Are 352chapters of youvery anxious?
352章你很急吗?Timereallyquick, Ye Qinghansighedonedarkly, showed a faint smiletowardOld Lu, moves sidewaysto leaveRamble Paviliondirectly.
时间过真快啊,夜轻寒暗叹一声,朝鹿老微微一笑,闪身直接出了逍遥阁。Appearsin the room, saw that Ye Qingyusitsonhisbedlowers the head, is manipulating the women's clothing, such asunder the white hair of snow, a Qiu Shuipupil, is glitteringto keep, does not know that is thinkinganything, oftenalsorevealsshamesintentslightly.
一出现在房间内,就看到夜轻语更坐在他床上垂着头,摆弄着衣裙,如雪的白发下,一张秋水眸子,正闪烁不停,不知在想些什么,不时还露出微微的羞意。„Is Xiao Yu, whatthinking? Thenis enthralled?”Ye Qinghansitson the beddirectly, graspsYe Qingyu, has kissedunderhercheek, saidaffectionate.
“小语,在想什么哪?那么入神?”夜轻寒直接坐在床上,一把抱住夜轻语,亲了下她的脸蛋,亲昵说道。„Has not thoughtanything!”
“没没想什么!”Ye Qingyuwas kissedbyYe Qinghan, was shyer, stands up, flurriedhas put in order the skirtpendulum, flusteredsaying: „Elder brother, fivedayson the bigmarriage, youquicklywent to the elderhall, the eldersaskedyouto be right, haven't youcome out the Qingwubelt? Granpa Qingniuhas been cursing at people, said that youdid not speak the courtesy, before the weddingstayed together!”夜轻语被夜轻寒一亲,更加羞涩了,站起身来,慌乱的整了整裙摆,慌张的说道:“哥,还有五天就大婚了,你赶快去长老堂吧,长老们找你对了,你还不把轻舞带出来?青牛爷爷都在骂人了,说你们不讲礼节,婚前都住在一起!”Volume
额Ye QinghanremembersYe Qingniuto rouse a pair of buphthalmo, cut-throatappearance. The tracingnoseembarrasedly, once moredodgesRamble Pavilion, broughtincultivationYe Qingwu. Thenoutwardwalks, goes to the elderhallto have a look at the situation.夜轻寒想起夜青牛鼓着一双牛眼,凶狠的样子。不禁讪讪的摸了摸鼻子,再次闪进逍遥阁,把在修炼的夜轻舞带了出来。而后独自一人朝外走去,去长老堂看看情况。TurnsHanxin Pavilion , passes through the east court, arrives at the westerninstitute, standsin front ofelderhall. Ye Qinghanlooks in the gatethreeglittering, dragonis flyingFeng Wu„elderhall”threecharacters, self-ridiculessmiles, in the pasthefullyhad kneltinthis for day a night, finally the front door of thiselderhallshuts tightlyas before, whenitopens, oneselfobtain is actually the tauntandcursing angrily of Ye Rong
拐出寒心阁,走过东院,来到西院,站在长老堂门前。夜轻寒望着门上三个金光闪闪、龙飞凤舞的“长老堂”三字,不禁自嘲一笑,当年他可是整整在这跪了一天一夜,最后这长老堂的大门依旧紧闭,而当它打开的时候,自己得到的却是夜荣的嘲讽和怒骂„Fewhead of the clan, youcame, comes inquickly!”
The entrancegoes out oftwoelders, is very compatiblesaying. Just likewas the elders in elderhallhad discovered the arrival of Ye Qinghan, came outto greet.
门口走出两名长老,很是亲和的说道。俨然是长老堂内的长老们发现了夜轻寒的到来,出来迎接的。Ye Qinghannoddedlightly, the elderhallis very big, is very lordly, thisis the Ye Familysurfacehighestauthority, every dayhas the innumerableeldersin the work, is handlingsouth the entireWar-God Prefecturebig or mediummatter.夜轻寒淡淡点了点头走了进去,长老堂很大,很气派,这可是夜家表面最高的权利机构,每日都有无数的长老在着办公,处理着整个战神府南方的大小事情。„Fewhead of the clan!”
“少族长!”In the hallsits more than tenelders, Ye JianandYe Qiangimpressively, allelderssee the arrival of Ye Qinghan, gets upto sitin abundance, salutestoward the Ye Qinghannod.
大厅内坐着十多名长老,夜剑和夜枪赫然在其中,所有长老见到夜轻寒的到来,纷纷起坐,朝夜轻寒点头行礼。„Uncle, the Third Uncleis good! Elderis good, leavesis too polite, youat will!”Ye Qinghancups one hand in the other across the chestto return a courtesy, has suppressedYe Jianlightly, whathas not said that arrives around one? Deep-rooted ulcerWuYouxian? ProsperousXIIbr >\;
“大伯,三叔好!诸位长老好,别太客气,你们随意吧!”夜轻寒拱手回礼,淡淡的憋了一眼夜剑,没有多说什么,走到旁边的一张?疽巫由献?隆Ⅻbr>\;„Qinghan, fivedayslateron the bigmarriage, should not be busycultivatingfor these days. With the masterelderstudystudyetiquette, when the time comesdo not make fun, fivedayslater, but the entireWar-God Prefecturecelebritieswill comeneat, when the time comesmustput in order the angryparticle, making the worldpersonhave a look atourYe Familyfewhead of the clannot onlymilitary forcesunparalleled, the literary talentmakingsare also unparalleled in the world, Ha Ha!”Ye Qiangfirstspoke, thisbigmarriageisheandYe Tianqingsponsors, henaturallymustconfesswell.
“轻寒啊,五天之后就大婚了,这几天别忙着修炼了。和司仪长老学学礼仪,到时候别闹笑话,五天后,可是整个战神府的名流都会来齐了,到时候要整有气质点,让天下人看看我们夜家少族长不仅武力无双,文采气质也是独步天下,哈哈!”夜枪首先发话了,这次大婚是他和夜天青主办的,他当然要好好交代一番。„Um? Alsostudythis, yeahQinghanmakes contribution!”Ye Qinghanquality of being worth hearingseveralwere big, the nod of looking distressedsaid.
“嗯?又学这个,哎轻寒尽力吧!”夜轻寒一听头都几个大了,愁眉苦脸的点头道。„Ha Ha, do not look distressed! Actuallydoes not haveyouranythingmatter! The team of fetching the bridealreadyset out, Yue Familyalsosent the large military forcesto escort, it is estimated thatat this momentonreturning to the Grey Cityroadyoumust onlyfivedayslater, went to the gloriouspavilionto greetYue Qingcheng , was coming backto leadyourthreeyoung wives, completed the bigweddingmetertogether, thengave the gueststo respectto propose a toast, thenfelt relieved the nuptial chamber, sensuous danceQiTian of fewhead of the clan, butlet the innumerableWar-God Prefecturetalents, every nightshed tears”
“哈哈,别愁眉苦脸!其实也没你什么事!接亲的队伍早就开拔了,月家也派了大队人马护送,估计此刻都在回苍城的路上了你只需在五天之后,去荣耀亭迎接一下月倾城,在回来带着你三个小媳妇,一同完成大婚礼仪,而后给宾客们敬敬酒,然后就放心洞房吧哈哈,少族长的艳舞齐天,可是让无数的战神府才俊,夜夜垂泪不已啊”Ye Tianqingsmiles, explained the flow of bigmarriage, simultaneouslydid not forgetto teaseYe Qinghan. Simultaneouslynearbyeldersalsostartto tease, suddenly the elderhallflatterflatteryteasedto tease the soundto continue, makingYe Qinghansomewhatnot know whether to laugh or cry.夜天青嘿嘿一笑,讲解起大婚的流程,同时不忘打趣一下夜轻寒。同时旁边的长老们也开始纷纷打趣起来,一时间长老堂马屁奉承打趣调侃声不止,让夜轻寒有些哭笑不得了。
The matter confessed that Ye Qinghanthenleft the elderhall, returned toHanxin Pavilion , unexpectedlyactuallydiscovered that Ye Qingwudisappearedunexpectedly. Asked that under discoveredYe Qingwureturned to the gracefuldancepavilionunexpectedly, said that sent forcallingbyYe Qingniu, prepared the bigmarriage, did not permitto run all over the place.
事情交代完了,夜轻寒便离开长老堂,回到寒心阁,不料却发现夜轻舞竟然不见了。一问之下发现夜轻舞竟然回曼舞阁了,说是被夜青牛派人叫了回去,准备大婚,不准在乱跑了。Soonwill get married the peerlessbeautiful woman who threeMainlandersenvy, the heart of Ye Qinghanhas not calmed down, has no interestto practice. All dayis forcedmastereldertherestudyetiquette, thencomes backto locatetwopeople of worldwithYe Qingyu.
即将迎娶三位大陆人都羡慕的绝世美女,夜轻寒的心也静不下来了,无心修炼。整日被迫去司仪长老那里学习礼仪,而后则回来和夜轻语处着二人世界。Ye Qingyuover the two daysclosebigmarriage, although outside the Ye Familymasterhallwantsto makeYe Qingyugoto stay for severaldays, the bigmarriageis admitted toHanxin Pavilion again. HoweverYe Qingyu is actually not willing, but the masterhallonly to sendseveralfemale servants, has been admitted toHanxin Pavilion , isYe Qingyupreparesspecially.夜轻语这两天接近大婚,虽然夜家司仪堂本想让夜轻语去外面住几天,大婚再住进寒心阁。但是夜轻语却不肯,无奈之下司仪堂只能派了几名老妈子,住进了寒心阁,专门为夜轻语准备起来。Thisnight, windlightYunDan, the full moonhangs, star lightsparkle.
这夜,风轻云淡,圆月高悬,星光闪耀。Ye QinghanandYe Qingyuhave used the dinner, theyhave arrived atopen-airTientai, startsto sitinTientaienjoys looking at the moon.夜轻寒和夜轻语用过晚饭,两人走到了露天的天台,开始坐在天台上赏月。Naturally, Ming, thenenjoyed looking at the moon, enjoyedanythingspecifically, thiscannot help but, butsaw the Ye Qingyumore and morebashfulfacial expressionto guess correctly for severalpoints
当然,明则赏月,具体赏些什么,这就不由得之了,不过见夜轻语越来越怕羞的神情就可以猜出几分了„Come, Xiao Yu, sitsbyElder Brother!”Ye Qinghansitson the longdeck chair, is looking under the moonlight a Ye Qingyusilver hair, is ordinaryjust like the elf, disclosed that a sacredaura, in the eyerevealsoneto swingintent, beckonstoher.
“来,小语,坐哥旁边来!”夜轻寒坐在长长的躺椅上,望着月色下夜轻语一头银发,宛如精灵一般,透露出一丝神圣的气息,不禁眼中露出一丝荡意,对她招了招手。„Ido not come, the elder brother, alwaysplays a dirty trick!”Ye Qingyuhas shakenexquisitenose, faceslightlyred, closebigmarriage, she seemed to be getting more and more shy.
“我不来,哥,老是使坏!”夜轻语抖了抖小巧的鼻子,脸微微红了起来,接近大婚,似乎她越来越害羞了。„Line of I ensure todaydoes not play a dirty trick, the elder brotheris an honorable gentleman, talkeddoes not begin!”Ye Qinghansmiles, sternto sayhastily.
“呃行我保证今天不使坏,哥是正人君子,动口不动手!”夜轻寒嘿嘿一笑,连忙正色说道。„Um, rememberswords that youspoke!”Ye Qingyuonehear of guarantees, this footstepslightlymove, sitsidehim, unexpectedlysits down, was graspedbyYe Qinghan, thenhertwopieces of arrogantlips, directlyby the Ye Qinghanbigmouthonduplicate
“嗯,记得你说的话哦!”夜轻语一听保证,这才玉步轻移,坐在他身边,不料一坐下,却被夜轻寒一把抱住,而后她两片骄唇,直接被夜轻寒大嘴覆上„The elder brother, didn't youturn out as saidyounot saying that talkeddoes not begin, yourthisbigbastard!”Ye Qingyuasked the Ye Qinghanmalefiercemanaura, was been softbyhisoverbearingkissentirewhole body, the goodhalfsoundto respondthatwas charmingly angry. Unexpectedlyactuallydiscovered that the Ye Qinghanwords, have set a trapunexpectedly, shamesandgets angry, twopink / whitefiststhrashtoward the shoulder of Ye Qinghan.
“唔哥,你算话不算话你不是说动口不动手吗呀,你这个大坏蛋!”夜轻语问道夜轻寒雄烈的男人气息,被他霸道的吻整的浑身都软了,好半响才反应过来,娇嗔起来。不料却发现夜轻寒刚才的话,竟然设了个圈套,不禁又羞又怒,两只粉拳朝着夜轻寒的肩膀捶打起来。„Hey, Imoved certainly the mouth to get marriedimmediately, but also was shyanything”Ye Qinghanobeys the customvery much, both handsgraspedYe Qingyunot to begin, buthas pastedtowardherfragrantlipagain.
“嘿嘿,我当然只是动了口都要马上成亲了,还害羞什么”夜轻寒很是守规矩,双手抱住夜轻语没有动手,而是再一次朝她的香唇贴了上去。„Elder brother”
“哥”Long time, Ye Qingyushoutedhimlightlyawakens, lowering the head of hissurpriselookedtowardYe Qingyu, unexpectedlyactuallydiscovered that herwhole faceblushed, just likewas burnt down was the same, a capriciousness, asked: „How, Xiao Yu?”
良久之后,夜轻语一声轻呼将他惊醒,他诧异的低头朝夜轻语望去,不料却发现她满脸羞红,宛如被火烧了一样,不禁一阵心猿意马,问道:“怎么了,小语?”„Elder brother, youwantedmetonight!”
“哥,今夜你要了我吧!”Ye Qingyuhas had the couragesuddenly, opens the eyeto look atYe Qinghan, saidmakeshisalmostchinfallin the groundwords.夜轻语突然鼓起了勇气,睁大眼睛望着夜轻寒,说了一句让他差点下巴掉落在地上的话。Ye Qinghanhas gawked the half of the day, looks at the Ye Qingyufieryvision, the blinkingskin, quite a whilesuppressesa few words: „What? This matter, thismatterdoes not useanxiously, didn't havetwodayson the bigmarriage? Thatwhat? Iam notveryanxious, but can also suppressis occupied byyou, are youvery anxious?”夜轻寒愣了半天,看着夜轻语火热的目光,眨了眨眼皮,半天才憋出一句话:“什么?这这事,这事不用急吧,不是还有两天就大婚了吗?那什么?我不是很急,还能憋的住你,你很急吗?”
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