BF :: Volume #6

#49: Inconceivable girl

But at this time, that was pressed Gui Xinying that’ gets down gloomily actually already to sparkle by Barran Gravity attack, gloomy shadow in a flash transform to clearly, kills to Barran! 而此时,原本那个被巴伦重力攻击压得暗淡下去的‘鬼心影’却已然闪耀,暗淡的黑影瞬间转化为清晰,杀向巴伦 This...... 这…… The heavy shield raises the top, Barran immediately suddenly to retreat, stunned a little! 重盾提顶,巴伦立刻暴退,有点蒙 Let alone Barran, all person stunned a little, what battle technique is this especially? 别说巴伦了,所有人都有点蒙,这特么是什么战技 Obviously is the true body, actually turned in in a flash illusory, but is obviously unreal, actually turns into the true body in in a flash! 明明是真身的,却在瞬间变成了虚幻,而明明是虚幻的,却在瞬间变成真身! The shadows of two mixtures of truth and deceit are separated this at least more than several meters distances, will actually look like has an invisible line implication, will cut in the actual situation willfully, strange incomparable! 两个虚虚实实的影子相互间间隔这至少不下十几米的距离,却像是有一根无形的线将之牵连,在虚实间任意切换,诡异无比! pēng! 砰! The heavy shield that humongous defense area has rescued a Barran life, hiding in, pursues Gui Xinying that raids to shake completely, but the next quarter, on Gui Xinying two handle dagger then has burnt one on the left and other on the right black flame...... 重盾那巨大的防御面积救了巴伦一命,完全藏身其中,追袭的鬼心影震开,可下一刻,一左一右,鬼心影的两柄匕首上便已燃烧起了黑色的火焰…… In the Gui Xinying eye is flashing the chilly ray, 鬼心影的眼中闪动着清冷的光芒, She has not planned to waste too much time, must strangle the Tianjing imposing manner in the middle of the cradle, moreover Barran this type of soldier most likes fighting the protracted war, often can create the miracle, cannot give this opportunity! 她没打算浪费太多时间,必须把天京的气势扼杀在摇篮当中,而且巴伦这种类型的战士最喜欢打持久战,往往能创造奇迹,不能给这个机会! Dark Ability! 黑暗异能 Many people cannot help but call out in alarm. 许多人都不由自主的惊呼出来。 Second Dark Ability User, or said accurately that Gui Xinying is first! 第二个黑暗异能者,或者准确的说,鬼心影才是第一个! Dark Hellfire! 黑暗地狱火 Has not thought that just a beginning turned into the life and death struggle, all people have turned very quiet. The cut of that actual situation, added on this to be known as that a moment ago again burnt completely all Dark Hellfire, stunned a little that the innumerable Tianjing audiences looked. 没想到刚一开场就变成了生死战,所有人都屏住了呼吸。刚才那虚实的切换、再加上这号称焚尽一切的黑暗地狱火,无数天京观众都看的有点蒙 Two forms attack once more, one slow, an empty reality, seems like is very good to distinguish, may experience formerly that round, even if thinks with the buttocks that knows certain meeting that one guess is wrong! 两个身影再次来袭,一块一慢、一虚一实,看似很好分辨,可经历了先前那一轮,就算用屁股想,都知道自己猜的一定会是错的! But terrifying Dark Hellfire is drawing the strange arc in air, seems burning including air! 而更加恐怖黑暗地狱火则在空气中拉动着诡异的弧线,连空气似乎都在燃烧! The aura of death approached suddenly! 死亡的气息猛然逼近! The life and death time, in the Barran eye cannot see slight fear, freely before going on stage he does not know that who his opponent can be, but since chose has faced Martial Ghost Divine Emperor, must prepare life and death first! 生死时刻,巴伦的眼中看不出丝毫的畏惧,尽管在上场前他都不知道自己的对手会是谁,可既然选择了面对鬼武神皇,就必须要先做好生死存亡的准备! hōng! 轰! humongous heavy shield by Barran maliciously before the body the ground pounds, unexpectedly vertical toward underground inserts one section, in a flash, the soul power explosion! 巨大的重盾被巴伦狠狠的往身前地面一砸,竟然竖直的往地下插进去一截,瞬间,魂力爆炸! If previous time 200 Grasso limit breaks through is only a limit, that this time Barran is the complete control, when does not know, his soul power has consolidated, and vigorous incomparable, with just came CHF time simply looks like has changed individual! 如果说上次的两百格拉索极限突破只是一种极限的话,那此时的巴伦就是完全的掌控,不知什么时候,他的魂力已经稳固,且浑厚无比,跟刚来chf的时候简直就像是已经换了个人! Gravity Wave! 重力波 It is not fully correct the opposite party true body, that do not guess! Move that is difficult to distinguish facing this actual situation, the best method is undifferentiated attack, this is Wang Zhong specially copes with flexible and confusing nature battle technique unique skill that he is tailor! 猜不透对方的真身,那就不要去猜!面对这种虚实难辨的招数,最好的方法就是无差别的攻击,这就是王重给他量身打造的专门对付灵活性和迷惑性战技的绝招! Barran both eyes like the electricity, immovability, was indistinct had several points of expert style unexpectedly! 巴伦双目如电,不动如山,隐约间竟已有了几分高手的风范! Naked eye obvious air waves, are having the electric arc and tuck dive ground lacking in vigilance, is centered on Barran and heavy shield, spreads toward all around like waves suddenly, whoever, which direction regardless of comes, can by interfere|disturb! 一圈圈肉眼可见的气浪,带着麻痹的电弧和翻腾的地面,以巴伦和重盾为中心,如海浪般猛然朝四周扩散,无论谁,无论从哪个方向来,都会被干扰 So long as were shaken by own Ability ripple, slightly one slow, will face Barran attack! 而只要被自己的异能波纹震住,稍一迟缓,就将面临巴伦攻击 Is Gui Xinying bad? 鬼心影要糟? But when this time, in two sprints Gui Xinying Ability ripple ripples that in contacting that swings overlapped, simultaneously one gloomy, immediately the ripple transits, like is only cool breeze has stroked unexpectedly, 可就在此时,两个冲刺中的‘鬼心影’在接触到那重叠荡开的异能波纹涟漪时,同时一黯,随即波纹过境,竟然就像只是一阵清风拂过, Has not had the slight influence to two Gui Xinying! Even, does not have to be slow they, even if 1% seconds of advance speeds! 没有对两个鬼心影产生丝毫的影响!甚至,都没有迟缓她们哪怕1秒的突进速度! But at the same time, two Hellfire actually shone through, but, bang on the body of Barran. 而与此同时,两道地狱火却已经透射而至,轰在了巴伦的身上。 hōng! 轰! Dark flame in a flash surges upward, looks like explodes on the body of Barran, embezzles him! 黑暗火焰瞬间高涨,就像是在巴伦的身上爆开,将他吞没! Barran!” Hyman cannot bear call out in alarm under the stage makes noise, Dark Hellfire has multi- terrifying, only needed these opponent that had a look at once and Mario fights to know! 巴伦!”海曼在台下忍不住惊呼出声,黑暗地狱火有多恐怖,只需要看看曾经和马里奥交手的那些对手就知道了! But the pitiful yell sound has not spread, all people and others, unexpectedly is another landslide Tsunami eruption! 可惨叫声并未传出,所有人等来的,竟是另一股山崩海啸般的爆发! hǒu! 吼! The center of Dark Hellfire blasting open, terrifying soul power ripples, was crazier than the fierce air wave to lift toward all around Gravity Wave suddenly! 黑暗地狱火炸裂的中心,一股恐怖魂力荡漾,比刚才的重力波更狂猛的气浪猛然朝四周掀开! Bang A Heaven Falls and the Earth Splits bang, the innumerable soul power air waves are rippling, one layer upon layer! 一声天崩地裂般的巨响,无数的魂力气浪在荡漾,一圈圈、一层层! Stronger eruption, stronger impact! 更强的爆发、更强的冲击! Should by the center that Dark Hellfire Engulf submerges, that endless Hellfire was suppressed and unexpectedly draws by a strange strength, Barran of that whole body air wave tumbling will reveal that this is the breaknecking counter-attack of Barran. 本该被黑暗地狱火吞噬淹没的中心,那无尽的地狱火竟然被压制、被一股奇异的力量收拢,将中间那个浑身气浪翻滚的巴伦显露出来,这是巴伦的玩命反击。 But two Gui Xinying that got down a moment ago gloomily, again clearly appear at this time, happen to welcomed the terrifying ripple aftershock of under foot that suddenly dispersing. 而刚才暗淡下去的两个鬼心影,此时才重新清晰显现,正好迎上脚下那突然散开的恐怖波纹余震。 Buzz Fierce trembling, Gui Xinying in a flash vanishes, another dexterous falling to more than ten meters beyond, Gui Xinying eye very quiet, an audience deathly stillness, because this is Dark Hellfire, this Mario has confirmed terrifying Ability, obviously the control of Gui Xinying must very much flexible . Moreover the crucial moment must be fiercer. 剧烈的震颤,一个‘鬼心影瞬间消失,另一个则轻巧的落到十多米外,鬼心影的眼睛很平静,全场一片死寂,因为这是黑暗地狱火,这个马里奥已经验证过了的恐怖异能,很显然鬼心影的掌控要更加的灵活,而且火候也要更凶猛。 The soul power defense is useless, Hellfire can combustion soul power, however Barran Gravity Ability rescue the life, going all out gathers to the front all Hellfire pressures, although Hellfire has terrifying the strength of burning down, but belongs as before is the element Ability Initial Step category, Gravity is still easy-to-use! 魂力防御是没用的,地狱火可以燃烧魂力,但是巴伦重力异能救了命,拼命的把所有的地狱火压向胸前聚集,地狱火虽然有着恐怖的焚烧之力,但依旧属于是元素异能初阶范畴,重力依然好用! But the issue is...... Went against has withstood, may also withstand, even was refusing to compromise, the feeling of Barran looked like by this Hellfire is given to glue on, cannot throw off and cannot get rid, but also has to resist with it! At least the mind slightly has the negligence of such in a flash, it anytime will have the possibility to embezzle directly! 可问题是……顶是顶住了,可也只是顶住,甚至是在僵持,巴伦的感觉就像是被这地狱火给粘上,甩不掉、摆不脱,还不得不与之对抗!至少心神稍有那么一瞬间的疏忽,它就随时都有可能直接将自己吞没! Barran clenches teeth, this time Barran may a point defense not have continually, in front of Gui Xinying such assassin, is at the unbending conflicting mode like this opponent, has not distinguished with a cutting board on fish anything! 巴伦咬着牙,这时候的巴伦可连一点防御都没有,在鬼心影这样的刺客面前,这样处于僵直对抗状态的对手,就和一条案板上的鱼没什么区别! dagger? fist and feet? 匕首?还是拳脚 in fact roasts burns to the opposite party on the time from Hellfire, this competition in fact terminated, regardless of this fellow has powerful talent at present, Ability that may just awaken eventually, suppresses is not the solution, Barran could not have achieved to dispel the Hellfire situation at present. 其实地狱火炙烧到对方身上的时候,这场比赛其实就已经完结了,无论眼前这家伙有多强悍的天赋,可终究只是刚觉醒的异能,压制并不是解决,巴伦目前还做不到祛除地狱火的地步。 All people static looks at Gui Xinying, but at this time Gui Xinying gently hit a sound to refer. 所有人都静静的看着鬼心影,而这时鬼心影只是轻轻打了个响指。 hōng! 轰! Barran of support, in the body had been exploded by any thing with hardship likely, as if feels any too strong impact, the might that but the next second, hides has appeared. 苦苦支撑的巴伦,身体里像是被什么东西炸了一下,似乎并感受到什么太强的冲击,可下一秒,潜藏的威力就已经显现。 It looks like destruction that starts from the interior, eye, nose, ear and corners of the mouth Barran cannot help but overflowed the bloodstain to come, but Hellfire that besieges immediately goes to enter, in a flash has covered Barran. 就像是从内部开始的破坏,巴伦的眼睛、鼻子、耳朵、嘴角不由自主的已经溢出血迹来,而围攻的地狱火则是立刻趁虚而入,瞬间笼罩了巴伦 Chatted, strong lu unravelled. 谈笑间,强撸灰飞烟灭。 Does not need to count the seconds, the referee first has made the ruling, Gui Xinying, the victory! 不用等读秒,裁判第一时间就已经做出了判决,鬼心影,胜! Gui Xinying slightly one hesitant, a hand pendulum, Hellfire abates slowly, remaining whole body slightly burned black Barran lie to bend down there, obviously was Gui Xinying has shown mercy, this did not have the crush of suspense, the Gui Xinying boundary was strong to be too many too many. 鬼心影略微一犹豫,手一摆,地狱火慢慢消退,剩下全身略显焦黑的巴伦趴伏在那里,显然是鬼心影手下留情了,这场是毫无悬念的碾压,鬼心影的境界强出太多太多。 ( Three deliver, although Barran has dropped down, but innumerable Barran will stand, partners, entered CHF tall Sanchao, asked a monthly ticket, for Tianjing, thanked!!!) (三更送到,虽然一个巴伦倒下了,但是无数个巴伦会站起来的,伙伴们,进入chf的高氵朝了,求一张月票,为了天京,感谢!!!)
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