BF :: Volume #8

#112: Biding one's time for punishment

Does cloud Panshan have rank 7 Dimension Creature nearly unexpectedly? Before is, was too friendless and unlearned, did Earth these mutant creature evolutions suddenly become too quick? Such place, is not suitable has so formidable living creature exist/existence. 云盘山居然有近乎七阶维度生物?是自己以前太孤陋寡闻了,还是地球这些变异生物进化突然变得太快了?这样的地方,可不适宜有如此强大的生物存在 Wang Zhong looked at one still also to crawl in that the ground trembled only resembles mutant creature of cat non- cat, as if felt killing intent from this human race suddenly, since new King Yayi who that only trembled the fear and alarmed and frightened of innermost feelings, the rising spiritedly ample force jumped from the ground suddenly, was actually not attack Wang Zhong, but ran away toward the distant place rapidly. 王重看了一眼仍旧还匍匐在地上瑟瑟发抖的那只似猫非猫的变异生物,似乎是突然感受到了来自这个人类的杀意,那只发抖的新王压抑着内心的恐惧和惊怕,猛然奋起余力从地上蹦起,却并非是攻击王重,而是往远方急速逃窜。 Wang Zhong has not gotten rid, experienced too many matters, his vision completely is also different, human race in beforehand human race, something could not go back, the present Earth is a brand-new Order environment, superior win and inferior wash out, when the strength will arrive at the certain extent not to interfere the natural evolution. 王重并没有出手,经历了太多事情,他的眼界也完全不同,人类不是在以前的人类了,有些东西也回不去了,现在的地球就是一个全新的秩序环境,优胜劣汰,当力量到达一定程度都不会过于干涉自然的进化。 From the octopus person restricted area to space and time tunnel, is revealing the Golden Slab importance, if connects to ponder over, the meaning of highest sage Teacher is to let him collects ten together Slab, and found that strange stele, only then this can obtain that mysterious seven color Slab, but this is very likely prevents the thing of disaster. 章鱼人禁地到时空隧道里面,都在揭示着黄金石板的重要性,如果串联起来琢磨一下,至圣导师的意思是让他去凑齐十一块石板,并找到那个奇怪的石碑,只有这样才能得到那块神秘七彩石板,而这很有可能是阻止灾难的东西。 Highest sage Teacher leaves in any condition, is not Wang Zhong can guess, after he thinks returns to the base , needs with Saint Teacher to report, this degree surpasses the category that big Teacher can interfere absolutely. 至圣导师到底出在一个什么状态,并不是王重可以揣测的,他觉得回到基地之后有必要跟圣导师汇报一下,这种程度绝对超过大导师所能干涉的范畴。 Since returned to Tianjing, Wang Zhong for a while, he does not want to know what kind of that eagerly the old friends cross. 只是既然回到了天京,王重也不急于一时,他也想知道老朋友们都过的怎么样。 Walks the military base outside Tianjing to go back, does not know Barran they cross how.” Wang Zhong returned Skylink in hand the vision, on the face has a relaxed smiling face, in all that in the time perpetual flow sees, not only further stimulated him to think the determination of become stronger, was makes him treasure had the former friendship of occurring together with, when the catastrophe arrival of human race, wanted to see again these once old friend does not know also had the opportunity: Old Headmaster, they will have a scare probably.” “就走天京外的军事基地回去吧,不知道巴伦他们过的如何。”王重已经将目光转回了手中的天讯,脸上有着一丝轻松的笑容,在时间长河中看到的一切,不但更进一步的激发了他想变强的决心,也是让他更加珍惜曾经与自己有过交集的旧情,等到人类的浩劫到来,想要再见到这些曾经的旧友就不知还有没有机会了:“还有老校长,他们大概会吓一大跳吧。” Has sent a private news to Scarlet Skylink, said under the present situation, opens Tianjing City here information at the same time conveniently, this does not open fortunately, opens, Wang Zhong relaxed temperate look in a flash becomes callously does not have up. 斯嘉丽天讯发了个私讯,说了下自己现在的情况,一边顺手打开天京城这边的资讯,这不打开还好,一打开,王重轻松温和的眼神瞬间就变得冷酷无光。 Sees only in the home page of Tianjing information, a gigantic title is exceptionally striking. 只见在天京资讯的首页,一个硕大的标题异常醒目。 „The Tianlong Guard team attacks, Assassin remnant(s) suffers extreme penalty, together with it in Tianjing same party members Hyman, Barran, Colby and the others regarded, if the same crime, publicly will execute in the Tianjing discussing politics hall square in noon today!” 天龙卫队出击,阿萨辛余孽伏诛,连同其在天京的同党海曼巴伦考尔比等人视若同罪,将于今天正午在天京议政厅广场公开行刑!” Tianlong Guard team? Assassin remnant(s)? Same party members Barran? Executes publicly? 天龙卫队?阿萨辛余孽?同党巴伦?公开行刑? pēng! 砰! Phoenix Holy Mountain the road of trial, hereafter fight wait / etc., the Wang Zhong strength already today we are no longer as we have been, big of strength of hand, completely had not been in addition familiar with including him, has not paid attention, Skylink unexpectedly in his hands pinched exploding is broken. 凤凰圣山的试炼之路,加上此后的战斗等等,王重的实力早已今非昔比,手劲之大,连他自己都还没有完全习惯,一个没注意,天讯竟然在他的手中被捏的爆碎。 Wang Zhong has not cared, but has thrown conveniently tattered Skylink one side, in the eye has two bunches of ruthless spicy rays to beat. 王重并没有在意,只是将已经破烂的天讯随手扔到一边,眼中有两簇狠辣的光芒在跳动。 The Tianlong Guard team, that is the Zhao Family direct descendant elite strength, made an arrest to catch Tianjing to come unexpectedly, but also together seized to execute Barran and the others? 天龙卫队,那是赵家嫡系的精锐力量,竟然抓人抓到了天京来,还将巴伦等人都一起抓捕处决? At noon today...... Wang Zhong gains ground to have a look at the weather, at this time is morning, in the thick haze can see that east reluctantly Sun hangs, probably is 89 : 00 am. Here has 400-500 li (0.5km) road from Tianjing, even if rides the armed railway rail definitely unable to rush specially, but actually cannot baffle present. Hey, comes to really be time. 今天正午……王重抬头看看天色,此时已经是上午时分,厚厚阴霾中勉强能看到太阳东挂,大概是上午89点。此处距离天京有四五百里路,就算是乘坐专趟的武装铁轨也肯定赶不到,但却难不倒现在的自己。嘿嘿,来得还真是时候。 The fine glow dodges not to have from the Wang Zhong eye together, soul power revolves in within the body, since rune sparkle of gold, compares Misso proclamation compared with the world, Gravity of Earth is smaller, is also smaller to the suppression of expert flight, the strength that wells up insanely is resisting Gravitation of center of earth, rises easily his whole person float request. 一道精芒从王重的眼中一闪而没,魂力在体内运转,金色符文闪耀,相比起米索布达比世界,地球的重力更小,对强者飞行的压制也更小,疯涌的力量对抗着地心的引力,将他整个人轻易悬浮托升起来。 Zhao Family, was the time should understand! 赵家,是时候该了解了! cēng ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 噌~~~~~ The hanging form explodes suddenly shoots, just likes air ball that round of terrifying erupts, behind is surging humongous air current Yun Quan, the gold ray just likes the flowing light lasing goes in the Tianjing City direction rapidly. 悬空的身影猛然爆射,犹如一发恐怖爆发的空气弹,在身后激荡出一个巨大的气流云圈,金色的光芒犹如流光激射般朝着天京城的方向飞速而去。 ........................ …………………… This is a close dungeon, the place bottom situated in Tianjing City politics hall, dozens people does not divide the men and women was detained here. 这是一间封闭的地牢,位于天京市政厅的地底,数十人不分男女的被关押在这里。 They, the body has the tortured all sorts of scars, in the hand on the foot brings to limit Cast Soul soldier that soul power shackles specially, the electricity magnetic needles penetrate from these shackles, pricks in the body of wearing, seals up their meridians, so long as they dare revolution soul power, these electricity magnetic needles after obsolete will explode in the soul power revolution rise, pierce their hands and feet meridians, making them be in deep sorrow. 他们一个个蓬头垢面,身上都有着被严刑拷打的种种伤痕,手上脚上都带着专门限制铸魂战士的那种魂力镣铐,有一根根电磁针从那些镣铐中穿透出来,刺入佩戴者的身体中,封闭他们的经脉,只要他们胆敢运转魂力,这些电磁针就会在魂力运转经过时爆涨,刺穿他们的手脚经脉,让他们痛不欲生。 Curling and shrinking that all people are absentminded in this, in the eye is mostly empty atheistic , the talent just a half -year-old child, was even hugged in having hair dishevelled a hand of young married woman, that the strong powerful weeping sound gave this spiritless dungeon room to infuse some vigor finally, attracted most people's attention. 所有人都失魂落魄的卷缩在这房中,眼中大多空洞无神,其中甚至还有一个才刚刚半岁大的孩子,被抱在一个披头散发的少妇的手中,那哇哇的、强劲有力的哭声总算给这间死气沉沉的地牢房间注入了些许活力,吸引了大多数人的注意。 Baby is clever, baby does not cry, mother...... hugs the young married woman of that baby to vibrate here the shoulder, low sound of talking obviously hoarse, she had several days not to drink water, the lip of Fengrun split left the innumerable openings, no longer once beauty. “宝宝乖、宝宝不哭,妈妈在这里呢……”抱着那婴儿的少妇不停的抖动着肩膀,低语声微显沙哑,她已经有好几天没有喝过水了,丰润的嘴唇都干裂出了无数的口子,不复曾经的美艳。 Lilly Senior Sister, was the child hungry?” Hyman in the side of that young married woman, the shackles on her hands and feet especially is heavy, the model is bigger, after is Tianjing most has one of the talent Ability User now, detaining to her is also especially careful, she wants to put out a hand that child, could not mention the hand. This once Tianjing Academy one of the three great beauty, now are also and dishevelled hair and dirty face of other person of common, the clothing rotten, no longer past honor. 蕾莉学姐,孩子是不是饿了?”海曼就在那少妇的身边,她手脚上的镣铐格外沉重,型号更大,毕竟是天京如今最具才华的异能者之一,关押者对她也是格外小心,她想要伸手逗逗那孩子,却根本提不起手来。这位曾经天京学院的三大美女之一,如今也是和其他人一般的蓬头垢面,衣衫喽烂,不复昔日荣光。 Young married woman Lilly, hear speech/words sighed, she knows that the child was hungry, may be detained here already quick one month, the three meals a day did not guarantee, she absolutely did not have the breast milk to eat to the child. 那少妇正是蕾莉,闻言只是叹气,她何尝不知道孩子饿了,可被关押在这里已经快一个月,三餐不保,她根本就没有奶水给孩子吃。 Blames me being too useless!” Colby has slapped a oneself face in side maliciously, in eye full is depressed and regret. “都怪我太没用!”考尔比在旁边狠狠的抽了自己一个耳光,眼中满满的全是沮丧和懊悔。 He and Lilly after previous CHF had finished, together participated in the recruit test of Federation mobile unit, was going against the status of CHF runner-up main member, they have hope to stay with the mobile unit very much, may finally actually because the strength has missed a point, the training is extremely also difficult, after giving up on own initiative, was eliminated. Hereafter and Lilly returns to Tianjing together, their marriage giving birth, became Tianjing Academy teaches Teacher, but also in a half year of previous existence a child, such life, is, otherwise initially in the mobile unit that Colby and Lilly anticipate easily will not give up, but now...... If insisted at that time again, stays with the mobile unit with Lilly, perhaps did not have the calamity of today. 他和蕾莉在上次chf结束后,就一起参加了联邦机动部队的新兵测试,原本顶着chf亚军队主力成员的身份,他们是很有希望留在机动部队的,可最后却还是因为实力差了一点,训练又太过艰苦,主动放弃之后被淘汰了下来。此后和蕾莉一起返回天京,两人结婚生子,也成为了天京学院的一名任教老师,还在半年前生了一个孩子,这样的人生,原本是考尔比蕾莉所期待的,否则当初在机动部队也不会轻易放弃,可现在……如果自己当时再多坚持一下,和蕾莉就留在机动部队,或许就没有今日之祸了。 hōng! 轰! Side transmits a bang, an iron tower gigantic man fist pounds maliciously on the wall, he tall and powerfully built, supernatural power is astonishing, the soul power nature sends, pounds this dungeon to buzz, has the big piece hubbub to fall from the top of the head. May at the same time, the electromagnetism shackles on his hands and feet also has the induction, can see that white electromagnetism sharp thorns elongate from the shackles suddenly, pierced the wrist|skill ankle of that gigantic man directly, the in a flash dripping with blood, on that gigantic man forehead in a flash has the large beads of sweat to emit, actually forcefully bears. 旁边传来一声巨响,一个铁塔般的巨汉狠狠一拳砸在墙上,他身材魁梧、神力惊人,魂力自然而发,砸得这地牢嗡嗡作响,有大片的尘嚣从头顶落下。可与此同时,他手脚上的电磁镣铐也是生出感应,能看到有一根根白色的电磁尖刺从镣铐中猛然伸长,直接刺穿了那巨汉的手腕脚腕,瞬间鲜血淋漓,那巨汉额头上瞬间就有斗大的汗珠冒出,却是强行忍住。 Hateful Zhao Family!” His unwilling cursing angrily: This group of bastards, are not willing to let off children!” “可恨的赵家!”他不甘的怒骂:“这帮畜生,连孩子都不肯放过!” His word roars, in dungeon spiritless people, there are much also sends out cursing in a low voice, so-called Assassin remnant(s), here actually several, but basically is in Assassin Household some immaterial ordinary members, as for other, was once in a group of people who Tianjing and Ma Dong and Wang Zhong are on good terms, was once many like the Prodigy Society sponsor money, like once Wang Zhong Ma Dong time Prodigy Society several backbone members wait / etc.. 他一言吼出,地牢中死气沉沉的人们,有不少也都发出低声的咒骂,所谓阿萨辛余孽,这里倒是有几个,但基本都是阿萨辛家族中无关紧要的一些普通成员,至于其他,则都是曾经在天京马东王重交好的一批人,像曾经奇葩社的赞助商钱多多,像曾经王重马东时期奇葩社的几个骨干成员等等。 Assassin remnant(s) head? The Zhao Family person cannot catch, because they cannot catch these people of Assassin most head, has found out the method of this acting out of desperation, stressed these people to execute publicly, they want to hide in Ma Dong of hidden place direct, naturally, this matter, the Zhao Family person also knows that the successful possibility was minimal, but was that also what kind of? Even if cannot direct Ma Dong, may kill this group of people also to punish one as a warning to others, dares to help the people in Assassin hideaway warn to these in secret, making them make them be afraid frightened, even makes them in trembling confesses related Assassin all news on own initiative. 阿萨辛余孽的首脑?赵家的人抓不到,正是因为他们抓不到阿萨辛最首脑的那些人,才想出了这种狗急跳墙的方法,抓了这些人公开行刑,他们想把一直藏在暗处的马东引出来,当然,这种事儿,赵家的人也知道成功的可能性微乎其微,可那又怎么样呢?就算引不出马东,可杀了这帮人也是杀鸡儆猴,给那些还敢在暗中帮助阿萨辛隐藏的人们示警,让他们恐惧让他们害怕,甚至让他们在战栗中主动供出有关阿萨辛的一切消息。 Hyman grips the hand of Barran, comforts saying: Does not use such pessimistically, Headmaster Green is going all around, heard that Scarlet and Wang Zhong in good that side Holy Land mixes, perhaps Headmaster Green can have the means to save us finally to exit.” 海曼握住巴伦的手,安慰道:“也不用这么悲观,格林校长正在四处奔走,听说斯嘉丽王重圣地那边都混的不错,或许格林校长最终能有办法救咱们出去的。” This idea was too naive.” Nearby fatty worn out saying of: Headmaster Green currently has some faces in Federation, but actually about anything's right, these great people may not be polite to Headmaster Green, but actually not for he offends Zhao Family, said again that the notice has gotten down, a half hour executes, hey, but our times...... Died.” “这想法就太天真了。”旁边一个胖子有气无力的说道:“格林校长现在在联邦是有一些面子,但却并没有左右什么的权利,那些大人物或许会对格林校长客客气气,但却绝不会为了他去得罪赵家,再说,通知已经下来了,还有半个小时就行刑,嘿嘿,咱们这次可是……死定了。” This fatty money is many, on him has not restrained Cast Soul soldier that handcuff foot chain actually specially, he is not soldier, but before also already no longer, that chubby putting on weight stature, appeared thin, this Tianjing exterminated in large numbers, he was the first seized that batch, after previous Ma Dong left prison, has looked for him, was handed over the matter that slip of paper warned to expose by him, is not considered as that the unexpected misfortune. 这胖子正是钱多多,他身上倒是没有专门克制铸魂战士的那种手铐脚链,他并不是战士,但也已经不复之前那胖乎乎的发福身材,显得消瘦了许多,这次天京大批清剿,他是最先被抓捕的那一批,上次马东出狱后找过他,被他递纸条示警的事儿已经暴露了,不算是无妄之灾。 Rescue do not count on that even if Wang Zhong and Scarlet have any energy in Holy Land , the far water could not solve near thirsty, prayed that prayed executed the spear|gun to hit, so as to avoid suffered hardship,” in money many eyes the fear, has not been has some pondering on the contrary and anticipated: Someday Wang Zhong can help us revenge really!” “获救是别指望了,就算王重斯嘉丽圣地真有什么能量,远水也解不了近渴,祈祷吧,祈祷行刑的时候枪可以打准一点,免得多受罪,”钱多多的眼中并没有恐惧,反倒是有着些许的玩味和期待:“或许有一天王重真能帮咱们报仇!” Right! We will not die in vain, Senior Wang Zhong and Assassin can certainly pull up Zhao Family even/including Gener, certainly can be cut to pieces that group of bastards!” “对!咱们都不会白死,王重学长阿萨辛一定能把赵家连根儿拔起,一定能将那帮畜生千刀万剐!” Senior Wang Zhong certainly!” 王重学长一定可以的!” The dungeon people responded, only listened to that side front door to be pulled open, dreadful small beard led a kindergarten classes for six and seven year olds security guard to walk. 地牢的众人纷纷响应,只听那边大门被人拉开,一个猥琐的小胡子带着一大班警卫走了进来。 That small beard heard this group of people obviously including the indignant sound, this time is only says with a smile lightly: What to shriek and howl wildly? Anticipated that trivial Assassin remnant(s), trivial Heroic Soul trash does help you revenge? The trash that hey, one group of not knowing the immensity of heaven and earth, begged this impractical dream to the road to Hades on again, should deliver you to start off!” 那小胡子显然是听到了这帮人含愤的声音,此时只是轻笑道:“鬼哭狼嚎什么?期待区区阿萨辛余孽,区区一个英魂垃圾帮你们报仇?嘿嘿嘿嘿,一帮不知天高地厚的垃圾,到黄泉路上再去乞求这种不切实际的梦想吧,该送你们上路了!” The square midpoint of Tianjing discussing politics hall has a middle-aged person, his cheek is clean, is combing a glossy big long hair combed straight back, stands just likes by in the dead ahead of discussing politics hall the stars surrounding the moon, Tianjing Speaker and one group of Representative encircle in central, attentive to him is flattered. 天京议政厅的广场正中央有一个中年人,他面颊干净,梳着一个油亮的大背头,站在议政厅的正前方犹如被众星拱月般,被天京议长和一帮议员围在中央,殷勤的对他拍着马屁。 Zhao Wuji, three hands of Zhao Family, the Zhao Family Clan Head biological elder brother, is governing the Zhao Family sharpest Tianlong Guard team now, is governing the Zhao Family penalty, year to year has absolute power over somebody to perform the humongous power and influence in control, making his whole person look like does not get angry from the prestige, even if in entire Federation, Zhao Wuji also absolutely were one of the count number characters. 赵无极,赵家的三把手,当今赵家族长的亲兄长,掌管着赵家最精锐的天龙卫队,也掌管着赵家的刑罚,常年生杀予夺尽在掌控中的巨大权势,让他整个人看起来不怒自威,即便是在整个联邦,赵无极也绝对是数得上号的人物之一了。 This time idea that comes Tianjing to punish one as a warning to others is he leaves, Old Green that in fact he most wants to do, Old Green helps Assassin be many, but was overruled by Household upper level, after all Scarlet has big Teacher to support in the holy city, Zhao Family does not want not to dare to tear to pieces the facial skin with this character unless it is absolutely essential absolutely, finally caught such important goods ineffective and worthless troops, on the face of Zhao Wuji has some regrets, lamentable, wants initially Zhao Family to be the what kind magnificence, even if now, Zhao Family in holy city not big Teacher, although could not achieve Sophia such highly, but was not can, appointed the person acted bashful. The soft persimmon, actually kills individual not to dare finally now, because only this person is a family member of Sophia disciple, Zhao Family is really...... One generation was inferior to one generation. 这次过来天京杀鸡儆猴的主意就是他出的,其实他最想搞的还是老格林,老格林帮过阿萨辛很多,不过被家族上层否决了,毕竟斯嘉丽在圣城中有大导师撑腰,不到万不得已,赵家是绝对不想也不敢和这种人物撕破脸皮的,结果就抓了这么一大帮虾兵蟹将,赵无极的脸上有着些许的遗憾,可叹啊,想当初赵家是何等的辉煌,即便现在,赵家在圣城也没有大导师,虽然达不到索菲亚那样的高度,但也绝不是可以任人拿捏。的软柿子,结果现在却连杀个人都不敢,只因为这个人是索菲亚一个弟子的家人,赵家真是……一代不如一代了。 Zhao Wuji was sighing slightly, had previous ten Gunner that was responsible for executing to clean the Vattre sniper's rifles in their hand before his body, a spear|gun exploded the head, was not painful, was the human nature in Federation criminal law manifests. 赵无极微微感叹着,在他身前有上十个负责行刑的枪手正在擦拭着他们手中的巴特雷狙击步枪,一枪爆头,毫无痛苦,也是联邦刑法中的人性体现。 In the square on most people's face has the grief and indignation discontented color, the Tianjing person has almost accepted previous academy after CHF obtains the good achievements various welfare that brings, when wants initially the Tianjing Academy returning in glory native place is the what kind scenery, time that various types reward, entire Tianjing is what kind excited excited and with having glory, Barran and Hyman even Colby, Lilly wait / etc., initially may be the Tianjing City hero, may in an instant, these once the Tianjing hero on all become the captive, must public execution. 广场上大多数人的脸上都有着悲愤不满之色,天京人几乎都接受过上次学院chf取得好成绩后所带来的各种福利,想当初天京学院荣归故里时是何等的风光,各种奖励下来的时候,整个天京是何等的兴奋激动和与有荣焉,巴伦海曼甚至考尔比蕾莉等等,当初可都是天京城的英雄,可转眼之间,这些曾经天京的英雄就全都成了阶下囚,要公开处决。 Let alone these and these people have the relational friendship relatives and friends, even if the most common Tianjing person, will feel belief in own heart was trampled, let alone this Zhao Family comes Tianjing to seize Assassin remnant(s) wantonly, naturally must have fishes in troubled waters to remove the dissident, implicated did not know many people, Barran this group of people were also only in the surfaces, ghost that therefore was driven to death after suffering an injustice. The people as if suddenly realized that Dark Era has not passed, to Zhao Family such colossus, outside ordinary resident and city these mutant not any differences in refugee camp. 别说那些和这几人有着关系交情的亲朋好友了,就算是最普通的天京人,也会感觉自己心中的信仰受到了践踏,何况这次赵家天京大肆抓捕阿萨辛余孽,当然少不得浑水摸鱼排除异己,牵连了不知多少人,巴伦这批人还只是表面上的,还有更多因此而枉死的冤魂。人们仿佛突然才意识到,黑暗时代并没有过去,对赵家这样的庞然大物来说,普通的市民和城外难民营里的那些变异人并没有任何区别。 Any Federation all people being equal and any laws and regulations, left weakly, these things in the face of the true authority radically were only a paper empty talk, the Tianjing City government at this time, not only has not had any action of sanction to Zhao Family, on the contrary by various types fair the name escorted for them, looked for the loopholes and openings in various laws and regulations for them, Rules this type of thing, forever was only applicable to the weak one. 什么联邦人人平等、什么法制法规,别幼稚了,这些东西在真正的权力面前根本就只是一纸空谈,天京市政府在这种时候非但没有对赵家有任何制裁的举动,反倒是以各种‘公正’的名义替他们保驾护航,替他们去找各种法制法规中的漏洞和空子,规则这种东西,永远都只适用于弱者。 Prisoner who dozens waiting execute already by pulling square midpoint, Barran, Hyman, Colby, Lilly and money Duoduo and other main head altogether ten people, this is the first batch must be executed, the powerful and brave security guards send under custody to go forward them to stand abreast in row, the wēng wēng wēng wēng crowd was peaceful immediately. 数十个等待处决的囚犯已经被拉到了广场正中央,巴伦海曼考尔比蕾莉、钱多多等一批主要‘首脑’一共十人,这是第一批要执行死刑的,孔武有力的警卫们将他们押送上前并排而立,原本嗡嗡嗡嗡的人群顿时安静了下来。 ( Partners, asked a monthly ticket, thank!) (伙伴们,求一张月票,感谢!)
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