Looksis presentingfiveperson's shadowsabovebough, allpersoncomplexions above open areachanged.
The fivepeople on bough, wear a jet blackvigorattirecompletely, looksfrom afarthatis similar tofiveis ordinarylike the black inkshadow, inthatinstant that fivepeoplepresent, aggressiveaurathenfromtheirwithin the bodynot minceseeps, letsXiao Yanand the othersslightly the oppressionimposing manner of discoloration, is covering the trimopen area, making the personhaveto plantjust likesWild Beastis observed closely the generaluncomfortablefeelingby the forest.
树干上的五人,全部都是身着一身漆黑的劲装,远远看去,就如同五道如黑墨般的影子一般,在五人出现的那一霎,凶悍气息便是自他们体内毫不掩饰地渗透而出,一股让得萧炎等人微微色变的压迫气势,笼罩着整片空地,让得人有种犹如被森林中野兽盯住了一般的不舒服感觉。„Sha Tie? Youunexpectedlyalsowith!”Afterfiveperson's shadowsappear, thatbacks on the boughto reply the auraLeng Baicomplexionchanges, especiallyinhisvisionhas sweptfivepeople of centerthatstatureshugeafter the orangutanman, waslosing one's voice that could not bear said.
“沙铁?你们竟然也跟过来了!”在五道人影出现之后,那背靠着树干回复气息的棱白脸色微变,特别是在他的目光扫过五人中央那身材庞大如猩猩般的男子之后,更是忍不住的失声叫了出来。„Bumps intoseveralnew studentson the road, then obtained the news.”Infiveperson's shadows, thattallmusthave the man of oppressionstrength, indifferently said that at once the eyeis shooting a look at the injuredSu Xiaothreepeople, said with a smile: „tut tut, has not thought that linkedyourthreepeopleto defeatinthesenewpoor hands, does not knowhowreallyyouwereinInner Academyto practice .”
“在路上撞见几个新生,然后便是得到了消息。”五道人影之中,那位身材高大得颇具压迫力的男子,淡淡地说了一句,旋即眼睛瞥着受伤的苏笑三人,笑道:“啧啧,没想到连你们三人都是败在了这些新生手中,真不知道你们是如何在内院修行的。”Was calledSha Tie the words of manbyLeng Bai, makingLeng Baithreepeople of faceslightlysomefloodred, after the moment, lattercoldly snorted, said: „Before this yearthisnew studentis not, cancompare, whatis defeated to be quite strange?”
被棱白称为沙铁的男子的话语,让得棱白三人脸庞略有些泛红,片刻后,后者冷哼了一声,道:“今年这届的新生可不是以前可比,落败有什么好稀奇的?”„Ok, rubbishwithyou, the followingmatter, Isolve, butdo notwill presumptuously thinkme ’ to give back toyouFire Energyafterward ‚, thesewill beyoudo not have the skillto preserve, no wonderothers.”Waved, the Sha Tievisionshift, stayedinfinally: graspedonheavy rulerXiao Yan, in the eyeflashed throughwipes the surprise, said„Are youXiao Yan? So the agethencandefeatSu Xiaoand the others, no wondercanbegathersallnew students.”
The Sha Tiesound, isair/Qiis full, during the speeches, somenew studentsshakecannot help butis rubbing the eardirectly.沙铁的声音,是中气十足,说话间,直接是将一些新生震得不由自主的揉着耳朵。„Should youthen that so-calledBlack And White Spiritblackghost?” When the Xiao YanvisionandSha Tielooking at each other, the sinkingsound track, speaks, hisline of sightslowlyhas sweptfromfiveshadows, the heartactuallygraduallysank. Hediscoveredthatinthesefivepeople, the basic everyone haswith the Leng Baiconsiderablestrength. Thatis called the Sha Tiegrandioseman, is the terrifying, ifXiao Yaninduceshas not made a mistake, thisfellowperhapsisExpertsituated inDa Dou Shipeak!
“你们应该便那所谓黑白关煞的黑煞吧?”萧炎目光与沙铁对视,沉声道,说着话时,他的视线缓缓地从五道黑影身上扫过,心却是逐渐地下沉了许多。他发现,这五人之中,基本每一个人都有着与棱白相当的实力。那位叫做沙铁的壮硕男子,则更是恐怖,若是萧炎感应没有出错的话,这个家伙恐怕是一个位于大斗师巅峰的强者!„Youcancallus the blackghostteam, IamCaptain, Sha Tie.”Sha Tiecracks into a smile, in the whitetoothpassesis wipingWild Beastcold and gloomy, heis staring atXiao Yan, said: „Firsttoldyou a goodnews, the new student who for these daysin the forestlivedinsteadsnatched the seniormatterclassics and commentariesto enterinInner Academy, nowyourXiao Yanhas not enteredInner Academy, maythenhave not the smallreputationininside, outsidethis timeforest, does not know that ranmanyInner Academystudentsto wait foryourexiting, ifyoucanhave the fullreally‚Fire Energy’went out ofthisforest, thenyourthisnew studentsinInner Academy, even ifwerehas become famous.”
“你可以叫我们黑煞队,我是队长,沙铁。”沙铁咧嘴一笑,白森森的牙齿中透着一抹野兽般的森冷,他直盯着萧炎,道:“先告诉你们一个好消息吧,这几天森林中所生的新生反抢老生的事情经传进了内院之中,现在你萧炎还未进入内院,可便是在里面拥有不小名声了,此时的森林外面,已经不知道跑来了多少内院学生等着你们的出去,如果你们真能带着充盈的‘火能’走出这座森林,那么你们这届新生在内院中,就算是真的出名了。”Xiao Yanremains silent, has not met this saying.萧炎保持沉默,并未接他这话。„Naturally, ’ the duties of finaltwoteamsthen a thornnew student who allpresentscompletelyoverthrowsasthis ‚ Fire Energyhuntsmatch, therefore, ifyouwantto walkcalmly and steadily, Ok, hands over the Flame Crystal Cardguaranteenot to play rough, how?”Sha Tiesaid with a smiletoXiao Yan.
“当然,作为这届‘火能猎捕赛’的最后两支队伍们的任务便是将所有出现的刺头新生全部打倒,所以,若是你们想安稳地走出去,可以,交出火晶卡保证不动粗,如何?”沙铁冲着萧炎笑道。„Nototherchoices?”Xiao Yanslowlyaspirated, indifferentlytunnel.
“没有其他的选择?”萧炎缓缓吐了一口气,淡淡地道。„No, thisisonly.”Sha Tieshook the headwith a smile, the visionhas sweptin the undernew student, said: „Ifyou can also gather40battle efficiencycompletenew studentsnow , is really but actually hardto eat updepending onmyblackghostteam, was a pitythattheyformerlyconsumedafterSu Xiao, yourthisnewbornteams, were basically difficultto haveanythreatstrength, so long asdefeatsyourseveral, thenthis‚Fire Energyhuntsmatch’, thencanmark the period.”
The Xiao Yaneyepupilnarrowed the eyes, grasps the palm of Heavy Xuan Ruler, slowlywas tightening, butone side, Xun'er, Hu Jia, Wu Haothreepeople, has led the wayonestep, followed close on Xiao Yanbehind, tenauraslightlysomewhatweaknew students who in the fieldthesestoodfragmentarily, afterhesitating a meeting, clenched teeth, has rushedXiao Yan, thistime, not being able to allowthemto flinch, after all, theydo not believe that ifXiao Yanseveralpeoplehave defeated, thislooked that was notfriendlykind of Sha Tiewill let offand the othersin the hand„Fire Energy”.萧炎眼眸微眯,握着玄重尺的手掌,缓缓紧了起来,而一旁,薰儿,琥嘉,吴昊三人,也是前行了一步,紧跟在萧炎身后,场中那些零星站立的十来名气息略有些虚弱的新生,在迟疑了一会后,都是咬了咬牙,涌向了萧炎,这种时刻,容不得他们退缩,毕竟,他们可不会认为,若是萧炎几人败了,这个一看就不是善类的沙铁会放过自己等人手中的“火能”。Sincecannot avoid, thenspells!
既然躲避不过,那么就拼吧!„What's wrong? Did the plancounter-attackat risk of life?”Looks at the newbornaction, the Sha Tiebrowselects, roughfaceupwellssomecold and gloomyhappy expressions: „It seems likeyouholdseveralpointsto hopetoyourstrength, hey, is good, inthisghostforestournearlythreedayshad not begun, the bonestartedto be somewhat itchy.”
“怎么?打算拼死反击了?”瞧得新生的举动,沙铁眉头一挑,粗犷的脸庞上涌上些许森冷笑意:“看来你们还是对自己的实力抱有几分期盼,嘿嘿,也好,在这个鬼森林里我们也有近三天没动过手了,骨头都开始有些痒了。”„Wait / Etc.!”
In Sha Tieis swaying from side to side the fist, suddenlyhasshouttogetherto resound, a firstbrowwrinkle, the visionlooksslightlyfollowing the sound, is actually seeshandsomeyouth of white clothing, the line of sightsweepsyouthface, Sha Tieslightlysomewhathas feltto look familiar.
就在沙铁扭动着拳头之时,忽然有着一道喊声响起,前眉头微微一皱,目光顺着声音望去,却是见到一位一身白衣的英俊青年,视线扫过青年脸庞,沙铁略有些感到眼熟。„Sha Tiebig brother, does not know that stillremembersme? When previoustimeyouandmycousinBai Fenghave a vacationcomes out, wemayalsosee.”Bai Shangraspslong spear, has been archingcuping one hand in the other across the chesttoSha Tie, includingsaying with a smile.
“沙铁大哥,不知还记得我么?上次你与我堂哥白风放假时出来,我们可还见过的。”白山手持长枪,对着沙铁拱了拱手,含笑道。„Bai Feng? You...... IsBai Shan?”HearsBai Fengthisname, Sha Tieto be startled, in the eyepassed over gently and swiftlywipesto dreadthatat once the visionstaysinBai Shanface, finallyhas recorded, somesuddenlyare slightly typical.
“白风?你……是白山?”听得白风这名字,沙铁一怔,眼中掠过一抹忌惮,旋即目光停留在白山脸庞,终于是记了起来,略有些恍然地道。„He he, is.”SeesSha Tieto sayownname, Bai Shanthenrelaxed, returnsto saywith a smile.
“呵呵,正是。”见到沙铁道出自己的名字,白山这才松了一口气,笑着回道。„Are youalsothisnew student?” The visionshot a look at the Bai Shanposition, Sha Tieunderstood, ifthere is a profound meaningtunnel.
“你也是这届的新生?”眼光瞥了一下白山的位置,沙铁似是明白了点,若有深意地道。„Um.”Bai Shanridiculednod , the eyeballwas transferring the extension, said: „Sha Tiebig brother, does not knowinsurface whether to seemycousin......”
“嗯。”白山讪笑着点了点头,眼珠转了转,道:“沙铁大哥,不知道能否看见我堂哥的面上……”„Looksin the Bai Fengsurface, younaturallycanleave, Iandhehaveseveralpoints of friendship, naturallywill not goto begintoyou.” The Bai Shanwordshave not saidthatSha Tiethenwaves, says with a smile.
“看在白风的面上,你自然是可以离开,我与他有着几分交情,当然不会去对你动手。”白山的话还未说完,沙铁便是一挥手,笑道。„......”By the Sha Tieinterruptionwords, Bai Shanwas stagnated slightly, hearshisfollowingwordsagain, somewhat cannot help but scruple, the corner of the eyesplit visionwere glancingtoXiao Yanand the others, justwantsto sayanythingagain, actuallyjustglimpsedsomechill between Sha Tieforeheads, immediatelyinheartonecold.
“呃……”被沙铁打断话语,白山略微一滞,再听得他后面的话,不由得有些迟疑,眼角余光对着萧炎等人瞟了过去,刚想再说点什么,却是刚好瞥见了沙铁眉宇间的些许冷意,当下心中一凛。„Bai Shan, everything attended to itselfwell, althoughIamCaptain of blackghostteam, mayalsobe must be responsible to mycompanion, canmakeyoudepart, does right byvery muchBai Feng, youmustrestrain a point.” The Sha Tieslowlytunnel, the wordsmeaning of securityis really thick.
“白山,凡事顾自己就好,我虽然是黑煞队的队长,可也是还要向我的同伴负责,能够让你离去,已经算是很对得起白风了,你可是要收敛一点啊。”沙铁缓缓地道,话语中的警戒之意甚浓。Hearing this, the Bai Shancomplexionchanges, at oncequicklyrestores, slightly nod.闻言,白山脸色微变,旋即迅速恢复,微微点了点头。„Was good, youfastleavethisplace, othermatters, do not usemultibarreled.”Was wavingtoBai Shan, Sha Tiesaid.
“好了,你速速离开此地,其他的事,不用多管。”对着白山挥了挥手,沙铁道。Hears this saying, Bai Shansomewhatis slightly scruple.
听得他这话,白山略有些迟疑。„Bai Shan, do youwantbeforeescaping?”Hu Jia that , has watched critically, looks athesitation of Bai Shan, the willow eyebrowsbut are actually immediately vertical, cold voicecry out loudly.
“白山,你想要临脱逃?”一旁,一直冷眼旁观的琥嘉,瞧得白山的迟疑,顿时柳眉倒竖,冷声喝道。„Don't Iwithyouranti-enemy, thensneak away at a critical juncturetogether? Youalsoreallythink that wewere a team? This is just the transaction that oneholdsto needrespectively. Moreover, the biggestwinner of thistransaction, isXiao Yan, ourseveralpeopleforhisat risk of lifetiring work, butgoodthing, was all occupiedbyhim.”HearsHu Jiadrinkscoldly, Bai Shanis angryimmediately, cannot bearin the heartagainunwillingwithenvy, gets angry the sound track.
“我不与你们共同抗敌,便是临阵脱逃?你还真以为我们是一个团队了?这只不过是一场各持所需的交易而已。而且,这个交易的最大赢家,还是萧炎,我们几人为了他拼死累活,而好东西,则全是被他占了。”听得琥嘉的冷喝,白山顿时大怒,再也忍不住心中的不甘与妒忌,怒声道。„You......”onewere refutedbyBai Shan, Hu Jiais also angry: „Does not haveXiao Yandirector, can you come here? Depending onyou, meetsSenior Squad to defeatyoucasually, where can also like the present, obtainsthatabouthundred‚Fire Energy’?”
“你……”被白山一顿反驳,琥嘉也是大怒:“没有萧炎指挥,你能走到这里来?凭你一个人,随便遇到一支老生队伍就能打败你,哪里还能像现在这样,得到那近百的‘火能’?”„Was needless saying that sincehewantsto walk, thatthenwalked, thisteamwas the temporaryformation, did not havewhatbinding force, allfreedoms, did not havehim, wewill be not necessarily defeated.”Nearby, Xiao Yanholds onHu Jia, the indifferentlytunnel. Healreadyknows that Bai Shanis unconvincedbyhimextremely, keepsin the teamforcefully, sooner or lateris a disaster, nowhewantsto leave, thatomittedXiao Yantohisheartlive the trouble of alertbut actually.
“不用说了,既然他想走,那便走吧,这个队伍本来就是临时形成,没有什么约束力,一切自由,没有了他,我们不见得就会落败。”一旁,萧炎拉住琥嘉,淡淡地道。他早就知道白山对他极其不服,强行留在队伍中,迟早是个祸害,如今他要自己离开,那倒省去了萧炎要对他心生戒备的麻烦。„Snort.”Snort, Hu Jiahas let somebody cool off or calm downlooked atBai Shanone, some loathings in the heartnot being able to bear, beforehadn't seenthisfellowunexpectedlyisthisperson? Shemostdespises, is thattypein the powerful enemybefore, because ofdreadingto choose the person who abandons the companion , compared with Bai Shan, Hu Jiathought that suddenlyXiao Yanwill be pleasing to the eyes, latterwill not have abandoned at least the companionin the crisismoment.
“哼。”哼了一声,琥嘉冷冷地看了白山一眼,心中忍不住的有些厌恶,以前怎么就没看出这个家伙竟然是这种人?她最鄙视的,便是那种在强敌临近之前,因为畏忌而选择抛弃同伴的人,与白山相比起来,琥嘉却是忽然觉得萧炎顺眼了许多,至少,后不会在危机关头抛弃同伴。Wu Haogains groundslightly, looksto the Bai Shanvision, holdsslightly some are disdaining.吴昊微微抬头,望向白山的目光中,略微噙着些许不屑。„Good, youwithhim, the young masterdo not accompany.”Thesedisdaining that projectsfrom the newborneyesimilarly, makingBai Shanfaceslightlytwitch, stared atXiao Yanonebitterly, thenwaved, the bodyleapt, thendodges the branch, finallyenteredin the foreststo vanishdoes not see.
“好,你们就跟着他吧,小爷可不奉陪了。”那些从新生眼中同样射出的不屑,让得白山脸庞微微抽搐了一下,恨恨地盯了萧炎一眼,然后一挥手,身体一跃,便是闪上树枝,最后窜进林间消失不见。Looks atBai Shanto vanishin the woods, Xiao Yanindifferentlygained ground, the visionis looking straight aheadSha Tie, althoughdeparture of Bai Shanmakestheirstrengthgreatlydamage, maywanthimthen‚Fire Energy’to hand overin light of this, is some are actually unlikely.
望着白山消失在树林中,萧炎淡淡地抬起头来,目光直视着沙铁,虽然白山的离去让得他们战力大损,可想要他就此便将‘火能’交出去,却是有些不太可能。„Iformerlyhad said that yourcompanionnotTaihang.”Nearby, Leng Baibringsdisdainingsomesoundslowlyto resound.
“我先前就说过,你那个同伴不太行。”一旁,棱白带着一些不屑的声音缓缓响起。Xiao Yanshrugs, has not expressedanyview.萧炎耸了耸肩,没有对此发表什么看法。„Admits defeat, Sha Tietheirthisteamsare notwemaycompare, moreovernow the companionalsoleft, you not highoddssold at a discountgreatly.”Leng Baisaid with a sigh.
“认输吧,沙铁他们这支队伍不是我们可比,而且现在你的同伴也离开了,你们本就不高的胜算更是大打折扣。”棱白叹息道。Regarding the Leng Baiwords, Xiao Yan, althoughknowsis the truth, mayactuallynot become less crowded, smiled, the visionis looking straight aheadSha Tie, after long time, the lightsound, lets the new student in field, because the powerful enemyapproaches, but the somewhaticy coldheart, floodedonce againfierywithfightingintent.
对于棱白的话,萧炎虽然知道是实情,可却并未有所松动,笑了笑,目光直视着沙铁,半晌后,平淡的声音,让得场中的新生因为强敌来临,而有些冰凉的心,再度充斥了火热与战意。„I, sincegatheredthem, thennaturalmustleadthemto rushsuccessfully, no matter the matchis strong, myXiao Yan, will not have the least bitto flinch, therefore......”
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