BPTH :: Volume #5

#454: The honey of monster demon

454 chapters of Bewitching Demon Honey 454章妖魅之蜜 God city, slaughter immortal pavilion. 神城,屠仙阁。 Recently Tu Shenwei was very happy, high-spirited. Many years, although god city is the most formidable strength of mainland. However has not thought same to be able now the verbal command world, Mo Gan not, since. But no matter god humans affair, therefore his Tu Shenwei changes naturally became the monarchy character in mainland. 最近屠神卫很是心情愉快,意气风发。多少年了,虽然神城一直是大陆的最强大的实力。但是从没有想现在一样可以号令天下,莫敢不从。而神主不管世事,所以他屠神卫变理所当然成为了大陆的君主般的人物。 „Hasn't Ye Qinghan that little animal gone out?” 夜轻寒那个小畜生还没出关?” Tu Shenwei sits in the keeping aloof seat of honor, unexpectedly near below looks at front three people, the look somewhat bad loudness calls to account. 屠神卫坐在高高在上的主位,居然临下的看着面前的三人,神色有些不善的大声责问起来。 Sir, for these years I had human to go three times, the definite news that but has not obtained, Ye Qinghan should not go out!” Ye Jian stoops to lower the head, very respectful replied. “大人,这几年我带人去了三次,但是都没有得到的确定的消息,夜轻寒应该没有出关!”夜剑弯身低头,很是恭敬的回答道。 Tu Shenwei light one, questioned: You determined that he doesn't disguise to close up?” 屠神卫淡淡一哼,质疑道:“你确定他不是假装在闭关?” This I can determine that Ye Qinghan has very deep sentiment to Ye Family, moreover in his three women Ye Qingwu and Ye Qingyu do not have the city palace person, if they lie, I can look! „ Ye Jian very definite saying, Yue Qingcheng he cannot guarantee, but the Ye Qingwu temper is very anxious, but Ye Qingyu is pure, absolutely is not that the person who is good at camouflaging. “这点我可以确定,夜轻寒夜家有很深的感情,而且他的三个女人中夜轻舞夜轻语都是毫无城府的人,如果她们说谎,我还是能看出来的!“夜剑十分确定的说道,月倾城他不敢保证,但是夜轻舞性子很急,而夜轻语更是单纯的很,绝对不是那个善于伪装的人。 Snort, you continue the hidden city to await the news, remembers has the news first to repay!” Tu Shenwei some impatient waving. “哼,你们继续回隐城等候消息吧,记住一有消息第一时间回报!”屠神卫有些不耐烦的挥了挥手。 A Ye Jian bow is walking fast with them, then the direct imperial spatial flight flies toward the hidden city. 夜剑一躬身带着两人快速走出去,而后直接御空飞行朝隐城飞去。 Sir, now what to do?” The Ye Jian three people walk, in nearby wing, burns the god to protect to walk leisurely, somewhat anxious asking. “大人,现在怎么办?”夜剑三人一走,旁边的侧厅内,焚神卫款款走来,有些焦急的问道。 What to do can also? The Purple Island god does not dare to go, we send to go in many people also die! Has?” Tu Shenwei sighed slightly said. “还能怎么办?紫岛神主都不敢进去,我们派在多人进去也是死!只有等?”屠神卫微微一叹说道。 „?” Burns the god to protect some doubts. “等?”焚神卫有些疑惑。 And other years later, the god previous time did not say ten years later god must hold the Palace Master challenge tournament, the woman will definitely get back one's composure! Currently also has three years, ahem! Three years later, Ye Qinghan is Kameya must crawl to me!” “等三年之后,神主上次不是说了十年后神界要举行府主挑战赛,那女人肯定会回神界!现在还有三年时间,哼哼!三年之后,夜轻寒就算在是个乌龟也要给我爬出来!” The Tu Shenwei complexion reveals a ruthless color, saying of clenching jaws: When the time comes I must make him die without the burial ground, thousand armed forces you are waiting, three years later, I will make entire Ye Family all people compensate to bury for you!” 屠神卫脸色露出一丝狠色,咬牙切齿的说道:“到时候我要让他死无葬身之地,千军你等着,三年之后,我会让整个夜家所有人为你赔葬的!” Burns the god health/guard to look that a face becomes twists Tu Shenwei, somewhat disappointed sighed slightly, on the face revealed one exhaustedly to retreat slowly. 焚神卫看着一张脸变得扭曲屠神卫,有些怅然的微微一叹,脸上露出一丝疲惫缓缓退去。 This absolute domain was too complex, several years fused less than half, this way, when the time comes feared the ten-year to fill unable to succeed!” “这绝对领域太复杂了,几年了才融合小半,这样下去,到时候恐怕十年期满了也成功不了啊!” In Illusion Palace, Ye Qinghan stood to sway from side to side the body. 梦幻宫内,夜轻寒站了起来扭动了一下身躯。 Pushed to spread out, fused for several years, but actually fused less than half, now only also three years, once can the ten-year when the time comes were transmitted completely, pushes to spread out the speed to cut in half, what was most important after was he does not know to transmit, have pushes to spread out the speed now half, does not know that must spend many years to push to spread out. 推衍,融合了几年了,但是却只是融合了小半,现在只还有三年时间了,一旦十年期满到时候被传送出去的话,推衍速度将会减半,最重要的是他都不知道传送出去之后,会不会有现在推衍速度的一半,也就不知要花费多少年才能推衍完毕了。 Can fight the air/Qi to practice the Saint level peak first?” “要不要先将战气修炼到圣级巅峰?” He remembers an issue, the speed of this place cultivation is Ramble Pavilion five times, if were transmitted, the light fights the air/Qi cultivation probably to spend very long time. 他又想起一个问题,此地修炼的速度是逍遥阁的五倍,如果被传送出去的话,光战气修炼或许都要花费很久的时间。 Cluck-cluck, does the little man, what in this you saunter? Has not continued to sense the principle, shut out the time to pass too slowly? Or accompanied me to say 1-2 years of words?” “咯咯,小男人,你在这转悠什么?还不继续感悟法则,嫌弃时间过得太慢了?要不陪我说一两年话儿?” Intertwining of Ye Qinghan, stirs up a Yao Ji supercilious look, has transferred the body, blamed slightly: I told you, actually concrete, in the speed of this sensibility principle was lowest is outside five times, or were ten times of hundred times of you really mysteriously very simple for the fusion? How many years made you fuse less than half, was the feeling very relaxed? Did not say politely, if you went to outside, possibly this fuses less than half must spend your dozens years, your several thousand years cannot fuse these many.” 夜轻寒的纠结,惹得妖姬一阵白眼,转过身子,微微责怪道:“我告诉你,其实具体算起来,在这感悟法则的速度最低是外面的五倍,或者十倍百倍你还真为融合玄奥很简单?几年时间就让你融合了小半,感觉很轻松?不客气的说,你要是去了外面,这小半融合可能要花费你数十年的时间,更或者,你数万年都不能融合这么多。” What? Such meets the disparity to be so big? Didn't you say two times?” Ye Qinghan was shocked, for these years his unceasingly passage sensibility, although tedious, but actually the feeling is not the special difficulty, he thinks, so long as has the time, can definitely fuse successfully. “什么?这么会差距这么大?你不是说两倍吗?”夜轻寒愣住了,这几年来他不断推移感悟,虽然繁琐但是却感觉不是特别的困难,他以为只要有时间,肯定能融合成功的。 Bottleneck!” “瓶颈!” The Yao Ji funny and funny tenderness gets angry: „Does bottleneck know? You had not discovered that absolutely doesn't have the bottleneck in this? So long as continuously pushes to spread out the sensibility to fuse? Reason that Illusion Palace becomes under God Emperor first Divine Tool, because in this sensibility principle, almost did not have a bottleneck saying, so long as the same principle crossed the threshold can the unceasing cultivation continuously until accomplishment! This is one of the Illusion Palace advanced functions, understood, little man?” 妖姬好笑又好笑的娇怒道:“瓶颈知道吗?你难道没发现,在这完全没有瓶颈?只要不断推衍感悟就能融合?梦幻宫之所以成为神帝下第一神器,就是因为在这感悟法则,几乎没有瓶颈一说,一样法则只要入门就可以不断的一直修炼直到大成!这就是梦幻宫的高级功能之一,懂了吗,小男人?” Right! Bottleneck! 对啊!瓶颈! Cultivated Taishun in this, entered the soul silencing condition to be smoother than him, all were logical, successful. He also somewhat wondered, now actually discovered that unexpectedly is the Illusion Palace reason. Ye Qinghan has awakened immediately, does not dare to let one's thoughts wander, is stooping cuping one hand in the other across the chest [say / way] to Yao Ji „! Originally as even with such! I understood, many thanks Yao Ji reminder!” Then, Ye Qinghan is implicated hastily, calms the mind with rapt attention, starts to sense. 在这修炼太顺了,比他进入灵魂静寂状态都要顺利,一切都是顺理成章,水到渠成。原本他还有些纳闷,现在却发现竟然是梦幻宫的缘故。夜轻寒顿时醒悟了过来,不敢在乱想,对着妖姬弯身拱手道“啊!原来如此!我懂了,多谢妖姬提醒!”说完,夜轻寒连忙旁坐起来,静心凝神,开始感悟起来。 Cluck-cluck, Benben's little man!” “咯咯,笨笨的小男人!” Yao Ji shows a faint smile, both hands by after the brain, the hesitation moment, sighed slightly twittering said: Ok, the little man , helping your one time, can enter here is also and master has the fate, moreover who asked you such funny elder sister to like which 妖姬微微一笑,双手靠在脑后,沉吟片刻,微微一叹呢喃道:“算了,小男人,帮你一次吧,能进入这里也算是和主人有缘分,而且谁叫你这么逗姐姐喜欢哪” Muttered one in a low voice, Yao Ji extends an ivory clear hand, licked on the mouth gently, then finger downhill slowly, has slid the swan neck neck, finally framed on the small waist on that small red thread. Stretches out two fingers, grips that end of rope head to start to pull gently. 低声喃喃一句,妖姬伸出一只象牙般晶莹的手,在嘴上轻轻一舔,而后一根手指慢慢的滑下,滑过天鹅般的颈脖,最后定格在小蛮腰上那根小红绳上。伸出两根手指,夹住绳头的那端开始轻轻扯动。 As her pulls unceasingly, that red thread fierce vibration on her green lawn, was held the small snake of tail to be ordinary just like one, going all out struggles. 随着她的不断扯动,她那青青草地上的那根红绳剧烈的抖动起来,宛如一只被抓住尾巴的小蛇一般,拼命的挣扎起来。 Little man, delivers you drop of honey of monster flattering, is the elder sister and you knows, can have the help to look at your good fortune to you, cluck-cluck, goes!” “小男人,送你一滴妖媚之蜜,算是姐姐和你认识一场,能不能对你有帮助就看你的造化了,咯咯,去吧!” On the Yao Ji face suddenly appears wipes the blood flushes, an outstandingly beautiful face, becomes in that moment incomparably bewitches. The red thread on lawn, exudes a light howl suddenly, then unexpectedly the ejection gets up, shakes the fine gauze, drop of glittering and translucent carving waterdrop flutters immediately baseless, toward Ye Qinghan silently flutters, finally falls on the Ye Qinghan forehead vanishes to disappear! 妖姬脸上突然出现一抹潮红,一张绝色的脸,在那一刻变得无比勾魂。草地上的红绳,突然发出一声轻啸声,而后竟然弹射起来,将轻纱一震,一滴晶莹剔透水滴随即凭空飘出,朝夜轻寒悄然无声的飘去,最后落在夜轻寒的额头上消失不见了! Along with Ye Qinghan spring dreams, Illusion Palace has gotten windy suddenly, Ling Lie the gale, crash-bang makes noise, the Illusion Palace thick world vitality that the fine gauze on jade bed hangs starts to gather toward the Ye Qinghan top of the head in unexpectedly. Ye Qinghan does not know that second time entered in -depth soul silencing condition certainly. 随着夜轻寒的一场场春梦,梦幻宫突然起风了,凌冽的大风,将玉床上的轻纱挂的哗啦啦作响,梦幻宫浓密的天地元气竟然开始朝夜轻寒头顶上聚集。夜轻寒不知绝中第二次进入了深层灵魂静寂状态。
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