BPTH :: Volume #5

#478: Only hope

478 chapters of only hopes 478章唯一的希望 Brought the big trouble? 闯大祸了? This In the people heart simultaneously surges one not good premonition, Senior Shi what kind of person? Although everybody does not know her real boundary, but she in that palm of god Chengshan foot, easily will actually pat the Gold Horn Spirit Clan god. The as even with such big energy, used the catastrophe two characters unexpectedly, may think that this matter affirmed the big strip. 众人心中同时涌起一种不好的预感,噬大人何许人也?虽然大家不知道她真实的境界,但是她在神城山脚的那一掌,却将金角神族的神将轻易拍死了。如此大能,竟然用上了大祸二字,可想这事情肯定大条了。 Sir! How?” “大人!怎么了?” Senior Nine passes message to Ye Tianlong makes him make all maidservants all evacuate, after being in sole possession of one crowd of God Rank expert, this opens the mouth to ask. 九大人传音给夜天龙让他让所有的侍女全部撤离,独有一群神级强者之后,这才开口问道。 Yes, Sir, asking the Sir to indicate clearly!” All person facial colors set out to stoop to cup one hand in the other across the chest toward Senior Shi seriously saying that Ye Qinghan is also uneasy salutes to say. “是啊,大人,求大人明示!”所有人面色严肃起身朝噬大人手弯身拱手道,就连夜轻寒也是忐忑不安的跟着行礼道。 Senior Shi looked at people one eyes, cold [say / way]: God iron rule 36 th, strikes to kill material potential surface feudal lord secretly, kills without the amnesty! If a material potential surface people strikes killing, potential surface all people execute together! Before wasn't I and you say? Did you forget? Old Lu did you also follow Sir Soul Emperor that many years? Also isn't clear?” 噬大人望了众人一眼,冷然道:“神界铁律第36条,私自击杀物质位面领主者,杀无赦!如果是本物质位面中人击杀者,位面所有人一同格杀!以前我不是和你们说了吗?你们都忘记了?鹿老你也跟了魂帝大人那么多年?也不明白?” This “这” All people have flustered, Old Lu did not say that is all right? Moreover then situation, Ye Qinghan did not strike the deicide to advocate the slaughter, might not wait for god to extinguish the world very much, the god slaughter first extinguished the world. After all after if god slaughter obtains Divine Tool, definitely will go to god, but before going to god, feared that will come to silence a witness of crime, prevents the revelation news. Now 所有人慌了,鹿老不是说没事吗?而且当时的情况,夜轻寒不击杀神主屠,很有可能不等神界来灭世,神主屠就先灭世了。毕竟如果神主屠得到神器之后,肯定会去神界,而去神界之前怕是会来个杀人灭口,防止泄露消息的。现在 Sir, is my mistake! Although I continuously with Sir Soul Emperor, but actually lives in the Soul Emperor palace, therefore not clear these matters. I think that material potential surface that many, but god is so big, law enforcement team these adults can manage that many? Therefore after has not prevented Little Master Han the Old Lu hear, as if has remembered anything, the rotation of the eye several, the facial color big change, Shan Xi knelt down suddenly hastily, apologizes. “大人,是我的错!我虽然一直跟着魂帝大人,但却是住在魂帝宫,所以不清楚这些事情。我原本以为,物质位面那么多,而神界那么大,执法队那些大人怎么会管的了那么多?所以就没有阻止小寒子鹿老听完之后,似乎想起了什么,眼睛转动了几下,陡然面色大变,连忙单膝下跪,请罪起来。 Right! Sir, material potential surface that many, god is so big, should the great people of law enforcement team not manage?” “对啊!大人,物质位面那么多,神界那么大,执法队的大人物们应该不会管吧?” Sir, so is really serious?” “大人,真的有这么严重?” People half believing and half doubting is looking at Senior Shi, spoke to inquire. 众人将信将疑的望着噬大人,纷纷出言询问起来。 Snort! What do you know? You to god understanding how many?” Senior Shi cold snort, in field the atmosphere becomes stagnates immediately, the cold air has, the stop moment , to continue to let somebody cool off or calm down said: “哼!你们知道什么?你们对神界了解多少?”噬大人冷哼一声,场中气氛顿时变得凝滞起来,寒气顿生,停顿片刻,继续冷冷说道: Flame Dragon Continent ownership god Ethereal Mainland, before 2000, on a law enforcement team leader, seven Pin Xiaotian War-God was assassinated! This matter Sovereign Piao Miao is angry, sending out under of Venerable Zhui Yue five big Venerable to succeed the law enforcement team leader, cleans entire Ethereal Mainland! And to offending the god iron rule same severe punishment! If this matter is known by the law enforcement team, the consequence you think!” 炎龙大陆归属神界飘渺大陆,2000年前上一任的执法队队长,七品啸天战神被人暗杀!此事飘渺君主大怒,派出手下五大尊者之一追月尊者继任执法队队长,对整个飘渺大陆进行清洗!并且对触犯神界铁律着一律严惩!此事要是被执法队知道,后果你们去想!” „!” “还有!” Senior Shi does not wait for the people to speak, does not give a thought to the people gloomy complexion , to continue to eject a significant news: This time I go to god, had known presented a peerless talent to you very disadvantageous news Ethereal Mainland! This talent age 30 years old, cultivated to just break through God King Realm! Shocked Ethereal Mainland, Venerable Xie Yue Sovereign Piao Miao under five big Venerable personally received to pass on the disciple! What very not Xin is this peerless talent, is the Double Eye Netherworld Clan clansman! The consanguineous juniors of god slaughter!” 噬大人不等众人发话,也不顾众人阴沉的脸色,继续抛出一个重大消息:“这次我去神界,得知了一个对你们很不利的消息飘渺大陆出现了一名绝世天才!这名天才年纪30岁,修为刚刚突破神王境!震惊了飘渺大陆,飘渺君主手下五大尊者之一邪月尊者亲自收为亲传弟子!很不辛的是这名绝世天才,正是双瞳幽冥族的族人!神主屠的同族子弟!” Anything!!” “什么!!” The Senior Shi two news just like two midnight startling thunderclap, exploded the people completely faint. 噬大人的两个消息宛如两道夜半惊雷般,将众人全部炸晕了。 The first news is good, at least also has the leeway, can pray that the law enforcement team does not know the circumstances of the matter, but the second news is actually absolutely fatal. Those present are not clear, these anything seven War-God, any anything. However can become Sovereign Piao Miao five big Venerable, absolutely is great person extremely. 第一道消息还好,至少还有余地,可以祈祷一下执法队不知情但是第二道消息却是绝对致命的。在场的人都不清楚,那些什么七品战神,什么尊者什么的。但是能成为飘渺君主手下的五大尊者,绝对是绝顶的大人物。 But Double Eye Netherworld Clan that talent, since became Venerable passes on the disciple, then definitely was also the great person. If the death of god slaughter were known by the nether world clan, then quick will pass to that peerless talent ear, after being difficult, in passing to the Venerable ear, Flame Dragon Continent will be extinguished the world absolutely, does not have the half silk accident! 双瞳幽冥族的那名天才,既然成为了尊者的亲传弟子,那么肯定也是大人物了。如果神主屠的死被幽冥族知道了,那么很快就会传到那名绝世天才耳中,难后在传到尊者耳中那么,炎龙大陆绝对会被灭世,没有半丝意外! Catastrophe! 大祸! This is really the catastrophe! Let terrible disaster that the entire mainland exterminates! 这真的是大祸啊!让整个大陆灭绝的滔天大祸! Sir, Sir! Asked the Sir, saved the mainland common people!” “大人,大人!求大人,救救大陆万民!” A moment later, does not know that is who kowtows to pray for rescue first toward Senior Shi, those present besides Ye Qinghan and Old Lu Senior Nine, start to plead completely to Senior Shi. They know that this is a dead end, only has Senior Shi to have a hope to untie, otherwise this time will be finished really 片刻之后,不知是谁最先朝噬大人磕头求救起来,在场的人除了夜轻寒鹿老九大人之外,全部开始向噬大人恳求起来。他们知道,这是个死局,唯有噬大人才能有一丝希望解开,否则这次将会真的完蛋了 Ye Qinghan has not spoken, but silly Shan Xi is kneeling down, both eyes are blurred. He was also frightened ignorant, before quite a while, he is the hero in mainland, Spiritual God in ten thousand popular sentiment. Now in an instant actually turned into the criminal, the Flame Dragon Continent criminal! 夜轻寒没有说话,只是傻傻的单膝下跪着,双眼迷离。他也被吓懵了,半天前他还是大陆的英雄,万民心中的神灵。现在转眼之间却变成了罪人,炎龙大陆的罪人! Senior Nine also anxious heaved a sigh, past could not see gracefully half silk. A moment later she remembers anything, hastily after Senior Shi walks , the actions of god slaughter, passes message to Senior Shi, pleaded. 九大人也焦急的唉声叹气起来,往日的优雅看不到半丝。片刻之后她想起什么,连忙把噬大人走后神主屠的所作所为,传音给噬大人,同时也恳求起来。 Oh this matter also complained about me actually!” “唉其实这事也怨我!” The Senior Shi hear sending greetings of Senior Nine, heavy sighed, helpless saying: I am the plan, making Ye Qinghan cultivation God Rank, goes to god again, obtains the Flame Dragon Feudal Lord position through the proper means slowly, but has me not to dare to act unreasonably in the mainland god slaughter. Has not thought that Ye Qinghan growth rapidness of such, the principle comprehension has achieved the god unexpectedly unexpectedly the boundary! Moreover Little Black has not arrived at changing from time to awaken unexpectedly the talent magical powers. Before going to god, I have also warned the god slaughter, but has not thought that this so is unexpectedly crazed. Went to the god three years, actually had that many matters, was I misjudges 噬大人听完九大人的传音,沉沉一叹,无奈的说道:“原本我是打算,让夜轻寒修炼到神级,再去神界,通过正当手段慢慢获得炎龙领主的职位的,而有我在大陆神主屠也不敢乱来。没想到夜轻寒竟然成长的这么快,法则领悟竟然达到了神将境!而且小黑竟然没到化形期就觉醒了天赋神通。去神界前,我也警告过神主屠,但是也没想到,这竟然这么丧心病狂。去了神界三年,竟然发生了那么多事情,也是我失算了” Sir! Now such manages? Also can recover?” All human eyes anxiously looks at Senior Shi, is waiting for her final judging. Is lives dies, looked at Senior Shi a few words. “大人!现在这么办?还能补救吗?”所有人眼巴巴的看着噬大人,等着她最后的宣判。是生是死,就看噬大人的一句话了。 Sir Ye Qinghan also finally awakens, creeping motion mouth, worried said. “大人”夜轻寒也终于惊醒过来,蠕动嘴巴,着急的叫了起来。 „A hope, naturally is very uncertain!” Senior Shi raises head to look at the day, heavy sighed, shakes the head not to speak. “还有一丝希望,当然很渺茫!”噬大人仰头望天,沉沉一叹,摇头不语起来。 The people shake, reveals a happy expression, sets out to shout to clear the way: Sir please say, only then also the hopes, we rather pay any price, must go all out to strive.” 众人一震,纷纷露出一丝喜色,起身喝道:“大人请说,只有还有一丝希望,我们宁愿付出任何代价,也要拼命去争取。” You are not good!” “你们不行!” Senior Shi takes back the vision, finally turns the head to look to Ye Qinghan, said spookily: „A hope is because, the soul of slaughter had been pouched in the belly by Little Black with the talent magical powers, but he just the awakening talent magical powers, how completely had not grasped builds up the soul. Therefore now the soul mark of slaughter has not melted completely. The slaughter took the senior statesman affirmation of nether world clan to refine soul jade Jane to preserve in the clan, once his soul mark completely vanished, then soul jade Jane Kending broke, when the time comes the nether world clan definitely knows that the slaughter died 噬大人收回目光,最后转头望向夜轻寒,幽幽说道:“还有一丝希望是因为,屠的灵魂是被小黑用天赋神通吞进了肚子内,而他刚刚觉醒天赋神通,还没完全掌握怎么炼化灵魂。所以现在屠的灵魂印记还没完全消融掉。屠作为幽冥族的元老肯定炼制了灵魂玉简在族中保存,一旦他灵魂印记完全消失,那么灵魂玉简肯定破碎,到时候幽冥族就肯定会知道屠死了” Hasn't dissipated completely? 还没完全消逝? Fortunately, fortunately! 还好,还好! The people relaxed, soul jade Jane Zhongren are knows that did not say the slaughter, Tu Shenwei will manufacture. Female monster god monster *** suddenly thinks that an issue, opens the eye to look at Senior Shi to say suddenly: Sir, if thinks the means to preserve god slaughter soul mark, does not make him dissipate, then his soul jade Jane won't break? Then the nether world clan does not know that the slaughter did die?” As soon as the people listen, thinks reasonable, in abundance nod. 众人松了一口气,灵魂玉简众人是知道的,不说屠,就连屠神卫都会制作。女妖神妖***突然想到一个问题,猛然睁大眼睛望着噬大人说道:“大人,如果将神主屠这丝灵魂印记想办法保存下来,不让他消逝,那么他的灵魂玉简不就不会破碎了?那么幽冥族就不会知道屠死了?”众人一听,也觉得有道理,纷纷点头。 Snort! Stupid.” “哼!愚蠢。” Senior Shi has suppressed the monster lightly ***, cold snort a sound track: „Can you make the soul preserve? The soul exsomatize, on own initiative will be inhaled by nine quiet purgatories, even if formidable soul expert, impossible forever to preserve a soul of exsomatize. Also, you as if had forgotten a matter, god slaughter every thousand annual meetings get back one's composure, returns to the nether world clan soul Yuan pill who in the hand refines. Therefore soul mark can preserve, you were also most also thousand years wrong, accurately said that also had 980 years! Therefore you only opportunity preserve 980 years the soul of slaughter now . Moreover, must in 980 years, go to god to take from the slaughter hand the Flame Dragon Feudal Lord position.” 噬大人淡淡憋了妖***一眼,冷哼一声道:“你能让灵魂一直保存?灵魂离体,就会被九幽炼狱主动吸入,就算再强大的灵魂强者,也不可能将一个离体的灵魂永远保存。再说了,你们似乎忘记了一件事情,神主屠每千年会回神界一趟,将手上炼制的灵魂元丹送回幽冥族。所以就算灵魂印记能保存,你们也最多还有千年时间错,准确的说还有980年!所以你们现在唯一的机会就是将屠的灵魂保存980年,而且,必须在980年内,去神界将炎龙领主的位置从屠手中拿下来。”
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