BTTH :: Volume #3

#459: The new students present tribute the fee

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When Xiao Yan comes out from the room in the morning, actually looks at pavilion hall, two person's shadows are interlocking in swept in a flash , vigorous Dou Qi wells up from two human bodies in abundantly, ripples in the hall. 萧炎清晨从房间中出来时,却是瞧得楼阁大厅处,两道人影正在闪掠交错,雄浑斗气自两人体内涌盛而出,荡漾在大厅中。 On the chair of hall, Xun'er is looking at two person's shadows with a smile, hears the sound of footsteps, suddenly has turned the head, looks is walking in Xiao Yan of staircase, cannot help but hastily the approach, the gentle voice said with a smile: „Did Brother Xiao Yan get up?” 在大厅的一处椅子上,薰儿正笑吟吟地望着两道人影,听得脚步声,突然转过头,望着走在楼梯的萧炎,不由得连忙迎上来,柔声笑道:“萧炎哥哥起来了?” Em.” Xiao Yan nodded with a smile, was saying with a smile to hall in two: „Do these two fellows do?” “恩。”萧炎笑着点了点头,对着大厅中的两人笑道:“这两家伙又是干什么?” Perhaps is because this time hunts match the reason, practiced last night, Wu Hao and Hu Jia elder sister, was one after the other being promoted to 7-Star Da Dou Shi, in the morning got up, was wants to compare notes, therefore covered the mouth to say with a smile on......” Xun'er lightly. “或许是因为这次‘猎捕赛’的缘故吧,昨天夜里修练,吴昊琥嘉姐,都是一前一后的晋级到了七星大斗师,早上起来,便是想要切磋,于是就……”薰儿掩嘴轻笑道。 „? Was promoted?” “哦?晋级了?” Hearing this, the Xiao Yan brow raises, at once exclaims in surprise shook the head, these two fellows worthily are the outstanding people in Canaan Outer Academy, this grade of talent, far supernormal person, even, the light discussed the words of practice talent, can be equally matched with Xiao Yan. 闻言,萧炎眉头一扬,旋即惊叹地摇了摇头,这两个家伙不愧是迦南外院中的佼佼者,这等天赋,远超常人,甚至,光论修炼天赋的话,都是能与萧炎不相上下的。 That Xun'er? The present is what rank?” Excessive, Xiao Yan goes to Xun'er the vision, says with a smile. This girl from childhood shows the practice talent that made him praise to the heavens, initially when he left Wu Tan City, Xun'er also merely was Dou Zhe, but now just now more than two years, are actually already to the Da Dou Shi rank, this speed, if were not Xiao Yan has Old Yao to help, perhaps were also very difficult to pursue on . Moreover, Xun'er, may be younger than Xiao Yan. “那薰儿呢?现在是何级别?”偏过头,萧炎将目光投向薰儿,笑着道。这个小妮子从小就展现出令他都叹为观止的修炼天赋,当初他离开乌坦城时,薰儿还仅仅是一名斗者,而现在方才两年多时间,却是已至大斗师级别,这种速度,若非是萧炎有着药老所助的话,恐怕也是很难追赶上,况且,薰儿的年龄,可还比萧炎小呢。 I? Also in the 7-Star Da Dou Shi rank, but hunts for match after this time Fire Energy, feeling that some types soon will be actually promoted faintly, thinks that in 34 days of time, should then be able to be promoted 8-Star Da Dou Shi smoothly.” Xun'er carries teacup, sip, to Xiao Yan including saying with a smile. “我?也是在七星大斗师级别呀,不过经过这次的‘火能捕猎赛’,倒是隐隐有种即将晋级的感觉,想必34天时间内,应该便是能够顺利晋级八星大斗师。”薰儿端起身旁的茶杯,浅浅地抿了一口,冲着萧炎含笑道。 tut tut, this......” Xiao Yan cannot bear make the tut tut sound finally, in this four people of small team, seemingly is not the common goods, not only the talent is astonishing, the potential is huge, but also Xiao Yan dares saying that perhaps these three people, have their card in a hand Assassin's mace, if meets several dangerous moments, the strength that perhaps that erupts, will let person to be startled. Regarding this, he has not held the big suspicion actually, but after all the Hu Jia grandfather Outer Academy Deputy Headmaster, close Peak Dou Huang strength, regarding this only granddaughter, naturally must give everything one has give. 啧啧,这一个个……”萧炎最终忍不住发出啧啧的声响,这个四人小团队中,貌似都不是寻常货色,一个个不仅天赋惊人,潜力巨大,而且萧炎敢说,这三人,恐怕都是有着自己的底牌杀手锏,若是遇见几位危难关头,或许那所爆发出来的力量,将会让人大吃一惊。对于这点,他倒是并未持多大怀疑,毕竟琥嘉的爷爷可是外院副院长,接近斗皇巅峰的实力,对于他这个唯一的孙女,自然是不可能不倾囊所授的。 But Wu Hao back that person, listening to Instructor Ruo Ling saying that seemed Commander of law enforcement team, this army, was almost the Jia Nan Academy armed army, usually processed these ferocious Black-Corner Region villains specially, can become Commander of this team, thinks that which his strength will not compare Deputy Headmaster to be weak to goes. 吴昊的背后那人,听若琳导师说,似乎是执法队的统领,这支部队,几乎是迦南学院的武装军队,平日专门处理那些穷凶极恶的黑角域凶徒,能够成为这种队伍的统领,想必他的实力不会比副院长弱到哪去。 Xun'er say nothing, could not have found out its behind huge influence including present Xiao Yan. 薰儿就更不用说了,连现在的萧炎都还摸不清其背后的庞大势力。 Naturally, from slightly has in the expression that dreads including Old Yao, he can also the fuzziness sensation leave that huge outline. 当然,从连药老都略有忌惮的语气中,他也能模糊感觉出那种巨大轮廓。 By three people of backgrounds, the card in a hand that has, Xiao Yan does not think how many meets to be few, since can defeat Dou Ling Expert with the aid of Secret Skill, thinks them also to be able? 以三人的背景,所拥有的底牌,萧炎可不是认为会比自己少多少,既然自己能够借助秘法打败斗灵强者,想必他们也是能的吧? Bang, Bang!” “砰,砰!” In the Xiao Yan heart for the strength of oneself this small team when sighed darkly, suddenly rapid knock inopportune has made a sound. 就在萧炎心中为自己这支小团队的实力而暗叹不已时,忽然间一阵急促的敲门声不合时宜的响了起来。 The doubts are on the rise, Xiao Yan sweeps vision to the front door, Xun'er sets out cleverly, walks quickly, but when hears knocks on a door, Wu Hao and Hu Jia also stopped comparing notes, worked on nearby cloth turban to apply to wipe the sweat, arrived at side Xiao Yan, carried the tea on tabletop, tossed down. 疑惑地抬起头,萧炎将目光扫向大门,薰儿乖巧起身,快步行去,而听见敲门时,吴昊与胡嘉也是停下了切磋,抓起一旁的布巾搽拭了一下汗水,来到萧炎身旁,端起桌面上的茶水,一饮而尽。 What happened?” When drinks water, the Wu Hao sound asked ambiguously. “发生什么事了?”喝水之余,吴昊声音含糊地问道。 Had a look to know.” Xiao Yan smiled, gained ground, is actually saw that opens gate Xun'er with after the person of out of the door talked a meeting, the half step turns back. “看看就知道了。”萧炎笑了笑,抬起头来,却是见到打开门的薰儿与在门外之人交谈了一会后,正快步走回。 How? Xun'er.” Hu Jia a purple belt bunch in the waist, slender willow waist appears more attractive that is with a smile typical to Xun'er. “怎么了?薰儿。”琥嘉将一条紫带束在腰间,将那本就纤细的柳腰勒显得更诱人,对着薰儿笑吟吟地道。 Outside is several new students, said that must see Brother Xiao Yan.” Xun'er frowns, said. “外面是十几个新生,说是要见萧炎哥哥。”薰儿微皱眉头,道。 New student? Has the matter? Ok, making them come.” Xiao Yan is startled slightly, at once said. “新生?有事?算了,让他们进来吧。”萧炎微微一怔,旋即道。 Um.” “嗯。” Hearing this, Xun'er slightly nod, is beckoning to out of the door, immediately several person's shadows then swarm to enter, at once had been encircling to Xiao Yan and the others, face does not know that because of anything, is unexpectedly glowing red. 闻言,薰儿微微点头,对着门外招了招手,顿时十几道人影便是蜂拥而进,旋即对着萧炎等人围了起来,脸庞不知道因为什么而起,竟然是红通通的。 Xiao Yan Senior, with for newborn, you may probably help us, this Inner Academy senior, really went too far.” youth face is excited somewhat becomes flushed, Xiao Yan vaguely remembers, this young people in hunt match and black ghost team to the wartime, he is that crowd with a black ghost to the member to the wartime, one of three people the new student can also stand finally, the name, seems called Tai. 萧炎学长,同为新生,您可一定要帮帮我们啊,这内院老生,也实在是太欺人太甚了。”一名青年脸庞激动得有些涨红,萧炎依稀记得,这个年轻人在‘猎捕赛’与‘黑煞队’对战时,他是那群与一名黑煞对成员对战时,新生最后还能站立的三人之一,名字,似乎是叫阿泰吧。 How? Talks clearly.” The Xiao Yan knitting the brows head, said. “怎么了?说清楚。”萧炎皱了皱眉头,道。 Starting from this morning, is has some senior teams to enter our newborn region, shouts must receive any new student to present tribute the fee, everyone two days Fire Energy...... We also know that newly-arrived is unnecessary achieves extremely incisively, endures then well, has not said anything, thereforeFire Energy payment will have given them, may not think finally after sending that group of people, many senior teams rushed in our newborn region continuously, stopped up makes us pay in the entrance place once again, came three to approve to the present, this way, how long our new students perhaps cannot want with that Fire Energy that Senior your tiring work obtained at risk of life, must be received a none remaining completely! ” That is called the Tai youth clenching teeth indignant tunnel. “从今天早上开始,便是有着一些老生团队进入我们新生区域,嚷嚷着要收什么新生纳贡费,每人两天‘火能’……我们也知道初来乍到不必要做到太过尖锐,忍忍便好,也没说什么,所以都将“火能”缴纳给了他们,可结果没想到打发走了那批人之后,更多的老生团队接连不断地闯进我们新生区域,堵在门口处让我们再度缴纳,到现在已经来了三批了,这样下去,我们新生跟着学长您拼死累活得到的那点火能恐怕要不了多久,就得全部被收个精光!”那名叫做阿泰青年咬着牙愤愤不平地道。 These fellows also went too far.” Hu Jia pretty face sinks, delicate hands heavily patted on the chair arm rest. “这些家伙也太过分了吧。”琥嘉俏脸微沉,纤手重重拍在了椅子扶手上。 Xiao Yan both hands hold the teacup, the eye pupil empty are narrowing the eyes, has not actually said anything. 萧炎双手捧着茶杯,眼眸虚眯着,却并未开口说什么。 Xiao Yan Senior, we look for you, does not want to make you make us avoid that harassment, we also understand that as the Inner Academy new student, was been unavoidable by the senior oppression, I also ask the friend to inquire, although the old times new student must pay some so-called any new students to present tribute the fee, may actually like us, not come group by group, but listens to my friend saying that this year so the reason is because we newborn hunt match in Fire Energy the performance made some senior hearts live not to be feeling well, will therefore have this aspect.” Tai smiles bitterly was sighing. 萧炎学长,我们来找您,也并非想让您让得我们避免那种骚扰,我们也明白,作为内院的新生,被老生欺压是难免的,我也托朋友打听过,往年的新生虽然也是要缴纳一些所谓的什么新生纳贡费,可却也没像我们这样,来了一批又一批,而听我那朋友所言,今年这般原因是因为我们新生在‘火能猎捕赛’的表现令得一些老生心生不爽,所以才会出现这种局面。”阿泰苦笑着叹道。 Said these, may in accusing Xiao Yan Senior, you leads us to avoid Fire Energy hunted match the senior oppression, in this enters Inner Academy entertains feelings newly, Xiao Yan Senior the prestige is highest now. Therefore, meets this grade of terrible business, we also can only ask you to act, hopes that can no longer make our new students receive this layer upon layer to exploit. Otherwise, we enter Blazing Sky Qi Refining Tower the practice expense is insufficient, but also discussed where in helps the practice?” Tai closely is staring at Xiao Yan, said: If really in incorrect words, our new students rather that so-called new student presents tribute fee to deliver to Xiao Yan Senior, does not give these bastard!” “说这些,可并不是在指责萧炎学长,您带着我们免除了‘火能猎捕赛’的老生欺压,在这届进入内院的新生心中,萧炎学长如今声望最高。所以,遇见这等麻烦事,我们也只能请您出面,希望能让得我们新生不再受这层层剥削。不然的话,我们连进入‘天焚炼气塔’的修炼费用都不够,还谈何在内援修炼?”阿泰紧紧地盯着萧炎,道:“若实在不行的话,我们新生宁愿将那所谓的‘新生纳贡费’交予萧炎学长,也不给那些混蛋!” Pays to me presents tribute fee? Did that make me also mix with these senior for first-class?” Xiao Yan indifferently smiled, the finger strokes gently in the teacup, makes the clear sound, pondered after long time, he gains ground to Tai says with a smile: Since these senior receive to present tribute the fee in exit / to speak, then thinks that several of us will not fall, this, you go to gather the first new student, we rush over.” “给我缴纳‘纳贡费’?那岂不是让我也和那些老生混为一流了?”萧炎淡淡地笑了笑,手指轻轻地击打在茶杯上,发出清脆的声响,沉吟半晌后,他抬头冲着阿泰笑道:“既然那些老生堵在出口收纳贡费,那么想必我们几个也不会落下,这样吧,你们先去将新生聚集起来,我们马上赶到。” So, that then many thanks Xiao Yan Senior, if in the future has the matter, our new students, only Xiao Yan Senior is since!” Hearing this, Tai as well as accompanies ten new students who comes immediately the great happiness, is bowing to salute to Xiao Yan hurriedly, then depends on the word fast withdraws from here pavilion hall. “如此,那便多谢萧炎学长了,日后若是有事,我们这届新生,唯萧炎学长是从!”闻言,阿泰以及随从而来的十来名新生顿时大喜,急忙对着萧炎躬身行礼,然后依言快速的退出此处楼阁大厅。 Looks new student who these are drawing back, does Xiao Yan then turn the head, looks at the Xun'er three people, [say / way] „you are watching this matter?” 望着那些退出去的新生,萧炎这才转头,望着薰儿三人,道“你们看这事?” You are Captain, you make a decision, cannot make the lamb that does not revolt against, no matter what they do humiliate?” Hu Jia knits the brows: „If you do not manage, you in the prestige that these new students accumulate with great difficulty, perhaps immediately collapses, the will of the people loses greatly.” “你是队长,你拿主意吧,总不能做毫无反抗的羔羊任他们欺凌吧?”琥嘉皱眉道:“而且若你不管的话,那你在这些新生好不容易积累起来的声望,或许就得马上倒塌,人心大失。” Yesterday Elder Su had said that in Inner Academy the influence distribution is numerous, later we must treat very long time here, by our four people, somewhat is perhaps weak, now...... Wins over the good opportunity of person actually, by you prestige in new entertaining feelings, so long as you dare to take the lead to take the suppressed risk, perhaps this new student will have will follow most likely.” Xun'er pondered said. “昨天苏长老就说过,内院中势力分布众多,以后我们还要在这里待很长的时间,凭借我们四人,或许有些势单力薄,现在……倒是拉拢人的好机会,凭借你在新生心中的声望,只要你敢领头冒被打压的风险,或许这届新生将会有十之八九会跟随。”薰儿沉吟道。 „Do you want to make us form the influence?” Some Xiao Yan slightly surprised tunnels. “你是想让我们自己组建势力?”萧炎略有一些惊讶地道。 Total ratio joins others well...... Just like also you formerly said that we should unable to escape pays that so-called present tribute fee, such being the case, that might as well conforms with the troops. Although now the strength for new life is slightly weak, but these dozens add personally, the common small team, at least does not dare to harass again, no matter how said that were always few troublesome many.” Xun'er let go, says with a smile. “总比加入别人好……也正如你先前所说,我们应该也是逃不过缴纳那所谓的‘纳贡费’,既然如此,那还不如将人马整合起来。虽然现在新生力量稍弱,可这几十个人加起来,一般的小团队,至少是不敢再来骚扰,不管如何说,总是少去了许多麻烦。”薰儿摊了摊手,笑道。 Xun'er said but actually also feasible, lets the new student with it one after another by other influence assimilation, might as well them gathers, uses for us.” Wu Hao slightly nod. 薰儿说的倒也可行,与其让新生陆续被别的势力同化,还不如把他们都聚集在一起,为我们所用。”吴昊微微点了点头 Xiao Yan knits the brows slightly, both hands rub unceasingly above the teacup, but looks at his pondered appearance, the Xun'er three people are not speaking to disturb, but calmly is waiting for his decision. 萧炎微微皱眉,双手不断地在茶杯之上搓动着,而瞧得他沉吟的模样,薰儿三人也不在出言打扰,只是静静地等着他的决定。 Shouted......” “呼……” Has continued silent for nearly several minutes, Xiao Yan is long aspirated finally, stands up, sinking sound track: Good, according to you! The present is to win over the newborn best opportunity, once loses, in the future will want to draw again, then difficult ten times!” 沉默持续了将近几分钟,萧炎终于是长长地吐了一口气,站起身来,沉声道:“好,依你们!现在是拉拢新生的最好时机,一旦损失,日后想要再拉,便是将会困难十倍!” Walks!” “走!” The language, Xiao Yan wields, is the stride is going to the gate layman, after that the Xun'er three people look at each other one, all smiles, at once follows quickly. 语罢,萧炎手一挥,便是大步对着门外行去,其后,薰儿三人对视一眼,皆是一笑,旋即快步跟上。 ( Brothers and sisters, if you like the potato Battle Through the Heavens, please use to share button, the share gives your friends. Your support, is I biggest power.) (兄弟姐妹们,如果你喜欢土豆的斗破苍穹,请使用“分享到”按钮,分享给你的朋友们吧。您的支持,就是我最大的动力。) Next: 下一篇: Previous: 上一篇:
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