BF :: Volume #6

#7: flower vase

Others cannot see the Wang Zhong meaning, the experience that but Emily actually unusual treasuring such opportunity, present's each fight can bring and realizes from experience compared with usually trains for 1-2 years usefully. 别人看不出王重的含义,但是艾蜜莉尔却异常的珍惜这样的机会,现在的每一场战斗所能带来的经验和体悟比平时训练一两年都有用。 Regarding Wang Zhong, he not only pursues the victory, is hope this time CHF is meaningful to each team member, on the other hand said that if no this trust, does not have now breaks through Barran, must choose to believe the teammate, what even if he brings is the failure, that is also everybody together undertakes, walks together! 对于王重来说,他不仅仅是追求胜利,也是希望这次的chF对每一个队员都有意义,另一方面说,如果没有这种信任,也没现在突破巴伦,必须选择相信队友,哪怕他带来的是失败,那也是大家一起承担,一起走下去! Let alone the bystander, thought to be a pity including Ma Dong that entered group battle to be good, at least went forward a stride, lost in the face also attractive, perhaps idea utility, but nobody will say anything absolutely, including this cousins thought that such opportunity was quite luxurious. 别说外人了,连马东自己都觉得可惜,进入团战多好,至少又前进一大步,输了面子上也好看,或许想法功利一点,但绝对没人会说什么,连他这个表哥都觉得这样的机会好奢侈。 arena gets angry red rune dagger in a flash to attack, among the electric light flint, dagger connects with. 竞技场上火红色符纹匕首瞬间出击,电光火石间,匕首交接。 Opposite party attack is not cunning, but speed ultra-fast brings is a stronger momentum, Emily body in a flash is actually shaken suddenly to retreat, follows close on is being closely associated of Caliban Crowe. 对方的攻击并不刁钻,但超快的速度带来的却是更强的冲力,艾蜜莉尔的身体瞬间被震得暴退,紧跟着便是卡利班-克劳的如影随形。 Their speeds are extremely quick, one is similar to the Spectre rapid form, another is one group of fiery red. 两人的速度都是极快,一个是如同幽灵般的迅疾身影,另一个则是一团火红。 Until now, was placed the great expectations Emily almost quickly becomes the invisible man, she has been trying hard, talent is truly good, but the issue is, others' talent is not bad, moreover comes to understand is earlier, is no one can a muscle like Barran, Barran style not suitable Emily, she has thought that also wants to be Battle Squadron makes a contribution, regardless of fights with group battle personally vanishes however the people. 到现在为止,被寄予厚望的艾蜜莉尔几乎快成隐形人了,她一直在努力,天赋确实很好,可问题在于,别人的天赋也不差,而且觉悟的更早,不是谁都能像巴伦那样一根筋,巴伦方式不适合艾蜜莉尔,她想了很多,也想要为战队做一次贡献,可是无论个人战和团战都泯然众人。 Has not thought that in such essential situation, Wang Zhong entering the group battle opportunity actually takes to give her! 只是没想到,在这么关键的场合,王重把进入团战的机会竟然都拿出来给她! Emily wants to do right by this trust, must let these hiss, these questioned that their person shuts up, she yes, she is Emily Assassin! 艾蜜莉尔想要对得起这份信任,也要让那些嘘声,那些质疑自己的人闭嘴,她是可以的,她是艾蜜莉尔-阿萨辛 Emily is the progress is amazingly quick, but by Wang Zhong, Grai and Barran covering, in fact each performance had the difference, some tiny boundary changes showed that she is watching each competition earnestly, and has seriously pondered in the competition gap, the wisdom and comprehension are also ability. 艾蜜莉尔可谓是进步神速,只是被王重格莱巴伦给掩盖了,其实每一场的表现都有不同,一些细小的境界变化都说明她在认真看每一场比赛,并且在比赛间隙都认真思考了,智慧和领悟也是一种能力 Trades a situation, perhaps this progress will be praised the talent, here what may look is the result. 换一个场合,或许这种进步都会被夸天才,可在这里看的是结果。 Too displayed eagerly.” The Divian knitting the brows brow, Wang Zhong this chess is a little smelly, said that Tianjing in fact is Assassin does in the back, was Assassin exerts pressure.” “太急于表现了。”蒂薇兰皱了皱眉眉头,“王重这手棋有点臭,都说天京其实阿萨辛在后背搞的,是不是阿萨辛施压了。” Because of Ma Dong and Emily exist/existence, truly makes some people believe that this, why truly speaking must let on Emily, cannot master, the group battle opportunity of giving in vain misses. 因为马东艾蜜莉尔存在,确实让有些人这么认为,要不是这样,说实在的干嘛要让艾蜜莉尔上,搞不懂,白送的团战机会又错过。 Anything for the growth of each team member, this naive idea will not appear in the mind of this inside person. 什么为了每个队员的成长,这种幼稚的想法根本不会出现在这里面的人的脑海中。 In Wang Zhong is short of manpower, wants to duplicate the Barran miracle probably.” 王重手里缺人啊,大概想重复巴伦的奇迹吧。” This fight low standard, said on technique obviously especially actually, they are good assassin, but obviously not in the eyes of these people, moreover this Emily is obviously irritable, this weak mentality is makes expert disregard. 这场战斗显然格外的低水准,倒不是说技术上,两人都是不错的刺客,但显然不在这些人的眼中,而且这个艾蜜莉尔明显急躁,这种幼稚的心态更是让高手无视。 Vanished in murderous aura that in Emily awareness maneuvered among groups suddenly, took, but brought it, was a nihility, the cheer sound of scene also stopped. 原本在艾蜜莉尔感知中纵横捭阖的杀气猛然间消失了,取而带之的,是一片虚无,现场的欢呼声也嘎然而止。 That is together the white light of glaring, from nihility suddenly bright, stops before the body of Emily suddenly. 那是一道晃眼的白光,从虚无中突然亮起,又在艾蜜莉尔的身前猛然停顿。 This not simple takes and puts away freely, but makes innumerable topest expert feel a shocking blade! 这可不是简单的收放自如,而是让无数最顶尖高手都感觉惊艳的一刀! Not slight smoke anger, does not have slight murderous aura, and most dedicated, most is most purely unadorned, but also is the most effective attack. 没有丝毫的烟火气,也没有丝毫的杀气,最纯粹、最专注、最朴实无华,但也是最有效的进攻。 Caliban is traditional assassin, is that disappearance type, the style is also most practical, to the Emily performance, seizes a reasonable opportunity, strikes Fatal. 卡利班是传统刺客,属于那种消失类型的,招式也最实用的,任由艾蜜莉尔表现,抓住一个合理的机会,一击致命 Emily felt that also has the whole body vigor to be useless, dagger has put up on the neck, she even saw one in opponent look, but with contempt. 艾蜜莉尔感觉还有浑身劲儿没用,匕首已经架在了脖子上,她甚至看到了对手眼神中的一丝无奈和轻视。 Caliban Crowe anything has not said anything, he does not need to show off anything before a child, but truly speaking, fights this step, Emily cannot be joined to such fight. 卡利班-克劳没有什么说什么,他没必要在一个小孩子面前炫耀什么,但说实在的,战斗到这一步,艾蜜莉尔配不上这样的战斗。 The third Torrest victory, the initiative returned to Torrest once more. 第三场托雷斯特胜,主动权再次回到了托雷斯特 The discussion sound of audience could not suppress, has arrived this step, their hope Tianjing can display, such obvious battle technique mistake is really very disgusting, obviously on the table has suspended big pile of fine food, must start, some people put one to think and smelly fart. 全场的议论声已经压不住了,走到了这一步,他们希望天京能有所表现,这么明显的战术错误真是很让人厌恶,就是明明桌子上摆了一大堆美餐,就要开动了,有人放了一个又想又臭的屁。 Breaks wind is the person of treating, this makes all people very helpless. 偏偏放屁的又是请客的人,这让所有人都很无奈。 Emily walked not silently, compares the Barran bloody battle, this is the elementary student performs simply, is the Cast Soul Stage boundaries, the fight effect disparity of but displaying is disparate. 艾蜜莉尔一言不发的走了下来,相比巴伦的血战,她这简直就是小学生表演,都是铸魂期的境界,可是表现出来的战斗效果差距悬殊。 The surrounding discussion sound emerges in the ear of Emily, the coarse words are many, the audience will not consider her feeling. 周围的议论声涌入艾蜜莉尔的耳朵中,难听的话很多,现场的观众可不会考虑她的感受。 Ma Dong receives Emily, is all right, has not been injured well.” 马东接下艾蜜莉尔,“没事,没受伤就好。” The body of Emily shakes, tears fall shortly, endured, she rather dies above, but such opportunity does not have continually, opposite party dagger held her slit completely, the leeway that resists stubbornly does not give. 艾蜜莉尔的身体一抖,眼泪眼看就掉下来,还是生生的忍了回去,她宁可死在上面,可是连这样的机会都没有,对方的匕首完全抓住了她的缝隙,连顽抗的余地都不给。 This ends the defeat. 这是完败。 Wang Zhong is not a maid, some psychological barriers, need Emily to face, the failure similarly is the extremely valuable experience. 王重不是保姆,有一些心理障碍,需要艾蜜莉尔自己去面对,失败同样是极为宝贵的经验。 Scarlet, these gave you!” Wang Zhong is looking at Scarlet, Scarlet also looks at Wang Zhong, has shown a bright smiling face. 斯嘉丽,这一场就交给你了!”王重望着斯嘉丽,斯嘉丽也看着王重,露出了一个灿烂的笑容。 Good!” “好!” Wang Zhong hesitant, „should not be injured, behind has me.” 王重犹豫了一下,“别受伤,后面有我。” Scarlet stares slightly, unbelievable is looking at Wang Zhong, I know how things stand, don't worry!” 斯嘉丽微微一愣,难以置信的望着王重,“我有数,不用担心!” Graham dual pistols unusual glistening in hand. 手里的格勒姆双枪异常的闪亮。 You have a look, is such silly, just directly took well, now the samsara, can count on that Scarlet makes anything, wants talent not to have talent, must change, is long-range, does not compel itself the hopeless situation.” “你看看,就是这么傻,刚刚直接拿下多好,现在又轮回了,能指望斯嘉丽做什么,要天赋天赋,要变化没变化,还是一个远程,非把自己逼到绝境。” You understand a wool, this called the King general situation view, Scarlet perhaps was the secret weapon, Ha Ha!” “你们懂个毛,这叫王者的大局观,斯嘉丽说不定是秘密武器呢,哈哈!” My adoration Brother King, but said, he was a little proud, but opponent Torrest, he a little does not respect, Tianjing other people cannot count on that Barran wrestles with the life each time, you looked that other people have this determination!” “我崇拜王者哥,但说真的,他有点骄傲了,对手可是托雷斯特,他有点不尊重啊,天京的其他人根本不能指望,巴伦每次都是用命搏的,你看其他人有这个决心吗!” Above buddy said real critical, is not the child, is flower vase, does not have many battle efficiencies, closes right up against Dual Nuclei anti- to the present, Tianjing, although has won, but is clear to own localization, thinks really can compare background with Torrest!” “上面这哥们说的真中肯,不是小孩子,就是花瓶,没多少战斗力,靠着双核抗到现在,天京虽然赢了,但对自己的定位要清楚啊,真以为能跟托雷斯特底蕴啊!” Without a doubt, Wang Zhong and Grai, if first-class, Barran second-class, other Tianjing people third-class. 毫无疑问,王重格莱如果是一流的,巴伦是二流的,天京其他人都是三流的。 Alexi was also happy, no matter how his in fact Wang Zhong thinks that but the victory of this fight crossed the hands behind the back very much obviously in last, Bobo has put forward the request, he also can only agree that can at one stroke to avoid group battle, had the advantage to Torrest, was only the heart of hearts, his in fact wants to put together group battle, but does not want to walk the shortcut, this Wang Zhong duel strength a little went against heaven's will, naturally the Bobo duel strength did not fear, but fought the exposition to be too many in quarterfinals not necessarily is the good matter, Torrest may not be trivial quarterfinals on. 艾拉西也乐了,他其实不管王重是怎么想的,但是很显然这场战斗的胜负手是在最后一场了,波波这边已经提了要求,他也只能同意,能一举解决避免团战,对托雷斯特也有好处,只是内心深处,他其实是想拼团战的,而不想走捷径,这王重单挑实力有点逆天,当然波波单挑实力并不惧怕,只是在八强战暴露太多不见得是好事儿,托雷斯特可不是区区八强就完了的。 What Torrest goes to battle is Clarke, the Caliban Crowe male cousin, Torrest 2nd position assassin. 托雷斯特出战的是克拉克,卡利班-克劳的堂兄,托雷斯特的二号位刺客 ( Three deliver, asks a double monthly ticket, refuels on road, partners, generous support, thanks!) (三更送到,求一张双倍月票,加油在路上,伙伴们,多多支持,谢谢!)
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