BPTH :: Volume #5

#417: Whom in the evening I accompany to speak freely for night

417 chapters 417章 Whom in the evening I accompany to speak freely for night 晚上我陪谁畅谈一夜 „Is this Purple Island? Oh my God! Too attractive, I quite like!” “这就是紫岛吗?天哪!太漂亮了,我好喜欢哦!” Ye Qinghan and Old Lu flicker to transfer to Purple Island, Ye Qinghan looked that had not looked a then Lima opened Ramble Pavilion the door of channel, then moves sideways, leading three females to come out with Little Black. Comes out, three females have been shocked, in the eye pupil completely is shocking and is enchanted by, Ye Qingwu was loses one's voice to yell. 夜轻寒鹿老一瞬移到紫岛,夜轻寒看都没看一眼便利马打开了逍遥阁的通道之门,而后闪身进去,带着三女和小黑出来。只是一出来,三女都惊呆了,眼眸内尽是惊艳和迷醉,夜轻舞更是失声大叫了起来。 Several people stand on a small hillside, same looked at the past, was actually the eyeful purple, the purple flower, the purple grass, the purple tree, the purple stone, the sky was the sending out light purple ray. 几人站在一个小山坡上,一样望过去,却是满眼的紫色,紫色的花,紫色的草,紫色的树,紫色的石头,就连天空都是散发则淡淡的紫色光芒。 Purple Island is very big, same cannot look at the boundary, the Purple Island topography is very gentle, only then the minority small hillsides, are the flat lands. Under hillside that the people are, is Small Valley , has a small puddle, by the puddle has one crowd to be covered with the antelope of purple concentric pattern in the potable water, was startled by the Ye Qingwu sound, starts flurriedly ran around to get up. 紫岛很大,一样望不到边际,紫岛地势很平缓,只有少数的小山坡,都是平地。众人所在的山坡下,是一个小山谷,有个小水潭,水潭旁边却是有着一群长满了紫色环纹的羚羊正在饮水,被夜轻舞声音所惊,开始慌乱的四处奔跑起来。 Entire Purple Island besides yellow soil, only then minority green grass, greenery, other is purple. Entire islands just like putting on a purple nuptial dress, the illusion is blurred, tall and pleasing to the eye. 整个紫岛除了黄色的泥土外,只有少数的绿草,绿树,其他的全是一片紫色。整个岛屿宛如披上了一层紫色的婚纱般,梦幻迷离,美轮美奂。 Coughs to think that should not be busy looking, I and you said a matter, this matter you must remember firmly, otherwise, will be extinguished directly kills, no one you!” “咳想别忙着看,我和你们说一件事,这件事情你们一定要牢牢记住,否则,会直接被灭杀的,谁也就不了你们!” Old Lu coughs actually to attract several people of attention with words, heard that proper business several people do not dare to be negligent, earnestly listened. 鹿老的一声干咳和一段话语却将几人的注意力吸引过来,一听说道正事几人不敢大意,都认真的听了起来。 Purple Island has 11 islands, other ten islands cannot see by the naked eye, moreover on Flame Dragon Potential Surface, the Purple Island center does not have transmission, can transmit the past, that is leads to god the channel. Place that we are at now, is the Purple Island first islands, is the Flame Dragon Potential Surface safest place. Do you see the sky the purple light? This is the ban of Purple Island, anybody wants on this island, fights the air/Qi to be assigned away from the capital or the use fights the air/Qi attack, will touch the ban of Purple Island, extinguishes directly kills not to have the accident. Therefore you must remember what is in this Purple Island, finally fights the air/Qi do not revolve, works as is an average person! This can the absolute safety!” 紫岛有11座岛屿,其余的十座岛屿靠肉眼看不到,而且也不在炎龙位面上,紫岛的中央有个传送阵,可以传送过去,那是通往神界的通道。我们现在所在的地方,是紫岛的第一个岛屿,也是炎龙位面最安全的地方。你们看到天空的紫光没?这就是紫岛的禁制,任何人只要在这岛上,战气外放或者动用战气攻击,就会触动紫岛的禁制,直接灭杀没有意外。所以你们要记住的是在这紫岛,最后战气都不要运转,就当自己是个普通人!这样才能绝对安全!” Fights the air/Qi do not revolve?” Ye Qinghan has hesitated, knows that this is Old Lu is worried about their securities, but thinks of bosom asking of Little Black actually suddenly doubts: Little Black that? Can't Little Black take a walk in this?” “战气都不要运转?”夜轻寒沉吟了下,知道这是鹿老担心他们的安全,但是想到怀中的小黑却又突然疑惑的问道:“小黑那?小黑不能在此走动?” „The demon beast of tenth god has not been all right, actually touches the determination that here bans refers to the use world vitality attacking, uses human body's energy to be actually all right. For example can strike to kill that flock of antelopes by the strength of your body, but you actually cannot use to fight the air/Qi and world principle attack. Little Black did not have a tenth god, the present attack completely depends upon the instinct of body, therefore is safe in this place Little Black!” Old Lu he he smiled, looked at Little Black, explained. “没成神的魔兽没事,其实触动这里禁制的判定是指动用天地元气进行攻击,动用肉体本身的能量却没事。比如可以凭借你身体的力量去击杀那群羚羊,但是你却不能利用战气和天地法则去攻击。小黑还没成神,现在的攻击完全依靠身体的本能,所以在此地小黑却是安全的!”鹿老呵呵一笑,看了眼小黑,解释起来。 Chirp!” “唧唧!” Little Black came out to be sent greetings by Ye Qinghan a moment ago do not move, now hears the explanation of Old Lu, hastily excited. Jumps from the bosom of Ye Qinghan directly, runs in the antelope flock of sheep of running toward the front. In distant pavilion it stuffy three years, must go bad stuffily. 小黑本来刚才一出来就被夜轻寒传音别动,现在听到鹿老的解释,连忙兴奋了起来。直接从夜轻寒的怀中跳起,朝前方在奔跑的羚羊群跑去。在遥遥阁它闷了三年,都要闷坏了。 Was right, if the god slaughter comes this, he uses the will attack, will touch the ban?” Ye Qinghan thought of an issue at this time, although he guesses correctly, but insures point asking. “对了,神主屠如果来这,他动用意志攻击,会触动禁制吗?”夜轻寒这时想到一个问题,虽然他猜到一些,但是还是保险一点的问道。 Will is also one of the world principle, the similar god slaughter comes this words, does not dare to begin, is disabled person one, ahem! If he dares to come, I dare to pound to be flat he, does not have the will, his fart is not!” Old Lu one hear is actually the brow selects, is very rampant saying: You felt relieved that stays in this, this ban can isolate the Divine Knowledge investigation, thinks that some time he will not discover! Even if had discovered is also all right!” “意志也是天地法则的一种,同样的神主屠来这的话,也不敢动手,算是废人一个,哼哼!他要是敢来,我就敢砸扁他,没有意志,他屁都不是!”鹿老一听却是眉头一挑,很是嚣张的说道:“你们放心在这住下吧,这禁制能隔绝神识探查,想必一段时间他不会发现的!就算发现了也没事!” Grandpa Lu, I wants to ask that a matter, can I sense Divine Sound Principle in this? I play a stringed musical instrument, will not vacillate fights the air/Qi!” At this time Yue Qingcheng thinks suddenly an issue, Divine Sound Principle that she sensed, belonged to the Soul Type special principle, therefore the sensibility principle was most important. Fights the air/Qi not to need to practice, can along with the enhancement of soul, but enhances slowly. This place she likes very much, she thought that faintly in this cultivation, definitely practices Ramble Pavilion is quicker, therefore somewhat anxious asking. “鹿爷爷,我想问一个事情,我能在这感悟神音法则吗?我只是弹琴,不会动摇战气的!”这时月倾城突然想到一个问题,她感悟的神音法则,属于灵魂类特殊法则,所以感悟法则最为重要。战气不用修炼,都能随着灵魂的提高而缓慢提高。这地方她很喜欢,她心里隐隐觉得在这修炼,肯定比逍遥阁内修炼还要快,所以有些紧张的问道。 Might as well!” Old Lu beckoned with the hand saying: You, so long as were sure to remember that do not fight the air/Qi to be assigned away from the capital, best to seal up the meridians directly temporarily, does not let fight the air/Qi to revolve, other matter anything can do! Moreover in this cultivation, is easier to sense the world principle, was good, you play in this, I went back calmly to cultivate!” “无妨!”鹿老摆了摆手说道:“你们只要切记,不要战气外放,最好直接把经脉临时封闭,不让战气运转,其他事什么都可以做!而且在这修炼,更容易感悟天地法则,行了,你们在这玩吧,我回去静修了!” Old Lu explained one, was very being tactful entered from Ramble Pavilion that front door, left Ye Qinghan the space they, he was also a seasoned person, knows that the short separation won the newly-married truth. 鹿老解释一通,很是识趣的从逍遥阁的那道大门内进了进去,把空间留给了夜轻寒她们,他也是过来人,知道小别胜新婚的道理。 Ye Qinghan prepares long-term calmly to cultivate, therefore the Ramble Pavilion channel he does not prepare to close, quite makes three females momentarily pass and out with Little Black. This Ramble Pavilion bystander cannot come in any case, but the god slaughter came, he does not dare to begin to build up this front door. 夜轻寒准备长期静修,所以逍遥阁的通道他不准备关闭,好让三女和小黑随时进出。反正这逍遥阁外人又进不来,而就算神主屠来了,他也不敢动手炼化这大门。 Chirp!” “唧唧!” Boss, I must eat barbecue, I have not eaten the barbecue for a long time!” “老大,我要吃烤肉,我好久没吃烤肉了!” Old Lu just walked, Little Black actually shoots to come from the distant place wind, the small body actually drags was comparing it to be big purple mark antelope of non- several fold, the whole face excited toward Ye Qinghan to pass on the tone channel. 鹿老刚走,小黑却从远处飙射而来,小小的身子却拖着一只比它大了无数倍的紫纹羚羊,满脸兴奋的朝夜轻寒传音道。 He he, you blocked meridians completely directly, looked that I gave you barbecue to eat, making you taste the craftsmanship of this master chef!” Ye Qinghan has sealed up the meridians directly, is smiling to several people, the stride walks toward Little Black, works on the antelope of its mouth, walks toward the puddle. “呵呵,你们全部把经脉直接封锁了吧,看我给你们烤肉吃吃,让你们尝一尝本大厨的手艺!”夜轻寒直接封住了经脉,对着几人一笑,大步朝小黑走去,抓起它嘴里的羚羊,朝水潭边走去。 Good, my three years not to have eaten the meat, was greedy I! „ Ye Qingwu one hear the barbecue eats, immediately has blocked the meridians, cheers one, flushes away in the Ye Qinghan direction. “好耶,我都三年没吃肉了,馋死我了!“夜轻舞一听有烤肉吃,立即封锁了经脉,欢呼一声,朝着夜轻寒的方向冲去。 Has eaten in little Tanbian several people satisfactory, enjoys three years had not enjoyed hot meat. Then Ye Qinghan starts to bustle about, abstained from the ramble took out the massive things, then put out Slaughter Divine Blade to cut several big trees, started to construct them to get up in the Purple Island alveolus. 在小潭边几人美美吃了一顿,享受了三年没有享受过的热荤食物。而后夜轻寒开始忙碌起来,从逍遥戒内取出了大量的东西,而后拿出屠神刀砍了几颗大树,开始建造她们在紫岛的小窝起来。 Has purchased many things in Black Tortoise City and hidden city, itself Ye Qinghan is the preparation constructs small Hanxin Pavilion in Purple Island. After all this does not live for day two days, naturally is impossible several to sleep outside in the wilderness open country. 玄武城和隐城购买了许多东西,本身夜轻寒就是准备在紫岛建造一个小寒心阁。毕竟这可不是住一天两天,当然不可能让几人在荒郊野外露宿。 But three females see to construct their alveolus personally, is excited. Has blocked completely the meridians, stops at nothing, starts to help Ye Qinghan bustle about. Ye Qingwu and Yue Qingcheng are the Great Young Lady family backgrounds, these matters have not been done, instead some gang busier appearance. Finally Ye Qinghan and Ye Qingyu make them look in the one side decisively, but makes them help to hand over some tool anything. 而三女见要亲手建造自己的小窝,也都兴奋起来。全部都封锁了经脉,也无所顾忌,开始帮着夜轻寒忙碌起来。只是夜轻舞月倾城都是大小姐出身,这些事情从来没有做过,反而有些越帮越忙的样子。最后夜轻寒夜轻语果断的让两人在一旁看着,只是让她们帮忙递些工具什么。 Ye Qinghan and Ye Qingyu they die young from little father, mother is ill in bed, in family low status, these heavy manual labors actually skilled. Although blocked has fought the air/Qi, but high of their boundary as even with such, various qualities of body can compared with ordinary General Realm expert, start these common occurrences actually with ease. 夜轻寒夜轻语两人从小父亲早逝,母亲卧病在床,在家族地位低下,这些粗活倒是熟练的很。虽然封锁了战气,但是两人境界如此之高,身体的各项素质都能比普通将军境强者了,做起这些普通事倒是轻松的很。 Turns busily, before the dim light of night arrives. A purple small garret, has been situated in urine Tanbian baseless. The garret is very small, has small hall four room also several small mixed room, construction is also very simple. Let alone compared with Hanxin Pavilion , even if differs with the Ye Qingwu graceful dance garden ratio very far. However, four people of are very clearly happy, is very satisfied, this is the love nest that four people construct together diligently. 一翻忙碌,在夜色降临之前。一间紫色的小阁楼,已经凭空坐落在小水潭边。阁楼很小,只有一个小厅四个房间还有几个小杂房,建筑的也很简单。别说和寒心阁相比,就算和夜轻舞的曼舞园比都相差很远。但是很明显,四人心情都很不错,都很满意,这可是四人一起努力建造的爱巢啊。 The dim light of night arrived, the sky raises round bright moonlight, the purple light cover of gentle ray on by Purple Island perfuses the entire island, making entire Purple Island cover in beautiful purple light, beautiful. 夜色降临了,天空升起一轮明月,柔和的光芒透过紫岛上紫色的光罩洒遍整个小岛,让整个紫岛都笼罩在一片妖艳的紫光中,美丽至极。 Clang clang “锵锵” In yard that the garret front, encloses simply, Ye Qinghan lies crooked on a Kofuji bench, Ye Qingwu and Ye Qingyu peaceful walking arm in arm in his both sides, Little Black also peaceful rolling up on nearby table, naps. Yue Qingcheng sits cross-legged in the institute, shoots the guqin, the melodious persuasive tweedle resounds on Purple Island, made this beautiful dim light of night many one point of mysticalness, were many one point of elegance. 阁楼前方,简单围起的小院内,夜轻寒斜躺在一张古藤长椅上,夜轻舞夜轻语安静的依偎在他的两旁,小黑也安静的蜷缩在旁边的桌子上,打盹起来。月倾城则盘坐在院中,弹起古琴,悠扬婉转的琴声在紫岛上响起,更加让这美丽夜色多了一分神秘,多了一分典雅。 , Ye Qinghan has stood lazy, stretched oneself, suddenly is earnest and three people said very much: Real imagination such carefree lived with you in ancient times, but something I must do. Sorry that I can only accompany your five days, then I must start to close up.” 一曲罢了,夜轻寒慵懒的站了起来,伸了个懒腰,突然很是认真和三人说道:“真想像这样无忧无虑的和你们一起生活到天荒地老,只是有些事情我必须要做。很抱歉,我只能陪你们五天,而后我就要开始闭关了。” Five days? Um!” Three people simultaneously are looking at Ye Qinghan, somewhat surprised sighing, distinguishes for three years, actually can only poly for five days, then actually must distinguish once more. Three people have not said anything, but sets out in abundance, has depended toward Ye Qinghan. “五天?嗯!”三人同时望着夜轻寒,有些惊讶的叹道,分别三年,却只能相聚五天,而后却又要再次分别。只是三人却没有说什么,只是纷纷起身,朝夜轻寒靠了过来。 They understand, Ye Qinghan this is forever can treat for later like this in the same place, goes diligently, struggles! Short separation for forever for ever and ever. 她们都懂,夜轻寒这是在为以后永远能这样待在一起,去努力,去奋斗!短暂的分离是为了永远的天长地久。 Ye Qinghan looks at three beautiful sensible females, in the eye is flashing through gratified, deep looked at three people of one to say with a smile suddenly evilly: Hey, the time are not much, everybody sooner rests. That what your three people discussed that whom in the evening did I accompany to speak freely for night? Or do three people come?” 夜轻寒望着三位美丽懂事的女子,眼中闪过一丝欣慰,深深的望了三人一眼却突然邪邪笑道:“嘿嘿,时间不多,大家早些休息吧。那什么你们三人商量一下,晚上我陪谁畅谈一夜?要不三人都来?”
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