BF :: Volume #6

#3: Striking back primary form!

May at this moment, Kabar like completely not hear clamoring of ringside, selects the excited eye to stare on Barran, in the meantime, he has untied on the left hand the wrister of that black armor, then throws toward the ground conveniently. 可此时此刻,卡巴尔就像完全没有听到场边的叫嚣一样,略带点兴奋的眼睛只是盯在巴伦身上,同时,他解开了左手上那黑色铠甲的护腕,然后随手往地上一扔。 Kuāng! 哐! terrifying sound in a flash made the scene peaceful many. 恐怖的声响瞬间让现场安静了不少。 Trivial looks like the wrister of palm of the hand size, when falls to the ground the sound to be able in such loud noise to spread over the audience unexpectedly! But when carefully looks at that wrister again, the place that the discovery falls to the ground unexpectedly fell directly, spreads the Slab ground is looking like in front of that small wrister the soft bean curd is together soft! 区区一个看起来巴掌大小的护腕,落地时的声音竟然能在这样的喧闹声中传遍全场!而再仔细看那护腕时,竟然发现落地的地方已经直接陷了下去,铺着石板的地面在那小小的护腕面前就像是一块嫩豆腐般柔软! It seems like needed the earnest point.” “看来必须要认真一点了。” In the Kabar sound has filled self-confidently, simultaneously the wrister of right hand also solved. 卡巴尔的声音里充满了自信,同时右手的护腕也解下来了。 Kuāng! 哐! Same landing sound, but shocked compared with the sound obviously! Because this time scene was more peaceful, that ‚’ the sound bang is also naturally more noticeable. 同样的落地声,但明显比刚才的声音更加震撼!因为此时的现场已经安静了许多,那‘哐’声的巨响自然也就更加引人注目。 The scene swallows the sound of saliva innumerably, Barran looked dumbfounded, did this dark gadget have multiple? 现场无数咽唾沫的声音,就连巴伦都看呆住了,这黑乎乎的玩意到底有多重? The shinguard of kneepad and calf on knee...... Shiny black armor module that disassembles, pounding of each article falls the ground, is only the time of a while, the ground of his body week was inadequate ‚’ shape. 膝盖上的护膝、小腿的护腿……拆卸下来的黑亮铠甲组件,一件件的砸落到地面,只是一会儿的功夫,他身周的地面已经不成‘地’形。 Until, last! 直到,最后一件! Front armor main body! Barran Two-part Folded Strength, spells to try unable to leave behind a seal on that the black armor main body. 胸前的铠甲主体!巴伦二段叠劲,拼尽全力都没能在那上面留下一个印子的黑色铠甲主体。 Card Barran takes off its time is also a quite strenuous troublesome appearance, other part is single-handed casually throws, this trivial armor, used both hands unexpectedly. 巴伦脱下它的时候也是一副相当吃力麻烦的样子,别的部件都是单手随便扔,这区区一件铠甲,居然用上了双手 hōng! 轰! When that armor main body falls to ground , the deafening sound that sends out is simply incredible, even many people feel continually the ground in entire athletics hall in shivering slightly! 当那铠甲主体落到地面上时,发出的震响简直让人难以置信,甚至许多人感觉连整个竞技馆的地面都在微微的颤抖! This...... 这…… Sees has put on heavy equipment of that type of sincere armor, but has not imagined really could have the terrifying thing that the weight goes to this situation! Is this armor? What his mother takes off is Aerolite! 见过穿着那种厚重铠甲的重装,但真没想像过能有重量达到这种地步的恐怖东西!这还是铠甲吗?这他妈脱下来的是陨石吧! Is Aerolite, Black Fallen Star Set of Torrest!” Gui Hao laughs \; This gadget is heavy, does to carry a heavy load the good instrument of training, all day but puts on like Kabar unique.” “就是陨石,托雷斯特家的黑陨套装!”鬼浩哈哈一笑\;“这玩意就是重,是做负重训练的好器械,但像卡巴尔这样整天穿着的还是绝无仅有的。” Takes off armor the relaxedness of Kabar face, long shouted the tone, he has broken off the finger, jumped same place slightly two, seems adapting to the new body weight. 脱掉铠甲的卡巴尔一脸的轻松,长长的呼了口气,他掰了掰手指,原地稍稍蹦了两下,似乎在适应着新的体重。 Only after is only 2-3 seconds, Kabar action stopped, turned the neck, both hands received slightly in the waist, simultaneously looked to Barran. 仅只是两三秒之后,卡巴尔动作就停了下来,扭了扭脖子,双手微微收在腰间,同时看向巴伦 Kabar looks like that Kabar, but the body has been short of a dark armor, but is hard with the point of spoken language description, actually already along with shackles that’ these untie, filled the entire athletic field in silent. 卡巴尔看起来还是那个卡巴尔,只是身上少了一件黑乎乎的铠甲而已,但一股难以用言语描述的锋芒,却已经随着那些解开的‘枷锁’,在无声无息间弥漫到了整个赛场。 Copes with Barran, had no need such complex, this retained to the S + card in a hand, Kabar that but is excited is such willful. 对付巴伦,原本用不着这么复杂,这原本是保留给S+的底牌,但兴奋起来的卡巴尔就是这么任性。 Was careful!” “小心了!” He smiles, but has raised under the tip of the toe gently. 他嘿嘿一笑,只是轻轻提了下脚尖。 cēng! hōng! 噌!轰! Heard the sound that he moved just to resound, Barran had been pounded to fly. 只是听到他移动的声音刚刚响起,巴伦就已经被砸飞了出去。 Originally flexible subconscious response at this time completely not being able to stand in line use, let alone saw clearly the fist of Kabar, Barran even felt linked a moment ago to the danger sentenced in advance does not have! 原本灵活的下意识反应此时完全排不上用场,别说看清卡巴尔的拳头了,巴伦甚至感觉刚才自己连对危险的预判都没有! Quick, was too quick! Which this likely is heavy equipment? This is top assassin has the speed that simply! 快,太快了!这哪像是一个重装?这简直就是一个顶级刺客才有的速度! Moreover, that terrifying impulse also completely and was no comparison between them a moment ago! 而且,那恐怖的冲击力也完全和刚才不可同日而语! The chest transmits the severe pain, simultaneously the ear bank wind sound, may not wait for the buttocks to be well-grounded, heavy blows have rumbled from under. Kabar was similar to the rocket rushed to flying upside down Barran unexpectedly behind. 胸口传来剧痛,同时耳畔风响,可还没等屁股着地,一记重拳已从下方轰来。卡巴尔竟然如同火箭般冲到了倒飞的巴伦身后。 hōng! 轰! Rubber ball was rumbled high, follows close on is being a bigger threat came from the top of the head! 皮球般的被轰高,紧跟着就是更大的威胁来自头顶! This time realized finally that both arms hold the front, serious strength in a flash pounds down. 这次总算意识到,双臂抱到胸前,沉重的力量瞬间砸下。 hōng! 轰! The place that Barran was pounded, a big ground directly has sunk, looks like Aerolite from day falls down, felt that the entire athletics hall slightly shivered continually, all sounds stop in this moment, all people stare the big eye, to close the mouth, only the remaining that pound the place the reverberation of bang in athletics hall. 巴伦被砸下去的地方,一大片地面都直接凹了起来,就像是来自天外的陨石坠地,感觉连整个竞技馆都微微颤抖了一下,所有的声音在这一刻都嘎然而止,所有人都瞪大眼睛、闭紧嘴巴,仅只剩下那砸地的巨响在竞技馆中的回荡。 Linked the strength also to promote unexpectedly!” Ma Dong looks stares dumbfounded, but also thinks that takes off the heavy armor, is only the promotion of speed, formerly Kabar may be far from such strong attack strength. “竟然连力量也提升了!”马东看得瞠目结舌,还以为脱下沉重的铠甲,只是速度的提升而已,先前的卡巴尔可远远没有这么强的攻击力。 „The attack strength that impulse promotion, such speed brings will definitely have very sweeping change.” Wang Zhong vision brilliant, the meaning, this opponent was just a little good the card in Barran online, strong a little, has a look at Barran whether to overcome. “冲量提升,这样的速度带来的攻击力肯定会有很大变化。”王重目光灼灼,有点意思,这个对手刚刚好又卡在了巴伦的线上,强那么一点,看看巴伦能否克服。 hōng! 轰! The hollow ground blasts out suddenly, all around crushed stone splash, Barran jumped from inside, although the corners of the mouth are overflowing the blood, but is full of energy, is in several competitions to resist to hit ability famous Barran, arrived at Cast Soul Peak, carrying capacity obviously abnormal, cannot say that used the will, was only the body then has been only able to resist. 凹陷的地面猛然炸开,四周碎石飞溅,巴伦从里面蹦了出来,嘴角虽然溢着血,可精神抖擞,原本就是几场比赛中都以抗击打能力出名的巴伦,到达铸魂巅峰,承受力显然更加变态了,都说不上用意志,仅只是身体便已能抗得住。 Pā! 啪! His double palm in the chest previous racket, an arbitrary aura swings suddenly toward all around, fighting intent is full. In the Tianjing camp erupts a Madness applauding sound immediately, but Kabar smiles, really worthily is the man who favor, fights must like this gratifying! 他双掌猛然在胸口前一拍,一股蛮横的气息朝四周荡开,战意十足。天京阵营中顿时爆发出一阵疯狂的叫好声,可卡巴尔只是嘿嘿一笑,果然不愧是自己看好的男人,打架就要这样才过瘾 Is just like you to hit the sandbag, if 32 fists get down to destroy, then waits for others to help you trade ten minutes, that may not have on the mood that anything practices. 就好比你打沙袋,要是32拳下去就打坏掉,然后等别人帮你换个十分钟,那可就什么练习的心情都没有了。 Comes again!” “再来!” Whiz whiz whiz! 嗖嗖嗖! cēng cēng cēng! 噌噌噌 The Kabar form must look like a round of shell quickly, on the scene batters and back and forth the wind fly, almost in one second must sprint 1-2 in the Barran side back and forth! 卡巴尔的身影快得就像是一发炮弹,在场中横冲直撞、来回飙飞,几乎一秒内就要在巴伦的身旁冲刺一两个来回! Barran made into sandbag thoroughly, can only protect the strategic point, how regardless of he makes the lead block(ed), Kabar every time broke through, the fist and leg and foot association of terrifying pound on him, serious dull thumping sound reverberation of fast in athletics hall, during several seconds have then linked up into a single stretch! 巴伦是彻底被打成了沙包,只能护住要害,无论他怎么做提前量的封挡,卡巴尔的每一次冲过,恐怖的拳头和腿脚都总会砸到他身上,沉重的闷响在竞技馆中飞快的回荡,数秒间便已经连成一片! pēng pēng pēng pēng pēng! 砰砰砰砰砰 Perhaps his speed is not considered as that topest, is most minimum, before had has entered the stage Napier Mo and Addiga Brooks and other group of Mo List assassin, each one speeds above Kabar. His strength and attack are not also strongest, let alone has Ten Great soldier that rank, even if were only once Golden Mammoth and Baila Dien Werewolf, was stronger than him! 他的速度或许并不算是最顶尖的,最起码,之前有出场过的奈皮尔-墨艾迪加-布鲁克斯等一帮墨榜刺客,个个的速度都在卡巴尔之上。他的力量和攻击也并不算最强的,别说有着十大战士那个级别,即便只是曾经的黄金猛犸拜拉迪恩狼人,也都比他更强! But, if the consideration speed and strength gives dual attention...... When heavy equipment soldier is having the assassin speed, that simply is invincible! 可,如果是考虑速度与力量兼顾的话……当一个重装战士拥有着刺客般的速度时,那简直就是无敌! The share that Barran only then comes under attack, let alone hits back, cannot trace the half piece of lower hem corner of opposite party! 巴伦只有挨打的份儿,别说还手,根本都摸不到对方的半片衣角! Unknowingly, in the mouth ear of Barran starts to infiltrate the hemorrhage, such hitting hard starts to destroy from the interior, such is getting down to be killed while still alive! 不知不觉中,巴伦的嘴里耳朵里都开始渗出血,这样的重击是从内部开始破坏的,在这么下去可是要被活活打死的! Did not comprehend with great difficulty has unloaded strength Skill, including Captain unusual acclaiming, he thinks that will be good, but fell into the hopeless situation, can say Kabar this exploding exercise(d) power, happen to restraint stubbornly. 不好容易领悟了卸力技巧,连队长都非常的赞叹,他以为会好一点,但又陷入了绝境,可以说卡巴尔这种爆发力,正好克制的死死的。 Although on the face of Hyman is having the smiling face, however unusual reluctantly, if only the teammate, is a care, but now completely is another type, this was different from before completely, with Barran in the same place, she felt warm and dependence, the handsome boy and honeyed words and Barran compared appear that pale, other did not say that since with the Barran confirmation relations, Hyman did not tease Grai. 海曼的脸上虽然带着笑容,但是非常的勉强,如果只是队友,是一种关心,但现在完全是另外一种,这跟以前完全不同,和巴伦在一起,她感受到了温暖和依靠,小白脸和花言巧语和巴伦比起来显得那么苍白,别的不说,自从和巴伦确认关系,海曼格莱都不调侃了。 Saw that Barran was hit on the stage, her first time felt that the heart pain, in the past, she thought the fierce man is most graceful, calling out of that blood splash, lets person boiling without doubt, is, this time, a feeling of her boiling does not have, felt that the whole body feels cold. 看到巴伦在台上被那么打,她第一次感觉到了心痛,以往,她都觉得勇猛的男人最帅,那种鲜血飞溅的嚎叫,无疑是让人沸腾,可是,这一次,她一点沸腾的感觉都没有,感觉浑身发冷。 ( Second delivers, seeking one to guarantee a minimum monthly ticket, now diplophases, partners, generous support, thanked!) (第二更送到,求一张保底月票,现在双倍期,伙伴们,多多支持,感谢!)
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