BPTH :: Volume #5

#414: Three years

414 chapters of three years 414章三年 Ha Ha, swings few, recently that side left a number of new goods, in the afternoon takes a look?” “哈哈,荡少,最近那边出了一批新货,下午去瞧瞧?” Certainly must go, swings young master to practice for three years, the boundary rose fiercely! Yesterday went out, well under celebration wasn't good? Waits to swing few settling on goods, all calculates in my account!” “肯定要去,荡少爷修炼了三年,境界猛升!昨天才出关,不好好庆祝下怎么行?等去荡少看中的货色,全算我账上!” Is, is, three years swung the young master to break through the 1-level day unexpectedly, were the Emperor Realm 1-level days! This grade of cultivation speed, I looked that and kills few, hidden city nobody except for Great Young Lady may and!” “就是,就是,三年时间荡少爷居然突破了一重天,可是帝王境一重天啊!这等修炼速度,我看除了大小姐和杀少,隐城无人可及啊!” The young people who in the hidden city biggest restaurant, young master of one crowd of fresh clothes anger robes dresses up, are gathering round white clothing handsome young master unceasing proposing a toast, unceasing flattering, the atmosphere is very lively. 隐城最大的酒楼内,一群鲜衣怒袍的少爷打扮的年轻人,正围着一名白衣英俊公子不断的敬酒,不断的拍着马屁,气氛很是热闹。 Ha Ha, this being nothing to speak, is nothing to speak of!” “哈哈,这个不值一提,不值一提!” By maidservant liquor of white clothing young master result but actually, has drunk one that enjoyed very much, this beckoned with the hand, the expression that not caring a whoop said that the happy expression of but in the facial features actually all very much enjoying, the moment also said: In the three years, may feel stifled father, hey! Afternoon matter, said in the afternoon again that drinks, waited to meet everybody to be together cheerful is cheerfully right! In the three years does the time have the news of that evil star? My grandfather said that after meeting this evil star, must yield and withdraw, otherwise must close my three years!” 白衣公子结果旁边的一名侍女倒的酒,很是享受的喝了一口,这才摆了摆手,一副毫不在意的表情说道,但是眉眼内却全是很享受的笑意,顿了片刻又说道:“这三年,可把老子憋死了,嘿嘿!下午的事情,下午再说,喝酒喝酒,等会大伙一起乐呵乐呵对了!这三年时间有没有那个煞星的消息?我爷爷可是说了,遇到这个煞星以后要退避三舍,否则还要关我三年!” Evil star? What you said is that Ye Qinghan? Swings little felt relieved that this person vanished for three years, definitely already was dying, god city three years ago sends orders lost, discovers his whereabouts, but reward Saint ten, even if he has not died, definitely also meets the nest to work as the savage in that cave!” “煞星?你说的是那个夜轻寒?荡少放心,这人消失了三年了,肯定早就死翘翘了,神城三年前就发出神主令,发现他行踪可是奖励圣器十件,就算他没死,肯定也会窝在那个山洞内当野人吧哈哈!” Hey, is, definitely! Then fierce explosion, even if God Rank expert must die! This evil star dares fan including Great Young Lady, does not die is strange!” “嘿嘿,就是,肯定死了!那么剧烈的爆炸,就算是神级强者都要死吧!这煞星连大小姐都敢扇,不死才怪!” That side unscrupulous teasing, actually causes on the table of corner the attention of several guests, this table sits three people, but side everyone is actually standing they, just like can see is three people of guards. 那边肆无忌惮的调笑,却引起角落的一张桌子上几位客人的注意,这张桌子只是坐着三人,但是每人身边却都站着两人,俨然可以看出是三人的护卫。 Three people wear recently are very the popular bamboo hats, lowers the head to drink the alcohol to drown one's sorrows, but slightly is actually leaning the ear, just like is listening to that side that group of sons of the influential's talk. 三人都戴着最近很是流行的斗笠,低头喝着闷酒,但是却都微微侧着耳朵,俨然在听着那边那群公子哥的谈话。 Yeah Little Han seemed like more unfortunate than fortunate!” A moment later a person toward the front the side body, has put out a hand to lift the bamboo hat suddenly slightly, reveals one fully is the ugly and ferocious-looking face. “哎寒少看来是凶多吉少了!”片刻之后一人突然微微往前侧了侧身子,伸手抬了抬斗笠,露出一张满是横肉的脸。 Yeah! I sent for looking for three years, you do not believe that insisted, when did insane Miss Zilong you look goes back? This place chaotic very much, our time comes secretly, was known me certainly to by Mr. my family by the confinement!” “哎!我都派人找了三年了,你们就是不相信,硬要过来,疯子龙小姐你看什么时候回去?这地方乱的很,我们这次偷偷过来,被我家老头知道我肯定又要被禁闭了!” Clearly, these three people were Feng Zi and Hua Cao as well as Long Sainan, brought Feng Zi to come to fall Huacheng in first half month of Long Sainan suddenly, wanted him to lead two to come to the hidden city. 很明显,这三人就是风紫花草以及龙赛男了,就在前半个月龙赛男带着风紫突然来了落花城,要他带两人来隐城。 Feng Zi and Hua Cao they said that Long Sainan quiet then sighed for a long time, expression incomparable desolate saying: Goes back! I go to Grey City to have a look, directly has closed up, will not practice Saint Realm not to go out, two will take care respectively!” 风紫花草两人说完,龙赛男沉寂了许久这才叹了口气,语气无比的落寞的说道:“回去吧!我去苍城看看,就直接闭关了,不修炼到圣人境不会出关了,两位各自保重吧!” Goes to Grey City? But Grey City quilt ***, hadn't you gone appropriately?” Long Sainan a few words actually caused Hua Cao that this desire sets out, sat has gotten down somewhat scruple saying. “去苍城苍城可是被***了,你还去不合适吧?”龙赛男一句话却引得本欲起身的花草,又坐了下去有些迟疑的说道。 Yes, Miss Long, Zhan Shenwei had the human to declare martial law for three years in that perhaps do you want to go to annoy to Palace Master troublesome?” Feng Zi was also one sat, saying of some worries. “是啊,龙小姐,斩神卫都带人在那戒严了三年了,你要去恐怕会给府主惹麻烦吧?”风紫也是一把坐了下去,有些担心的说道。 Some things, always must have a look at the heart to tie puzzled, how can the boundary promote? Walks!” Long Sainan sighed, meant that has stood dully, outward walked directly. “有些东西,总是要去看看心结不解,境界如何能提升?走吧!”龙赛男叹了口气,意味索然站了起来,径直朝外走去。 Hua Cao and Feng Zi have stood, presses head bamboo hat, nodded toward guard, walked the restaurant, vanishes in the hidden city boundless huge crowds. 花草风紫跟着站了起来,将头上的斗笠压了压,朝身边的护卫点了点头,走了出酒楼,消失在隐城茫茫人海中。 Chirp!” “唧唧!” Little Black, you leave always fling about! Jumps my vertigo!” 小黑,你别老跳来跳去!跳得我眼花!” Before Ramble Pavilion, in the courtyard, a black alone angle small beast is flinging about in the garden, but in the colorful flowering shrubs in a small alcove sits two just like the female celestial female, a scarlet female stands in the pavilion looks at the small beast in garden, somewhat angry digs the small mouth to say. 逍遥阁前院子内,一只黑色的独角小兽正在园子内跳来跳去,而五颜六色的花丛中一个小亭子内坐着两名宛如仙女般的女子,其中一名红衣女子站在亭内看着在园子内的小兽,有些气恼的撅着小嘴巴说道。 Dance elder sister, should not be angry, isn't Little Black bored? Yeah has treated for three years in this Ramble Pavilion, it is not stuffy is strange.” “舞姐,别气恼,小黑不是无聊吗?哎在这逍遥阁待了三年了,它不闷才怪。” That white clothing female who on nearby White jade chair sits, is actually helpless smiles, elucidates that scarlet female in station to get up. 旁边的白玉椅子上坐着的那名白衣女子,却是无奈的一笑,开解起站的那名红衣女子起来。 Bored, I suppressed quickly insanely, Little Master Han, this has treated in the martial arts room for three years, how to have come out? Xiao Yu, two years ago closes up, now has not come out!” The scarlet female goes out of the alcove, bored is provoking the leaf on a nearby person high young tree , the facial expression is very agitated restless. “无聊,我都快憋疯了,小寒子,这都在练功房待了三年了,怎么还不出来?小语也是的,两年前跟着闭关,现在都没有出来!”红衣女子走出亭子,无聊的在旁边的一颗人高的小树上拨弄着树叶,神情很是烦躁不安。 Dance elder sister, should not be angry!” “舞姐,别气恼了!” The white clothing female has stood, walked to hold the hand of scarlet female, a pupil of pair of black pearl sincere was looking at her, said spookily: Three years ago that matter, Qinghan will definitely not blame your, didn't Old Lu tell us? Qinghan two years ago restored to come, now is practicing diligently. He does not go out, definitely is cultivating, does not blame you again!” 白衣女子站了起来,走了过来拉着红衣女子的手,一双黑珍珠的眸子真诚的望着她,幽幽说道:“三年前的那件事情,轻寒肯定不会怪你的,鹿老不是告诉我们了吗?轻寒两年前已经恢复了过来了,现在正在努力修炼。他不出关,肯定是在修炼,不是再怪你!” Right, this is Yue Qingcheng and Ye Qingwu as well as Little Black. Three years ago enters Ramble Pavilion after the hidden city, several people have stayed in Ramble Pavilion had not exited. But Ye Qinghan enters Ramble Pavilion, then directly entered the martial arts room not to come out again, was only two years ago, making Little Black come out, sent greetings to Old Lu, has stabilized the heart of people slightly. 没错,这正是月倾城夜轻舞以及小黑。三年前从隐城进入逍遥阁之后,几人就一直呆在了逍遥阁没有出去过。而夜轻寒一进入逍遥阁,便直接进入了练功房再也没有出来,只是两年前,让小黑出来,也传音给鹿老,微微安定了众人的心。 But Ye Qingyu after Little Black comes out also directly has closed up in her bedroom, Yue Qingcheng has not closed up, every day in Ramble Pavilion besides accompanying Ye Qingwu, is one person alone plays a qin, practices her Divine Sound Principle. 夜轻语则在小黑出来之后也就直接在她卧室闭关了,月倾城没有闭关,每日在逍遥阁除了陪夜轻舞外,都是一人独自抚琴,修炼她的神音法则 But Ye Qingwu actually fell into deep remorse, she for her sky over hidden city that rebukes oneself, her always thinks that Ye Ruoshui dies because of her, therefore secure could not calm down builds up Divine Crystal, the temperament was also more and more hot tempered. 夜轻舞却陷入了深深的自责之中,她在为她在隐城上空愣的那一下自责,她总是认为夜若水是因为她而死,所以一直安定不下心炼化神晶,脾气也是越来越暴躁了。 I know!” “我知道!” Ye Qingwu shook the head slightly, the corner of the eye shines slightly clear actually betrayed her innermost feelings, she wriggled the lip, long time said: But I cannot forgive oneself me also to think that my grandfather, how didn't know the grandfather they?” 夜轻舞微微摇了摇头,眼角微微亮起的晶莹却出卖了她的内心,她蠕动了嘴唇,半晌才说道:“可是我就是不能原谅自己我还想我爷爷了,不知道爷爷他们怎么样了?” You want again many useless, you must do practices, except for cultivating us can make anything now “你想再多都没用,你要做的就是修炼,除了修炼我们现在能做什么” Yue Qingcheng strokes the Ye Qingwu sending silk gently, although Ye Qingwu the age is older than her, but mental also looks like the young girl obviously, always cannot grow up, in the two years she comforts, it is estimated that will be insane. 月倾城轻轻抚摸夜轻舞的发丝,夜轻舞虽然年纪比她大,但是心智明显还像少女般,总是长不大,这两年来要不是她安抚,估计都会疯掉了。 Just wants to continue to console his several, she actually suddenly surprised looked toward the sky, the black pearl eye pupil has shone suddenly, lost one's voice to call out wild with joy: What is that? Seven color Xiangyun? Some person of Cheng Shen?” 刚想继续劝慰他几句,她却突然惊讶的朝天空望去,黑珍珠般的眼眸陡然间亮了起来,狂喜失声叫道:“那那是什么?七彩祥云?有人成神了?” Chirp! Chirp!” “唧唧!唧唧!” On jumped down Little Black that fled also suddenly to stop the personal appearance in the garden, a pair of black spooky small eyeball was staring at the sky, the facial expression completely was the happy expression. 在园子内上跳下窜的小黑也突然停止了身形,一双黑幽幽的小眼珠盯着天空,神情尽是喜色。 Bang!” “轰隆!” The Ramble Pavilion sky in a moment ago, suddenly emerged out of thin air small seven color clouds, but the vitality in Ramble Pavilion in suddenly usually was at this moment richer than hundred times, in seven color clouds the purple thunder and lightning shoots from inside wind together, submerged in Ramble Pavilion to vanish to disappear directly. Then seven color clouds also start to dissipate, finally changes into the nihility. 逍遥阁的上空就在刚才,突然凭空出现一朵小小的七彩云朵,而逍遥阁内的元气在此刻突然比平时浓郁了百倍,七彩云朵中一道紫色的雷电之从里面飙射而出,直接没入了逍遥阁内消失不见了。而后七彩云朵也开始消散,最后化为虚无。 Whose Cheng Shen? Little Master Han?” “谁成神了?小寒子?” Ye Qingwu when Yue Xishui Cheng Shen, the boundary is very low. Therefore now first time saw that this strange plot was scared, falls until the purple thunder, the clouds dissipate, this remembers the Yue Qingcheng words, the great happiness opened the eye to look toward Yue Qingcheng . 夜轻舞月惜水成神的时候,境界很低。所以现在第一次见到这诡异的情节被吓呆了,直到紫雷落下,云朵消散,这才想起月倾城的话语,不禁大喜睁大眼睛朝月倾城望了过来。 „It is not!” “不是!” The Yue Qingcheng corners of the mouth show a smile, shook the head slightly, said: Is Xiao Yu, the independent Cheng Shen good omen may compared with this mostly, Xiao Yu builds up Divine Crystal Cheng Shen, therefore was smaller, but why these seven color clouds and will the god thunder appear in Ramble Pavilion unexpectedly? Walks quickly, we have a look, will it is estimated that wait to meet Qinghan also to go out!” 月倾城嘴角露出一丝微笑,微微摇了摇头,说道:“是小语,独立成神的祥兆可比这大多了,小语是炼化神晶成神的,所以小了许多,只是为何这七彩云朵和神雷竟然会出现在逍遥阁?快走,我们去看看,呵,估计等会轻寒也会出关了!” Ye Qingwu one hear, the great happiness gets up, draws Yue Qingcheng to run toward the distant pavilion, but Little Black already before them, changed to the remnant shade to dodge together toward Ramble Pavilion in! 夜轻舞一听,大喜起来,拉着月倾城朝遥遥阁内跑去,而小黑早就在两人之前,已经化作一道残影朝逍遥阁内闪去!
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