Arrives in the second day of fortress, Tian Yangdrivestworounds of locomotivesto goin the street in Shangcheng District, because the fortresswarhad ended, the person on streetwere obviously many. Andcompared tomostbusinesslet the situation of closingcouple days ago, todaymanystoresopen the doorto do business, the flower shop that Tian Yangusuallypatronizesfrequently, starts doing businessnow.
抵达堡垒的第二天,天阳开着一辆两轮机车行驶在上城区的街道,由于堡垒战争已经结束,街道上的人明显多了起来。并且相对于前几天大多数商让都关门的情况,今天许多商店都打开了门做生意,就连天阳平时经常光顾的花店,如今也重新开业了。Under the block of flats that Tian Yangopensthisto be borrowing the magnetic energymotorcycle that arrives atfumigateswiththousandrainbows, todaythey are about good to return toXiacheng Districtto transfer the revolutionstogether, before has a look , the place that lives, preservestheserecollections, simultaneouslytold itself, whereregardless oflaterwent, whatpersonbecomes, do not forgetwhereoneselfwerecomes.天阳开着这辆跟千虹借的磁能机车来到薰的公寓楼下,今天他们约好要一块回下城区去转转,去看看以前住的地方,把这些回忆保存起来,同时告诉自己,无论以后去了哪里,成为了什么样的人,都不要忘记自己是从哪里来的。
The fumigatingdownstairsstayshortly, saw that sheandyounger brotherXiaojiewalked, more than half a yearhas not seen, the boyhad grownmuch. He the stage of longbody, after fumigatingto becomeon the peoplenow, the ration that Xiaojieobtainswere also more than before, the nutritioncan followto add on the appropriatemovement, nowhas caught up withelder sister'sheightquickly.
在薰的楼下停留没多久,就看到她和弟弟小杰走了出来,大半年没见,男孩已经长高了不少。他现在正在长身体的阶段,薰成为上民之后,小杰获得的配给也比以前多了许多,营养跟得上再加上适当的运动,现在已经快赶上姐姐的身高了。SeesTian Yang, Xiaojiewas very happy, running over that resemblesspeedily: „Elder BrotherTian Yang, howyoucome, youshouldlast nightcome, myelder sistermaykeep thinking aboutyou, alwaysraisedyouinmyear, oh...”
看到天阳,小杰很高兴,一溜烟似的跑过来:“天阳哥,你怎么才来,你应该昨晚就来,我姐可惦记你了,老在我耳边提起你,哎哟...”Xiaojiecalled out pitifullysuddenly, originallywas fumigatedto turn the ear, the girlwas sayingill-humoredly: „Isyourselfwantsmeto discusssomeTian Yangmatters, howto turn intometo keep thinking abouthim.”
小杰突然惨叫起来,原来是被薰扭着耳朵,女孩没好气地说:“是你自己要我多讲一些天阳的事,怎么就变成我惦记他了。”Xiaojiecalled out: „Youfeltyourconscience saying that has not been thinkingElder BrotherTian Yang!”
小杰叫道:“那你摸着自己的良心说有没想着天阳哥!”Fumigatedby his saying, on the facefloats offredclouds, was distractedwhile the elder sister, Xiaojieescapedherevil clutcheshastily, hidbehindTian Yangto make faces, thensaid: „Elder BrotherTian Yang, mybig sistergaveyou, youaccompanyherto playtodaywell for day, avoidsheunhappyvented angerwithmein the evening.”
薰被他一说,脸上就浮起一片红云,趁姐姐走神,小杰连忙逃过她的魔掌,躲到天阳背后做了个鬼脸,然后说道:“天阳哥,我老姐就交给你了,你今天好好陪她玩一天,省得她晚上不开心拿我出气。”„Iwalked, youplay.”
The youngsterwave, slightlyruns, fumigatedcalled outinbehind: „Remembers that musthave the lunch!”
After gettingyounger brother'sresponse, fumigatesshakes the head, sitsto the motorcycleon.
得到弟弟的回应后,薰才摇摇头,坐到机车上。„Sat.”Tian Yangremindedherto say.
“坐好了。”天阳提醒她道。Xunsmiles, liesin conducting the back of Tian Yangsimply, twohandsmake an effortto enclasphim.
The Tian Yangenginecar(riage), left the block of flats, hehas not openedtooquickly, two people can also chaton the roadlike this.天阳发动机车,离开了公寓楼,他没有开得太快,这样两人在路上也可以聊天。„Xiaojiegrew.”Tian Yangspoke thoughtlesslyto say.
“小杰长高了。”天阳随口说道。Xun‚un’sound said: „Ihad toldhimmatter that wemustwalk, he is very satisfiedyourarrangement, added that letsHanteam leader, ifin the column of counterindiscoverystarmarrow, leadinghimto try one's luck, healsowantsto becomesublimator.”
薰‘嗯’了声道:“我已经跟他说了咱们要走的事,他很满意你的安排,还说让韩队长如果在逆界里发现星髓之柱,带他去碰碰运气,他也想成为升华者。”Tian Yangsmiledsaying with a smile: „The sublimatorroad is not so good, when an average personis good.”天阳笑了笑道:“升华者的路不是那么好走的,当一个普通人未尝不好。”„Hehashis ownidea, Iwantto makehimdefer tomyideato live.”Fumigates the smileto say.
“他有他自己的想法,我想让他按照自己的想法去生活。”薰微笑道。Tian Yangnods: „IreallyenvyXiaojiesometimes, hehas a goodelder sister, notlikeme, withoutbrothers and sisters.”天阳点点头:“我有时真羡慕小杰,他有一个好姐姐,不像我,没有兄弟姐妹。”Fumigatessays with a smilelightly: „Right, butXiaojiealwayscomplained that Ialwayshithimin childhood, ifyouhave an elder sister, perhapsnowwill not think.”
薰轻笑道:“是吗,可是小杰总抱怨我小时候老打他,你要是有个姐姐的话,说不定现在就不会这么想了。”At this timetheypassed through a building, on the buildinghigh-levelprojection screen, is broadcasting the fragment of thisfortresswar, insideappearedenlivens the forminbattlefieldtogether, sidegot‚civilianhero’captions.
这时他们经过一座大楼,大楼高层的投影屏上,正在播放这次堡垒战争的片段,里面出现一道活跃在战场上的身影,旁边则打上了‘平民英雄’的字幕。„Civilianhero?”Tian Yangin the screentowardbuildinglooked at the eyeat will, took back the line of sight.
“平民英雄?”天阳随意朝楼上的屏幕看了眼,就收回了视线。Fumigatesis also throwing the head, looks the projection screen that goes far awaygraduallysaid: „Don't youknow? Thisisyou.”
The motorcyclerocksimmediately.
The Tian Yangcomplexionsaidstrangely: „HowIbecame the hero...”天阳脸色古怪地说:“我怎么就成英雄了...”Xunis pursing the lipsto say with a smile: „It seems likeCommanderChuhad not toldyou, is right, ifraisedwithyou, definitelydid not letwithyourcharacter.”
薰抿着嘴笑道:“看来褚司令没跟你说,也对,要是跟你提起的话,以你的性格肯定不让。”„CommanderChuplansto propagandizeyourdeeds, naturally, will not leakyouridentity. To build a heroicexample that risesfrombelowpeople, is usedto encouragepeople in Xiacheng District.”
“褚司令打算宣传你的事迹,当然,不会泄露你的身份。只是想打造一个从下民中崛起的英雄榜样,用来激励下城区的人们。”„Moreover, healsowantsto borrowthismatter, breakson the mutual lack of understanding between Xiacheng District, hehopes that abolisheson the peopleandunder the difference of peopletreats, simultaneouslygivespeoplemoreopportunities in Xiacheng District.”
“另外,他也想借这件事,打破上下城区之间的隔膜,他希望废除上民和下民的区别对待,同时给予下城区的人们更多的机会。”„Naturally, thisreformis not the one day and one night, and needs the turning point. Thisfortresswar, youplay very significantrole, therefore the commanderplanned that takes the propagandayourdeeds, andtakes this opportunity , to promote hisreform.”
“当然,这种改革不是一朝一夕的,并且需要有契机。这次堡垒战争,你起到非常重大的作用,所以司令打算把你的事迹拿出来宣传,并以此为契机,推动他的改革。”Tian Yangonlyknows how oneselfcanbe filmed, hesmilesto say with a smile: „If so, Iwill certainly support. Commanderideais very good, breaks the mutual lack of understanding of Xiacheng District, givesXiacheng Districtresidentmoreopportunities, hemusttellme, Iwill certainly support, althougha littleembarrassed........”天阳这才知道,自己怎么会给搬上了银幕,他笑笑道:“如果是这样的话,我肯定会支持。司令这个想法很好啊,打破上下城区的隔膜,给予下城区居民更多的机会,他要告诉我,我肯定会支持,虽然有点难为情........”„He, when the commoditybasehas solicitedmysuggestions, I was also himtold that buthedecidedto hide the truth fromyou.”
“他在物资基地的时候征求过我的意见,我也是这么跟他说的,但他还是决定瞒着你。”Xunsmiledseveral, thencloses one's eyes saying: „Thinks that all theseresembleshas a dream, in the pastinXiacheng DistrictI, has not daredto resembletoday the matter.”
薰笑了几声,然后闭着眼睛道:“想想这一切都像做梦似的,当年还在下城区的我,可不敢相像今天发生的事。”Tian Yangwelcomed the sunlightto say with a smile: „Perhapsseveral days later, the fortresswill have the tremendous changes, when the time comesyouthenlookagain, feels likewill be having a dream.”天阳迎着阳光笑道:“或许再过几天,堡垒会发生天翻地覆的变化,到时候你再回头看一看,也会觉得像是在做梦。”„Yes, butno matter how, Ihope the fortresscanbe getting better and better, hopesmorepeoplecanenjoy a good and prosperous life, hopes that weoncelivedwill become the historythoroughly..........”
“是啊,但不管如何,我还是希望堡垒能够越来越好,希望更多的人能够安居乐业,希望我们曾经的生活会彻底成为历史..........”Fumigatesin a low voicetwittering, the windblewto repose the wish of herboundless hopes, blewto the distant place, blewtofortresseachcorner.
薰低声呢喃,风吹起寄托了她无限希望的祝愿,吹向了远处,吹向堡垒每个角落。On this day, theirformsappearinXiacheng District, appearedintheironcefamilies/home, appearedintheypursuedto play the place, appearedin the corner that theycriedlow-spirited, appearedinthemlooked forward tofuturewas at........
The westmainland, picks upAraki.
In the evening, in the territory of thunderparliament, belongs to the manorarea of congressman, severalvehiclesstarted, in packed witha group ofworkersto returnto return to the city.
已经是傍晚,雷霆议会的领地里,属于议员的庄园区中,几辆车子开了出来,满载着一批工人返回城内。Recently the subterranean stream in manorwas conducting the regularopening, had conducted several dayscontinuously, the entireunblockprojectat least must maintain for about a week, canfinish.
最近庄园内的地下水道进行着定期疏通,已经连续进行了数日,整个疏通工程至少还要维持一周左右,才能结束。Dredges the worker of sewerto convenefrom the city, every dayhas the private car of parliamentto send and pick up, and rewardis rich, isin the city the refugee the work that rushesto want, evensomepeople, for a locationattacks brutally.
疏通下水道的工人是从城里召集来的,每天都有议会的专车接送,并且报酬丰富,是城中流民抢着要的工作,甚至有人为了一个工位大打出手。Left the parliamentaryterritory, arrives in the city the square, the magnetic energycar(riage)stops, the vehicle dooropens, the workersthenwell upto get out, variousloosethingsleft.
A middle-aged manlowers the head, the half stepafter the square, sneaks in a lane. Hesevenin the laneturnseightcurved, aftersomeman radicalsof all formsnear, arrived at‚desertlizardrepair store’finally.
The boss in repair storelooked athisoneeyes, lowers the head saying: „Madamelooks foryou.”
The menhave not responded, the half stepwalkstowardinside, arrives in a junksroom, hetakes outsomecomponentsfrom the differentplaces, combinesprojecting apparatusrapidly.
After Power-on, hestarted the instrumentrapidly, the raywas interweavingin the air, a moment laterpresented a screen. Againshortly afterward, thenhas the person's shadowto appearin the screen.
接通电源之后,他启动了仪器,光线迅速在空气中交织着,片刻之后出现了一个屏幕。再过不久,便有人影出现在屏幕里。Thatis a woman, shewears the deeptrousers, wears the same colorhat, the makingsare noble.
那是个女人,她穿着深色的长裤,戴着同色的帽子,气质高贵。Shelooks at the middle-aged man, the soundsomewhataskedanxiously: „Mihok, where did thatmatter conduct?”
她看着中年男人,声音有些紧张地问:“米霍克,那件事进行到哪里了?”Mihokdying emberslookwhensaw that thiswomanhad the appearance: „Husband..., Anna, the opportunitydo not come.”
米霍克死灰般的眼神在看到这个女人的时候才有了神彩:“夫...不,安娜,机会就要来了。”„As of late, the lead(er)area of thunderparliamentis conducting the seweropening, the residentto the cityrecruit the manpower, I ’ got so far asoneset of falseidentificationfrom ‚ fire anthelp/gang, mixedsmoothly.”
“最近这段时间,雷霆议会的领区正在进行下水道疏通,他们向城内居民招募人手,我从‘火蚁帮’弄到了一套假身份证明,顺利地混了进去。”„For these daysIhave wanderedin the sewer, Ihave clarifiedthatfollowingstructure, knows where canenter the villa that the goalis.”
The woman in screengoes nearsuddenly: „Real? Did youdetermine?”
屏幕里的女人突然靠前:“真的吗?你确定?”Mihokmakes an effortto nod: „Idetermined, Anna. Tomorrowfinished the worktime, Iwill keepin the sewer, workerso many, onfew1-2no onewill pay attention.”
米霍克用力地点点头:“我确定,安娜。明天结束工作的时候,我会留在下水道里,工人那么多,少上1-2没有人会注意。”„Iwill take the actiontomorrow evening, Ipersonallyhandlethatchildto kill, makingthatyoungcongressmanfeelwithyoursamepain. No, hewill be definitely more painful than you, Iguaranteed!”
“我会在明晚展开行动,我会亲手把那个孩子杀死,让那个年轻的议员感受到和你一样的痛苦。不,他肯定会比你更痛苦,我保证!”Annalaughed: „ThisisIrecently, bestnews that hears. Mihok, you must killthatchildwith the cruelestmethod, thiscansolvehate of myheart!”
安娜哈哈大笑了起来:“这是我最近一段时间以来,所听到的最好的消息了。米霍克,你务必要用最残忍的手段杀死那个孩子,这样方能解我心头之恨!”She, supplesound said: „Youare certainly careful, do not have the matter, Ialsowait foryouto leavethisdisgustingplacetogether.”
她顿了顿,又柔声道:“你一定要小心,千万不要有事,我还等着你一块离开这个让人恶心的地方。”Hearsthiswords, the manonlythinks the heartboiling hot, thathad died the heart, actuallyresembledat this momentis infused the infinitevigor, is leapingpowerfully.
听闻此话,男人只觉心头滚烫,原本那颗已经死了的心,此刻却似被注入了无限活力,正有力地跃动着。„Youare waiting formygoodnews, Anna!”
The communicationended, heremoves the corner/hornto come the instrumentrapidly, returns the originalposition. Then, hecannot attend to the dinner, puts out the paper and pen, outlined the line, drewgroups of maps, will startto deliberatetomorrow eveningplan.
............Heaven Supporting Fort, Xiacheng District.擎天堡,下城区。‚At midnightrose’inbar, variouscolorlaser beamsare sweepingcrazily, the gorgeouscolorlight spotwill projectin the dance floor the bodies of thesemen and women, in the barfloods the strongsmog, the alcoholflavoris flutteringinvariousplaces, thisletssitinflourishingQi of barcannot bearfrown, lookstonearbystretch/openDongcheng.
‘午夜玫瑰’酒吧里,各种颜色的激光束正疯狂地扫动着,将大片大片绚彩的光斑投射在舞池里那些男女的身上,酒吧里充斥着浓烈的烟雾,酒精的味道在各处飘荡着,这让坐在吧台的殷琪忍不住皱起眉头,看向旁边的张冬城。Thismanyyears of knowledgehanded overwomanbuttocks that passed bytowardsideto clap a palm of the hand, thentook up the cupto fill a strong liquor, cried out strangely.
这个多年知交正朝旁边路过的一个女人臀部拍了一巴掌,然后拿起杯子灌了口烈酒,怪叫了一声。„Puts the bar in Shangcheng Districtnot to go, youmustpushtowardhere, Ireallydo not know,thisplacehasanythingto be good.”
“放着上城区的酒吧不去,你非要往这里挤,我真不知道,这种地方有什么好的。”stretch/openDongchenglaughs, said: „The bar in Shangcheng Districtwas too light, ishereenoughtaste.”
张冬城哈哈一笑,说:“上城区的酒吧太清淡了,还是这里够味。”flourishingQigawked , as ifhadsomemanalso saying that shelowers the headsometo saydiscontentedly: „Do not study the team leaderto speak.”
The mouthhas bitstretch/openDongcheng of cigaretteto stare, thentook off the cigarette saying: „Iam notintentionally, is onlytheseyears, Istudyhimto speakandworkunintentionally, as ifonly thenthis, canmakemebelieve, the team leaderis still livinginsomeplacewell......”
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