BPTH :: Volume #5

#408: Run!

408 chapters 408章 Run! 快跑! Ahem! I had said you will regret! Relax, your woman I will help you serve well their!” “哼哼!我说过你会后悔的!放心,你的女人我会好好帮你伺候她们的!” Yin Ling'er saw the island island main to appear finally, let somebody cool off or calm down looked at Ye Qinghan one, in the eye flashed through a chill in the air, passed on the tone channel to Ye Qinghan directly. 隐灵儿见岛岛主终于出现了,冷冷看了夜轻寒一眼,眼中闪过一丝寒意,直接给夜轻寒传音道。 Then her sudden both eyes one red, the tears flow copiously instantaneously, a face suddenly becomes miserable, whole body unceasing shivering, just like one bullied small pitiful, was complaining tearfully loudly to the projection of Hidden Island Master: Grandfather you, if late comes the moment again, Ling'er again could not see you. This person, this person not only said a word frivolously in Ling'er, but also hit Ling'er in the presence of everyone, now also wants to kill Ling'er, Ling'er does not live! No matter the father mother grandfather I, I looked for you 而后她突然双眼一红,泪水瞬间夺眶而出,一张脸陡然间变得楚楚可怜起来,浑身不断的颤抖,宛如一个被人欺负的小可怜般,对着隐岛岛主的投影大声哭诉起来:“爷爷你要是再迟来片刻,灵儿就再也见不到你了。这人,这人不仅言语轻薄于灵儿,还当众打灵儿,现在还想杀灵儿,灵儿不活了!父亲母亲爷爷不管我,我来找你们了” Said that she closes one's eyes to toward the wall of country fair trade area hit, hidden flies and flatters the Sir to frighten hastily hurries to grasp her from behind. Also nearby Shísān elder anxious on the ant just like hot pot, transfers in all directions randomly, unceasingly worries hands over the meaningful glance to pray for rescue toward Hidden Island Master. 说完她闭着眼睛就要朝集贸区的墙壁撞去,把身边的隐飞儿和媚大人吓得连忙慌忙从后面抱住她。同时也把附近的十三位长老急的宛如热锅上的蚂蚁般,四处乱转起来,不断着急的朝隐岛岛主递来眼色求救起来。 This is also good! 这也行! The Ye Qinghan four people actually look at each other one, looks at each other in blank diamay. This Yin Ling'er damn is not the Geisha to waste the talented person. That cries sadly, the appearance installs pitifully, can move people to tears simply, no wonder entire Hidden Island takes him not to have the means 夜轻寒四人却对视一眼,面面相觑。这个隐灵儿他妈的不去当艺妓真他妈的浪费人才。那个哭得伤心啊,样子装得可怜啊,简直能催人泪下,难怪全隐岛都拿他没办法 Lets loose her, she must die, living that nobody can keep off!” “放开她,她要死,没人能挡的住!” Hidden Island Master has not moved, even the complexion on projection has not changed, words of letting somebody cool off or calm down shocked the audience. 隐岛岛主没有动,甚至投影上的脸色都没有变化,一句冷冷的话语将全场惊呆了。 Yin Ling'er that also will live on the edge was startled, Yin Ling'er suddenly does not know that what happened? Is her grandfather? Which time was not acts like a spoiled brat Hidden Island Master to compromise on Lima, must suicide finished 也将寻死觅活的隐灵儿怔住了,隐灵儿一时间不知道发生了什么事?这还是她爷爷吗?哪次不是自己一撒娇隐岛岛主就利马妥协了,现在自己都要寻死了却 Ling'er, you are 18 years old, but also is innocent? I can be clear told you, this Ye Family youth I will not begin to him, does not dare to begin to him! His back person your grandfathers cannot stir up! Annoyed his Hidden Island to exterminate the clan! If you also want to suicide, for entire Hidden Island, the grandfather does not have means 灵儿,你都18岁了,还不懂事?我可以明确的告诉你,这夜家少年我不会对他动手,也不敢对他动手!他背后的人你爷爷都惹不起!惹了他隐岛都要被灭族!如果你还想寻死的话,为了整个隐岛,爷爷也没办法” A moment later Yin Ling'er recovers, immediately is the grievance is the grief and indignation, one cruel-hearted, prepares to seek one chapter dead. The words that Hidden Island Master lets somebody cool off or calm down once more, making her whole body shake, stand at the scene, a pair of beautiful pupil with tears, cannot believe that looked like toward Ye Qinghan! 片刻之后隐灵儿回过神来,顿时又是委屈又是悲愤,一狠心,真的准备寻一回死。只是隐岛岛主再次冷冷的话语,让她浑身一震,立在了当场,一双含泪的美眸,不敢相信朝夜轻寒看来! Annoyed his Hidden Island to exterminate the clan!” “惹了他隐岛都要被灭族!” In countless person ears recalled that this Hidden Island Master these two words, complete facial features one tight, the audience is shocked. 无数人耳中回想这隐岛岛主的这两句话,全部面容一紧,全场震惊。 God Rank expert Hidden Island Master said such a few words unexpectedly in the presence of everyone, this on behalf of what? Admitted defeat to lower the head to this youth on behalf of Hidden Island. Actually this person has what background, unexpectedly makes Hidden Island Master lower the head? 神级强者隐岛岛主居然当众说出这么一句话,这代表什么?代表隐岛向这名少年服软低头了。这人究竟有什么来头,居然让隐岛岛主低头? …… Ye Qinghan one hear of this saying actually directly insert the back Slaughter Divine Blade, then tracing nose embarrasedly, looking pensive is looking at the Hidden Island Master empty shade, somewhat understands that this old thing wants to do! 夜轻寒一听这话却是直接将屠神刀插到后背,而后讪讪的摸了摸鼻子,若有所思的望着隐岛岛主的虚影,有些明白这老东西想干什么了! The Ye Qingwu three people are somewhat are proud slightly, their men have the face, was equal to that they have the face. However their behind Hua Family that dark health/guard actually frightened, he knows that Ye Qinghan was very good, but has not actually thought of the cow to this degree! 夜轻舞三人却是微微有些自豪起来,他们的男人有面子,就等于她们有面子啊。但是他们身后的花家那名暗卫却吓到了,他知道夜轻寒很牛,但是却没有想到牛到了这程度! Do not believe that this youth can represent entire War-God Prefecture, his back has five God Rank expert, several hundred Saint level masters! In his hand also three War-God blood commands, can summon entire War-God Prefecture. You said that I do dare to move him? Ling'er you know today finally what was outside the human has the human, one should always strive for better, did not say anything, you visited him compared with your at the worst are three years old, was actually under God Rank the first person, a person can all kill your this temperament not to change you, sooner or later the grandfather and entire Hidden Island must be buried along with the dead to you “你们别不相信,这少年能代表整个战神府,他背后有五名神级强者,数百圣级高手!他手上还有三块战神血令,能号召整个战神府。你们说,我敢动他?灵儿今天你终于知道什么叫人外有人,天外有天了吧,不说什么,你看他比你大不了三岁,却是神级之下第一人,一人就能把你们全杀了你这脾气还不改改,迟早爷爷和整个隐岛都要给你陪葬” Listened to these words, Yin Ling'er to understand a matter finally. Today this palm of the hand as if in vain has been hit, the front scenery also in vain looked at today's this gathering place, can't look? 听完这番话,隐灵儿终于明白了一件事情。今日自己这巴掌似乎被白打了,胸前的风光也被白看了今天这场子,找不回来? Looks? 怎么找? Compared with strength? This person can under the protection of Shísān famous elder, maliciously the fan a oneself palm of the hand! Compared with influence? Behind one only then God Rank expert, behind him has one crowd! Remembered this person of arrogance and overbearing, now looks like is actually self-confident and energy. This man is as even with such unexpectedly aggressive? Remembered him to grab own chin a moment ago frivolously, simultaneously unscrupulous looks at own that anything. In her eyes has flashed through a complex look, some feeling helpless is vacant 比实力?这人能在十三名长老的保护下,狠狠扇了自己一巴掌!比势力?自己背后只有一位神级强者,他背后却有一群!想起这人刚才的狂妄和霸道,现在看来却是自信和底气。这男人竟然如此生猛?想起刚才他轻浮的抓着自己的下巴,同时肆无忌惮的看着自己的那什么。她眼中闪过了一丝复杂的神色,有些不知所措的茫然起来 This Hidden Island Master once more words, not only Ye Qinghan understands that this old man wants to do. The Shísān elders understood. They think that Hidden Island Master does not get rid, wants to make them teach Ye Qinghan, purposely takes certain actions so as to warn others again to his back person warning. 隐岛岛主再次一番话,不仅夜轻寒明白这这老头想干什么。就连十三长老都明白了。他们原以为隐岛岛主迟迟不出手,是想让他们教训一下夜轻寒,再敲山震虎给他背后的人一点警告。 Now wants to come, Hidden Island Master is actually using the hand of Ye Qinghan, strikes one this lawless treasure granddaughter, making her change the temperament, simultaneously changes her to the view of man? Moreover listens to the Hidden Island Master tone, as if also wants to spill the rawhide to them? Otherwise, how as if everywhere to be falling oneself power and prestige, instead gives the Ye Qinghan long face? 现在想来,隐岛岛主却是在借夜轻寒的手,敲打敲打一下他这个无法无天宝贝孙女,让她改改脾气,同时改变一下她对男人的看法?而且听隐岛岛主的口气,似乎还想给两人拉拉皮条?不然,怎么似乎处处在落自己威风,反而给夜轻寒长脸? They know Hidden Island Master, does not fear War-God Prefecture several God Rank expert, because is also the person clan! Relates well to be very good, War-God Prefecture God Rank expert will definitely not kill Hidden Island because of Ye Qinghan. It seems like Hidden Island Master thinks under the serious illness potent drug. Coordinates this youth, well makes Yin Ling'er understand something! 他们知道隐岛岛主,并不惧怕战神府的几位神级强者,同时也因为同是人族!关系好很不错,战神府神级强者肯定不会因为夜轻寒而杀到隐岛。看来隐岛岛主就想重病下猛药。配合这少年,好好的让隐灵儿懂一些事情! All has been said that something Ling'er you think well!” “言尽于此,有些东西灵儿你自己好好想想吧!” Hidden Island Master sees the goal to achieve, in eye flashes through a happy expression slightly, turns the head to look to Ye Qinghan, not minces matter own appreciation: Ye Qinghan, right! You are very good! Gives your family the ancestor to give regards for me! Plays in Hidden Island 隐岛岛主见目的已经达到,眼中微微闪过一丝笑意,转头望向夜轻寒,丝毫不掩饰自己的欣赏:“夜轻寒,对吧!你很不错!替我给你家老祖宗问好!有空在隐岛多玩玩” The Hidden Island Master personal appearance dissipates slowly, vanishes on the scene. 说完隐岛岛主的身形慢慢消散,消失在场中。 Snort! You remember to me, today this palm of the hand my Yin Ling'er will certainly hundred times of repayments! Otherwise the oath is not a human!” “哼!你给我记住,今日这巴掌我隐灵儿必将百倍回报!否则誓不为人!” Yin Ling'er sees Hidden Island Master to vanish, look suddenly becomes ice-cold, deep looked at Ye Qinghan one, leaves ruthless words, soars directly, flies toward the hidden city. But flatters the Sir and hidden flies also to be full of the profound meaning looked at Ye Qinghan one, flies away. 隐灵儿一见隐岛岛主消失,眼神陡然间变得冰冷起来,深深的望了夜轻寒一眼,留下一句狠话,直接腾空而起,朝隐城内飞去。而媚大人和隐飞儿也饱含深意的看了夜轻寒一眼,跟着飞走。 In Shísān position old also facial color awkward smiling, arched has cuped one hand in the other across the chest to fly away directly. But a moment ago they have not cursed little angrily Ye Qinghan, now Hidden Island Master clarifies, no matter, but they are not the Ye Qinghan matches, hasn't walked to a slap in the face? 十三位上老也面色尴尬的笑了笑,拱了拱手直接飞走了。刚才他们可是没有少怒骂夜轻寒,现在隐岛岛主摆明不管,而他们都不是夜轻寒的对手,还不走等被打脸吗? Yin Dang and innumerable famous young masters, shrank the body hastily, the sole rubbed the oil to slide, favors including that Best Quality person who bought a moment ago loses does not want in the corner. 隐荡和无数名少爷,也连忙缩了缩身子,脚底抹油溜了,连刚才买的那名极品的人宠都丢在角落里不要了。 Walks!” “走!” Ye Qinghan smiles bitterly and astringently, no longer rubbish, has confessed one with behind that facial expression complex dark health/guard. Leads three females to fly high, flies directly in the wharf direction, he decides to go to Purple Island immediately. Hidden Island Master had not gotten rid a moment ago fortunately, otherwise initiated the God Rank expert war, alarmed god city god that to trouble 夜轻寒苦涩一笑,不再废话,和身后那名神情复杂的暗卫交代了一句。带着三女凌空而起,朝码头方向直接飞去,他决定立刻去紫岛。刚才还好隐岛岛主没有出手,否则引发神级强者大战,惊动了神城神主那就麻烦了 In fact, is the undesired matter, often more will actually occur. 事实上,越是不希望发生的事情,却往往越会发生。 Ye Ruoshui just took back the radiation in Hidden Island Divine Knowledge, Ye Qinghan whereabouts he is paying attention actually frequently, remembers Hidden Island Master to teach people uniquely the way, he smiles gently. His smile has not launched completely, the complexion actually suddenly fluctuates. 夜若水刚刚收回辐射在隐岛神识,夜轻寒的行踪其实他时刻都在注意着,想起隐岛岛主独特的教人方式,他轻轻的微笑起来。只是他的微笑还没完全展开,脸色却陡然间变幻起来。 Because he discovered formidable Divine Knowledge, suddenly unscrupulous has covered entire Grey City, stays in Grey City a moment later, flutters rapidly toward the distant place. This Divine Knowledge he is very familiar, is god city Divine Knowledge of that bald god slaughter. 因为他发现一股强大的神识,突然将肆无忌惮的笼罩了整个苍城,在苍城停留片刻之后,迅速朝远方飘去。这神识他无比熟悉,正是神城的那个光头神主屠的神识 The facial color number changes, he has stood suddenly fast, the body vanishes in the cave directly, simultaneously Divine Knowledge goes toward the Hidden Island directional divergence at the fastest speed! 面色数变,他突然快速站了起来,身体直接消失在山洞内,同时神识以最快速的速度朝隐岛方向扩散而去! At the same time, all expert Qi Qi of mainland are shocked, in abundance surprise spreads Divine Knowledge. Because in a moment ago god city main overbearing Divine Knowledge unexpectedly in mainland unscrupulous has swept. 同一时间,大陆的所有强者都齐齐震动,纷纷诧异的将神识扩散出去。因为就在刚才神城城主的霸道的神识竟然在大陆上肆无忌惮的扫过。 In Tientai of dark castle, Senior Shi is also the surprise has put down the book in hand, a pair just like the stars the eye pupil has sparkled several times, but a moment later actually has taken up the book, as if had not realized just like anything! 暗黑城堡的天台上,噬大人也是诧异的放下了手中的书,一双宛如星辰的般的眼眸闪耀了几次,但是片刻之后却又拿起了书,似乎宛如什么都没有察觉! Hidden Island Master, the facial expression joyful taking up fishing pole , to continue to fish. Recalled Yin Ling'er that had been scared a moment ago the expression, somewhat satisfies this time achievement. A moment later, he shakes the hand of fishing pole to shiver unexpectedly, the fishing pole that never puts down, lets slip to fall down suddenly, pounds water splash. 隐岛岛主,正神情愉悦的拿起钓竿,继续钓鱼起来。回想起刚才隐灵儿的那副吓傻了的表情,有些满意这次的成果。只是片刻之后,他握着钓竿的手竟然颤抖起来,从来不曾放下的钓竿,突然失手掉了下去,砸起一片水花。 Little Master Han, enters Ramble Pavilion quickly!” 小寒子,快进逍遥阁!” Little Master Han, walks quickly!” 小寒子,快走!” Ye Family boy, run!” 夜家小子,快跑!” Ye Qinghan is leading three females, fast flying in airborne, is blowing the moist sea breeze, the mood is very joyful. 夜轻寒带着三女,快速的飞在空中,吹着潮湿的海风,心情很是愉悦。 Suddenly, he actually felt that sea breeze didn't have? An ice-cold piercing chill in the air has stroked from four people, making four people simultaneously be startled. Then, near the Ye Qinghan ear remembers three suddenly panic-stricken and extremely urgent sending greetings! 只是突然之间,他却感觉海风没了?紧接着一股冰冷刺骨的寒意从四人身上拂过,让四人同时惊了。而后,夜轻寒耳边突然想起三声惊恐而又万分急迫的传音!
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