue: „Ido not have the experiencetothisaspect, or do youaskCongressmanGong?”
阿道夫抽着烟道:“我对这方面没有经验,要不你问问龚议员?”GongZhibinsmiles, to saysinisterly: „Ifsaid that is the maximum benefit, thatismalesellingarrives certainly at the mineto work as the black slave, is the prostitutefemalesellingto the casinobar.”
龚智宾嘿嘿一笑,阴险地说道:“若果说是利益最大化的话,那当然是男的卖到矿场当黑奴,女的卖到赌场酒吧当妓女。”„Especiallyfemale, ifknows that theyareEllHoyne'sfemale, the guestsmeetto be willingto pull outpatronize the billgreatlytheir.”
“特别是女的,如果知道她们是艾尔霍因的女性,客人们会愿意掏出大把钞票来光顾她们的。”Heard the fatty saying that thesemenwere good, thesewomen, especiallytheseyounggirls, wept and wailed.
听到胖子这么说,那些男人还好,那些女人,特别是那些年轻的女孩,一个个哭喊了起来。Adolffrowns, saidin a soft voice: „CongressmanTian Yang, I know that thesegirlslookverypitiful. ButImustremindyou, theyare flowingEllHoyne'sbloodlines, words that thisbloodlinesdo not eliminate, the hatredwill be continuous.”
阿道夫皱了下眉头,轻声道:“天阳议员,我知道那些女孩看上去很可怜。但我得提醒你,她们流着艾尔霍因的血脉,这条血脉不剪除的话,仇恨就会连绵不绝。”„Moreover, tonightwhatiflosesiswe, EllHoynewill handle the samemattertous, evenis more brutal.”
“而且,如果今晚输的是我们,艾尔霍因会对我们做同样的事情,甚至更加残酷。”Tian Yangdeeplylooked athisoneeyes, thennodsto sayseriously: „Iknow,CongressmanAdolf, relax, Ihave crossed the naiveage.”天阳深深看了他一眼,然后郑重点头道:“我知道,阿道夫议员,放心,我已经过了天真的年纪。”„Iknow how shouldprocess.”
“我知道该怎么处理。”Hisonestep, looks at the captive in hallforward, saidcalmly: „Mydecisionis...........”
他向前一步,看着大厅里的俘虏,沉着说道:“我的决定是...........”PS: Thankbigpledge‚kurayami’hitto enjoyagain~
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