BF :: Volume #8

#283: Different dimension barrier

Had the right to have the potential oppression by Star Alliance, this is each low status civilization must face, most low status civilizations chose obeying, dignity type of thing only have forever been able to arrange in the face of the survival at behind. This is the Life instinct, but the earthman is very strange, they can when facing the misery endure, but actually only incomparably regards as important to the dignity...... Without experience possibly thought that this is very normal, but if understood Star Alliance, experienced Star Alliance will oppress you to understand, in Star Alliance the tasteful dignity, forever will be only the patents of higher civilization. 星盟中有权有势者压迫,这是每个低等文明都必须要面对的,大多数低等文明都选择了顺从,尊严这种东西在生存面前永远都只能排在后面。这是生命的本能,但是地球人却很奇怪,他们可以在面对苦难时忍受很多,但却独独对尊严无比看重……没有经历者可能觉得这很正常,但如果了解星盟、经历了星盟的压迫你就会明白,在星盟中会去讲究尊严的,永远都只是高等文明的专利。 Said honestly that on this point, the earthman and initial day Bei clan looked like very much, only then this type, even if were in absolutely in the poor boundary, still was also maintaining the dignity and ideal race, might rise in the mire floor truly. Naturally, has the dignity and proud is the essential condition of rising, but wants to rise, actually by no means merely only depends on this different thing to suffice...... 坦白说,就这一点而言,地球人和当初的天贝族很像,也只有这种即便处于绝对劣境中,仍旧还保持着尊严和理想的种族,才有可能在泥潭般的底层真正崛起。当然,拥有尊严和骄傲是崛起的必要条件,但想要崛起,却并非仅仅只靠这两样东西就够的…… The time passes quickly, the words also tens of thousands wicker baskets that although two people must say, may after all unable to chat really here. 时间过得很快,尽管两人要说的话还有几万箩筐,可终归不能真的在这里一直聊下去。 The idea of Wang Zhong was to let Lan Dai'er resigned directly, now with Lan Dai'er definitely by a card Kadin item of caring, were continued to stay in the office is unsafe, he will recommend Lan Dai'er to go to the heavenly treasure street, Ling elder sister was the gourmand, Lan Dai'er same will also find very suitable position there, as for with the contract of secure Nuoma Corporation, even if broke a contract, that payment gold/metal to present Old Wang is not considered as that any sky-high price, let alone side was not also has Shalisi especially. 王重的想法是让蓝黛儿直接辞职了,现在自己和蓝黛儿肯定都已经被卡卡丁目惦记上了,继续呆在会所里并不安全,他会推荐蓝黛儿天宝街,玲姐也算美食家,蓝黛儿在那里一样会找到很适合的位置,至于和安诺玛公司的合约,就算违约,那点赔付金对现在的老王来说也并不算是什么天价,何况旁边不是还有一个莎莉丝特吗。 in fact I think or make Lan Dai'er stay here to be better,” Shalisi said with a smile: Dull here in fact is the safest place, after all this is the industry of secure Nuoma Corporation, is our day Bei clan industry, I also will greet to here manager as well as the company upper level, the card Kadin item could not make anything, as for the heavenly treasure street that you said that that may not any other protections, the card Kadin item , to be disadvantageous to Lan Dai'er , outside was true was unsafe.” 其实我觉得还是让蓝黛儿留在这里更好,”莎莉丝特笑着说道:“呆在这里其实才是最安全的地方,毕竟这是安诺玛公司的产业,也是我们天贝族的产业,我也会给这里的总管以及公司上层打个招呼,卡卡丁目做不了什么的,至于你说的天宝街,那可并没有其他任何保护,卡卡丁目如果真想对蓝黛儿不利,在外面才是真正的不安全。” Wang Zhong does not need to be worried about me, you came well, don't forget, I also once was your Teacher.” Lan Dai'er gentle saying with a smile, she does not want to increase the burden to Wang Zhong, the Wang Zhong body is shouldering the human race future. 王重不用担心我,你来了就好,别忘了,我还曾是你的导师。”蓝黛儿温柔的笑道,她可不想给王重增加负担,王重身上肩负着人类的未来。 After Lan Dai'er said goodbye from the office comes out, returns to the road in Tianmen, Shalisi finally some opportunities asks the Wang Zhong future plan, this is also she today makes Wang Zhong another primary cause. 蓝黛儿告别后从会所里出来,回天门的路上,莎莉丝特才总算有机会问起王重未来的打算,这本也是她今天约王重的另一个主要原因。 Can look at Wang Zhong to enter refine the pill of immortality hall, but refines seven product Xuanjing to continue by him today assigns pill's standard, Shalisi also thought that Wang Zhong has enough enters the qualifications of refine the pill of immortality hall, how the key enters, she has a mind to help, not only and to also a favor, experience talent of Wang Zhong in refine the pill of immortality, Shalisi has thought such person, if continues to stay in martial cultivation hall, that spoiled this beautiful jade. 看得出来王重是想进炼丹堂的,而以他今天炼制七品玄晶续命丹的水准,莎莉丝特也觉得王重有着足够进入炼丹堂的资格,关键是怎么进,她有心帮忙,并不仅仅只是为了还个人情,见识过王重在炼丹上的天赋,莎莉丝特觉得这样的人如果继续呆在修武堂,那真的是太糟蹋这块美玉了。 Day Bei clan as one of the boundary ruling circles, needs to gather expert, compares the traditional tyrants, day Bei Geng needs to admit fresh Blood, but Wang Zhong is Shalisi favors without doubt. 天贝族作为地界的统治阶层之一,也需要招揽强者,相比传统豪强,天贝更需要接纳新鲜血液,而王重无疑是莎莉丝特非常看好的。 Old Wang has not evaded itself to enter the desire of refine the pill of immortality hall. 老王并没避讳自己想要进入炼丹堂的愿望。 So long as this seven product pill hands over, can continue with Elder Yi Mo curriculum?” Old Wang regards as important after all Elder Yi Mo curriculum, as for whether to join refine the pill of immortality hall immediately, in the subjective desire but is actually not specially intense. “只要这次七品丹交上去,就可以继续跟一莫长老课程吧?”老王更看重的毕竟还是一莫长老课程,至于能否立刻加入炼丹堂,主观意愿上倒并不是特别强烈。 Elder Yi Mo curriculum no doubt is most important, but I think to you, will join refine the pill of immortality hall to be bigger to your help as soon as possible.” Shalisi said: Resources and things of refine the pill of immortality condition these surfaces are also only secondary, but what is more important,” 一莫长老课程固然是重中之重,但我觉得对你来说,尽快加入炼丹堂对你的帮助会更大。”莎莉丝特说道:“资源、炼丹条件这些表面的东西都还只是次要,而更重要的是,” Shalisi Turton, prudent saying: Integral top 10 the disciple in refine the pill of immortality hall, will have one time to observe and emulate the Elder Yi Mo refine the pill of immortality every month personally the opportunity, I think that you should know this means anything.” 莎莉丝特顿了顿,慎重的说道:“在炼丹堂中积分前十的门徒,每个月都会有一次亲自观摩一莫长老炼丹的机会,我想你应该知道这意味着什么。” Golden Core big energy, moreover pill who the god territory recognizes said the Grandmaster, had observes and emulates his refine the pill of immortality with own eyes the opportunity, such enticement only feared that regarding any was ambitious the upward pill master absolutely unable to resist. Only was listens to the Elder Yi Mo Great Way singing in praise of the Buddha to the refine the pill of immortality to have so greatly has inspired, let alone observed and emulated the entire exhaustive refine the pill of immortality process with own eyes. 金丹大能,而且还是神域公认的丹道大师,有亲眼观摩他炼丹的机会,这样的诱惑只怕对于任何有志向上的丹师来说都是绝对无法抗拒的。光是听一莫长老大道梵音都能对炼丹有如此大的启发了,何况是亲眼观摩整个详尽的炼丹过程。 Wang Zhong cannot bear somewhat changes countenance, these are the invisible benefits of refine the pill of immortality hall obviously, not foreign public. 王重也是忍不住有些动容,这些显然属于炼丹堂的隐形福利,并没有对外公开。 „The quota of refine the pill of immortality hall, is not only then after and other fontanels had finished the rewards and punishments system by stages has the opportunity?” “炼丹堂的名额,不是只有等天门分期结束后的奖惩制度才有机会吗?” This is the day of welcoming a newcomer ceremony has publicized. 这是迎新典礼那天就已经公开的。 Believes when the time comes refine the pill of immortality hall definitely will push aside a group of people, for example this time cannot complete these people who seven product Xuanjing continues assigns pill work in the fixed time limit. Then chooses to supplement by the former in martial cultivation the integral of hall and refiner hall that by own refine the pill of immortality standard, in the integral of martial cultivation hall, when the time comes walks the normal flow affirmation issue not to be big in addition, this is also the Old Wang not anxious reason. 相信到时候炼丹堂肯定是会排挤掉一批人的,比如这次没能在规定时限内完成七品玄晶续命丹作业的那些人。然后再在修武堂和炼器堂的积分靠前者中挑选补充,以自己的炼丹水准,加上在修武堂的积分,到时候走正常流程肯定问题不大,这也是老王不急的原因。 Custom is dead, person is lives.” Shalisi said with a smile: Any place exist/existence has privilege, the premise is you can bring to the attention of hierarch. Later goes to refine the pill of immortality hall to listen to Elder Yi Mo to teach a time high-sounding talk point, if can have any displays own opportunity, do not miss, by your ability, so long as can attract the attention of Elder Yi Mo, I believe that has the opportunity......” “规矩是死的,人是活的。”莎莉丝特笑着说道:“任何地方都存在有特权,前提是你能引起掌权者的注意。以后去炼丹堂听一莫长老授课的时候高调一点吧,如果能有任何表现自己的机会,都不要错过,以你的能力,只要能吸引到一莫长老的注意,我相信是有机会……” Shalisi was saying, suddenly complexion suddenly changes, a spirit strength erupts suddenly from her, incessantly is she, almost is also less than one second misses, Wang Zhong also felt a injury of threat and Fatal of terrifying, does not have the indication lives since this main road suddenly! 莎莉丝特正说着,突然间脸色猛然一变,一股灵力猛然从她身上爆发出来,不止是她,几乎也就是不到一秒的时间差,王重也感觉到一股恐怖的威胁、致命的伤害,毫无征兆的在这大路上突然生起! The sunny weather of previous second of also glorious weather, at this time unexpectedly in an instant is becoming incomparably dim, all around gloomy for no reason grows thickly, ghost cluster cluster. Following close on, all around space suddenly in a flash, the under foot surrounding area the earth instant within hundred meters becomes red, humongous oppression Gravity lives, airborne presented the innumerable densely covered thunder suddenly! 前一秒还风和日丽的晴朗天气,此时竟在刹那间变得无比昏暗,四周无端端的幽暗丛生,鬼影丛丛。紧跟着,四周的空间猛然一晃,脚下方圆百米内的大地霎那间变得通红,巨大的压迫重力生起,空中更是在眨眼间就出现了无数密布的雷霆! All these change too quickly, and that under foot heavy Gravity airborne densely covered thunder, appointed its same might is far in excess of the limit that Wang Zhong can withstand, is only that Gravity almost lets his some not being able to start to walk feet, let alone runs away! 这一切变化来得太快,且无论是那脚下沉重的重力还是空中密布的雷霆,任其一样的威力都远远超越王重所能承受的极限,光是那重力就几乎让他有些迈不开脚,更别说逃! What ghost?! 什么鬼?! Does not know that is the strategy or somebody's killing maneuver, but the light looks at this battle formation, at least is also 1 million spirit strength levels! Copes with Wang Zhong, absolute dispatch(ed), had ability also without enough time to save at this time! 不知是阵法还是某人的杀招,但光看这阵势,至少也是1000000灵力级!对付王重,绝对秒杀,这个时候就算有能力也来不及积蓄! In this time, together the barrier of clear shell shape baseless appears, snatches, in that airborne thunder pounds also of falling closes up, Wang Zhong and Shalisi also disappear. 就在此时,一道晶莹的贝壳形状的屏障凭空显现,抢在那空中雷霆砸落下来的同时合拢,王重和莎莉丝特同时消失。 Different dimension barrier! 异次元壁垒! Legend the shell true body in day Bei clan, day Bei clan can arrive at the Level 8 civilization, except for extraordinary refine the pill of immortality talent, is the different dimension barrier of this nearly absolutely defense, inborn space principle, is day of Bei clan evolves the extraordinary transformation, maintaining life unique skill! 传说中的天贝族的贝壳真身,天贝族能够到达八级文明,除了超绝的炼丹天赋,在就是这个近乎绝对防御的异次元壁垒,天生的空间法则,也是天贝族进化中的超绝蜕变,保命绝技! Beside different dimension barrier, wild thunder long-enduring bombing, if perhaps they already had still vanished into thin air outside, such sneak attack is virtually impossible to guard against, if Shalisi may also resist, Wang Zhong must die by the Deifized cell without doubt. 异次元壁垒之外,狂暴的雷霆持续性的轰炸,如果两人还在外面恐怕早就烟消云散了,这样的偷袭防不胜防,如果说莎莉丝特还有可能抵挡,王重神化细胞也必死无疑。 But at this time two people are actually at an absolute safety...... Also envies the ambiguous condition, Wang Zhong and Shalisi almost hug in the same place, the so-called different dimension barrier cannot practice, but is some top day Bei clan inborn ability, is related with the civilized characteristics, therefore holds a person space, but now has pushed two people...... 而此时两人却处在一种绝对安全……又嫉妒暧昧的状况,王重和莎莉丝特几乎完全抱在一起,所谓的异次元壁垒并不是可以修炼的,而是一些顶尖的天贝族的天生能力,跟文明特性有关,所以只是容纳一个人空间,而现在挤了两个人…… The previous second two people are shocked in this sneak attack, next second, although outside thunderstorm thunders, two people but who almost sticks to also felt that does not suit, day Bei clan is the spirit clan clearly opposite civilization, must maintain the distance with the opposite sex as Shalisi of day shell princess, the mature masculine aura attacks Shalisi to make her body somewhat weak. 前一秒两人都震惊于这次偷袭,下一秒,虽然外面雷暴轰鸣,可是几乎完全紧贴的两人也感觉到不对劲了,天贝族是和妖精族截然相反的文明,作为天贝郡主的莎莉丝特更是要跟异性保持距离,成熟男性的气息冲击着莎莉丝特让她的身体都有些酥软。 The beautiful women in the bosom, something are beyond control, Wang Zhong can only not be encroached upon the opposite party by oneself as far as possible, but such narrow and small space Wang Zhong moved Shalisi face to be redder gently. 佳人在怀,有些事情是无法控制的,王重只能让自己尽可能不侵犯对方,只是这样狭小的空间王重轻轻一动莎莉丝特的脸更红了。 You...... Do not move......” the day shell princess this time sound and mosquito of atmosphere is equally thin. “你……别动了……”大气的天贝郡主此时的声音跟蚊子一样细。 Old Wang is also awkward,...... He does not calculate the senior driver, but the good and evil is also the mature man, can only the attention mobility outside. 老王也是尴尬,……他不算老司机,但好歹也是成熟男人,只能把注意转移到外面。 Just that in a flash he prepared of Shalisi Tela nearly his fragment world, has not thought that Shalisi he was quicker, airborne thunder Madness continued, even if away from that day the different dimension barrier of Bei clan absolutely defense, Wang Zhong the rocking of thunderclap as well as in barrier that can wreak havoc from that felt the fearfulness of this attack. 刚刚那一瞬间他都准备把莎莉丝特拉近他的碎片世界了,没想到莎莉丝特比他更快,空中的雷霆疯狂持续,即便是隔着那天贝族绝对防御的异次元屏障,王重都能从那肆虐的雷声以及屏障的晃动中,感觉这攻击的可怕。 Clear shell barrier is glittering, opposite party terrifying attack seems unable to shake this defense, can only say that formidable reasonable, but day Bei clan in Level 8 is not considered as really the battle efficiency is specially strong. 晶莹的贝壳壁垒不停的闪烁着,对方恐怖攻击似乎根本无法撼动这种防御,只能说,强大是有道理的,而天贝族在八级里真不算是战斗力特别强的。 The thunder vanishes, Gravity no longer, airborne duplicate sees sunny, Shalisi disperses the true body, the whole body slightly one softly, has Wang Zhong to support promptly, almost kneels down the ground, as for is the consumption, is other, was unknown. 雷霆消失、重力不再,空中复见晴朗,莎莉丝特散掉真身,全身微微一软,要不是有王重及时扶住,都差点跪倒到地上,至于是消耗的,还是其他的,就不得而知了。 Wang Zhong supports periphery Shalisi at the same time alert, the surroundings do not have the aura of any enemy, gets rid near Tianmen, cannot hit the opposite party definitely not to dare to stay for a long time. 王重扶住莎莉丝特的同时戒备周围,周围没有任何敌人的气息,在天门附近出手,一击不中对方肯定也不敢久留。 Shalisi puffs, looks at all around that has a lingering fear, this is near the Tianmen young lad mountain, all around length and breadth is spacious, terrifying Gravity that hard ground at this time early by the thunder had been rumbled tattered and torn, before , simultaneously is feeling, the surrounding area kilometer entire earth of hollow a bulk has gotten down, looks like looks like an upright big hole. 莎莉丝特喘着粗气,心有余悸的看着四周,这是在天门童子山附近,四周广袤空旷,那坚硬的地面此时早已经是被雷霆轰得千疮百孔,连带着之前同时感受到的恐怖重力,方圆千米的整块大地都凹陷了一大块下去,看起来就像是一个方方正正的大坑。 Demons martial Guilei kills, dark Kill Kill of underground world......” on Shalisi face except for numerous exhausted and weak outside, has more angry: Blood demon clan this was insane! Dares to get rid near Tianmen unexpectedly!” “罗刹武鬼雷杀阵,地下世界的暗杀杀阵……”莎莉丝特的脸上除了重重的疲惫和虚弱外,有着的更多还是愤怒:“血魔族这是疯了吗!竟然敢在天门附近出手!” The assassination method of underground world, often is skilled in the arrangement, the strategy, since under the arrange, that will not have managed side Wang Zhong also to have others. This was safely has assassinated highly effective, expensive, with the intelligence network of underground world, will not make a mistake in the goal. 地下世界的暗杀手段,往往都是精于布置,阵法既然已经布下,那可不会管王重身边还有没有别人。这是最高效也最安全的暗杀了,价格不菲,以地下世界的情报网,也绝不会在目标上出错。 Therefore has no need to guess, first after is Barlow, is the card Kadin item, most has the reason to want Wang Zhong dead in Tianmen, obviously only then blood demon clan clan, Shalisi unfortunately was supplemented on. 所以用不着多猜,先是巴洛后是卡卡丁目,在天门中最有理由想要王重死的,显然只有血魔族这一族而已,莎莉丝特只是不幸被附带上了。 Only fears not necessarily.” Can feel that all around murderous aura has dispersed, this is not only the strategy arrangement, that was short of following killing maneuver actually, Wang Zhong slightly had also relaxed, response a moment ago Shalisi guess. “只怕未必。”能感觉到四周的杀气已散,这既是阵法布置,那倒是少了后续的杀招,王重也是稍稍松了口气,回应刚才莎莉丝特的猜测。 You thought that isn't the blood demon clan?” “你觉得不是血魔族?” Wang Zhong shook the head, in fact he did not say certainly, is an instinct intuition, who will snatch, when just made the entire world know you have the bitter hatred, immediately assassinates you? Only if blood demon clan is a fool, they are would rather silly thoroughly, the direct flagrant faction expert truncation person cut to kill, that always compared this stodgily killed to have the success ratio many. 王重摇了摇头,其实他也说不准,就是一种本能的直觉,谁会抢在刚刚让全世界都知道你们结下深仇大恨的时候,立刻就来暗杀你呢?除非血魔族全都是傻逼,那他们倒不如傻得更彻底一点,直接明目张胆的派高手截人斩杀好了,那总比这死板的杀阵要更有成功率得多。 Shalisi light looks at Wang Zhong expression, knew his idea, at this time tone actually slow, the mood also returns to normal much: Has this possibility, but also has the possibility negative thinking...... Mixture of truth and deceit, only if ironclad evidence, clear that otherwise who can say?” 莎莉丝特光看王重表情,就已经知道了他的想法,此时口气倒是缓了缓,情绪也平复不少:“是有这种可能,但也有可能的逆向思维……虚虚实实,除非真凭实据,否则谁又能说的清呢?” Impressive, just encountered has endangered the murder of Life, sees the innumerable scene day shell princess unavoidably for a while to be startled the anger to be rude including oneself this, but Wang Zhong looked like actually still like is being all right person, but can also ponder calmly more reasonable possibility, such mentality also was really...... 让人惊叹,刚刚才遭遇了危及生命的谋杀,连自己这见过无数场面的天贝郡主都难免一时惊怒失态,可王重看起来却仍旧像是个没事儿人一样,还能冷静思考更合理的可能,这样的心态也真是…… Does not need to inform the fontanel, but held Shalisi to sit to side rests was less than two minutes, this humongous sound early has brought in the roundsman of fontanel. 都不用去通知天门,只是扶莎莉丝特坐到旁边休息了不到两分钟,这巨大的动静早都已经引来了天门的巡视者。 Dares to kill to carry on the assassination event in Tianmen establishment, and has attacked unexpectedly also Shalisi princess...... This was touches inviting the wrath of the emperor , the law enforcement team is assembled immediately, had the insect clan brain insect to race to the source by awareness, has the mechanical clan to sweep periphery all clues by special investigation ability. 敢在天门设置杀阵进行暗杀活动,而且竟然还袭击了莎莉丝特郡主……这可是真的触动了逆鳞,执法队立刻就被调集了过来,有虫族脑虫凭借感知追本溯源,有机械族凭借特殊的探查能力扫荡着周围一切的蛛丝马迹。 But said honestly that compares any other cases, as long as is the underground world is related, certainly is not easy to investigate. 可坦白说,相比起其他任何案件,但凡是和地下世界有关的,都绝没有那么容易调查。 The underground world is not a general designation, but represents the god territory to be most ancient also the most formidable Dark influence, its mystique from god territory created since first day on continuously exist/existence, some people said that was these once, because jointly founds other Level 9 civilizations that the god territory had been destroyed and vanished to be remaining, gathers is wants to subvert the Deva four clans together regarding the control power of god territory, some people said that is the organization from Dark world, various guesses have, may any view not be confirmed that but a little god territory to the underground world not. Jurisdiction. 地下世界并非是一个统称,而是代表着神域最古老也最强大的一股黑暗势力,其神秘性从神域被创造的第一天起就一直存在,有人说那是曾经那些因为共同创建了神域而被毁灭和消失的其他九级文明残余,汇聚在一起是想要颠覆天界四族对于神域的掌控权,也有人说那是来自黑暗世界的组织,各种猜测都有,可却从来没有任何一个说法被人证实过,但有一点神域对地下世界并没有。管辖权。 The upper power body, thinks that this is a god territory overall balanced product. 上层全力机构,更认为这是一个神域整体平衡的产物。 Similarly, the underground world was also old opponent of mechanical clan law enforcement team, what if the mechanical clan law enforcement team was representing in the god territory boundary was the justice and regulation, that underground world representative was Dark and chaos, everybody had any skill to be well aware, enforced the law to violate the law, traced one to abscond, just like two opposites, that day of the god territory establishing on continuously exist/existence, research that mutually keeping, can say that various detection method in fact of machinery clan is given to compel to come out by the crime methods of various underground world emerging one after another incessantly most likely. May fight these many years not to decide the true victory and defeat, wants only to depend on this dissipate demons martial Guilei who kills, traces to instigate secretly? 同样的,地下世界也是机械族执法队的老对手了,如果说机械族执法队在神域地界代表着的是正义和律法,那地下世界代表的就是黑暗混乱,大家有什么本事都是心知肚明,一个执法一个犯法,一个追查一个逃匿,宛若两个对立面,从神域建立的那一天起就一直存在,相互都在不停的研究,可以说机械族的各种侦查手段其实十有八九都是被地下世界各种层出不穷的犯罪手段给逼出来的。可斗了这么多年也从来没有分出过真正的胜负,想要仅凭这已经消散的一个罗刹武鬼雷杀阵,就追查到幕后主使? The law enforcement fontanel, in fact knows that this is almost the impossible matter. 无论是执法会还是天门,其实都知道这几乎是不可能的事儿。 What without a doubt is, blood demon clan obviously already by row in top-quality suspicion list, although will not have the ironclad evidence not to be what kind to the blood demon clan temporarily, may be very obvious, present Tianmen, as long as will be the day Bei clan intimate race, for example Titan, for example the natural clan wait/etc., noticed that the people of blood demon clan are one quite loathe, expression that as if a word at earliest convenience immediately do not begin. This is also only in the disciple, what situation god knows in the high level is, wants to come at least these days, the day of blood demon clan will be quite certainly sad. 毫无疑问的是,血魔族显然已经被列上了头号怀疑名单,虽说暂时没有真凭实据不会对血魔族怎么样,可很显然,现在的天门内部,但凡是和天贝族亲近一些的种族,比如泰坦、比如自然族等等,看到血魔族的人都已经是一副相当厌恶,仿佛一言不合就立刻要动手的表情。这还只是在门徒中,天知道高层里是个什么样的情况,想来至少在这段时间,血魔族的日子一定会相当难过。 ........................ …………………… In fact regarding this assassination, Old Wang has the suspicion, his brain road will not look like two generations to be so simple, technique in fact of entire event not too likely is the blood demon clan. 事实上对于这次暗杀,老王还是心存怀疑,他的脑路不会像二代们这么简单,整个事件的手法其实并不太像是血魔族。 Although Shalisi had said this assassination is very likely the blood demon clan to use a negative thinking to confuse the judgment, to hide oneself, but why does not know, Old Wang has such intuition, initially offended may and not only be only the blood demon clan. 尽管莎莉丝特说过这次暗杀很有可能是血魔族在利用一种逆向思维来混淆判断、隐藏自身,但不知为什么,老王就是有这样的直觉,当初自己得罪的可并不仅仅只是血魔族。 Naturally, who no matter this murderer is, at least on blood demon clan, because of Barlow's matter because of the card Kadin goal matter, in addition gives various troubles that the blood demon clan creates because of this assassination, all accounts they will definitely calculate on Old Wang, oneself and between the blood demon clans definitely did not die continuous. 当然,不管这个真凶是谁,至少就血魔族而言,无论是因为巴洛的事儿还是因为卡卡丁目的事儿,加上因为这次暗杀而给血魔族造成的各种麻烦,所有的账他们肯定都会算到老王头上,自己和血魔族之间肯定已经是不死不休了。 Has such one has become the dead enmity formidable enemy, are many other or few other, said, too in a big way has not distinguished. Oneself can shoulder blood demon clan definitely to shoulder enemies other in secret, if cannot shoulder, manages him also to have other enemies in secret, is the dead ends. 有着这样一个已经成了死仇的强大敌人,再多一个别的或者少一个别的,说真的,已经没太大区别。自己扛得住血魔族就肯定能扛得住暗中的其他敌人,而如果扛不住,管他暗中还有没有其他敌人,都是死路一条。 Therefore with its intertwines some not to have, might as well focuses on other places. 所以与其去纠结这些有的没的,还不如把心思放在其他地方。 The strength, the status, these can give itself the safeguard of biggest security, just like Shalisi said that if can join refine the pill of immortality hall, that is a brand-new leap of status, the security will be naturally more. 实力,身份,这些才是能给予自己最大安全的保障,正如莎莉丝特所说,如果自己能加入炼丹堂,那就将是一次身份地位的全新飞跃,安全保障自然会更多。 Early morning flaminging light has not shone, during the weather is misty, but outside refine the pill of immortality hall actually gathered many people, not only the disciple in refine the pill of immortality hall, came from refiner hall and martial cultivation hall . Moreover the irregularity that like usually does not come, 1500 disciples almost all arrived. 清晨的炽光还没有亮起,天色处于蒙蒙之中,可炼丹堂外却已经聚集起了不少人,不只是炼丹堂的门徒,还有来自炼器堂和修武堂的,而且不像平时那样来的参差不齐,1500个门徒几乎全都到了。 The reason does not have him, today is last public teaching of Elder Yi Mo. 原因无他,今天是一莫长老的最后一次公开授课。 Before refine the pill of immortality hall rule that announced that the person who only then at today's closure before, turned in itself to have refined seven product Xuanjing who continues assigns pill, was qualified for a refine the pill of immortality hall deeper level with Elder Yi Mo the teaching. As for other people, the public class of refine the pill of immortality hall will not stop, but was actually changed to teach by several big directors of natural clans, compared the Elder Yi Mo Great Way singing in praise of the Buddha, teaching of these big directors obviously hall to refiner hall and person in martial cultivation did not have to attract Gravitation, they will only teach some specialized knowledge, did not have the inspiration of Elder Yi Mo that Great Way resonance, other people sounded to be similar to listen to the book from heaven completely, could not achieve any inspiration effect of understanding by analogy. 按照炼丹堂之前公布出来的条例,只有在今天截止之前,交上了自己炼制的七品玄晶续命丹的人,才有资格跟着一莫长老进入炼丹堂更深层次的教学。至于其他人,炼丹堂的公开课不会停,但却是改由几位自然族的大督导来传授了,相比起一莫长老大道梵音,那些大督导们的授课显然对炼器堂和修武堂的人就已经没有了吸引力,他们只会讲授一些专业的知识,没有一莫长老那种大道共鸣的启发,旁人听起来是完全如同听天书,达不到任何触类旁通的启发效果的。 Has completed the task lines up to here, starts to turn in the compounded drug.” “完成了任务的到这边来排队,开始上缴丹药。” Elder Yi Mo has not come, but had the refine the pill of immortality hall's direction to arrange the temporary table stage by the stone furnace, starts to capture the duty compounded drug. 一莫长老还没有来,可已经有炼丹堂的督导在石炉旁摆下了临时的桌台,开始收缴任务丹药。 The table stage front had one not to calculate that many queues, the refine the pill of immortality hall altogether No. 100 disciple, may be able to complete this seven pill tasks in the fixed time limit truly, actually as if only then 60-70 people, were eliminated almost one-third, this group of people were in refine the pill of immortality hall true elite. 桌台前排起了一条不算多的人龙,炼丹堂总共100号门徒,可真正能在规定时限内完成这次七品丹任务的,却似乎只有六七十人,足足被淘汰了差不多1,这批人就是炼丹堂里真正的精锐了。 This time that other these watch the fun has also surrounded, a dense big head, airborne also float many, wants to experience the refine the pill of immortality hall these Heaven's Proud Son works. 其他那些看热闹的此时也是围拢了过来,黑压压的一大片人头,空中也悬浮着不少,都想见识见识炼丹堂这些天之骄子们的作品。 Seven product pill...... Perhaps in our O'Brian area strongest refine the pill of immortality sect gate, few individuals can refine, but this unexpectedly is only the echelon request of refine the pill of immortality hall......” “七品丹……在我们奥布莱恩区最强的炼丹宗门,恐怕也没有几个人能炼制,可这竟然只是炼丹堂的保级要求……” Too abnormal, worthily is boundary elite elite.” “太变态了,不愧是地界精锐中的精锐。” Oh, does not have the ratio, regardless of talent or condition...... Heard? Their this time refines seven product Xuanjing to continue assigns pill, is only a cost of furnace raw material for medicine, over 300,000.” “唉,没得比啊,无论天赋还是条件……听说了吗?他们这次炼制七品玄晶续命丹,光是一炉药材的成本费用,就在300000以上。” 300,000...... Really is the patent of higher civilization, if these Level 4 civilizations, refine the waste furnace, suffered distress very much.” “300000……果然是高等文明的专利,要是那些四级文明,炼废一炉,也很受难受了。” ( Two-in-one, partners, automatic issue has not arranged, is sorry!) (二合一,伙伴们,自动发布没定好,抱歉抱歉!)
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