BPTH :: Volume #4

#399: Going to sea

399 chapters go to sea 399章出海 This “这个” Actually Hua Cao wants is first, by Ye Qinghan now in the War-God Prefecture prestige. If went to say with their family old men, then this matter might very much becomes. However the Ye Qinghan first article directly showed his ginseng will not gather, second article of he does not want obviously, otherwise did not need to be so worried. Then only remaining third do walk with him? Waits walks with him together? 花草其实想要的就是第一条,凭借夜轻寒现在在战神府的威望。如果去和他们家老头说说的话,那么这事很有可能就成了。但是夜轻寒第一条就直接说明了他不会参合,第二条明显他自己不愿意,否则也不用这么苦恼了。那么就只剩下第三条和他一起走?等等和他一起走? Little Han, is your this must go?” Some Hua Cao one hear of surprise, think that Ye Qinghan does not fall Huacheng, but makes him come in this Black Tortoise City sending, obviously is not plays, asked hastily. 寒少,你们这是要去哪?”花草一听有些诧异了,想到夜轻寒不去落花城,而是在这玄武城派人让他过来,显然不是来游玩的,连忙问了起来。 Goes to sea, if you follow me, I ensure your family old man will not catch you to go back, goes also that side to treat with me for several years, practices diligently, waits for in several years of your family the old man to ask you to come back, when the time comes any matter said!” Ye Qinghan smiles, since Hua Cao roadless may go now, goes to Purple Island to play together for several years, in province are also bored. “出海,你要是跟我走,我保证你家老头不会抓你们回去,跟我去还那边待几年,努力修炼,等几年你家里老头求你回来,到时候什么事都好说了!”夜轻寒嘿嘿一笑,既然花草现在无路可去,一起去紫岛玩几年,也省的自己无聊。 Goes to sea? Goes to Hidden Island? Several years?” Hua Cao one hear of eyes one bright, right! With Ye Qinghan, the family will definitely not manage itself. After all Ye Qinghan is the War-God Prefecture first favorite, the family member also looks forward to itself to follow behind the Ye Qinghan buttocks to saunter now all day. “出海?去隐岛吗?还是几年?”花草一听眼睛一亮,对呀!跟着夜轻寒,家族肯定不会管自己。毕竟夜轻寒现在是战神府第一红人,家人还巴不得自己整天跟在夜轻寒屁股后面转悠哪。 Which you leave alone go, can't a few words, walk?” Ye Qinghan is impatient, curled the lip said. “你别管去哪儿,一句话,走不走?”夜轻寒不耐烦了,撇了撇嘴吧说道。 Walks! Naturally walks! Hey, follows Little Han, is definitely amusing! Later I and Ru Yan life sold to Little Han you!” Hua Cao should, play that many years he to be also greasy in Hua Family hastily, now not only can with Ru Yan in the same place, and can play the exciting matter along with Ye Qinghan, how to comply? “走!当然走!嘿嘿,跟着寒少走,肯定好玩!以后我和如烟的命就卖给寒少你了!”花草连忙一口应下,在花家玩了那么多年了他也腻了,现在既能和如烟在一起,又能随夜轻寒去玩刺激的事,怎么不答应? Sold to me, the young master must lose concentration to take care of you, looks at Sister Ru Yan face, I lead you to go!” Ye Qinghan groans, immediately told toward outside carriage cart driver: Goes to the Qinghai city directly!” “卖给我个屁,小爷还要分神照顾你,要不是看如烟妹妹的面子,我带你去个屁!”夜轻寒哼哼一声,随即朝外面的马车车夫吩咐道:“直接去青海城!” The Qinghai city most approaches a port city of East China Sea, comes up basically Hidden Island, directly travels by boat in this city. Horse-drawn vehicle time has not stayed in any place, rushes toward the Qinghai city directly. 青海城是最靠近东海的一个港口城市,基本上去隐岛,都是在这城市直接坐船去的。马车这次没有在任何一个地方停留,直接朝着青海城一路奔去。 Hua Cao as the Hua Family accurate head of the clan, his every action and every movement naturally under the moving surveillance of Hua Family. A moment ago in the Green Jade Pavilion matter as well as Hua Cao with Ye Qinghan the news that rushed to toward the Qinghai city, after half double-hour, head of the clan Hua Family the Hua Cao grandfather received the message. 花草作为花家的准族长,他的一举一动当然都在花家的跟踪监视之下。刚才在翠微阁的事情以及花草跟着夜轻寒朝青海城奔去的消息,半个时辰之后,花家族长花草的爷爷就已经收到了消息。 Hua Cao saw Ye Qinghan naturally to be under his permission, but he heard Hua Cao went to Black Tortoise City unexpectedly abandoning Sima Zhuiming for Ru Yan the time, he was mad to pound on the table almost to go Hua Cao and Ru Yan grasping to condemn. Hears following Ye Qinghan, unexpectedly when that takes killing pig blade as the Hua Cao apologizing goods, he actually lights up with pleasure. Hears Hua Cao directly to rush toward the Qinghai city with Ye Qinghan again, is smiles an eye to narrow a line. 花草去见夜轻寒当然是得到了他的允许,只是他听到花草一去玄武城竟然为了如烟司马追命给废了的时候,他气得差点就要拍桌子让人去把花草如烟给抓回来问罪了。只是听到后面夜轻寒,竟然将那把杀猪刀作为花草的赔罪物品时,他却喜笑颜开起来。再听到花草跟着夜轻寒一路直接朝青海城奔去,更是笑得一双眼睛眯成一条线。 Finally his big hand wields, made his one team of elite assassins secretly under send directly directly, wanted them to go with Hua Cao, took orders directly with him, Hua Cao had any request to satisfy him. Manner contrast extremely big, does one Hua Family information leader for the first time startled one, does not understand that what happened. 最后他大手一挥,直接让他手下的一队暗地里的精英刺客直接派了出去,要他们去跟着花草,直接听命与他,花草有任何要求都可以满足他。前后态度反差极度的大,把花家的情报首领搞得一惊一乍的,不明白发生了什么事。 Several days later, six people achieved the Qinghai city, Hua Cao saw his family old men, not only has not sent for condemning in him, instead pair of Emperor Realm expert under will send to him, in heart great happiness. Also firmer goes out to play several years of determination with Ye Qinghan. The direction subordinate, has taken care of a super luxurious steamship, simultaneously has purchased the massive goods, several people went to sea directly, directly soars Hidden Island to go. 数日之后,六人达到了青海城,花草见他家老头非但没有派人来问罪于他,反而将手下的一对帝王境强者派给了他,心中大喜。也更加坚定跟着夜轻寒出去玩几年的决心。指挥手下,张罗了一艘超级豪华的大船,同时购买了大量的物品,几人直接出海了,直奔隐岛而去。 After Ye Qinghan they go to sea, quiet for a long time god city welcomed a Men in Black today. 就在夜轻寒她们出海之后,沉寂了许久的神城今日却迎来了一名黑衣人。 The god city after that alien race arrives, the prestige pelts. Nobody is rushing toward the god city in admiration of somebody's fame, instead many people start to flee secretly. Alien races in god city recklessly deceitful massacres oppressively, the god that they believe in has not actually acted, upholds the justice for them. Moreover afterward the god had not made an appearance, making in many will of the people have some cold meaning. 神城在那次异族降临之后,威名大降。没有人在往神城慕名奔去,反而不少人偷偷开始潜逃。异族在神城肆意的奸虐残杀,她们信仰的神主却没有出面,为他们主持正义。而且事后神主也一直没有露面,让许多人心里有了些冷意。 But three government offices facing the strategy of alien race, War-God Prefecture prepare for the rout alien race particularly comprehensively, was the god city has formed a several big contrast. These days nobody like the past, harbored to look at reverently sacred place to go to continually some people to well up toward the god city, instead countless people welled up toward Grey City, the British mourning hall that started outside Grey City constructed worshipped. The god city prestige pelts, instead Grey City fame Sheng, has the tendency in Ge Guoshen city greatly faintly. 而三府面对异族的策略,尤其是战神府全面备战大败异族,更是和神城形成了一个几大的反差。这段时间没有人如往日般,怀着瞻仰圣地般去不断有人朝神城涌去,反而无数人朝苍城涌去,开始去苍城外正修建的英灵堂祭拜。神城威名大降,反而苍城名气大盛,隐隐有盖过神城的势头。 However, did the lonely long time god city welcome a guest? Actually is the famous whole body by the Men in Black who the black cloth wraps. 但是,冷清多多日的神城却迎来了一名客人?却是名全身被黑布包裹的黑衣人。 The guards in god city were somewhat tense the complete weapon to come out of the sheath, was ready in full battle array. However this Men in Black said the cipher that they are familiar with, simultaneously indicated the important matter seeks an interview Tu Shenwei. The guards see are the Tu Shenwei soul slaves, awkward has not led him to go to the slaughter immortal pavilion directly. This soul slave is the dark health/guard of god city, moreover does not dare to seek the counter dark health/guard absolutely, they felt certainly relieved. 神城的守卫有些紧张了全部兵器出鞘,严阵以待。但是这黑衣人却说了一句他们熟悉的暗号,同时表明有重要事情求见屠神卫。守卫见是屠神卫手下的魂奴,没有为难直接带他去了屠仙阁。这魂奴是属于神城的暗卫,而且是绝对不敢谋逆的暗卫,他们当然放心。 Tu Shenwei is worrying in the pavilion secretly, after god since that day, the disposition becomes is very strange. Moreover has not ordered the soul slaves in city to continue to investigate about the Divine sword and Tu Qianjun the matter of death, he does not dare to take responsibility secretly. Only can every day arrange the matter of god city, and is serving the god cautiously. The soul slave who one hear the mainland hides walks in hastily the great happiness, makes the human lead into the study room directly. 屠神卫正在阁内暗自烦恼,神主自从那日之后,性格变得很是怪异。而且关于神剑和屠千军的死的事情并没有下令城内的魂奴继续去调查,他也不敢私自做主。只能每天安排好神城的事情,并且小心翼翼伺候着神主。一听有大陆隐藏的魂奴找上门来连忙大喜,直接让人带入书房。 See Tu Shenwei!” “参见屠神卫!” Although Ye Qingkuang sees some Tu Shenwei faint fears, after all the life of soul slave grasps in the god city hand. Incautiously the god city momentarily can kill him. However thinks after today, can be free with the significant news receiving in exchange that his father gives, emboldens has not knelt down to salute, but bends the waist slightly. 夜轻狂虽然看到屠神卫隐隐有些害怕,毕竟魂奴的命可是掌握在神城手中。一不小心神城随时都能杀了他。但是想到今日之后,就能用他父亲给的这个重大的消息换取自由了,也就壮着胆子没有下跪行礼,而是微微一弯腰。 Um?” Tu Shenwei sees the facial color faintly one cold, cold snort, as if some do not satisfy the manner of this soul slave. “嗯?”屠神卫一见面色隐隐一寒,冷哼一声,似乎有些不满意这个魂奴的态度。 I come to ask Sir to relieve my soul to plant.” Ye Qingkuang clenches teeth, took down the Mongolian face towel on face directly, the eye braves none remaining faintly somewhat proud saying: I know that was who has killed Young Master Tu, I also knew the Divine sword in whom!” “我来是想请大人解除我身上的魂种。”夜轻狂一咬牙,直接把脸上的蒙面巾取了下来,眼冒精光隐隐有些自傲的说道:“我知道是谁杀了屠公子,我还知道神剑在谁哪!” „?” “哦?” The Tu Shenwei eye pupil shrinks, on face slowly restores the tranquil then corners of the mouth to start to show the happy expression, nodded saying: You said to look, if your news is correct, I can be incurable your lese majeste the charge!” 屠神卫眼眸一缩,脸上慢慢恢复平静而后嘴角开始露出笑意,点了点头说道:“你说说看,如果你的消息是正确的话,我可以不治你大不敬的罪名!” I called Ye Qingkuang, my father to say made you relieve the soul to plant to me, after relieving, I naturally can tell the Sir!” Ye Qingkuang naturally is not a fool, the Tu Shenwei facial color transient, at heart one happy. Opened the condition, and mentioned by name his status, simultaneously lifted his father. “我叫夜轻狂,我父亲说让你给我解除魂种,解除之后我自然会告诉大人!”夜轻狂当然不是傻子,将屠神卫面色瞬变,心里一喜。开出来了条件,并且点名了他的身份,同时将他父亲抬了出来。 „? Originally is the Ye Family eldest son, I and your Ye Jian also calculated the old friend. Ok! You said that so long as your information is precise, I ensure gives you detachment soul to plant to you, but also delivers your massive beautiful woman treasure!” Tu Shenwei one hear of smiling faces were more abundant several points, stood to pat the shoulder of Ye Qingkuang, just like running into the child nephew of old friend, was very intimate. “哦?原来是夜家大少爷,我和你夜剑也算老朋友了。行!你说吧,只要你的消息确切,我保证给你给你移除魂种,还送你大量的美女宝物!”屠神卫一听笑容更盛了几分,站了起来拍了拍夜轻狂的肩膀,宛如遇到故人的子侄般,很是亲热。 „Can this god health/guard help me the detachment soul plant first? I guarantee the news to be accurate, this is my father tells me!” Ye Qingkuang some do not adapt to the Tu Shenwei suddenly intimacy, considered that before his father just before leaving confession, he can only continue to insist that must the detachment soul plant first. “这个神卫能帮我先移除魂种吗?我保证消息确切,这是我父亲告诉我的!”夜轻狂有些不适应屠神卫陡然间的亲热,考虑到他父亲临行前的交代,他只能继续坚持要先移除魂种。
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