BPTH :: Volume #4

#387: God sound principle

387 chapters of Divine Sound Principle 387章神音法则 Dog deng! 狗屎! Listened to several people of words, Ye Qinghan to criticize one to be silent. 听完几人的话,夜轻寒暗骂一句沉默了。 These old things have supposed a wrap to him, gave his shoulder to depress a ten thousand jin (0.5 kg) heavy burden, the heavy burden that made him not gasp for breath. 这几个老东西给他设了一个套,给了他肩膀压下了一个万斤重担,一个让他喘不过气的重担。 He never thinks that he is spider variant is a superhuman, he does not have the senses of justice of that many dog deng, must take frequently saving the mainland saves the common people for own duty. He is only a simple person, an expectation is crossing the comfortable happy day simple person. 他从来不认为他是蜘蛛侠是超人,他没有那么多狗屎的正义感,要时刻以拯救大陆拯救万民为己任。他只是一个简单的人,一个奢望过着舒适幸福日子的简单人。 The ancestors he did not have such comfortable day, this world he crossed over, arrived at this world, was actually a waste. He does not believe the day, does not believe the life. Under the father leaves behind the soul to abstain under the help, summoned Little Black, under his times went all out, times bore under the violent pain, under striving for success of barely escaping. He finally became on the human human, becomes mainland top expert, has several peerless female friends, had own family, own happy life. 上辈子他没有过过那样舒坦的日子,这世他穿越了,来到这个世界,却是一个废物。他不信天,不信命。在父亲遗留下的魂戒帮助下,召唤出小黑,并且在他一次次拼命之下,一次次忍受极端的痛苦下,一次次险死还生的拼搏下。他终于成为了人上之人,成为大陆顶尖的强者,拥有几位绝世的红颜知己,有了自己的家,自己的幸福生活。 He has not thought what mainland Savior must become, what matter do the mainland common people close his? He only wants to protect his woman, own family member, happy life, comfortable easy life. 他从来没有想过要成为什么大陆救世主,大陆万民关他什么事?他只想守护自己的女人,自己的亲人,幸福的过一生,舒舒服服过点小日子。 However now this group of old fogies, have actually given themselves mainland many people, struggled for several thousand years not to complete the task that. Has possibility to want the struggle lifetime duty. 但是现在这群老家伙,却给了自己一个大陆很多人,奋斗了几千年都没有完成的任务。一个有可能自己要去奋斗一生的任务。 Senior Shi gave him a 50 years of Cheng Shen duty, Old Lu has also given him a 50 years of Cheng Shen duty. This indisputable, because relates to his life, his treasure, he can struggle, goes diligently. However now actually comes one to go is the Flame Dragon Continent struggle lifetime dog deng duty? 原本噬大人就给了他一个50年成神的任务,鹿老也给了他一个50年成神的任务。这无可厚非,因为关系到他的命,他的宝物,他可以去奋斗,去努力。但是现在却又来一个要自己去为炎龙大陆奋斗一生的狗屎任务? Regarding Flame Dragon Continent, he does not have deep sense of belonging. In this mainland, the person who he cares about are too few are too few, person accident sentiment of if he cares about, he can struggle, goes diligently, goes all out! 对于炎龙大陆,他没有多深的归属感。在这大陆上,他在乎的人太少太少,如果说他在乎的人出了什么事情,他可以去奋斗,去努力,去拼命! Now actually 现在却 Thinks that several people of requests had not said definitely the words a moment ago, but said that wants to make contribution . Moreover the front also has an own ancestor, a wife's ancestor. He does not have the violent to walk, but has hesitated, to these people of stern [say / way]: 想到刚才几人的请求并没有把话说死,只是说要自己尽力,而且面前还有一个自己的老祖宗,一个自己媳妇的老祖宗。他没有暴走,而是沉吟了一下,对着这几人正色道: Your requests, I cannot comply completely, I can only say, in I do not affect under my life premise, I achieve with every effort! If this matter is influential to my life, I will abandon, no matter!” “你们的要求,我不能完全答应,我只能说,在我不影响我的生活前提下,我尽力去达成!如果此事对我的生活有影响的话,我会弃之不管!” Good!” “好!” Five people look at each other one, has not actually been angry, instead in the eye simultaneously flashes through a happy expression. To the reply of Ye Qinghan, they are very being satisfied. If the Ye Qinghan hear they, complied without hesitation, they instead do not feel relieved. To oneself to the family member to the women irresponsible man, you can also count on that he does go to be responsible for the mainland common people? Reply of Ye Qinghan, although looks like is very selfish, but can see him from another aspect is a responsible person, man who 1-level pledged. Now since Ye Qinghan from has given the answer at heart, then they also felt relieved. 五人对视一眼,却没有生气,反而眼中同时闪过一丝笑意。对着夜轻寒的回答,他们很是满意。如果夜轻寒听完他们的话,不假思索的答应了,他们反而不放心了。一个对自己对亲人对女人都不负责的男人,你还能指望他去对大陆万民负责?夜轻寒的回答,虽然看起来很是自私,但从另外一个方面可以看出他是一个负责的人,一重承诺的男人。现在既然夜轻寒从心里给出了答案,那么她们也就放心了。 The matter said that five people got the satisfactory answer, other four people started to say goodbye to depart. After the matter that these days should decide has decided that they must go back the respective arrangement family or War-God Prefecture matter. Emperor Dao Emperor Qiang Xue Family Ancestor went back directly, Yue Xishui went to Hanxin Pavilion to look for Yue Qingcheng . 事情说完,五人的得到了满意的答案,其余四人开始纷纷告辞离去了。这几日该商定的事情以后定了下来,他们得回去各自安排家族或者说战神府的事情。刀皇枪皇雪家老祖直接回去了,月惜水则去了寒心阁月倾城了。 Four people walk, Ye Ruoshui once more has actually arranged a territory field, is bending two Bai Mei, smiles bitterly was saying to Ye Qinghan: 四人一走,夜若水却再次布置了一个域场,弯着两条白眉,苦笑着对夜轻寒说道: Little Master Han, don't you have strange ancestor to give you such tremendous pressure?” 小寒子,你没怪老祖宗给你这么大的压力吧?” Ye Qinghan is also smiles bitterly one, showed the whites of the eyes saying: Ancestor, you have taken action first and explained later, do I blame you being useful? Also, I completely had not complied, but said that makes contribution!” 夜轻寒也是苦笑一声,翻了个白眼道:“老祖宗,你都先斩后奏了,我怪你有用吗?再说了,我也没完全答应,只是说尽力而已!” Yeah!” “哎!” In the Ye Ruoshui eye flashes through complex meaning, the corners of the mouth holds a bitterness and astringency: I also know that this regarding you, was perhaps heavy, these things are our these old things withstood. We do not have this ability, cultivated the deity peak Sword Emperor dead hopefully, naturally, even if he cultivated the peak not to have the complete assurance to break the Purple Island last pass. After all Divine Beast has the talent magical powers, to yourself the too tremendous pressure, on the line, all do not look at the divine intervention with every effort!” 夜若水眼中闪过一丝复杂的意味,嘴角含着一丝苦涩:“我也知道,这对于你来说,或许过于沉重了,本来这些东西是我们这些老东西来承受的。只是我们却没有这能力啊,最有希望修炼到天神巅峰的剑皇死了,当然了,就算他修炼到巅峰也没有完全的把握破了紫岛最后一关。毕竟神兽有天赋神通,你也别给自己太大压力了,尽力就行,一切看天意吧!” Ye Qinghan is silent, thinks at heart that their several people definitely from one side knew Little Black is Divine Beast, is very formidable Divine Beast. If are not because has Little Black, with this abnormal integration skill. Perhaps don't have this qualifications to make them such plead itself? 夜轻寒沉默下来,心里想到,他们几人肯定从侧面知道了小黑神兽,还是很强大的神兽。如果自己不是因为有小黑,和这个变态的合体技能。或许自己也没有这个资格让他们这么恳求自己吧? Did not say that this, did say your boundary? Did you that quickly break through to Saint Realm? Because of Senior Shi?” Ye Ruoshui sees not to have the bystander at this moment, circled to ask in their heart for a long time question this. Several people think obviously Ye Qinghan can in the short time, breaks through Saint Realm from Emperor Realm 1-level, absolutely because of the help of Senior Shi, otherwise is impossible to present this to be able compared with the matter of miracle, but this moment Ye Ruoshui wants to confirm. “不说这个了,说说你的境界吧?你怎么那么快就突破到圣人境了?是因为噬大人?”夜若水此刻见没有外人,把这个盘旋在他们心头许久的疑问问了出来。几人明显都以为夜轻寒能在短短的时间内,从帝王境一重突破到圣人境,绝对是因为噬大人的帮忙,否则不可能出现这样能比神迹的事情,而此刻夜若水是想确认一下。 Senior Shi?” 噬大人?” Ye Qinghan stares, immediately understood they think, hesitated to tell Ye Ruoshui the cause and effect. Obtained itself the god skin in the wild mountain range, thus has perceived through meditation a profound mystery, then builds up to melt the pure energy as well as Ye Qingyu that the god leather belt came with energy that the body of jade brings, achieved the Emperor Realm peak matter to say. 夜轻寒一愣,随即明白了他们所想,沉吟一阵还是把前因后果告诉了夜若水。把自己在蛮荒山脉得到了神皮,从而参悟了一种玄奥,而后炼化了神皮带来的纯净能量以及夜轻语的与玉之体带来的能量,达到了帝王境巅峰的事情说了出来。 Naturally, finally he because of the Yue Qingcheng sexual intercourse, entered the soul silencing condition suddenly, and sensed the space fluctuation to be mysterious in that several days of time, had not related in detail, but has confessed several ambiguously. Moreover he obtains that rain in Ramble Pavilion and Ramble Pavilion hits the sand beach chart, as well as struck to kill the Tu Qianjun matter in the wild mountain range not to say. Some things his subconscious wants to keep secret, is not he does not trust Ye Ruoshui, this perhaps is the selfish natural disposition of person. 当然,最后他因为和月倾城交合,突然进入了灵魂静寂状态,并且在那数天时间感悟了空间波动玄奥,没有细说,只是含糊的交代了几句。而且他获得逍遥阁逍遥阁内的那副雨打沙滩图,以及在蛮荒山脉击杀屠千军的事情也没有说。有些东西他潜意识的想保密,并不是他不信任夜若水,这或许是人的自私本性吧。 The Ye Qinghan strength rises suddenly suddenly, it can be said that obtains under the assistances of many treasures. The god skin of Fragrant Fox beast, with Ye Qingyu Jade Spirit Body, making him break through to the Emperor Realm peak strength. But the rain hits the sand beach chart and soul silencing condition, finally made him sense the space fluctuation to be mysterious. 夜轻寒的实力突然暴涨,可以说是在多番宝物的辅助下才得到的。狸香兽的神皮,和夜轻语玉灵之体,让他突破到帝王境巅峰的实力。而雨打沙滩图和灵魂静寂状态,最终让他感悟了空间波动玄奥。 Naturally the Ye Qinghan also doubts, the soul silencing condition, he has to enter, has also entered in Luo Shen Mountain repeatedly, but as if this time was actually to progress was bigger, this he has also asked Yue Qingcheng , Yue Qingcheng was also a knowledge partly understands, was not very clear. 当然夜轻寒也有一丝疑惑,灵魂静寂状态,他并不是没有进入过,在落神山也进入过多次,但是似乎这次却是进步更加大了,这点他也问过月倾城,月倾城也是一知半懂的,不是很清楚。 Definitely is deep layer soul silencing condition!” “肯定是深层灵魂静寂状态!” Ye Qinghan is not clear, Yue Xishui actually in nosing the Yue Qingcheng situation, after listening to her was saying shyly situation of that day, has gotten down the affirmative answer directly. 夜轻寒不清楚,月惜水却在查探了月倾城的情况,和听着她羞涩的说完那天的情况之后,直接下了肯定的答案。 Little Qingcheng demonstrates the principle that your you comprehend, I have a look at the might!” 小倾城将你那种你领悟的法则演示一遍,我看看威力!” Yue Xishui remembers a matter suddenly, suddenly the facial expression is very excited, she already estimated that the first sexual intercourse of Yue Qingcheng and Ye Qinghan, will have marvelous matter occurrence. Has not thought that now greatly has actually stemmed from her anticipation. 月惜水忽然想起一件事情,突然神情十分的兴奋起来,她早就估计月倾城夜轻寒的第一次交合,会有很奇妙的事情发生。只是没有想到,现在却是大大出乎了她的意料。 Yue Qingcheng entered a soul silencing condition, actually suddenly comprehended a strange profound mystery, does not cross the threshold, but comprehends completely! She, directly achieves cultivation of Emperor Realm 2-level peak now is, moreover soul formidable sudden growth. This is not in -depth soul silencing condition words that Yue Hou spoke, is indecipherable. 月倾城进入了一次灵魂静寂状态,却突然领悟了一种古怪的玄奥,不是入门,而是完全领悟!她,现在直接达到了帝王境二重巅峰的修为,而且灵魂强大猛增。这不是月后说的深层灵魂静寂状态的话,根本无法解释。 Um! I take the qin!” “嗯!我去拿琴!” Yue Qingcheng nodded, now they in the Hanxin Pavilion Tientai. Yue Qingcheng arrives at her room to hold a black guqin, walked. Is placed in Tientai, she sits cross-legged, starts to play. 月倾城点了点头,现在两人是在寒心阁天台。月倾城走到她的房间手捧着一把黑色的古琴,走了上来。摆在天台上,她盘坐起来,开始弹奏起来。 Clang clang!” “锵锵!” A melodious persuasive wonderful sound resounds in the Hanxin Pavilion Tientai, and starts to transmit by Tientai, finally has covered the entire Ye Family fort east court. 一阵悠扬婉转的美妙声音在寒心阁天台响起,并且透过天台开始传递出去,最后覆盖了整个夜家堡东院。 The tweedle does not have the issue, ordinary expressed feelings good friend, those who had the issue was hears this tweedle the person. On the Yue Xishui face shows a pleasantly surprised happy expression, a pair of Qiu Shui pupil completely is the extraordinary splendor, in Hanxin Pavilion is drinking tea Ye Qingyu and Ye Qingwu, in the eye simultaneously flashes through a confusedness, immediately starts quietly in not the melodious tweedle. Dongyuan just returned to the Ye Family protecting institute and janitor, simultaneously stopped the matter on hand completely, in the complete eye flashes through a confusedness, looked at dumbly. 琴声没问题,一首普通抒情的“高山流水”,有问题的是听到这琴声的人。月惜水脸上露出一丝惊喜的笑意,一双秋水眸子尽是异彩,寒心阁内正喝着茶水的夜轻语夜轻舞,都眼中同时闪过一丝迷茫,随即开始沉寂在没悠扬的琴声中。东园刚刚回归夜家的护院和杂役,全部都同时停止了手上的事情,全部眼中闪过一丝迷茫,呆立了起来。 Finished, Ye Qingwu and Ye Qingyu continued to start to drink the tea, but some Ye Qingyu slightly doubts drew out the brow pressed. The person in east court has not actually occurred to be the same just like anything , to continue to be busy at work own matter 一曲完毕,夜轻舞夜轻语继续开始喝起了茶,只是夜轻语微微有些疑惑的蹙起了眉头。东院的人却宛如什么也没发生一样,继续忙活着自己的事情 Good, is very good, is good!” “好,很好,非常好!” Yue Xishui said continually three good characters, on the face completely is the color of being in high spirits: Congratulates you, Little Qingcheng, you have sensed Divine Sound Principle in legend unexpectedly, this was too inconceivable, you are after Ye Qinghan, mainland for several thousand years second day talent, indubitable second day talent!” 月惜水却是连说了三个好字,脸上尽是神采飞扬之色:“恭喜你,小倾城,你竟然感悟了传说中的神音法则,这太不可思议了,你是继夜轻寒之后,大陆数千年来的第二天才,无可置疑的第二天才!”
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