Heaven Supporting Fort.擎天堡。In the kitchen, oldXu'swifeis preparing the lunch, recentlyfor several days the husbandhealed from a woundathome, the childfront partcanprepare the food of nutritionanddelicacy. Severaldayslater, raisedfatseveralpointsoldslowthatwrinkledface.
During recentlywar, allfoodaredistribute, is the veteran who Night Walkerdraws backis goodlikeoldslow, the fortressverylooks, dailyfoodhas the meatto have the vegetable/dish, is the ration denses, guarantees all one wants to eatalsohas the nutrition, butcannot callfreshly.
只是最近战争期间,所有食物都是配送的,像老徐这样是夜行者退下来的老兵还好,堡垒还是挺照顾,每一天的食物都有肉有菜,就是都是脱水食物,管饱也有营养,但称不上新鲜。As forotherresidents, food that theydistributed is not so rich, food that especially the person in Xiacheng District, assignedevery dayonlyenoughate, wantsto eat the multi-points to with the undergroundmerchantor the blackbusinesstransaction.
至于其它居民,他们配送的食物就没有这么丰富了,特别是下城区的人,每天分配到的食物只够吃一顿,想吃多点就得跟地下商人或黑商交易。Is preparing food, the childfront parthears the living roomto resoundoneto cheersuddenly, followed the husband, givesto graspher.
正做着菜,子衿突然听到客厅响起一声欢呼,跟着丈夫跑了进来,一把将她给抱住。„Does, had not seen that Iam cooking food, putsmeto get downquickly.” The childfront partis hittingoldslowill-humoredly, in an instantsaw the fish in potscorched, immediatelyloves dearly.
“干什么呢,没看到我正烧菜,快放我下来。”子衿没好气地打着老徐,转眼看到锅里的鱼烧焦了,顿时一阵心疼。„Looks atyou, the fishscorched.”
“瞧你,鱼都烧焦了。”oldslowlaughs: „Doesn't matter, scorchedmealsoto eat, even iftodaydoes not have the vegetable/dishlightto eat meal, I can still eatitsbigseveralbowls.”
The childfront partthendetected that heis somewhat unusual: „Do youdoexcitedly?”
子衿这才发觉他有些异常:“你那么兴奋干什么?”„Because the warended, finished, childfront part!”oldslowis excitedlikely a child, danced with joysaid,„Ijustsaw the combat report, startledbig waveForthas surrendered, will send the representativeourfortressto conduct the compensationnegotiationsquickly.”
“因为战争结束了,结束了,子衿!”老徐兴奋得像个小孩子,手舞足蹈地说,“我刚看到战报,惊涛堡已经投降,很快会派代表来咱们堡垒进行赔偿谈判。”„Realfalse?” The childfront partsees the husbandaccidentally/surprisingly, suddenlyalsoforgotrescues the fish in pot.
“真的假的?”子衿意外地看着丈夫,一时间也忘记去抢救锅里的鱼。„Naturallyreal, Ifindseveralfriendsto confirm, but alsolooked foroldHan.”
“当然是真的,我找好几个朋友确认过,还找了老韩。”oldslowdoes intentionallysaidmystically: „Youguess how oldHandid say?”
The childfront partwhitehiseyessaid: „Youalsohangmyappetite, saidactuallya bit faster.”
子衿白了他一眼道:“你还吊我胃口,倒是快点说啊。”oldslowis saying with a smile: „oldHansaid that thismatteris absolutely true, because ofyesterday evening, the commanderlaunched the surprise attack, but alsomadeTian YangseizingforestYuanmilitarythatold fogy.”
老徐笑着道:“老韩说这事千真万确,因为昨天晚上,司令发动了突袭,还让天阳把林元武那老家伙给捉了回去。”„NowforestYuanwuis startledbig waveFortto feel acutely disappointed, this morningannounced the surrender, now their armyis withdrawing fromourlead(er)areas, returnedstartledbig waveFort.”
“现在无论是林元武还是惊涛堡都万念俱灰,今天早上就宣布投降,现在他们的军队正撤出我们的领区,退回惊涛堡去了。”„, Tian Yangnow is never so expected that fierce, unexpectedlyeven/including the cityLordalsogaveto capture alive, Isaid the childfront parttoyou, thisboyinitiallyrookiestime, Ihave also directedhim.”
The childfront partwas happy that covers up the mouthwith the hand, suddenly‚’sees the husband: „Yougot up, yourwalking stick? Didn't yourfootsaysometimeto be ableunder?”
子衿高兴得用手掩住嘴巴,突然‘呀’一声看着丈夫:“你怎么起来了,你的拐杖呢?你的脚不说得有一段时间才能下地吗?”oldXu'ssmilestiffensimmediately, thensaidawkwardly: „Myseveraldaysare early good, canunder. Thisis not thinkingaccompaniesyourseveraldaysat home, thereforecontinuesto put on an act.”
The childfront partforks the waist saying: „Hasyouroldslow, evenIalsodeceivetogether. The wheat, which the wheatyouare, is aboutto helpmecope with the father.”
子衿叉着腰道:“有你的老徐,连我也一块骗。小麦,小麦你在哪,快过来帮我对付爸爸。”„Icome.”to bind the little girls of twobraidsare running in the kitchenvivaciously, a leg that graspsoldslow, called outcheerfully: „Mom, Iseized the father.”
“我来啦。”扎着两根辫子的小女孩蹦蹦跳跳地跑进厨房,一把抱住老徐的腿,欢快地叫道:“妈妈,我捉住爸爸了。”At this time the fish in potscorchedfinallythoroughly, moreoverpotshoutedoneto leap the flame, the childfront parthas not then worried aboutto cope witholdslow, hastilyinwateringflameouttowardpot.
The flame that extinguishes, likethisfortresswar, onthis daywasto then come to an endfinally.
..........Commoditybase, medicalcamp.
物资基地,医疗营。„Fumigates the doctor, thiswas the lastpatient.”
“薰医师,这是最后一个病人了。”Packed off the patient, holds the nurse of electronicboardto saytoXunwith a smile,inhereyeholds the ray, becausenot only the warendedto be joyful, becausecanreturn to the fortressfinally, canwith the family member, reuniteto be happywith the lover.
送走了病人,捧着电子板的护士笑着对薰说道,她的眼睛里噙着光芒,非但因为战争结束而欣喜,更因为终于可以返回堡垒,可以和亲人,和爱人团聚而高兴。Fumigates the smileto nod, saidtoher: „good work.”
The nurseis beckoning with the handhastily: „Wherehasyouto be laborious, youfirstwalk, under Ipack the thing.”
“好。”Xunhas not shirked, stood, took offhung the eyeglassesonnose, stoodstretches oneselfin the window.
The outside beautifulsunlightfallsonherbody, ondowntiny particlecomplete(ly)presentaccording toherneck.
窗外明媚的阳光落在她的身上,照得她脖子上的绒毛纤毫毕现。At this timesheheardsomepeopleto strike the window, lowers the head, thensaw a Tian Yangfacesmileto standinout of the window.
这时她听到有人敲打着窗户,低下头,便见天阳一脸笑容地站在窗外。„Tian Yang!”
“天阳!”Xuntakes off the doctorrobe, walked, shehas a look atall around, smilinglysaid: „Reallyunusual, thousandrainbowshave not followedunexpectedlyyou.”
薰脱掉医师袍,走了出去,她看看四周,笑眯眯地说:“真稀奇,千虹居然没跟着你。”Tian Yangsmiles, holdsgirl'shandto walkwhilesaid: „Mustreturn to the fortress, shepacks the thing. Ihad reached an agreementwith the commander, after waitingto return to the fortress, youandthousandrainbowswill leavewithme.”天阳笑了笑,牵起女孩的手一边走一边道:“要回堡垒了,她收拾东西去呢。我已经跟司令说好了,等回堡垒之后,你和千虹都会跟我离开。”Fumigatessomewhataskedanxiously: „Did commanderagree?”
薰有些不安地问:“司令同意了?”Tian Yanggentlyplaceunder: „Hesaid that looked, inIpayinso manysharesfor the fortress, reluctantagreement.”天阳轻轻地点了下头:“他说看在我为堡垒付出这么多的份上,勉勉强强同意了。”Fumigatesthenrelaxes, sheknows that the fortressinvestedmanyresourcesononeself, trains itselfofficial rank5, naturally, shealsohas the returnfortress, but the worryfortresswill not release people.
薰这才松了口气,她知道堡垒在自己身上投入了许多资源,把自己培养到职级五,当然,她也有回报堡垒,但还是担心堡垒不会放人。Nowgets the answer, sheput down the heartfinally.
现在得到答案,她终于放下心了。„Ihave entrusted the team leader, makinghimlook afterXiaojie, whenXiaojiegrew up, ifhewantsto leave the fortresswhen the time comes, Ipickhimagain, how do youfeel?”Tian Yangalsosaid.
“我已经托付队长,让他照看小杰,等小杰长大了,如果到时候他想离开堡垒的话,我再把他接走,你觉得怎么样?”天阳又道。Xunpasteson the arm of Tian Yang, closes one's eyesto say with a smile: „Youhave arranged, Inaturallydo not have the opinion.”
薰贴在天阳的胳膊上,闭着眼睛笑道:“你都已经安排好了,我当然没有意见啊。”„Xiaojienowis small, has not completedin the studies of school, makinghimcontinueto stay in the fortress is also good. Let aloneChiefHantreelooks afterhim, Idid not needto be worried.”
“小杰现在还小,在学院的学业也没有完成,让他继续留在堡垒也好。何况还有韩树队长照看他,我就不用担心了。”Tian Yangsaid with a smile: „After going back, Imusturgehimto studywell, in the futurewill help mewell.”天阳笑道:“回去之后我要督促他好好学习,将来才好帮我的忙。”Fumigatedlooked athisoneeyeswith a smile: „Sounds, youseem likemustgo all out an appearance.”
薰笑着看了他一眼:“听上去,你像是要大干一场的样子。”Tian Yangblinks saying: „When the time comesyouknew.”天阳眨了眨眼睛说:“到时候你就知道了。”At this time, hehas induced, lookedtoward the distant place,saw onlytogether the form by the tree, is smoking like a chimney, wasHantree.
The team leaderbeckonedtowardTian Yanggrinningly, fumigatesthenloosened the arm of Tian Yang, makinghimwalktoward the team leader.
队长笑嘻嘻地朝天阳招了招手,薰便松开了天阳的胳膊,让他朝队长走去。Arrives atsideHantree, Hantreeputs out a handto buildon the shoulder of Tian Yang, put outsmog saying: „My goodness, yougrewmuch, Idid not make contact withyourshoulderquickly.”
来到韩树身边,韩树就伸手搭在天阳的肩膀上,吐出一口烟雾说:“好家伙,你长高了不少,我都快搭不上你的肩膀了。”Tian Yangsaid with a smilelightly: „Needsmeto coordinate?”天阳轻笑道:“需要我配合一下吗?”„Gets the hell out, Ihave not wantedyourboyto coordinateexperienced and reliably.” The Hantreeridiculesill-humoredly, hemade an effortto pat the shoulder of Tian Yang saying that „reallygood, thistimeyoudidreallywell, Tian Yang.”
“滚蛋,我还没老到要你小子配合。”韩树没好气地笑骂起来,他用力地拍了拍天阳的肩膀说,“真好,这次你干得真好,天阳。”„Hey, youcaptured aliveforestYuanwuunexpectedly, suchresultis above the expectation of commander, draws to a close periodmost perfecttothisfortresswar.”
“嘿,你居然生擒了林元武,这样的结果超乎司令的预料,也给这场堡垒战争划上最完美的句号。”Tian Yang‚’sound said: „It seems like the commander is very satisfiedsuchresult, but alsothinks that hewill shut outmeto come backtoo mother -in-lawforestYuanmartialZhuo, shouldbutcherdirectly.”天阳‘哦’了声道:“看来司令很满意这样的结局,还以为他会嫌弃我把林元武捉回来太婆妈,应该直接宰掉。”
The Hantreeshakes the head saying: „No, butcheringforestYuanwuis not the bestresult.”
韩树摇摇头道:“不,宰掉林元武并不是最好的结果。”„IfkilledforestYuanwu, will have the hugeblowtostartledbig waveFortwithout a doubt, naturallythatcanend the warsimilarly, but the commander said that if thatresult, hemustwield the armyto continueto attack, hitthoroughlystartledbig waveFort.”
A Tian Yangpointalsooutside areanodsaidunexpectedly: „Right, if Iwill also do that. BecausekilledforestYuanwu the words, will have the hard problem that cannot solvewithstartledbig waveFort, seed that plants the hatred. Oncegivesthem the time, theywill definitely tryto retaliate, thereforeovercomesstartledbig waveFortthoroughly, canrelieveextra worries.”天阳一点也不意外地点头道:“没错,如果是我也会这么做。因为杀了林元武的话,就会跟惊涛堡结下解不开的死结,种下仇恨的种子。一旦给他们时间,他们肯定会设法报复,所以只有彻底打下惊涛堡,才能免除后顾之忧。”
The Hantreeputs out a thickflue: „Yes, but, wemustconsumemoreresources and militaryin that caseinevitably. Andwhen the time comesalsohitseven ifstartledbig waveFort, butwemanpowerorphysical resource, but also is not enoughto supportto managethreefortresses.”
韩树吐出一口浓烟道:“是啊,但那样子的话,我们势必要消耗更多的资源和兵力。并且到时候哪怕把惊涛堡也打下来,但我们无论是人力还是物力,还不足以支持管理三座堡垒。”„Develops the leadingareaall of a suddensuchgreatly, wewill unable to attend to one thing without losing track of another thing, ifat the appointed time the ill management, will be taken advantage of loopholesbyotherfortresses, in the endinsteadcheapothers.”
“一下子把领区拓展得这么大,我们会顾此失彼,届时万一管理不善,就会被其它堡垒钻空子,到头来反而便宜了别人。”Tian Yangsmilesto say with a smile: „Ido not want is so faractually, but looking back now, Iwasdoright.”天阳笑笑道:“我倒是没想那么远,但现在看来,我算是做对了。”
The Hantreelooked athisoneeyes saying: „In brief, the presentresultismost ideal. forestYuanwuwas captured alivebyyou, thistohimtostartledbig waveFortis an attack, cansay that thisattackratiokilledforestYuanwuto be bigger.”
韩树看了他一眼说:“总之,现在的结果是最理想的。林元武被你生擒回来,这对他对惊涛堡都是一种打击,可以说这种打击比杀了林元武更大。”„Moreover, fromthisfightsusalsotootherfortressesto demonstrateourgreat strength, iflaterwhowantsto make warwithus, mustfirstthink overowncomponent.”
“而且,从这一战我们也可以向其它堡垒展示咱们的强大,以后如果有谁想跟咱们开战,都得先掂量掂量自己的份量。”„Did not saythis.”
The Hantreemade a fistto cough the sound said: „Actuallyis the commandermakesmesearchyourrumor, hewantsto ask that youhaveto have no interest inkeepingcontrol‚storm’regiment.”
韩树握拳干咳了声道:“其实是司令让我来探探你的口风,他老人家想问问你有没兴趣留下来接管‘风暴’军团。”„Since striking to flyGeneralMeigoesto be informed and experienced, ‚storm’ the armytemporarilyby the commanderhemanage, butyoualsosaw,heacts the citylord, simultaneously and Night Walkercommander, is tied up.”
“自打飞梅将军去历练之后,‘风暴’军暂时由司令他管理,可你也看到,他还是代理城主,同时又兼夜行者的司令,忙得不可开交。”„You, iftook over‚storm’, hewas much more relaxed.”
“你要是接手了‘风暴’,他就轻松得多了。”Tian Yangsighed the sound saidlightly: „Team leader, actuallyIam willingto remain, butdue tomy ownreason, I can only disappoint the good intention of commander.”天阳轻叹了声道:“队长,其实我很愿意留下来的,但由于我自己的原因,我只能辜负司令的好意了。”Firstdid not say that hehas startedto operateoneselfinfluencein the westmainland, is only ‚turncoat’thisstatus, heis unsuitableto keepHeaven Supporting Fort.
先不说他在西大陆已经开始经营自己的势力,光是‘变节者’这个身份,他就不便留在擎天堡。Inhim, Heaven Supporting Fortishishometown, ishegrows upishehas livedplace.
在他心里,擎天堡就是他的故乡,是他长大是他生活过的地方。Tian Yangis not willingto take tothisfortressowntroubleabsolutely, otherwise, heneverwants the place that left mother dead.天阳绝对不愿意把自己的麻烦带给这座堡垒,否则的话,他何尝想要离开母亲长眠的地方。Hantreehollow laughtwo: „Do not care, I and commanderalsoknow that makes the possibility that youleave behind not big. In any caseYun JiaandBaithattwolittleyoung master is also very talented, Ilook atthem should soon, to promoteofficial rank7.”
韩树干笑了两声:“别在意,我和司令也知道让你留下的可能性不大。反正云家和白家那两个小少爷也挺有天赋的,我看他们应该用不了多久,就能够晋升职级七。”„When the time comes, someare the persontakes over‚storm’, youdo not needto care.”
“到时候,有的是人接手‘风暴’,你不用放在心上。”At this time, the distant placehad the magnetic energycar(riage)to stop, andaccording tomaking a soundloudspeaker.
The Hantreewavestoward that side, then the racket the shoulder of Tian Yangsaid: „Walks, do youfirstreturn to the fortresswithus? Everyonehas not gatheredfor a long timetogether, after going back, wefirstgathering, youcanleave.”
韩树朝那边挥手致意,然后拍拍天阳的肩膀说:“走,你跟我们先回堡垒吧?大家也好久没一块聚聚了,回去后咱们先聚一聚,你才能离开。”Tian Yangsmiles: „Thatisnatural, continuouslytendayseightdays, Ido not give up.”天阳笑起来:“那是当然,不住个十天八天,我也舍不得走啊。”
The Hantreelaughs: „Thatis good, youandXunsitthousandrainbows the car(riage)s, the little girlaffirmsin any caseis being greasyyou, Idid not snatch the personwithher.”
韩树哈哈一笑:“那就好,你和薰坐千虹的车吧,反正那小女孩肯定得腻着你,我就不跟她抢人了。”Discards the cigarette butt, Hantreestridedeparts.
丢掉烟头,韩树大步离去。Tian YangalsocalledXun, rodethousandrainbows the falconcombat tanks, arrived inHeaven Supporting Fortat the next daynoon.天阳也叫上了薰,乘坐千虹的猎鹰战车,在第二天的中午抵达擎天堡。
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