BF :: Volume #8

#329: Bronze mirror

After all the civilized population base are too few, even if their talent is splendid, leaves the expert probability to be very high, but is that also what kind of? Your 100 clansmen leave expert, my 1 million clansmen leave expert, but my clan has trillion population, expert in that civilization must be much more than your this talent good race, naturally is also much more formidable. 毕竟文明的人口基数太少,就算他们天赋出色,出强者的概率很高,可那又怎么样?你100个族人出一个强者,我1000000个族人才出一个强者,可我族有亿万人口,那文明中的强者也比你这种天赋好的种族要多得多,自然也要强大得多。 That Wang Zhong score is actually not low, has probably travelled the Level 6 world......” “那个王重倒是分数不低,好像闯过了六级世界……” Luck, heard that behind him half a month integral had not changed, it is estimated that was the first luck has travelled the Level 6 world, behind harbored leaving things to chance to rush again, finally was stranded in the Level 6 world, you looked that has not come back to the present.” “运气罢了,听说他后面半个月的积分一直没有变化,估计是第一次运气闯过了六级世界,后面再抱着侥幸心理去闯,结果就被困在六级世界里了吧,你看,到现在都还没有回来。” hē hē, is the cumber is flamboyant! After previous time loses to Paoua, he had humongous breaks through probably, you looked that this time rushed to first directly, the 10,000 more than 3000 points, at least received two Level 6 world cores. This cumber may gain in a big way, not only can obtain in Tianmen conceal storehouse three days of unlimited reading opportunities, this 10,000 more than 3000 integrals...... That may all be money! Waits next year to become the official disciple, wants to gain the integral to be possible again to be difficult.” 呵呵,还是坎伯牛逼!上次输给帕瓦罗之后,他好像有巨大突破了,你看这次直接冲到第一,一万3000多分,至少是收了两个六级世界核心。啧啧,这次坎伯可赚大了,不但可以得到天门藏库中三天的无限制阅读机会,还有这一万3000多积分啊……那可全是钱!等明年成为正式门徒,再想赚积分可就是难上加难了。” This in fact was also director Titan to this newbie send-off gift, like the adult ceremony, the farewell past newbie status, regarding the official disciple, the integral was too difficult to gain is also too important, director Titan usually ominously turned over to ominously, may to disciples in fact also be good. 这次其实也是泰坦督导给这一届新人的送别礼物了,就像成人仪式,告别过去的新人身份,对于正式门徒而言,积分太难赚也太重要,泰坦督导平时凶归凶,可对门徒们其实还算是不错的。 Permanent black clan inspiring golden boy, 10,000 more than 1000 points.” “还有恒乌族的振金童,一万1000多分。” Monroe of monster clan, 10,000 8 percentages, before these three , the reputation does not reveal, this time is a war becomes famous, can be our martial cultivation hall new three big expert!” “妖族的门罗,一万8百分,这三个之前都名声不显,这次可是一战成名,可以算是我们修武堂新的三大高手了!” This is a smart person, gains integral important moment to erupt, which looks like that Wang Zhong, scurried about before everywhere, goes all out to make the fame, may in fact also be in the hall the second-class standard, in the booth the matter is not good, I looked that he and Paoua this time only feared that is falls into the hopeless situation, do not want to come back again...... Eh?” “这才是聪明人,赚积分这种重要时刻才爆发,哪像那个王重,之前到处上蹿下跳,拼命挣名气,可实际上也就是堂中二流水准,摊上正事儿就不行了,我看啊,他和帕瓦罗这次只怕是陷入绝境中,别想再回来……咦?” That person was saying, saw the form rapid low altitude that two illness clash passed over gently and swiftly. 那人正说着,就看到两道疾冲的身影飞速低空掠过。 Wang Zhong, Paoua! 王重,帕瓦罗! That person shuts up immediately, the back taunted turns over to the back taunt, these two strengths there pendulum, even if this time by martial cultivation hall new promote expert pressing, that was not their these small roles dares to offend casually face to face, but looked to the vision of two, naturally has been short of several points of once respect, even also occasionally mixed with was taking pleasure in others'misfortunes the taunt look. 那人立刻闭嘴,背后嘲讽归背后嘲讽,这两人的实力都在那里摆着,就算这次被修武堂新晋强者给压了,那也不是他们这些小角色敢随便当面得罪的,只是看向那两人的眼光,自然而然的就少了几分曾经的崇敬,甚至还偶尔夹杂着幸灾乐祸般的嘲讽眼神。 The people are this, when you are in power when you are strongest, natural everybody admires, if there are compared with you more formidable exist/existence appears, the people naturally will change to throw the entrance, the wind direction transfer the sign. 人就是这样,当你得势当你最强的时候,自然人人拜服,而如果有比你更强大的存在出现,人们就会自然而然改投门庭,风向转标。 These matters originally the way things should be, Old Wang and Paoua naturally cannot care, even does not have to care that from the start rank on that arrange, is counted accompanies the days of Paoua breaks through, two people over half a month do not have the integral income, even if with the buttocks wants also to know that the rank affirmation and they had nothing to do. 这些事儿本就人之常情,老王和帕瓦罗自然不会在意,甚至压根儿都没去关心那界布上的排名,算上陪帕瓦罗突破那几天,两人足足大半个月没有积分进账,就算用屁股想也该知道排名肯定和他们无关了。 Direction.” They disregard the surrounding all looks, went to director there turning in link directly. “督导。”两人无视周围的所有眼神,直接去了督导那里上缴手环。 Their integrals are to let director Sir are not very satisfactory , but when sees these two, directs the eyes of Sir actually to shine. 原本两人的积分是让督导大人很不满意的,可当看到这两人的时候,督导大人的眼睛却亮了起来。 Director Titan has made a registration conveniently, ponders smiling of: Small bone, your solid pill? Good good.” 泰坦督导随手做了个登记,玩味似的笑了笑:“小骨头,你实丹了?不错不错。” All around in a flash is a speechless, these also had some taunts to stare entirely straight, together with the iron Titan cumber and permanent black Zuzhen golden boy and monster clan Monroe these three so-called martial cultivation halls new three big expert, cannot bear also looks askance. 四周瞬间就是一片哑然,那些原本还有些许的嘲讽统统瞪直,连同铁泰坦坎伯、恒乌族振金童、妖族门罗这三个所谓的修武堂‘新三大高手’,都是忍不住同时侧目。 The solid pill boundary and Void Core Realm, light looked that the semblance you cannot look, like Paoua could not see that Wang Zhong condensed Void Core at that time, only if the strength and vision are higher than the opposite party more. 实丹境和虚丹境,光看外表你是看不出来的,就像帕瓦罗也看不出王重当时已经凝聚虚丹一样,除非实力和眼界高出对方很多很多。 Strides in solid pill, that just like wind to become cloud, flood dragon dragon, the transformation of essence, even if takes a broad view at the boundary also to be considered as on is a side fierce and ambitious level character, paced back and forth with other these in the Void Core Realm ordinary disciple obviously not in the same level. The integral lowers anything, only feared that encountered the peculiar circumstance to delay...... 跨入实丹,那就宛若风成云、蛟化龙,本质的蜕变,即便放眼地界也能算得上是一方枭雄级人物,和其他那些还徘徊在虚丹境的普通门徒显然不在同一个层次了。积分低什么的,只怕是遇到了特殊情况耽误了吧…… All people looked that becomes to Paoua look in a flash is different, no longer before having, after Barlow and other events to his question, but is having the respect, as if likely just entered martial cultivation hall, first time to hear when so-called martial cultivation hall first that awe look, god territory adoration expert, the fontanel is no exception, in these experience the life and death in truly the expert eye, perhaps they regard as important various performance of soldier in actual combat, but will not adopt the superficial strength the determination. 所有人看向帕瓦罗的眼神瞬间就都变得不一样了,不再有之前因为巴洛等事件后对他的质疑,而是带着崇敬,就仿佛像是刚进修武堂、第一次听说所谓‘修武堂第一’时的那种敬畏眼神,神域崇拜强者,天门也不例外,在那些真正经历生死的强者眼中,他们或许更看重一个战士在实战时的多方面表现,而不会通过表面实力去判定。 But to martial cultivation hall these newbie disciples, only then that solid boundary is only the most persuasive range pole...... 可是对修武堂这些新人门徒来说,只有那实实在在的境界才是唯一最具有说服力的标杆…… If before, Paoua will be quite familiar with these looks, is insufficient to be infatuated with and like, but is not repugnant, the true talent association unknowingly stands under the halo, that is the matter that you are unable to resist, you can only adapt. 要是在以前,帕瓦罗会相当习惯这些眼神,不至于陶醉和喜欢,但也并不反感,真正的天才总会在不经意间站到光环之下,那是你无法抗拒的事儿,你只能适应它。 May at this moment, Paoua actually feel somewhat awkwardly. 可此时此刻,帕瓦罗却感觉有些尴尬。 When stand in Wang Zhong side, martial cultivation hall first what, doesn't that hit own face? Do not look oneself were promoted solid pill, the strength rose dramatically, but spoke the truth, even if by own present condition, Paoua absolutely does not have the confidence to kill that two bone dragons, let alone won simply is so relaxed. 当自己站在王重旁边时,‘修武堂第一’什么的,那不是打自己的脸吗?别看自己晋级了实丹,实力飙升,但说实话,即便是以自己现在的状态,帕瓦罗都完全没有信心干掉那两只骨龙,更别说赢得那么干脆轻松了。 He coughed lightly, saw only the vision of director Titan to transfer to nearby Wang Zhong, and quick framed. 他轻咳了一声,只见泰坦督导的目光已经移到了旁边的王重身上,并且很快就定格住了。 Wang Zhong......” in the eyes of director Titan is having a strange twinkle obviously, in the look has complex of not being able saying that seems surprised, as if the surprise. 王重……”泰坦督导的眼中明显带着一丝奇异的闪烁,眼神中有说不出的复杂,仿佛惊讶、仿佛诧异。 Old Wang and he is looking at each other, be with smile on the face. 老王和他对视着,面带微笑。 Said, before could not see the depth of director Titan completely, before this time enters the imaginary sea world, looked when to director Titan one type admires the feeling. But may this, he actually feel that at this time the direction became in own eye clear, has been short of these dim camouflage feelings, oneself can feel the strength of director Titan earnestly. 说真的,以前自己完全看不出泰坦督导的深浅,包括这次进幻海世界之前,看向泰坦督导时都有一种高山仰止的感觉。可此时可此,他却感觉督导在自己的眼中变得‘清晰’了,少了那些朦胧的遮蔽感,自己能切切实实的感觉到泰坦督导的力量。 Is the strength of body muscle embodiment perhaps is not only inferior to own Deifized cell, the spirit strength level is quite high, at least in this piece of Spiritual Pressure standard with the boundary quite imaginary sea world, Wang Zhong can the strength of clear seeing world in naturally when regarding director Titan, that feeling looks like oneself arrive to the edge world is the same, he to has been able completely to disregard space Spiritual Pressure, even to transfer the endless day earth deities strength formidable the standard. 光是身体肌肉内蕴的力量就恐怕不亚于自己的神化细胞,灵力水平相当高,至少在这片灵压水准和地界相当的幻海世界中,王重能清晰的看到天地之力在自然而然的围绕着泰坦督导,那种感觉就像是自己降临到边缘世界时一样,他已经强大到可以完全无视空间灵压、甚至调用无尽天地灵力的水准。 Such expert, absolute Golden Core level, this without a doubt, what is strange...... Oneself actually felt that director Titan has not drawn Wei Senior Sister to be strong! 这样的强者,绝对的金丹水平,这点毋庸置疑,但奇怪的是……自己竟然感觉泰坦督导没有拉薇尔师姐强! Judgment that this braves suddenly is also makes the Old Wang secret heart be surprised, no matter what, Titan director Zager Simon has certain prestige in the entire Tianmen, even is also known as silver electricity War God, in Tianmen many Golden Core Expert can being able to stand in line number, but actually will feel that draws director Wei Senior Sister Titan to be stronger? Moreover this is not two person's on-the-spot direct contrasts, but relies on the impression merely, can the clear feeling pulling Wei be stronger...... This is really hard to imagine. 这个突然冒出来的判断也是让老王暗暗心诧,不管怎么说,泰坦督导扎格西蒙在整个天门内部都是有着一定威名的,甚至还号称银电战神,在天门诸多金丹强者中都能排得上号,可自己竟然会感觉拉薇尔师姐比泰坦督导更强?而且这可不是两个人现场的直接对比,而是仅仅凭借印象,就能清晰的感觉到拉薇尔更强……这真是难以想象。 Thinks oneself and manner of flying pig to pulling Wei Senior Sister...... Only can say that beforehand he is the know-nothing party is dauntless. 想想自己和飞猪对拉薇尔学姐的态度……只能说以前的他是无知者无畏啊。 Is very good.” Director Titan the ray in pupil has covered quickly up, unexpectedly has not talked on endlessly, but to a Wang Zhong micro nod, but on his face that vague smiling face, always makes Old Wang have a director to own certain wicked interests, has indication that will soon promote. “很好。”泰坦督导眸子中的光芒很快就遮掩了下去,居然没有叨叨,而是冲王重微一点头,可他脸上那丝若有若无的笑容,却总让老王有一种督导对自己的某些恶趣味,有即将升级的征兆。 All around humming sound the sound is unceasing, mostly was discussing that Paoua, so-called three big expert complexion of several new promote were somewhat ugly, erupted with great difficulty one time, may should be their glory, actually by two low ranks snatched. 四周嗡嗡声不断,大多都是在议论帕瓦罗的,几个新晋的所谓三大高手脸色有些难看,好不容易爆发一次,可本该是他们的荣耀,却被两个低排名的抢了去。 Old Wang looks at rank on arrange, oneself will arrange at fifth, Paoua position was lower, about 30. The so-called first three rewards are doomed to miss with two people, but two people this already harvested fully, obviously and does not care. 老王瞧了一眼界布上的排名,自己堪堪排在第五名,帕瓦罗的名次就更低了,在30名开外。所谓的前三奖励注定与两人无缘,但两人这趟早已收获满满,显然都并不在意。 Waited for about 45 hours in the original position, to the fixed time limit, more than 100 people had still not returned. 在原处等了大约45个小时,到了规定时限,仍旧还有100多人未曾归来。 In these people the majority was died when the imaginary sea world, Puneng nationality certain extent awareness their unarmed link, judged them by this whether died, but the name of small part turning over to still had not been sparkling on the arrange, was stranded in mostly somewhere. 这些人中大部分是已经死在幻海世界里了,界布能一定程度感知他们的时空手环,以此来判断他们是否死亡,但也有一小部分未归者的名字仍旧还在界布上闪耀着,多半是被困在了某处。 Director Titan do not continue the plan, the big hand wields, all return income cloths, direct return trip. 泰坦督导并没有要继续等下去的打算,大手一挥,将所有归来者收入界布中,直接返程。 A going out duty, over a hundred people of disappearances have not raised any storm in martial cultivation hall completely, all people as if think this natural, practicing of fontanel also with the risk, enters Tianmen to know from all people at that moment that here never raises the waste, chooses them to come is only a start, becomes the expert road also has is very long, finally in these disciples can achieve fontanel training truly anticipated, that must certainly have hope degree Milky Way tide expert, in entire can have 1-2 to arrive at that step, on is quite the success. As for other people, upon graduation at least can falling from the sky half, even if the remaining these, only represents them to have in the qualifications that the boundary bases...... 一趟外出任务,上百人的消失完全没有在修武堂掀起任何的风浪,所有人似乎都觉得这理所当然,天门的修行也是伴随着风险的,从所有人进天门那一刻起就已经知道,这里从来不养废物,挑选他们进来只是一个开始,成为强者的路还有很长,最后这些门徒里真正能达到天门培养预期的,那肯定是要有希望度天河潮汐的强者,整届里能有那么一两个走到那一步,就已经算是相当成功了。至于其他人,毕业时至少都会陨落一半,即便是剩下那些,也不过只代表他们有在地界立足的资格而已…… Wang Zhong, drinks one cup?” Returns to Tianmen, Paoua is very obviously happy, inviting in the time eye of Old Wang to bring a burning hot, if not this earthman, let alone oneself obtain the soul to spend breaks through solid pill, only feared that now early passed away. 王重,去喝一杯吗?”回到天门,帕瓦罗的心情显然很不错,邀请老王的时候眼睛里带着一丝炙热,如果不是这个地球人,自己别说得到亡灵花突破实丹,只怕现在早都已经命丧黄泉了。 Next time.” Old Wang smiled, really has the matter at heart, mood that anything has not drunk. “下次吧。”老王笑了笑,实在是心里有事儿,没什么喝酒的心情。 Returns to the mushroom room, all the way in pondering over oneself in that in the bubble world sees. 回到蘑菇屋,一路上都在琢磨自己在泡沫世界中看到的那一幕。 The clarity that imaginary sea world the origins of these memory bubble or projection bubbles, always nobody can explain, does not know that they from where come, does not know that they are following any Rules, what a little can affirm, all in these bubble world, inevitably once really had occurred in this world. 幻海世界的那些记忆泡沫或者说投影泡沫的由来,从来都没人能解释的清楚,不知道它们到底从何而来,更不知道它们到底遵循着什么规则,但有一点可以肯定的是,那些泡沫世界中的一切,都必然曾在这个世界上真实发生过。 Does Emperor dragon, the Deva eight Son of Heaven, Golden Slab, what these things and have to be connected? Golden Slab...... Thinks that most is the thing of Level 4 civilization, has not thought that is constructs the treasure of Deva unexpectedly...... 龙帝,天界八天王,黄金石板,这些东西到底和自己有着什么样关联?黄金石板……以为最多就是四级文明的东西,没想到竟然是构建天界的宝物…… Old Wang a little does not think clearly, but his some feelings, these matters is not only very important, but also and have the close relation, especially when that god common Emperor dragon, stares finally oneself that will pursue that world, Wang Zhong felt oneself in that moment space and time confused feelings, as if the strange links have passed through the remote space and time, and contacted with Emperor dragon in one...... 老王有点想不明白,但他有种感觉,这几件事不但很重要,而且还和自己有着密切的联系,特别是那位神一般的龙帝,最后瞪自己那一眼、将自己驱逐出那个世界时,王重感觉自己在那一刻有一种时空错乱的感觉,仿佛有一根奇怪的纽带穿越过遥远的时空,将龙帝和自己联系在了一起…… But all after all are only a feeling and a guess, is unable to authenticate is unable to look for any related clue, only felt that more wants more unable to feel the brains. 但一切终归都只是一种感觉、一种猜测,无法认证也无法寻找任何有关的线索,只感觉越想越摸不着头脑。 Old Wang also shook the head, something light depend on the fantasy are definitely useless, belongs to waste the time purely, since can feel that Emperor dragon and between the relation of vague spanning space and time, since dark has fate guide, Wang Zhong believes that and other next opportunities arrived, certainly can also obtain a more direct clue. 老王也是摇了摇头,有些事儿光靠空想是肯定没用的,纯粹属于浪费时间,既然能感觉到那龙帝和自己之间若有若无的跨越时空的联系,既然冥冥中有着命运指引,王重相信等今后时机到了,一定还能得到更直接的线索。 Do not think.” He has flung the head, the idea sweep-out brains of these in chaos. “别想了。”他甩了甩脑袋,将那些乱七八糟的想法驱出脑中。 Where Jonas did not know and arrives at to go wildly, Old Wang since own fragment world, was looking up to Fate Stone, what this thing means that why such formidable thing can fall on the Earth such far away small place, why oneself here? 乔纳斯不知道又到哪里野去了,老王进入自己的碎片世界,仰望着命运石,这东西到底意味着什么,为什么这么强大的东西会落在地球这么偏远的小地方,为什么会在自己这里? Is only accidental? 难道只是偶然? Real dragon...... Is exactly the same as the dragon that Tianjing inherits since the ancient times, can believe that dragon clan also participated in all God playing, but was Tianjing person generation their inheritance? 真龙……跟天京自古以来传承的龙一模一样,是不是可以认为,龙族也参与了诸神游戏,而天京人这一代就是他们的传承? The ground is three Buddhist musical instruments that Grai delivers, other two same as usual dusky lying down there, are that cyan mirror unexpectedly flood the glistening ray, completely not appearance from the beginning,...... This change means probably the Buddhist musical instrument had the vigor. 地上是格莱送的三个法器,其他两个还是老样子灰蒙蒙的躺在那里,可是那面青色的镜子竟然泛着莹莹的光芒,完全不似一开始的样子,……这个变化好像意味着法器具备了活力。 This change is a little inexplicable, is nourishing of Fate Stone had an effect? 这个变化有点莫名,难道是命运石的滋养又起了作用? When previous appraisal are also only the Foundation Establishment boundary, the spirit strength is insufficient, the spiritual energy of pouring into does not cannot find a proper way throughout, this breaks through Void Core, the strength enters greatly, could attempt once more. 上次鉴定时自己还只是筑基境,灵力不足,灌注进去的灵气始终不得其门而入,这次突破虚丹,实力大进,或许可以再次尝试一下。 Void Core stimulation of movement, spirit strength irrigation. 虚丹催动,灵力灌注。 Buzz wēng ~ ~ 嗡~~ The magnitude change added on the change of quality level, cyan bronze mirror really in a flash had the intense response, the spirit strength that poured into no longer lingered like before outside the front door of Buddhist musical instrument, but penetrated the Buddhist musical instrument with irresistible force directly. 数量级的变化加上质量级的变化,青色铜镜竟然瞬间就有了强烈的反应,灌注进去的灵力不再像之前那样徘徊在法器的大门外,而是势如破竹般直接就穿透进了法器内部。 In that cyan bronze mirror edge, blue secret mark receive urging of this spirit strength to send appears slowly. 在那青色铜镜边缘,一条条蓝色的秘纹受到这灵力的催发缓缓显现。 Some Wang Zhong doubts, this time also somewhat are probably smooth excessively, cannot feel strenuously, if purely judges at the spirit strength level and quantity, oneself present should meet the ordinary solid pill standard, stimulates to movement a 67 Buddhist musical instrument definitely not to have the issue, may initially to recognizing of this cyan bronze mirror actually be four above. 王重有些疑惑,这次好像又有些顺利过头,丝毫感觉不到吃力,如果纯粹以灵力层次和量来判断,自己现在应该已经达到普通实丹水准,催动一件67品法器是肯定没问题的,可当初对这青色铜镜的认定却是四品以上。 A solid pill, even if Peak expert, is impossible so easily on the stimulation of movement four Buddhist musical instruments, was previous time is wrong to the guess of Buddhist musical instrument Quality Rank? What reason has other? 一个实丹,就算是巅峰强者,也绝不可能如此轻易就催动四品法器,是自己上次对法器品阶的猜测错误了?还是有别的什么原因? Sees only blue secret mark who that glistens constantly to climb the edge following about edge of bronze mirror, glistens secret mark to gather in bronze mirror peak until about two together...... 只见那闪亮的蓝色秘纹顺着铜镜的左右边缘不断攀沿,直到左右两条闪亮秘纹在铜镜顶端处汇聚到一起…… hōng! 轰! Wang Zhong only felt own as if opened a terrifying channel, just like a black hole singular point, has the Madness attracting customer interest following that bronze mirror secret mark, oneself connect spirit strength in a flash on bronze mirror stubbornly to be entrained to pull, even that suction also extended oneself within the body! 王重只感觉自己放佛打开了一个恐怖的通道,宛若一个黑洞奇点,顺着那铜镜秘纹产生出疯狂的吸扯力,自己连接在铜镜上的灵力瞬间就被死死拽扯过去,甚至那吸力还延伸到了自己体内! Almost is only in instant eyes, Void Core dries up, but that suction still unceasingly, looked like must give entire Void Core directly attracts broken to become slag! 几乎只是霎眼之间,虚丹枯竭,可那吸力仍旧不断,就像是要将整颗虚丹都给直接吸碎成渣! Old Wang this startled, but the no small matter, had heard somewhat forces to derive the user soul power Buddhist musical instrument, may not see really has been so overbearing, his first response is to force to cut off among the spirit strength relation with bronze mirrors, may actually discover oneself do not shut off 老王这一惊可是非同小可,听说过有些强制汲取使用者魂力的法器,可还真没见过这么霸道的,他第一反应就是想要强制切断和铜镜之间的灵力联系,可却发现自己根本就切不断
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