BPTH :: Volume #5

#406: This young lady is not arbitrary person

406 chapters of this young ladies are not the arbitrary people 406章本小姐不是蛮横的人 ? 呀哈? The Ye Qinghan extremely arrogant behavior, making the person in field completely somewhat surprised. Is this person really crazy is really silly? Great Young Lady issued the Hidden Island command to call the Shísān elder, he not only did not escape, wasn't afraid? Unexpectedly also dares to speak the provocative insult? 夜轻寒的狂妄行为,让场中的人全部有些惊讶了。这人是真狂还是真傻?大小姐都发出了隐岛令召集十三位长老了,他不但不逃跑,不害怕?居然还敢出言挑衅侮辱? Hidden Island and that group of young master buddies, after a , in abundance sinister smile. Yin Dang covered the mouth to forget ache, shamed him in city Ye Qinghan as even with such, making him return to Hidden Island later one month not to dare to go out, injured itself a moment ago. This tone he crosses for a lifetime not peacefully. Now saw that Ye Qinghan is more extremely arrogant, he is instead more excited, is this? This is Hidden Island! Can he fight entire Hidden Island? 隐岛和那群公子哥们,一愣之后纷纷阴笑了起来。隐荡捂着嘴巴忘记了疼痛,在蛮城夜轻寒如此羞辱他,让他回到隐岛之后一个月都不敢出门,刚才又伤了自己。这口气不出他一辈子都过得不安宁。现在看到夜轻寒越狂妄,他反而越兴奋起来,这是哪?这是隐岛啊!他一人能战整个隐岛 Flatters the Sir to look at the Ye Qinghan overbearing incomparable aura, the facial color has actually enforced. This youth as even with such age can cultivation Saint Realm, is it may be said that without parallel in history. Now as even with such is also haughty, thinks that back has the mountain? But the island main has not appeared stops the Great Young Lady crazy behavior, is it possible that moreover profound meaning? To press this extremely arrogant young back character of taking advantage of Great Young Lady? 媚大人看着夜轻寒霸道无比的气息,却面色严肃了起来。这少年如此年纪就能修炼到圣人境,可谓空前绝后。现在又如此狂傲,想必背后有大山?而岛主却没有出现制止大小姐的疯狂行为,莫非另外深意?想借大小姐压一压这狂妄少年背后的人物? Great Young Lady named Yin Ling'er, is the Hidden Island Master granddaughter. Yin Ling'er does not have the parents, the Hidden Island person does not know that she is the island main biological granddaughters examines. But from infancy to maturity, island main also very disciplinary training of juvenile delinquents she, but throws her to the Shísān elder, making them take care of her. 大小姐名叫隐灵儿,正是隐岛岛主的孙女。隐灵儿没有父母,隐岛的人不知道她是岛主的亲孙女还是检来的。而从小到大,岛主也很少管她,只是将她丢给十三位长老,让他们照顾她。 Yin Ling'er since childhood in Shísān elder under protects extremely grows up, the itself appearance is outstanding, the talent is astonishing. In addition island main, no matter she, the Shísān elder favored to drown even says tolerates her, the young masters on island were gather round him to transfer. Also has fostered a temper of arrogant and willful incomparable spoiled child. 隐灵儿从小在十三位长老的极度呵护下长大,本身容貌出众,天赋惊人。加上岛主不管她,十三位长老宠溺甚至说纵容她,岛上的少爷们都是围着他转。也就养成了一副骄纵无比小霸王的性子。 In Hidden Island, except for Shísān elder, all men saw that she same does not gather round her to transfer with a dog, is saw that she runs. In addition the immoral atmosphere of Hidden Island man, therefore the man of Yin Ling'er to Hidden Island very much looks down upon, thinks that the men are the waste, is the dogs. Sex orientation, is natural 隐岛,除了十三位长老,所有的男人见到她不是和一条狗一样围着她转,就是看到她就跑。加上隐岛男人的淫邪风气,所以隐灵儿隐岛的男人可谓很看不起,认为男人都是废物,都是狗。性取向,也就理所当然的 In a moment ago, hidden flew the sudden incoming telegram, unexpectedly has discovered several and her a beautiful woman of rank! She, directly started certainly the intelligence system of hidden pavilion, Lima had discovered the Ye Qinghan four people, first have caught up. 就在刚才,隐飞儿突然来报,居然发现了几名和她一个等级的美女!她当然二话没说,直接发动了隐阁的情报系统,利马就发现了夜轻寒四人,第一时间就赶了过来。 Three beautiful women have not disappointed her actually, lets her is also faintly is very excited. That man who however three people of gathering round makes her more excited! Many years! She has met one finally with her grandfather's same pure man. Dares saying that her compelling than the youth who the cow is older! Man who as if, has planting very much? 三位美女倒是没让她失望,让她心里也是隐隐很是兴奋。但是三人围着的那个男人却让她更兴奋!多少年了!她终于遇到了一个和她爷爷一样的纯男人。一个敢说她的逼比牛大的少年!一个似乎,很有种的男人? Naturally, she does not prepare to conquer him with oneself unparalleled woman charm very much obviously, making him stretch out the tongue to lie under own pomegranate skirt the charming smile she does not have this time, does not have this interest. She prepares with the most direct way, makes him fall face down use violence thoroughly, making him understand that a truth, except for her grandfather, any men can only fall face down to her 当然,很明显她不准备用自己无双的女人魅力去征服他,让他伸出舌头趴在自己的石榴裙下媚笑她没这个时间,也没这个兴趣。她准备用最直接的方式,用暴力彻底让他趴下,让他明白一个道理,除了她爷爷,任何男人都只能对她趴下 „!” “咻!” Everywhere smoke and fire has not fallen, in the hidden city raises three black forms, simultaneously in that mountain outside city also departs ten black forms, the speed of Shísān person fast, the time of several blinking fell on. 漫天的烟火还没落下,隐城中升起三道黑色的身影,同时城外的那座高山中也飞出十道黑色身影,十三人的速度飞快,几次眨眼的时间已经落在了场中。 Young lady, are you all right?” “小姐,你没事吧?” The Shísān person is almost the Ye Qingniu age, is the person clan, a character is not high. Drops a person then directly the field to block in the Saint territory, has encircled simultaneously to Yin Ling'er by completely, saw that Yin Ling'er is all right relaxed. Later several people simultaneously indifferently have swept toward Ye Qinghan, a person shouted angrily: Who are you? Unexpectedly dares to resort to violence to Great Young Lady? Do you want to court death?” 十三人差不多都是夜青牛的年纪,都是人族,个字不高。一落下一人便直接用圣域将场中封锁起来,同时全部都围了到隐灵儿旁边,看到隐灵儿没什么事都松了一口气。之后数人同时朝夜轻寒冷眼扫了过来,一人率先怒喝起来:“你是何人?居然敢对大小姐动武?你想找死?” Well? Unexpectedly is Saint Realm? Is the as even with such age unexpectedly Saint Realm? Which juniors are you? Why can come Hidden Island to cause trouble?” “咦?居然是圣人境如此年纪居然是圣人境?你是哪家子弟?为何要来隐岛闹事?” An elder actually suddenly realized that Ye Qinghan strength, is surprised. Also simultaneously is startled other more than ten elders, when shock the facial expression is also complex. This person can unexpectedly in as even with such young on breakthrough Saint Realm, did not say the natural talent, most little can explain that a matter this is the respected family juniors. Because they know , if no huge efficacious medicine spirit fruit support, even if day [lineage/vein] is impossible to practice the rapidness of as even with such. 一名长老却突然察觉到夜轻寒的实力,惊疑起来。也把其他十多名长老同时一怔,震惊之余神情也复杂起来。此人竟然能在如此年轻就突破圣人境,不说天资,最少能说明一件事这是大家族子弟。因为他们知道如果没有庞大的灵药灵果支持,就算是天脉者也不可能修炼如此之快。 Snort!” “哼!” Yin Ling'er does not satisfy the manner of Shísān position elder obviously, cold snort, in the eye projects together the chill in the air, looks at Ye Qinghan saying: Which juniors you manage him are, he dares to insult me today, but also thinks to be frivolous I, you took him to say to me again!” 隐灵儿明显不满意十三位长老的态度,冷哼一声,眼中射出一道寒意,看着夜轻寒说道:“你们管他是哪家子弟,他今日竟敢侮辱我,还想轻薄我,你们给我拿下他再说!” This “这个” „Hasn't youth, you given the young lady to apologize? When meeting young lady, if were hot, no one could save you!” “少年,你还不给小姐赔罪?等会小姐要是火了,谁也救不了你!” Is, you dare to insult the young lady unexpectedly, but also wants frivolously with him? Do you live are impatient?” “就是,你居然敢侮辱小姐,还想轻薄与他?你活得不耐烦了?” Hurries to apologize “赶紧赔礼道歉” The Shísān famous elder looked that accuses hastily, the facial expression is angry, the expression encourages very much, the eye is actually unceasing winks toward Ye Qinghan. However does not have one person to begin. 十三名长老一看,连忙纷纷指责起来,神情非常愤怒,语气很是激扬,眼睛却是不断的朝夜轻寒递眼色。但是却没有一人动手。 They come to see side three statures to Ye Qinghan slender may be called the beautiful females, guessed correctly any matter on the general idea. The entire hidden city, basically all attractive females had played with several circles by Great Young Lady. At this time sees three as even with such outstandingly beautiful females, they also know that at present this youth, definitely the back has the big influence, perhaps also has God Rank expert. Therefore they do not certainly dare one to begin, if behind this youth has God Rank expert, when the time comes island main there they may not be good to confess. 他们一来看到夜轻寒身边的三名身材窈窕堪称绝美的女子,就大概猜出了什么事情。整个隐城,基本上所有的漂亮女子都被大小姐玩弄了几个圈。此时看到三位如此绝色的女子,那他们也知道眼前这少年,肯定背后有大势力,说不定还有神级强者。所以他们当然不敢一来就动手,要是这少年背后真有神级强者,到时候岛主那里他们可就不好交代了。 Island host? 岛主? Right! After the Shísān elder one scolded, suddenly remembered a matter. The island main still fishes in the seashore, the matter that here has definitely knows that why hasn't subpoenaed? Is it possible that has the profound meaning? 对了!十三长老一顿数落之后,突然想起一件事情。岛主还在海边钓鱼,这里发生的事情肯定知道啊,为何还没传讯过来?莫非另有深意? Dog deng 狗屎 Ye Qinghan sees these more than ten meters old men, on jumps down to jump, the reason was scolding him, in fact was actually one type alternative urged him to admit defeat. But bitter and astringent smiles, what this Nyima is any matter. Whom also has not incurred to annoy anyone, ran into two insane women, now came one group of seven old eight old men, unexpectedly also as even with such unclear affair? Such obvious shielding? It seems like oneself guess right, this beautiful female seems like Hidden Island that God Rank expert granddaughter generation of character. 夜轻寒看着这十多米老头,上跳下蹦的,明理在骂他,实际上却是一种另类的劝他服软。无奈苦涩一笑,这尼玛的是什么事啊。也没招谁惹谁,遇到两个疯女人也就算了,现在来了一群七老八老的老头子,居然也如此不明事理?这么明显的袒护?看来自己猜的没错,这妖艳女子看来是隐岛那名神级强者孙女辈人物。 Good, the young master does not haggle over with you, I do not want to stir up trouble, said how can apologize?” “好吧,小爷不和你们计较,我也不想惹事,说吧要怎么赔礼?” Ye Qinghan thinks that the Shísān elder has not begun, does not want to annoy to trouble again, received Slaughter Divine Blade, the backhand inserts in the back. It is not he is afraid of getting into trouble, but this female, since is the Hidden Island Master granddaughter. He did not imagine Black Tortoise City same to annoy was young, coming a group to be old, has hit one crowd old, finally annoyed Hidden Island Master to come, the matter will get bigger and bigger. 夜轻寒想到十三长老没动手,也不想再惹麻烦了,将屠神刀收了回来,反手插在后背。并不是他怕事,只是这女子既然是隐岛岛主的孙女。他不想像玄武城一样惹了一小的,来个群老的,打了一群老的,最后又惹出隐岛岛主来,事情将会越闹越大。 If a minor matter stirs up Old Lu and Hidden Island Master fights, finally causes mainland God Rank expert, that attention with god city, that really troubled. 一点小事要是惹得鹿老隐岛岛主大战一场,最后引起大陆神级强者,和神城的那位的注意,那就真的麻烦了。 This was right, is a promising young man also “这就对了,孺子可教也” Um, young frivolous innocent, I looked that can definitely forgive one time!” “嗯,年少轻狂不懂事,我看完全可以原谅一次!” Apologized, apologized, later must pay attention, went out do not stir up trouble randomly!” “赔礼就算了,道个歉,以后一定要注意啊,出门别乱惹事!” Shísān position elder Ye Qinghan admitted defeat, relaxed. The island main tolerated to Yin Ling'er, they do not have the means. Because previous time a minor matter almost hidden pavilion opening. Now since Ye Qinghan as even with such understands the taste, they hastily hit certainly mediation, after all finally one noisy, suffers hardships they who exhausted oneself to be scolded. 十三位长老一件夜轻寒服软了,松了口气。岛主对隐灵儿太纵容了,他们也没办法。上次就因为一件小事差点把隐阁给拆了。现在既然夜轻寒如此懂味,他们当然连忙打起了圆场,毕竟最后一闹,受苦受累挨骂的还是他们。 Snort!” “哼!” Yin Ling'er sees Ye Qinghan to admit defeat suddenly, in eye excited vanished suddenly, turned into thorough despising. The men are really the spineless people, so was a moment ago crazy, now actually as even with such bird type. She somewhat meant that the dull lightness waved, is very natural saying: Since your this waste worked as the tortoise, this young lady was not arbitrarily the mindless person, knelt down knocks three knocks to me, making their three people accompany my ten days of this matter in light of this!” 隐灵儿夜轻寒突然服软,眼中的兴奋陡然间消失,变成了彻底的鄙夷。男人果然是软骨头,刚才那么狂,现在却如此鸟样。她有些意味索然的淡淡挥了挥手,很是大方的说道:“既然你这个废物都当王八了,本小姐也不是蛮横不讲理的人,跪下给我磕三个响头,让她们三人陪我十天此事就此罢了!”
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