The banquethas continuedlate at night, andlikeBaileysaid that the Tian Yangroomwas arrangedinseveralgirls'middle. Naturally, Tian Yanghas not stupidly arrived atEllHoyne'speach-colortrap, evenEllHoynebecause ofhimbut the destruction, thesegirls'destiniesperhapsbecomequitepitiful, is unable to vacillatehimto eradicateEllHoyne'sfaith.
After returning to the room, Tian Yanginspects, discovered that the roomhas no supervisory equipment, hesmiles, thought that EllHoyneshouldnot havethatguts, daresto make an issueatthismatter.
回到自己房间之后,天阳检查一番,发现房间没有任何监视设备,他笑了笑,心想艾尔霍因应该也没那个胆量,敢在这件事情上做文章。Buthecleansas usual, has changed the clothes, goes to bedto sleep.
但他还是如常清洗,换过衣服,上床睡觉。Lay down the moment, thenfiresrefers tothrough the gate of crevice, leavesEllHoyne'smanor.
只是躺了片刻,便打响指通过夹缝之门,离开艾尔霍因的庄园。StandsoutsideEllHoyne'smanor, Tian Yanglooked at the eyein the direction of manor, the manor under dim light of nightwas dormant the giant beastindarknesslikeone, the garrisonstrength of althoughbytoday'sEllHoynedisplaying, the protection of thismanor was not very as if rigorous, the powerhouse who in the manorcanassumealmostdid not have.
站在艾尔霍因的庄园外面,天阳往庄园的方向看了眼,夜色下的庄园就像一头蛰伏在黑暗中的巨兽,尽管以今天艾尔霍因表现出来的警备力量来看,这座庄园的防备似乎不够严谨,庄园里能够坐镇的强者几乎没有。ButTian Yang believes that in the manorwill at least have a daysteppowerhouse, otherwise the oldfine jadethinkswill not feel relieved that getstoward the manorinoneself, conversionishewill also do that otherwise, how could it not be was the worrymidnightcut the headby the distinguished guest?
“会是谁呢?”„kingLingjun? Teaches the aspect?”
“王凌君?还是教会方面的?”Tian Yanghas not made the entanglementinthisissue, herides the dim light of nightto leaverapidly, deliversto go out of townthousandrainbowandEllis, returns to the manoragain.天阳没有在这个问题上多做纠缠,他乘着夜色迅速离开,把千虹和爱丽丝神不知鬼不觉地送出城去,再返回庄园。Next day.
翌日。Manor Restaurant.
The oldfine jadethinksarrivesearly, the Victor'sstewardLouiseovercomes the handto the majordomo, is inspectingplacing of tableware.
老琼思早早来到,维克多的管家路易斯给大管家打下手,正在检查餐具的摆放。Hannandhisseveralbrothersalsoarriveone after another, accompany the fatherto inspect the breakfastpreparation, the oldfine jademisses relatives and close friends , since taking the mealto glance overoneonly, askedat will: „What kind of, yesterday evening, Baileytheywhetherwas summoned?”
汉恩和他几个兄弟也陆续来到,陪着父亲检视早餐的准备情况,老琼思亲自拿过餐单浏览一番后,随意地问道:“怎么样,昨天晚上,贝丽卡她们是否被召唤了?”Hannlowers the head saying: „No, father. Ihave looked forBailey, according to her, came back after yesterday, thatcongressmanenters the roomto sleeplong time ago, andendsummonedthem, has not gone totheirroomsto pass the night.”
The oldfine jadethoughthehesmiles the sound saying: „Hann, yourchildit seems likeinsufficientcharm.”
老琼思呵呵笑了声说:“汉恩,你们的孩子看来不够魅力啊。”InHanneyesflashes throughgloomy: „After and othermattersended, Iwill find the personto teachthemwell. Entices the mennot, raisingthemis useful!”
The oldfine jadethought ofun the sound, agreed withson'sidea: „OurEllHoynecanarrive attoday, came from the contribution of eachfamilymember, even if the girl, mustcontribute labor and materialsforthisfamily, ifthiscontributiondoes not even have, whatface countenancehasto remainat home?”
老琼思嗯了声,同意儿子的想法:“我们艾尔霍因能够走到今天,来自于每个家族成员的贡献,哪怕是女孩,也必须为这个家族添砖加瓦,若连这点贡献也没有,有什么颜面留在家里?”„But, thatyoungcongressmanbeautycurrent, does not moveunexpectedly, trulyis the opponent who needsto cope withearnestly.”
The sound of footstepstransmitsfrom the front door, the oldfine jadethinksadjusts the expressionimmediately, on the pile the smile, thensawTian Yangseveralpeopleto walk, the old personwelcomesimmediatelywith stride: „Good morning, CongressmanTian Yang. CongressmanAdolf, CongressmanGong.”
脚步声从大门外传来,老琼思立刻调整表情,堆上笑脸,便见天阳几人走了进来,老人立刻大步迎上:“早上好,天阳议员。阿道夫议员,龚议员。”„What kind of, last nightrestedfortunately?”
“怎么样,昨晚睡得还好吧?”Adolfhehesaid with a smile: „Naturallywas good, the fine jadethinks of the mister, not onlyprepared the roomtous, the girl who the companionpasses the night, such thoroughservice, reallymakesmylifetimeunforgettable.”
阿道夫呵呵笑道:“当然好了,琼思先生非但给我们准备了房间,还有陪伴过夜的女孩,这么周到的服务,真让我毕生难忘。”Tian Yanghas turned the headto look atAdolfoneeyes, knows that the oldfine jadethoughtalsomade the arrangementforthem, naturally, regardingAdolf, the oldfine jadedid not think of the girl who was possibleto arrangeEllHoyne.天阳转过头看了阿道夫一眼,才知道老琼思也为他们做了安排,当然,对于阿道夫两人,老琼思不可能安排艾尔霍因的女孩。Adolflooks atTian Yangto ask back: „What's wrong, did CongressmanTian Yang, the fine jadethink of the misternot to arrangetoyoulast night?”
阿道夫望着天阳反问道:“怎么,天阳议员,琼思先生昨晚没给你安排?”„Ido not need.”Tian Yangsmilesto say with a smile.
“我不需要。”天阳笑笑道。GongwisdomBinnlaAdolfsaid: „Youwork aseveryoneareyou, in the eveningdoes not have the girl unable to sleep. CongressmanTian Yangwas also young, did not understand the happiness of thisaspect.”
The oldfine jadethinksto laugh saying: „In any event, so long aslast nightpassedhappily, Ifelt relieved.”
老琼思哈哈一笑道:“无论如何,只要各位昨晚过得愉快,那我就放心了。”„Comes, the breakfastprepared, everyonetook a seat.”
“来来来,早餐准备好了,各位入座吧。”EllHoyneprepared the quitesumptuousbreakfast, theymadeTian Yangspendtwohours, naturally, if were only the diningtime, did not usesuchfor a long time, the diningtime of twohours, the larger partused, inchattedon.
艾尔霍因准备了相当丰盛的早餐,它们让天阳足足花费了两个钟头,当然,如果仅是用餐时间的话,根本不用这么久,两个钟头的用餐时间,其中一大半都用在了闲聊上。According toAdolfin secret, thiswaswest the tradition of landrespected family, thismadeTian Yang the true lengthoneknow.
据阿道夫私底下讲,这是西陆大家族的传统,这让天阳着实长了一回结识。Finally, in10 : 00 am, he and Adolffollowingoldfine jadethoughtto enterin a hall, here was the location that theynegotiatetoday.
终于,在早上 10 点,他和阿道夫两人跟着老琼思走进了一座大厅里,这里便是他们今天谈判的场地。Negotiations, Tian Yangsaw that the security secretaryandsecretary in Lüsecurefortressalsocame, behindalsohas the officials in severalfortresses. The oldfine jadethinkscomes, takes the leadto greetwiththem.
Before Lüsecure, has notifiedhim, said that isthisfortresswill send the representativeto participate, buttheyare only responsible forauditingandrecording, will not interfere.
吕安之前已经跟他打过招呼,说是这次堡垒会派代表参与,但他们只负责旁听和记录,不会干涉。Besides the person in fortress, the warchurchalsohas the personnelto present, Tian Yangfirstseesthatto have‚west the fox of land’BishopJoseph of title, thatold personalsolookstoTian Yang, andsmilesto nod.
除了堡垒方面的人之外,战争教会也有人员在场,天阳第一眼就看到那有‘西陆之狐’称号的约瑟主教,那个老人也看向天阳,并微笑点头。As forTian Yangownperson, the stewardspends the pillar in frontto take an electronicboardto sitinside, Reddingand the othersalsoat the scene, Tian Yangthenwalkstowardthem, sitswiththeminone.
The oldfine jadethoughtto transfer, respectivelygreetsafter the person in fortressandchurch, takes a seatEllHoyne'sposition. Hence, the squarepersonnelhave all arrived, the oldfine jadethinksto gesture, thenhas the servantto close the front door.
老琼思转了一圈,分别跟堡垒和教会的人打了招呼后,才落座艾尔霍因的位置。至此,四方人员皆已经到场,老琼思打了个手势,便有下人将大门关上。„Everyone, todayIandCongressmanTian Yangwill appearhere, stems froma series ofmisunderstanding. Ihope that canthroughthistimemeeting, makingusclarify the misunderstanding, and heartfelthope, wecanstart the cooperationincertainaspects, youthought that CongressmanTian Yang?”
The oldfine jadethinks of the smileto say.
老琼思微笑说道。Tian Yangraised the headsays with a smilelightly: „Verysorry, the fine jadethinks of the mister, Icannot thinktemporarilywherecancooperatewithEllHoyne.”天阳抬起头淡淡笑道:“很抱歉,琼思先生,我暂时想不到有什么地方可以和艾尔霍因合作。”„Moreover, my time, tonot clarifyto misunderstandwithyou. I believe that amongusandnomisunderstandingexists, Ionlywantto know,EllHoynesends for the daughter, whatcompensationcanpay?”
“另外,我这次来,也不是为了跟你们澄清误会来的。我个人认为,咱们之间并没有什么误会存在,我只想知道,艾尔霍因派人小女,要做出什么样的补偿?”Althoughhas known,today the opponentwill not be definitely goodto speak, but the oldfine jadethinkssomewhatis accidental/surprised, before never expected that continuouslywith the youngcongressman who oneselfare cheerful and lively, arrives on the conference table, immediatelygets angrydirectly.
虽然已经知道,今天对手肯定不会那么好说话,但老琼思还是有些意外,没想到之前一直跟自己有说有笑的年轻议员,一到谈判桌上,立刻直接翻脸。And, hewantsis not the explanation, butis the compensation!
并且,他要的不是解释,而是补偿!Satthinks ofbehindin the oldfine jade, the old person'sthirdsonVictorcoughs the sound saying: „CongressmanTian Yang, thismatter I have clarifiedwithyou before, thisis a misunderstanding.”
坐在老琼思后面,老人第三个儿子维克多干咳了声说道:“天阳议员,这件事在之前我就跟你澄清过,这是一起误会。”„OurEllHoynehas not assassinatedyour daughter'smeaning, is completely my wifefor a while the impulsivebehavior. Nowshehas committed suicide, therefore.....”
“我们艾尔霍因没有刺杀你女儿的意思,完全是我的妻子一时冲动所为。现在她已经自尽了,所以.....”Tian Yangsmiledto sayforhim: „Thereforeyouplanned, whenis all rightto happen?”天阳微笑着替他说下去:“所以你们打算当没事发生?”„Ionlywantto ask,your wifeisEllHoyne'sone? Yourfamilymembersimpulseto handle affairs, disregard all consequences. Afterwardcommits suicide, but when is all rightto happen?”
“我只想问,你的妻子是不是艾尔霍因的一员?难道你们家族成员冲动行事,不计后果。事后自尽,便可当没事发生?”„Iwhether to think of the misterto kill the fine jade, whichmademyswallow the spear/gunsuicideagaincasually, whenwealsowhatmatterhasn't happened?”
现场一静。EllHoyneaspect, in a people of eyeflashes through the angry look, the oldfine jadethoughtwas still maintaining the smile, seems sayingonewithhisirrelevantmatter.
艾尔霍因方面,人人眼中闪过怒色,只有老琼思仍然保持着笑容,仿佛在说一件和他无关的事情。Victorknits the brows: „CongressmanTian Yang, thisistwo matters.”
维克多皱眉道:“天阳议员,这是两回事。”„To me, is a matter.”
“对我来说,就是一回事。”Tian Yangsaidindifferently: „Thismatteryour wifeimpulsesto handle affairs, orsheis only a scapegoat, thisisyourmatters, Idid not care.”天阳淡然道:“这件事无论是你的妻子冲动行事,亦或者她只是一只替罪羊,这是你们自己的事,我不关心。”„Ionlycared,intime that Ileave, my daughteralmostdiesinyourEllHoyne'shand. Ifyouare unable to makemesatisfy, inourbattlefieldsees.”
“我只关心,在我离开的时间里,我的女儿差点死在你们艾尔霍因的手上。如果你们无法令我满意,那么,咱们战场上见。”Victorbigfeelingheadache, thisperson, seeminglyis at present young, exceptionallyis strong, makinghimbe hardto lead the negotiations the rhythm.
维克多大感头痛,眼前此人,看似年轻,却异常强势,让他难以主导谈判的节奏。At this time, somepeopleset outsuddenly, get angry: „Your daughterhas not diedeventually, butmyyounger brotheractuallydiesinyourhand! If,weassassinateyour daughterto needto compensate, youkillmyyounger brother, youhave compensatedourEllHoyneanything!”
维克多的儿子。Victorlooked at the oldfine jadeto think ofone, thistime, the old personhas not plannedto prevent.
维克多看了老琼思一眼,这次,老人没有打算阻止。Tian YangsweptPauloneeyeslightly, smiled: „Gentlemen, is this court?”天阳淡淡地扫了保罗一眼,笑了起来:“先生们,请问这是法庭吗?”„Otherwise, why do Ihaveto plant the interrogatedfeeling?”
“否则的话,为什么我有种被审讯的感觉?”Hestood, looked that thinksto the oldfine jade: „Sorry, Inotbypersoncustom that when the criminalinterrogated. SinceEllHoynedoes not wantto discusswell, inourbattlefieldsees.”
The corners of the mouth that the oldfine jadethinks are twitching, hewasexperiencestoTian Yangthistypedoes not press the style that the repertoireplayed a cardto be headachy, the old personmustset outhastily, staredPauloneeyes: Share that „heresomeyouspoke? Goes outtome!”
老琼思的嘴角在抽搐,他算是见识到天阳这种不按套路出牌的风格多让人头痛了,老人只得连忙起身,瞪了保罗一眼:“这里有你说话的份吗?给我出去!”Then, hesmileswas sayingtoTian Yang: „CongressmanTian Yang, please sit down, ourEllHoynedefinitelyhas the sincerity.”
接着,他微笑着对天阳道:“天阳议员,请坐下来,我们艾尔霍因绝对有诚意。”Tian Yangsmilesto sit down, looksto leave the seat, actuallycontinuouslytoPaul who oneselflook angrily, saidlightly: „Idid not understand why youwill be angry, similarmatter, yourEllHoyneshoulddomuch, how the samebitter experiencefallstoyouon, felt are oneselfinnocent?”天阳笑笑坐下,看着离开席位,却一直对自己怒视的保罗,淡淡道:“我不理解你为什么会那么生气,类似的事情,你们艾尔霍因应该做过不少,怎么同样的遭遇落到你们自己头上,就觉得自己无辜?”„Really, the knifedoes not shear itselfon, will never feel the pain. You said that does the fine jadethink of the mister?”
The oldfine jadethinksknows certainly, these that Tian Yangmakescompare totheirEllHoyneat allare notanything, hehas planned, after killingthisyoungcongressman, mustallexecutewithhisrelatedperson, including the Tian Yangdaughter!
The matter that thereforenow, hecandothenonly thenendures patiently, enduring patientlytolet the opponentloses the protection, butat that time, EllHoynewill reveal the fang.
所以现在,他能够做的事便只有忍耐,忍耐是为了让对手失去防备,而那个时候,艾尔霍因就会露出獠牙。Thereforeold personhollow laugh: „CongressmanTian Yangchatted, then, youfelt,whatcompensationourEllHoyneshouldput out, canmakeyousatisfy?”
于是老人干笑一声:“天阳议员说笑了,那么,你觉得,我们艾尔霍因应该拿出什么样的补偿,才能够令你满意?”Tian Yanglifts the hand, the flowerhandsinhishand an electronicboardfull, Tian Yanglowers the headglances overat will, saidlightly: „Myrequestis very simple, Iwant your EllHoynenextdragonbloodstonemine........”天阳抬起手,花盈就把一个电子板递到他手中,天阳低下头随意浏览,淡淡道:“我的要求很简单,我只要你们艾尔霍因名下一座龙血石矿场........”
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