BPTH :: Volume #5

#482: Fireworks tribe

482 chapters 482章 Yanhua tribe 烟花部落 The potential surface of god! Ethereal Mainland, flying upwards stage. 神之位面!飘渺大陆,飞升台。 The sky is hanging two rounds huge purple monster months, the shining earth that lavender brilliance lets somebody cool off or calm down, making this ancient lands appear desolate. 天空挂着两轮巨大的紫色妖月,淡紫色的光华冷冷的照耀大地,让这片古老的土地更加显得苍凉。 The flying upwards stage is actually a mountain peak, this mountain peak is very unusual, towers straightly, just like a Stone Pillar equally towering is standing upright, four sides is the sheer precipices, looks is actually the black spooky bottomless trench, frightening. The peak probably was actually used the great sword to bevel, is very smooth, reveals green does not know the material quality the complete stone facing. 飞升台其实是一座山峰,这山峰很是奇特,笔直耸立,宛如一根石柱子一样突兀的挺立着,四面都是悬崖峭壁,一眼望下却是黑幽幽的无底深渊,让人恐惧。峰顶却好像被人用巨剑削平了般,无比平整,露出青色的不知材质的完整石面。 Peak any construction, has not had two huge transmission. This transmission compared with Purple Island transmission, wants on big dozens times, tedious did not have the several fold, sending out light purple light. 峰顶没有任何建筑,只有两个巨大的传送阵。这传送阵比紫岛的传送阵,要大上几十倍,也繁琐了无数倍,散发则淡淡的紫光。 By transmission has the human, is two 78 meters in height big giants, two giant facial features are old-fashioned, wear the silver long gown, head more than one meter on silver curl dances in the breeze against the wind, in the slightly close eye pupil often has the electricity glow sparkle, the aura that unknowingly reveals makes people feel the palpitation. 传送阵旁边有人,是两个身高78米的高大巨人,两个巨人面容古板,身穿银色长袍,头上一米多上的银色卷发迎风飘舞,微闭的眼眸中不时有电芒闪耀,不经意间露出的气息让人感到心悸。 Buzz!” “嗡!” Towering 突兀的 Left that huge transmission, shines together beautiful brilliance, but two great Chinese have also opened the eye, pupil that lets somebody cool off or calm down toward left light sweeping off. 左边的那个巨大的传送阵,亮起一道妖艳的光华,而两名巨汉也睁开了眼睛,冷冷的眸子朝左边淡淡的扫去。 In huge transmission, the green form congeals together slowly, under the green Chinese-style gown, the body slightly is emaciated, the back is inserting a black strange long blade, on the shoulder a black small beast, is winking the small eye curious is sizing up all around, Ye Qinghan and Little Black that Flame Dragon Continent transmits. 巨大的传送阵上,一道青色的身影慢慢凝结,青色的袍子下,身子略显羸弱,背后插着一把黑色的古怪长刀,肩膀上一只黑色的小兽,眨着小眼睛好奇的打量着四周,正炎龙大陆传送来的夜轻寒小黑 „Is this god?” “这就是神界吗?” Ye Qinghan blinks, is looking around in all directions, this place makes him feel an ancient and desolate aura, but actually very comfortable, the air air/Qi of god, wants rich hundred times compared with Ramble Pavilion, at this moment, each pore in body slightly is opening, the whole body is comfortable. 夜轻寒眨着眼睛,四处张望着,这地方让他感觉一股古老和苍凉的气息,但是却十分的让人舒适,空气中的神之气,也比逍遥阁内要浓郁百倍,此刻,身体内的每一个毛孔都微微张开着,浑身舒坦。 Day supernatural might, Divine Beast, you stand that side to go! Waits to pack off together!” The indifferent sound conveys. Ye Qinghan and Little Black look askance to look hastily. “一个天神武者,一只神兽,你们两人站到那边去!等会一起送走!”冷漠的声音传来。夜轻寒小黑连忙侧目望去。 Very strong! 好强! Two least are the god expert, the body is higher! 两名最少是神将强者,身子更高! Feels aura that on two great Chinese unknowingly lends, in Ye Qinghan heart one cold, this aura and past Jin Qi were not only weak, does not dare to talk too much hastily, respectful toward them, as soon as cuped one hand in the other across the chest, then stood on one side. 感受到两名巨汉身上不经意散发出的气息,夜轻寒心中一凛,这气息和当年的金麒只强不弱,连忙不敢多言,恭敬的朝两人一拱手,而后站在一边。 Boss, are these two giants very intrepid baa? Is what boundary?” Little Black transferred in an instant the bead, curled the lip to spread open to send greetings. “老大,这两巨人很强悍咩?是什么境界?”小黑转了转眼珠子,撇了撇嘴巴传音起来。 Is very strong, I could not feel that their boundaries, the Little Black let alone words, this place is not the mainland, Senior Shi, although is strong, but cannot manage here, we are careful the low key!” Ye Qinghan passes message hastily, told that Little Black do not talk too much, Senior Shi said that often dies in the person of god high-sounding talk quickest. “很强,我感觉不到他们的境界,小黑别说话,这地方不是大陆,噬大人虽然强,但是管不到这里,我们还是小心低调点!”夜轻寒连忙传音过去,吩咐小黑不要多言,噬大人可是说了,在神界高调的人往往死的最快。 Ye Qinghan static is standing, then starts to feel god and Flame Dragon Potential Surface the difference. to exceed felt that actually jumps over the heart startled, here space binding force unexpectedly unusual, Ye Qinghan tries to use the supernatural power, from the sky drifts, used one-fifth of whole body supernatural power to float unexpectedly. 夜轻寒静静的站立着,而后开始感受着神界和炎龙位面的不同。越感觉却越心惊,这里的空间束缚力竟然非常的强,夜轻寒试了试动用神力,在空中飘浮,竟然动用了全身神力的1才漂浮起来。 Old Lu, this god so is how strange, I actually felt that the flight is very difficult! Does not know that flickers to move to flicker to move far!” The Ye Qinghan Lima passes message in Old Lu to Ramble Pavilion, has thrown the doubts in heart 鹿老,这神界怎么这么诡异,我竟然感觉飞行都很困难!不知道瞬移能瞬移多远!”夜轻寒利马传音给逍遥阁鹿老,将心中的疑惑抛了出来 Flickers to move? Do you also want to flicker to move in god? You have a dream! Even if God Emperor cannot flicker to move in god. On your this supernatural power flight cannot over hundred meters high, moreover most flies ten thousand li (0.5km), the supernatural power will exhaust! Good, these matters, later were relating in detail with you that do not speak at a venture, waits to be transmitted the new person village! When the time comes I will send greetings to you.” “瞬移?在神界你还想瞬移?你做梦吧!就算神帝都不能在神界瞬移。就你这点神力连飞行都不能超过百米高,而且最多飞行万里,神力就会耗尽!行了,这些事情,以后在和你细说,别乱说话,等着被传送去新人村吧!到时候我会传音给你的。” Old Lu does not have the choice and Ye Qinghan transmits god together, but stays in Ramble Pavilion. However he actually requests Ye Qinghan to summon Little Black, Ye Qinghan had not asked that at this moment is lower-key, passes message does not have to dare to pass on. 鹿老没有选择和夜轻寒一同传送来神界,而是呆在逍遥阁中。但是他却要求夜轻寒小黑召唤出来,夜轻寒也没有多问,此刻却更是低调的,传音都没有多敢传。 What? Can't God Emperor flicker to move? Only can fly ten thousand li (0.5km)?” Ye Qinghan dark startled, god is really strange. In Flame Dragon Continent, oneself flickers to move is several thousand li (0.5km), even if flies double-hour ten thousand li (0.5km) to be very relaxed, but the flight does not consume the supernatural power. Divine Knowledge scans, can sweep the surrounding area ten thousand li (0.5km). “什么?神帝都不能瞬移?只能飞行万里?”夜轻寒暗惊,神界果然诡异啊。在炎龙大陆,自己一个瞬移就是几千里,就算飞行一个时辰万里很轻松,而飞行根本不耗费神力。一个神识扫描,可以将方圆万里扫遍。 Right! Ye Qinghan thinks of Divine Knowledge, decided that tries Divine Knowledge to be able the divergence to be far. 对了!夜轻寒想到神识,决定试试神识能辐散多远。 I depend, most can the divergence several kilometers, be equal to reducing one-third in the god strength unexpectedly!” Ye Qinghan understood at this moment, quick reason that Senior Shi that high-sounding talk often dies. Here flickered unable to move, if stared by expert, wants to run cannot be inescapable, share that only then waited for death. “我靠,竟然最远才能辐散数千米,在神界实力等于是降低了1啊!”夜轻寒此刻明白了,噬大人的那句高调往往死的快的原因。在这里瞬移不了,如果被强者盯上,想跑都跑不了,只有等死的份。 Buzz!” “嗡!” When Ye Qinghan secretly heart startled, transmission has shone, a whole body has the black scales, the head the great Chinese of black alone angle is appearing in transmission, the dark golden eye pupil completely is cold Yihe is extremely arrogant. This person transmitted all around to look to laugh wildly unexpectedly, bellowed: Ha Ha, god! The father came finally, the beautiful women of god, you wait to shiver under the long whip of my demon Sir Ba 就在夜轻寒暗自心惊的时候,传送阵又亮了,一个全身有着黑色的鳞甲,头上着黑色独角的巨汉出现在传送阵内,暗金色的眼眸尽是冷意和狂妄。这人一传送来竟然四周看了看狂笑起来,大吼起来:“哈哈,神界!老子终于来了,神界的美女们,你们就等着在我魔霸大人的长鞭下颤抖吧” „!” “咻!” Towering 突兀的 By transmission a silver-haired great Chinese, in the hand suddenly presents a white long stick, but this long stick lengthens suddenly, dozens meters white illusory image has swept suddenly, alone angle scales great Han Dynasty Ye Qinghan will be sweeping directly. 传送阵旁边的的一名银发巨汉,手上突然出现一根白色长棍,而这根长棍突然变长,数十米长的白色幻影猛然扫过,直接将着独角鳞甲巨汉朝夜轻寒这边扫来。 Bang!” “砰!” The black alone angle great Chinese, avoids unexpectedly without enough time, was struck to fly directly. The whole body most scales were struck crush, in emptying the unceasing tumbling, the black blood in airborne is sprinkling crazily, finally rolled dozens meters to stop in the ground, the whole body was only angry not to be mad, just like was pounded barely alive. 黑色独角巨汉,竟然来不及躲避,直接被击飞。全身大半鳞甲被击得粉碎,在空着不断的翻滚起来,黑色的血液在空中狂洒,最后在地面上滚动了数十米才停了下来,全身只有气进没有气出,俨然被砸得半死不活了。 Dares to clamor again, kills without the amnesty!” The silver-haired great Chinese takes back white long stick, let somebody cool off or calm down has suppressed one, said the sentence indifferently, continued to close one's eyes to sit cross-legged. “再敢喧哗,杀无赦!”银发巨汉收回白色长棍,冷冷憋了一眼,冷漠的说了句,继续闭眼盘坐着。 Hissing very strong! Quite ruthless!” “嘶好强!好狠!” Ye Qinghan looked at an alone angle great Chinese in distant place, rejoiced at heart that are very fortunately low-key, otherwise the fate is also same as that person. This god is expert is to really revere, a word does not gather starts directly, slaughters resolute! 夜轻寒看了一眼远处的独角巨汉,心里一阵庆幸,还好自己很低调,否则下场也是和那人一样。这神界果然是强者为尊,一言不合直接开打,杀戮果决啊! „!!” “咳!咳!” That alone angle great Chinese lay down on the ground for a long time, reluctantly has stood, on the face did not have the arrogance, but was heart startled, secret sitting cross-legged of face, closed one's eyes therapy. 那名独角巨汉在地上躺了许久,才勉强站了起来,脸上没有刚才的狂妄,而是一脸的心惊,暗暗的盘坐,闭眼疗伤起来。 Buzz!” “嗡!” Once in a while, transmission will shine one time, transmitted countless people and Divine Beast, many were Ye Qinghan has not seen the races. Three legs, diminutive and dwarf is common, six eyes, wait for the strange person, strange Divine Beast. 每隔一段时间,传送阵又会亮一次,传送来了无数的人和神兽,许多都是夜轻寒没有见过的种族。三条腿的,矮小和侏儒一般的,六只眼睛的,等等奇怪的人,还有奇异的神兽 Ye Qinghan observed secretly, these people basically are deity 1-level, has a very attractive woman of quality female is deity 2-level. Naturally three Divine Beast do not have any special talent magical powers clearly, is not good to estimate the strength. 夜轻寒暗暗观察了一下,这些人基本都是天神一重,只有一个很漂亮的贵妇般的女子是天神二重。当然有三只神兽不清楚有什么特别的天赋神通,不好估算实力。 Person and Divine Beast who these transmit, the basic majority are very low-key, respectful. Naturally also has minority has the great Chinese of scales to be the same with that whole body, is very wild, finally finally was struck to fly by a stick, the severe wound falls to the ground. 这些传送上来的人和神兽,基本大多数很低调,恭敬。当然也有少数的和那名全身有鳞甲的巨汉一样,很是猖狂,结果最后都是被一棍击飞,重伤倒地。 Was similar, Big brother, where do this group of people send to?” “差不多了,大哥,这群人送去哪里?” Quite a while, in the square gathered several hundred people, left initiation [gold/metal] Paoju, opens the eye suddenly, is looking at another great Chinese. 半天过后,广场上已经聚集了数百人,左边的引发金袍巨汉,突然睁开眼睛,望着另一位巨汉。 Um! My!” That great Chinese opens the eye, waves, a huge golden handbook presents in his hands, then him reads one, indifferent saying: This group of people send to Longyang Palace, the Feng Wu city, the Yanhua tribe! The next batch send to Wu Yuanfu, the Wushui city!” “嗯!我查查!”那名巨汉睁开眼睛,一挥手,一副巨大的金色手册出现在他手中,而后他翻看一阵,冷漠的说道:“这一批人送去龙阳府,凤舞城,烟花部落!下一批送去武源府,武水城!” You!” “你们!” The great Chinese has stood, the silver pupil has swept, is looking at Ye Qinghan they, said indifferently: Enters this transmission to go!” 巨汉站了起来,银色的眸子扫了过来,望着夜轻寒他们,冷漠说道:“进这个传送阵去!” Yes! Sir!” All people experienced one, has not talked too much, in abundance silent walks toward that transmission. Ye Qinghan has many doubts, but Old Lu has not sent greetings, has not talked too much, enters transmission along with the people. “是!大人!”所有人经历了刚才的一幕,都没有多言,纷纷沉默的朝那个传送阵走去。夜轻寒有许多的疑惑,但是鹿老没有传音,也就没有多言,随着众人走进传送阵。 The silver-haired great Chinese saw all people to walk, in the hand emitted together the silver ray suddenly, wielded toward transmission. Then transmission suddenly glows, the purple ray, the ray shoots up to the sky together, illuminates bright as snow appendix Shitai. 银发巨汉见所有人走了进去,手中突然冒出一道银色的光芒,朝传送阵挥去。而后传送阵陡然焕发出,一道紫色的光芒,光芒冲天而起,将附件的石台照得雪亮。 A white light flashes through, waits for Ye Qinghan to open the eye once more, actually the discovery arrived in a giant mountain valley, the mountain valley three are several kilometers high mountain, one shortly top. 一阵白光闪过,等夜轻寒再次睁开眼睛,却发现来到了一个巨大的山谷内,山谷三面都是数千米高的大山,一眼看不到顶。 In the mountain valley the scattered rows of neat wooden garrets, side is actually the type floret and green and glossy old tree that has filled pink, the scenery is very charming. Outside person who in mountain valley open area except for transmitting, has one person. Wears the blue Chinese-style gown, the middle-aged handsome men of head two devil angles, proudly are actually standing before the square, visits them indifferently. 山谷内错落一排排整齐的木阁楼,旁边却是种满了粉色的小花和绿油油的古树,风景十分迷人。山谷空地上除了传送过来的人外,只有一人。一个身穿蓝色袍子,头上却有两个恶魔角的中年英俊男子,正傲然站在广场前,冷漠的看着他们。 Suddenly. 突然。 The middle-aged man sends out together the overbearing cold and gloomy imposing manner suddenly, the people who will be waiting and seeing in all directions awaken, the attention attracted, this lets somebody cool off or calm down said: New people, welcome you to arrive at the Yanhua tribe! We are tribe leader great Sir Niu Potian, hopes that future hundred years, you cross happily in the Yanhua tribe!” 中年男子突然散发出一道霸道森冷的气势,将正四处观望的众人惊醒,注意力吸引了过来,这才冷冷说道:“新人们,欢迎你们来到烟花部落!我们是部落首领伟大的牛破天大人,希望今后的百年时间,你们在烟花部落过得愉快!” „!” “咻!” The words of middle-aged man resound, all around then resounds the innumerable sounds from out of the blue, in the innumerable garrets, forms shoot up to the sky, fly the sky of garret, full is curious looks like toward here. 中年男子的话一响起,四周便响起无数的破空声,无数的阁楼内,一道道身影冲天而起,飞到阁楼的上空,满是好奇的朝这边看来。 Ha, coming a group of new people, the Yanhua tribe for a long time not to have the new blood to fill very much!” “哈,来了一批新人,烟花部落很久没有新鲜血填充进来了!” Hey, the new person came, we were the old people, finally can stand up from failure to act as the master, bullied the new person!” “嘿嘿,新人来了,我们算是老人了,终于可以翻身做主人,欺压一下新人了!” „, This group of people have more than ten beautiful women! That sends female quite to have the makings blue, my fire god Sir happy day of came!” “哇,这群人有十多个美女哦!啧啧,那个蓝发女子好有气质哦,我火神大人幸福的日子来了!” Cluck-cluck, that blue robe young handsome fellow, that white clothing handsome fellow is my Sir Yan Hou, which dares to snatch, after this, goes all out with him!” “咯咯,那个青袍小帅哥,还有那个白衣帅哥是我艳后大人的,哪个敢抢,本后和他拼命!” The innumerable sounds resound, was startled the people in field. Looks the innumerable vision harbor evil intentions sweeps to sweep off in them, the heart is startled secretly. Ye Qinghan is also absolutely terrified, he discovered that most little had the martial arts vision to lock itself, had the date is that said that Yan Hou beautiful female, was the vision bites the human, just like must accept uncritically to be the same him. 无数的声音响起,将场中的众人惊了。看着无数的目光不怀好意的在他们中扫来扫去,纷纷暗自心惊。夜轻寒也是一阵毛骨悚然,他发现最少有武道目光锁定了自己,有日是那个自称艳后的妖艳女子,更是目光噬人,宛如要将他生吞活剥一样。 Snort!” “哼!” Cold snort resounds together, the airborne countless people have closed the mouth, makes the sound in the person open area that to say Sir Niu Potian who Yanhua tribe leaders, gaining ground that he lets somebody cool off or calm down is looking above garret person one, gets angry: Leave to me, dares to clamor again, buckles the integral 500 points!” 一道冷哼响起,空中的无数人纷纷闭上了嘴巴,发出声音的人正是空地上那个自称烟花部落首领的牛破天大人,他冷冷的抬头望着阁楼上方的人一眼,怒道:“都给我滚回去,再敢喧哗,扣积分500点!” The Niu Potian words fall, the airborne several hundred people, are ordinary just like the frightened rabbit immediately, fast flies toward the under garret, without a trace that the instantaneous complete people vanish. 牛破天话一落下,空中的数百人,顿时宛如受惊的兔子一般,快速的朝下方阁楼内飞去,瞬间全部人消失的无影无踪。
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