BF :: Volume #8

#110: Overwhelming

Sorung was shocked, this simply is inconceivable, this is phoenix ruins, has the channel token from phoenix god gracious gift except for the octopus person emperor's clan, here space should prohibit completely, does not have anybody to use the space force to be right here, even/including Fashen almost cannot achieve! But at this time this space channel not only opened, moreover of strength the speed of opening, contains, is lets Sorung for it delay simply, too plain formidable, does not have to reverse. 索隆愣住了,这简直就是不可思议,这是凤凰遗迹,除了章鱼人皇族有来自凤凰神恩赐的通道令牌,此处的空间应该是完全封禁,根本就没任何人能在这里使用空间力量才对,连法神都几乎做不到!可此时这个空间通道非但开启了,而且开启的速度、所蕴含的力量之强,简直是让索隆都为之呆滞,太古朴强大,无可逆转。 This is how possible, so strength! 这怎么可能,如此力量! Sorung's response nature is discontented, the mysterious technique dying out light beam rumbled together in the past, when approached Transfer Array by the energy direct rebound of humongous, this Transfer Array strength was not his such degree can very much obviously interfere|disturb, before this also reminded Sorung of that for a long time was very very long the legend, at that time he was also not Law Saint. 索隆的反应自然不满,一道奥术寂灭光束轰了过去,但是在靠近传送阵的时候就被巨大能量直接反弹,很显然这个传送阵的力量不是他这样的程度可以干扰的,这也让索隆想起了那个很久很久前的传说,那个时候他还不是法圣 While Sorung god, Wang Zhong has pulled taut Simba and Tattam slightly, drags into them the white light light beam that has sparkled together. 趁着索隆微微愣神,王重已经一把扯住辛巴和塔塔姆,将它们一起拉入了闪耀起的白光光柱中。 Tattam was moved, in such crucial moment, the master has not forgotten itself unexpectedly, this was Sorung that old ordinary man can achieve? This is the previous any master can achieve? Tattam pledged that he must give loyalty to the master, helping the master defeat the plot of octopus person, to follow in master side to keep the history...... 塔塔姆感动极了,在这样的生死关头,主人竟然还没有忘记自己,这是索隆那个老匹夫能做到的吗?这是自己此前的任何一任主人能做到的吗?塔塔姆发誓,自己一定要效忠主人,帮助主人击败章鱼人的阴谋、跟在主人身边名留青史…… Great master, Tattam......” it is agitated, cannot bear in shouting that this moment forgets kindnesses, may not wait for it to say the words that this entire gives loyalty to with emotions. “伟大的主人,塔塔姆……”它情绪激动,忍不住在这一刻忘情的大喊,可还没等它把这整句动情效忠的话说完。 cēng! 噌! That sparkle incomparable white light changes into the flowing light to shoot up to the sky suddenly together, as if penetrated this piece of space, to penetrate the remains of phoenix god, and even penetrated this entire world, was vanishing without the trace in an instant. But Tattam is felt that top-heavy, it by that space force repel, that perhaps is thing that only then human race can use, perhaps also has some special ban, does not lead Tattam to go in any case. Far more than is it, at the last minute that transfer starts, Sorung and three Sword Saint reckless attack that transfer channels, may link these four big expert force attack unable to infiltrate to the transfer channel in unexpectedly...... 那闪耀无比的白光猛然化为一道流光冲天而起,仿佛穿透了这片空间、穿透了凤凰神的遗骸、乃至穿透了这整个世界,在刹那间消失无踪。而塔塔姆则是感觉一阵头重脚轻,它被那股空间力量排斥,那或许是只有人类才能使用的东西,也或许是带有某种特殊的禁制,反正就是不带塔塔姆进去。何止是它,在传送启动的最后一刻,索隆和三个剑圣不顾一切的攻击传送通道,可竟然连这四大高手的强力攻击都根本无法透入到传送通道中去…… Tattam bone common has hit several extensions on the ground, the master held of its small hand only to warm the palm to disappear a moment ago, is wrapping own, that sacred and formidable holy white light also disappears, greets its, only then ice-cold floor as well as first master Sorung's ice-cold face. 塔塔姆骨碌碌的在地上打了几个转,刚才主人抓住它小手的那只温暖手掌不见了,包裹着自己的、那股神圣而强大的圣洁白光也不见了,迎接它的只有冰冷的地板以及前主人索隆冰冷的脸庞。 Its passionate smiling face was stiff immediately on the face: Great and great master......” 它热情洋溢的笑容顿时僵在了脸上:“伟、伟大的主人……” Sorung surface sinks like the water, in heart kills intent to be dreadful, that human race has played jokes upon itself unexpectedly, Sorung clearly can notice that the opposite party in the transfer channel vanishes the previous second, from the transfer channel white light to that oneself throw the look that disdains and taunt, a finger, has not needed to want not to be good. 索隆面沉如水,心中杀意滔天,那个人类竟然戏耍了自己,索隆分明能看到对方在传送通道中消失前一秒时,从传送的通道白光中向自己投来的那种不屑和嘲讽的眼神,还有一根手指,不用想也不会是好的。 You saved Tattam finally! Tattam is guilty, Tattam brings here treasure house him intentionally, is feared that he went to the altar to destroy the remains of gods ancestors,” Tattam cried, one threw to grasp Sorung's thigh, oneself were really too the cruel fate, must be able to leave shortly, finally...... It really sad, nasal mucus tears: But has not thought that makes him slip away unexpectedly, Tattam wants to stop it! However...... wū wū wū, Tattam has disappointed master, Tattam heinous crime!” “您终于来拯救塔塔姆了!塔塔姆有罪,塔塔姆故意把他引来这边宝库的,就是怕他去祭坛破坏了神明先祖们的遗骸,”塔塔姆失声痛哭,一把就扑过来抱住了索隆的大腿,自己真是太命苦了,眼看着都要能离开了,结果……它是真的伤心,一把鼻涕一把泪:“可是没想到啊,竟然让他溜掉,塔塔姆是想阻拦它的!但是……呜呜呜呜,塔塔姆辜负了主人的期望,塔塔姆罪该万死!” Thump! 咚! A Sorung foot trampled, kicks to soar high Tattam, collision maliciously on the left hole wall, the leg breaks one, almost sorely faints it. 索隆一脚踹了过去,将塔塔姆踢得高高飞起,狠狠的撞在左侧洞壁上,腿都摔断一根,差点把它疼晕过去。 To be honest, oneself that human race master was also shouting must roast oneself leg eats is a little fearful, but after are obedient, Tattam thought that human race master to oneself good, the tolerance is also very high, compares Sorung who is subject to changing moods, the human race master simply is Angel. 说实话,自己那个人类主人也就是喊着要烤自己腿来吃的时候有点可怕,但自己听话之后,塔塔姆觉得人类主人对自己还是不错的,容忍度也很高,相比起喜怒无常的索隆来说,人类主人简直就是天使 If did not read this, early a foot has executed you!” Saying that Sorung lets somebody cool off or calm down, he believed, this not strange great Sir Law Saint, he did not have the thoughts flower to a servant on, octopus person inborn being proud of similarly on Sorung incisive. “若不念此,早一脚毙了你!”索隆冷冷的说道,他真的信了,这也不怪伟大的法圣大人,他可没心思花到一个奴仆身上,章鱼人天生的自负同样在索隆身上淋漓尽致。 Tattam is timid, although wound hurts, may look like, apparent saved the poor life, thought including it inconceivable. 塔塔姆唯唯诺诺,身上的伤虽疼,可看起来,貌似的保住小命了,连它自己都觉得不可思议。 Ray that human race......” in Sorung's eyes shines through the virulent hatred: I must kill you!” 人类……”索隆的眼中透射出恶毒痛恨的光芒:“我必杀你!” .................................... ……………………………… Along with the time of dragging in the course of time, the possibility that Wang Zhong can also return safely was getting more and more low, but until couple of days ago, went to the scout repayment of Shadowmoon Fort inquiry news, that side the person went to the city to be spatial, but according to catching in several ox head person remaining mouths, had known Wang Zhong was found the news that and carried off by Law Saint Sorung, this was equal to judging the death penalty, moreover perhaps was the most miserable that death penalty. 随着拖延的时间日久,王重还能安全归来的可能性已经越来越低了,而直到前两天,前往影月堡打探消息的探子回报,那边已经人去城空,而据抓到的几个牛头人残余口中,更是得知了王重法圣索隆找到并带走的消息,这等于就是宣判死刑了,而且恐怕还是最惨的那种死刑。 But Vagrant Brigade actually not, therefore was struck down, Scarlet is first does not believe that is not does not believe information that the front passes on, the information that is the master sends expert that has personally, passed through her to confirm over and over that she does not believe Wang Zhong like this will die. 流浪旅团却并没有因此被击倒,斯嘉丽是第一个不相信的,不是不相信前方传回来的情报,那是师傅亲自派去的高手带回来的信息,已经经过了她再三确认,她只是不相信王重会真的就这样死掉。 Perhaps this trust is a little blind and is even absolutely groundless, but Scarlet believes that even if the people of world said that Wang Zhong died, may want her not to see the Wang Zhong corpse, she will not believe these words. 或许这种信任有一点盲目、甚至毫无根据,可斯嘉丽就是相信,哪怕全世界的人都说王重死了,可只要她还没看到王重的尸体,她都不会相信这句话。 After the news travels, on the contrary is she in comforting Vagrant Brigade other people, is worrying about replacing of various duties for Vagrant Brigade, before Vagrant Brigade is Wang Zhong , one of the foundations most regarding as important, now Wang Zhong is not, Scarlet completely all energy will be maintaining it, will not let once the Mario matter once more to repeat. 消息传开之后,反倒是她在安慰流浪旅团的其他人,替流浪旅团操心着各种任务的接替,流浪旅团王重之前最看重的根基之一,现在王重不在,斯嘉丽会尽自己一切能量来维护着它,绝不会让曾经马里奥的事儿再次重演。 Vagrant Brigade also in this type including the Group Head missing absolute adverse circumstance, being quietly rapidly is rising, naturally and not only because of help from Scarlet, not because of the Oscar wise supernatural might, because of Dimension person, from Vladimir and the others standing like a tripod support. 流浪旅团也是在这种连团长都下落不明的绝对逆境中,悄无声息的迅速崛起着,当然并不仅仅只是因为来自斯嘉丽的帮忙,更不会是因为奥斯卡的英明神武,而是因为来自维度人、来自弗拉基米尔等人的鼎立支持。 As if must owing the Wang Zhong benevolence all also Vagrant Brigade here, on Scarlet, the low key reserved Dimension person, this time is to always display exceptionally attracts attention, the seeker brigade has also given the quite powerful support, not only forms the personal squad at the same time, dispatching expert to go to a more thorough place to inquire the Wang Zhong follow-up news, helped Vagrant Brigade complete several big tasks one after another, but also before , by that group of people who Wang Zhong saved, put a wave to come out on own initiative, after following had high morals, Vladimir and the others, officially joins Vagrant Brigade. 仿佛是要把欠王重的恩情全都还在流浪旅团这里、还在斯嘉丽身上,一向低调内敛的维度人,这次是表现得异常招风,探索者旅团也是给予了相当给力的支持,非但一边组建私人小队,派遣高手前往更深入的地方打探王重的后续消息,同时也是鼎力帮助流浪旅团接连完成了几个大任务,还将之前被王重救的那批人,主动放了一波出来,跟随怀德、弗拉基米尔等人之后,正式加入流浪旅团 Vagrant Brigade progresses day by day now, although is unable to place on a par with the Ten Great brigade, but on the basic overall strength, has been able to dominate above the ordinary brigade, simultaneously makes the Wang Zhong name almost in the travel regimental head quarter of north base bans the word quickly, few disciples dare to mention, as long as because is in the spoken language that mentioned disrespects slightly, will spread immediately on the matter, will have one group usually always the low key reserved Dimension person to run over to ask you to drink tea to chat, warned that your several, disgusting your is polite, met the impolite most extreme several, for example had high morals that to help the person, that. Is direct not saying anything further must begin, does anything punish, others do not care from the start, at the worst a father life arrives at a life, the counter- straight talk threw here, who did not fear death did not fear that annoyed a show, you heartily said! 流浪旅团现在是蒸蒸日上,虽然无法和十大旅团相提并论,但就基本的整体实力而言,已经能凌驾于普通旅团之上了,同时让王重的名字在北部基地的旅团部里几乎已经快成为一个禁词,没几个圣徒敢提起,因为但凡是提起的言语中稍有不敬,立刻就会摊上事儿,会有一帮平时一向低调内敛的维度人跑过来找你喝茶聊天,警告你几句、恶心你那是客气的,遇上不客气的最极端的几个,比如怀德那帮人,那。是直接二话不说就要动手的,什么处罚不处罚,人家压根儿就不在乎,大不了老子一命抵一命,反正话就撂这里了,谁不怕死也不怕惹一身骚的,你就尽情的说! Dimension person's tough stance at this matter, even if such as the Phantom Brigade big brigade is not willing to provoke like this, heard that imaginary king Morrah must issue the prohibition rule in the group, restrains the brigade members as far as possible at this matter do not provoke the Dimension person, does not need, Dimension person this is the Holy Land special tribal group, said that the low key is also low-key, as long as the old disciples know that this strength cannot provoke. 维度人在这事儿上的强硬态度,就算是如幻影旅团这样的大旅团也是不愿意招惹的,听说幻王莫拉得得都已经在团内下了禁令,约束旅团成员尽量不要在这事儿上去招惹维度人,没必要,维度人这是圣地的特殊族群,说低调也低调,只是但凡老圣徒都知道,这股力量不能招惹。 Including the illusory image is so, other ordinary brigades do not say, if usually has any duty and Vagrant Brigade has the conflict, is almost the choice makes concessions. On the one hand Wang Zhong now is in the hotel the hero -type character, said to respect him not loses face, on the other hand really cannot offend that gang already was insane the Dimension person, so long as with the Wang Zhong related matter, and Vagrant Brigade matter, that helps the Dimension person probably with you play the life absolutely, making the person have scruples. Also, the Dimension person now is to feel grateful to repay a debt of gratitude, but Wang Zhong died, how long can this once kindness continue? One month? Two months? Waited for this warmly in the past, the Dimension person or the Dimension person, Vagrant Brigade actually can only be that Vagrant Brigade once, why selected on this keenest struggle to haggle over with them? This called to endure to be uneventful and draw back one for a while boundlessly...... 连幻影都是如此,其他普通旅团就更不要说了,如果是平时有什么任务和流浪旅团产生冲突,几乎都是选择退让。一方面王重现在是旅社里英雄式的人物,说了为了敬重他也不算丢人,另一方面实在是得罪不起那帮已经‘疯了’的维度人,只要是和王重有关的事儿、和流浪旅团的事儿,那帮维度人绝对都要跟你玩儿命,让人顾忌。再说了,维度人现在是感恩报恩,可王重已死,这种曾经的恩惠又能持续多久呢?一个月?两个月?等这股热情过去,维度人还是维度人,流浪旅团却只能是曾经那个流浪旅团,何必挑这风口浪尖上和他们计较呢?这叫忍一时风平浪静、退一步海阔天空…… About whom is the inventor of soul power return route, this honor struggle of north and south, it seems like that the north side thoroughly has been hopeless, what did the person die have also been able to struggle? 只是,关于谁是魂力回路的创造者,这份荣誉上的南北之争,看来北边是彻底没戏了,人都死了还能争什么? The travel regimental head quarter was also gradually quiet, the hurricane that Wang Zhong started these days one after another, as if is also going to answer a curtain call in this quiet gradually, the news that may at this moment, an accident spread, the stage that soon answered a curtain call has actually pulled open this, moreover was 365 degrees does not have brand-new go on stage that the dead angle and 10,000 tile head lamp headlamp shone! 旅团部也是渐渐平静了下来,王重这段时间接连掀起的飓风,似乎也将要在这种平静中逐渐谢幕,可就在这时,一个意外传来的消息,却将这已经快要谢幕的舞台重新拉开,而且还是365度无死角、一万瓦大灯照射的全新登场 Entered Misso proclamation compared with world 2-3 months, human race had a good command of the language of octopus person gradually, but the news about Wang Zhong, disclosed from an interrogation of front captive. 进入米索布达比世界两三个月,人类已经逐渐掌握了章鱼人的语言,而关于王重的这个消息,也正是从前线一个俘虏的审讯中透露出来的。 It is said 2-3 days ago, the palace wall of octopus person was made by Heroic Soul human race earth-shakingly, alarmed the Saint level characters of previous ten octopus people to collaborate to capture, may seemingly not catch the person finally, because that human race issuing a warrant for arrest monetary reward was enhanced...... When compared with the previous time turned high enough ten times! But this human race name was called Wang Zhong, now at Misso proclamation compared with the world, Wang Zhong this name may absolutely be well-known, that soaring issuing a warrant for arrest monetary reward even/including Shengji characters coveted for it heart movement. 据说就在两三天之前,章鱼人的皇城被一个英魂人类闹得天翻地覆,惊动了上十位章鱼人的圣级人物联手追捕,可最后貌似还是没有抓到人,因为那个人类的通缉赏金又被提高了……比上次时翻高了足足十倍!而这个人类的名字正是叫王重,如今在米索布达比世界里,王重这个名字可绝对是家喻户晓,那高昂的通缉赏金连圣级人物都为之心动眼热不已。 Wang Zhong? Was captured by several Saint levels in the palace wall of octopus person, finally also escaped? Causes the octopus person to further enhance his issuing a warrant for arrest monetary reward? 王重?在章鱼人的皇城中被十几个圣级追捕,最后还逃掉了?导致章鱼人将他的通缉赏金进一步提高? The news just passed from the north front sentry post, the response of entire travel regimental head quarter first suspects its authenticity, but the question about this point was struck the powder quickly, because that side the south battlefield also had to obtain similar information, the situation with being exactly the same that the northern base understood. Stretches across the north-south two big battlefields of entire mainland, simultaneously inquires the information that so tallies, moreover has discovered the so-called warrant for arrest in some small cities of capturing. In addition, Wang Zhong initially was found and carried off by Law Saint Sorung in Shadowmoon Fort, this matter was the entire travel regimental head quarter already confirmed that therefore the authenticity of entire matter was obviously without a doubt. 消息刚从北部前线岗哨中传回来的时候,整个旅团部的反应先是怀疑其真实性,但关于这一点的质疑很快就被击散,因为南部战场那边也有得到类似的情报,情况与北部基地这边了解到的如出一辙。横跨整个大陆的南北两大战场,同时打探到如此吻合的情报,而且也在一些攻陷的小城镇里发现了所谓的通缉令。此外,王重当初在影月堡法圣索隆找到并且带走,这事儿是整个旅团部这边早就已经证实了的,因此整个事情的真实性显然毋庸置疑。 This may a little earth-shakingly feel, even if middle level base these Teacher and even some big Teacher, hears such news except for dumbfoundedly, is dumbfounded...... 这可就有点石破天惊的感觉了,就算是基地中层的那些导师乃至一些大导师,听到这样的消息除了目瞪口呆,还是目瞪口呆…… Several Saint level characters, are in the supreme headquarters of octopus person, such lineup and risk, let alone trivial Heroic Soul, even if in Holy Land all Heavenly Soul Stage big Teacher, who dares to say can one escape absolutely? Can the fellow slip away unexpectedly? Playing runs around in circles enemy in the supreme headquarters of enemy, but also takes him not to have the means that which this is what inconceivable event? This radically is fantasy story! As for brigade subordinate surface these disciples, heard such news quickly to be simply insane. 十几个圣级人物啊,还是在章鱼人的大本营里,这样的阵容和危险性,别说区区一个英魂,就算是圣地里所有天魂期的大导师,有谁敢说自己绝对能够逃生?那家伙竟然能溜掉?在敌人的大本营里把敌人给耍得团团转,还拿他毫无办法,这哪是什么不可思议事件?这根本就是天方夜谭好吗!至于旅团部下面那些圣徒们,听到这样的消息简直都已经快疯了。 „Really are this goods and living creature of our same dimension?” “这货真是和咱们同一个次元的生物吗?” Everybody is Heroic Soul, this success too his mother attacked the person......” “大家都是英魂,这种战绩太他妈打击人了啊……” How possible! This is how possible! He is only Heroic Soul, several Saint levels, my God!” “怎么可能!这怎么可能!他只是个英魂啊,十几个圣级,我的天!” How or saying that was others Wang Zhong has invented the soul power return route, this person cannot weigh by the common sense.” “要不怎么会说是人家王重发明了魂力回路呢,这种人根本就不能以常理来衡量。” Snort, are you finally damn willing to believe? The soul power return route is our Wang Zhong invention, the dog shit that south war zone that anything Solomon is steals others achievement, not to be concerned about face!” “哼,这下你们终于他妈的肯信了吗?魂力回路就是我们王重发明的,南部战区那个什么所罗门就是一个偷取别人成果的、不要脸的臭狗屎!” Cautious word.” Huaide is smiling the interruption, after all in the bar, under the big crowd of people, the person many mixed, for the rapidness of argument, do not annoy to Wang Zhong troublesome some: Looked when the benefactor came back, our Dimension person brothers may prepare and his being drunk Fang Xiu.” “慎言。”怀德微笑着打断,毕竟是在酒吧里,大庭广众之下,人多口杂,别为了图口舌之快,给王重惹些麻烦:“就看恩人什么时候回来了,我们维度人兄弟可都准备好了和他一醉方休。” Huaide, looks at your morality moral character! Why must wait, today I take drunk Fang Xiu!” The small eye has carried the wine class, a hand inserts on the waist, a foot steps in the table, she to having high morals this group of people never has politely, manages your anything major suit, entered Vagrant Brigade, must arrange behind this young lady, today is the Vagrant Brigade big day, the Group Head survival, huge good news: „A man point, gives the elder sister to do!” “怀德,瞧你那点德性!干嘛还要等啊,今天我就要一醉方休!”小眼睛已经端起酒杯,一只手插腰上,一只脚踩桌子上,她对怀德这帮人可从来没客气过,管你什么大牌,进了流浪旅团,都得排本小姐后面,今天是流浪旅团的大日子,团长幸存,天大的好消息:“男人一点,来给姐干了!” Since experienced the betrayal of even number, opening that the small eye looks at especially boldly, side Vladimir, Noraba, Oscar and the others create a disturbance, has high morals is a forced smile of face, enters Vagrant Brigade these days, he was really drinking to fear by the small eye, Vagrant Brigade this group of people, other did not say that drank absolutely the drunkard type not awfully, if said that did not accompany her to drink, the little girl can lift immediately Wang Zhong, probably did not drink this cup to be unfair to Wang Zhong. 自从经历了偶数的背叛,小眼睛格外的豪放看的开,旁边弗拉基米尔诺拉白奥斯卡等人纷纷起哄,怀德则是一脸的苦笑,进流浪旅团这段时间,他是真被小眼睛给喝怕了,流浪旅团这帮人,别的不说,喝酒绝对都是不要命的酒鬼类型,要是说不陪她喝,那妞就能立刻把王重抬出来,好像不喝了这杯就对不起王重似的。 Hold one's noses this cup with great difficulty has filled, the second cup has joined immediately: Drinks the mouth liquor with drinking toxicant, are you a man, waits for Group Head to come back to look down upon you!” 好不容易捏着鼻子把这杯灌了,第二杯已经立刻接上:“喝口酒跟喝毒药似的,你是不是男人,等团长回来都要瞧不起你!” Dimension person always autonomy, do not look as the tyrant clan probably very heroic spirit, but drinks anything along with the reason, sees to have high morals really extremely the appearance of potency of alcohol, seals is also with a smile breaks through for him, may mediate has not fired off, the bar front door anxious shoving open, Scarlet was presented in the entrance. 维度人一向自律,别看身为霸族好像十分豪气,但喝酒什么的都是随缘,看到怀德实在不胜酒力的样子,封也是笑着替他解围,可圆场还没打完,酒吧大门已经被人急切的推开,斯嘉丽出现在门口。 ( Partners, are happy in the weekend!) (伙伴们,周末愉快!)
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