APS :: Volume #14

#1387: dragon ancestor( first)

How do you come?” “你们怎么来的?” Su Ping is somewhat surprised, their aura are still a state of mind, has not achieved does not extinguish the boundary, how to arrive at this most in-depth dragon prison? 苏平有些吃惊,它们的气息依然是道心境,并未达到不灭境,怎么会来到这最深层的龙狱? Boss has the danger, how can we not be at side Boss?” Ergou makes grinningly the sound. 老大有危险,我们怎么能不在老大身边呢?”二狗发出笑嘻嘻地声音。 Su Ping looked at its one, the eye pupil solidifies slightly, including Ergou, they are cut and bruised, the whole body is the fight traces, without a doubt, to come here, they experienced not the unimaginable fight. 苏平看了它一眼,眼眸微微凝固,包括二狗在内,它们都是遍体鳞伤,浑身都是战斗余痕,毫无疑问,为了来到这里,它们经历了无法想象的战斗。 „Are you...... come?” “你们……是自己来的?” We punctured Longkeng, then came.” Purple Python sways from side to side the body saying that its gigantic such as the body of mountain range, this moment scale falls off, covers entirely the fissure, above also has the strength of corrosion to gnaw food its flesh. “我们打穿了龙坑,然后就来了。”紫青牯蟒扭动身躯说道,其硕大如山脉的身躯,此刻鳞片脱落,布满裂痕,上面还有腐蚀的力量啃食其血肉。 Su Ping lifts the hand to wield, all scatters their body Great Dao ample force, their injury reversal restoration. 苏平抬手一挥,将它们身上大道余力全都驱散,将它们的伤势逆转恢复。 Looks appearance that their whole body grief is actually lighting up with pleasure, Su Ping is somewhat silent, the fist gripped tightly. 望着它们浑身伤痛却喜笑颜开的模样,苏平有些沉默,拳头攥得更紧了。 Boss, lets us together, breaks through this dragon Yu!” Ergou said, its eye pupil bright twinkle, fills to fight intent. 老大,让我们一起,冲破这龙狱吧!”二狗说道,它眼眸炯炯闪烁,充满战意。 Su Ping looked at Purgatory Candle Dragon, it burnt dragon soul, the life was burning down continually, already was irreversible, good to resurrect here. 苏平看了一眼炼狱烛龙兽,它燃烧了龙魂,生命在持续焚烧,已经不可逆转,好在这里能够复活。 You come in easily from above, but leaves from here is quite difficult.” Su Ping said. “你们从上面进来容易,但从这里离开比较难。”苏平说道。 No matter is difficult, we will accompany side Boss.” Ergou said. “不管多难,我们都会陪在老大身边。”二狗说道。 Good!” “好!” Su Ping deeply inspires, does not extinguish the boundary to walk toward the sky clan, said: Along with me cut to kill them together, I must absorb their strengths, we ran out of dragon Yu at one fell swoop, I must make a protorosaurus clan know, the true dragon clan does not need to any to exist to lower the head!!” 苏平深吸了口气,朝昊天族不灭境走去,道:“随我一同将它们斩杀了,我要吸收它们的力量,咱们一举冲出龙狱,我要让原龙一族知晓,真正的龙族不需要向任何存在低头!!” Roar!! 吼!! Purgatory Candle Dragon sends out to roar, his angry and blazing double pupil, like two rounds of roaring flame, pierces the myriad things, the strength of its whole body is turning wells up, the dragon soul of combustion becomes even more turbulent, burning hot other light waves and to prisoners of life, these do not extinguish the Chaos god demon of boundary to feel a ignition the pain. 炼狱烛龙兽发出咆哮,其愤怒而炽烈的双眸,像两轮烈焰,洞穿万物,它浑身的力量在翻涌,燃烧的龙魂变得越发汹涌,炙热的生命之光波及到其他囚犯,这些不灭境的混沌神魔都感受到一阵灼烧的痛楚。 Roar!! 吼!! Purgatory Candle Dragon sends out to roar again, the sound is even more resonant, the biography swings in entire dragon Yu, his body inflates, becomes more gigantic, the whole body aura is rising dramatically fast. 炼狱烛龙兽再度发出咆哮,声音越发嘹亮,传荡在整个龙狱中,其身体膨胀,变得更加硕大,浑身的气息都在快速暴增。 Su Ping stops the footsteps, turn head looks surprised. 苏平不禁停下脚步,吃惊地回头望去。 Through the consciousness, he can feel this moment Purgatory Candle Dragon intense will, as well as that the arrogance of dominating All Heavens! 通过意识,他能感受到此刻炼狱烛龙兽强烈的意志,以及那一股凌驾诸天的傲气! Bang, as if has anything to rupture. 轰地一声,似乎有什么东西爆裂开来。 The wild strength from within the body eruption of Purgatory Candle Dragon, in its behind, the black red universe appears, this universe resembles absorbed the infinite strength, becomes the inflation and trembling, later under attention of people, explodes loudly! 狂暴的力量从炼狱烛龙兽的体内爆发而出,在其背后,黑红色的宇宙浮现,这宇宙像吸收了无穷的力量,变得膨胀、震颤,随后在众人的瞩目下,轰然爆裂开来! The rupturing universe changes to the infinite strength, all flows in backward to Purgatory Candle Dragon within the body, its body hovers in the world, face upwards to send out dragon cry. 爆裂的宇宙化作无穷的力量,全都倒灌到炼狱烛龙兽的体内,它的身体在天地间翱翔,仰天发出龙吟。 His whole body shatter scale regenerates rapidly, the rotten flesh is healing fast, including irreversible combustion dragon soul, extinguishes in this moment. 其浑身破碎的鳞片飞速再生,腐烂的血肉在快速愈合,包括不可逆转的燃烧龙魂,都在这一刻熄灭。 But the dragon soul extinguishes, aura that its body disseminates, is richer scary. 但龙魂熄灭,其身上弥散出的气息,却更加浓郁骇人。 If the Evil Dragon that the deep sleep from the abyss regains consciousness, stares at the world. 如从深渊中沉睡苏醒的恶龙,凝望人间。 That shatter black red universe, condenses in its back again, contracts in its, changes to together the light wave strength, the ejection, shells fiercely in the dragon prison. 那破碎的黑红色宇宙,在其背后再度凝聚,收缩到其口中,化作一道光波般的力量,猛地弹射而出,轰击在龙狱中。 The ray passed over gently and swiftly, the jet black dragon prison as if illuminated shortly. 光芒掠过,漆黑的龙狱都似乎短暂照亮了。 In the visible deep place, the sound that the universe explodes resounds, but does not see the strength proliferation to spread, still likes a stone dropped into the sea, was absorbed by the dragon prison. 在看不见的深处,宇宙爆裂的声音响起,但不见力量扩散传开,依然石沉大海,被龙狱吸收。 Su Ping looks at Purgatory Candle Dragon, how not to have thought, it will break through the shackles here, steps into does not extinguish the universe boundary! 苏平怔怔地看着炼狱烛龙兽,怎么都没想到,它会在这里突破枷锁,踏入不灭宇宙境! As increasing of strength the release, Purgatory Candle Dragon gradually subsides, its gigantic body sways from side to side in void, the physique under the previous rapid growth, such as a star, not the inferior Chaos big dragon in the volume, its gigantic dragon mouth, as if can easily swallow half star. 力量的攀升随着释放,炼狱烛龙兽逐渐平息下来,其硕大的身躯在虚空中扭动,体格在先前的飞速增长下,如一颗星球般,在体积上丝毫不逊色混沌巨龙,其硕大的龙口,似乎能轻易吞下半颗星球。 The heat steel cast body, in coiling around revolving sends out the infinite strength feeling. 烧红的钢铁熔铸般的身躯,在盘绕旋转间都散发出无穷的力量感。 Su Ping looks up to Purgatory Candle Dragon, the shock will only be being left over to be proud and affected from now on, feels joyful for Purgatory Candle Dragon. 苏平仰望着炼狱烛龙兽,震惊过后只剩下骄傲和感动,替炼狱烛龙兽感到欣喜。 „, The bloodlines such spot of this dragon is not mixed, unexpectedly can also condensed become the Great Dao unification?” “不是吧,这头龙的血脉这么斑杂,居然也能凝炼大道统一?” So many motley strengths, what strength is he by unified?” “那么多斑驳的力量,他是靠什么力量统一的?” This dragon seems like his companion, damn, now he may not resist......” “这头龙好像是他的同伴,该死,现在他更加不可抵挡了……” Several prisoners felt hard to understand and alarmed and afraid, previously was only Su Ping is thorny on already, dragon clan companion who now many does not extinguish the boundary, they were imprisoned by the dragon prison in one, can only meet the tough head-on with toughness with Su Ping, hides has no way to hide, this way will gradually be nibbled by Su Ping surely. 几个囚犯都感到难以理解和惊惧,先前只是苏平已经棘手无比,现在多一个不灭境的龙族同伴,它们自身又被龙狱囚禁在一处,只能跟苏平硬碰硬,躲都没法躲,这样下去必定会被苏平逐渐蚕食。 Made this fellow be in the lead.” “又让这家伙领先了。” Ergou looks up Purgatory Candle Dragon, mumbled one, but in the eye pupil is disclosing liking, their card is too long in the state of mind, knows that must break that final bottleneck difficult, is not likely able to accomplish life-long, but Purgatory Candle Dragon breaks through at present unexpectedly, is the great happiness matter. 二狗抬头看着炼狱烛龙兽,嘟囔了一句,但眼眸中却是透露着欢喜,它们卡在道心境太久,知道要打破那最后的瓶颈有多难,很可能终生都无法办到,但眼下炼狱烛龙兽居然突破了,是大喜的事。 We must speed up.” Vast Space Thunder Dragon some competitive said/tunnel. “我们也要加快了。”瀚空雷龙兽有些不服输地道。 Sooner or later I will also unify Great Dao!” Purple Python is confident about oneself, it has not been the initial small python, follows Su Ping to travele across All Heavens, meets head-on Myriad Races, it is reborn completely, the willpower is tenacious. “迟早我也会统一大道!”紫青牯蟒对自己充满信心,它早已不是当初的小蟒蛇,跟随苏平踏遍诸天,迎战万族,它完全脱胎换骨,意志力坚韧。 Waits for the mood to return to normal, Su Ping said to Purgatory Candle Dragon: you first meets head-on it to have a look alone, under adaptation your present strength.” 等心情平复下来,苏平炼狱烛龙兽道:“伱先独自迎战它看看,适应下你现在的力量。” He aims at the sky clan not to extinguish the boundary. 他指向昊天族不灭境。 The Purgatory Candle Dragon associative compound, roars not to extinguish the boundary to kill toward the sky clan lowly. 炼狱烛龙兽会意,低吼着朝昊天族不灭境杀去。 Hey, do not come, we admit defeat......” sky clan not to extinguish the boundary to see that yell hastily. “喂喂,别过来,我们认输……”昊天族不灭境见状连忙大叫道。 But Purgatory Candle Dragon disregards, the release universe dragon breath, kills toward its bang. 炼狱烛龙兽不管不顾,释放出宇宙龙息,朝其轰杀过去。 Quick, Purgatory Candle Dragon does not extinguish the boundary to fight with the sky clan together. 很快,炼狱烛龙兽跟昊天族不灭境战斗在一起。 Su Ping also saw clearly this sky clan not to extinguish the appearance of boundary, the physique was gigantic, assumes the oval-shape, the both sides had the giant arm that the innumerable limbs composed, gathered the arm, separating was actually the innumerable sickle sharp blade. 苏平也看清了这昊天族不灭境的模样,体态硕大,呈椭圆形,两侧有无数肢体组成的巨臂,聚拢成臂,分开却是无数的镰刀利刃。 His body was fixed in that space, is unable to move flexibly, can only be forced to slaughter with Purgatory Candle Dragon. 其身体被固定在那处空间中,无法灵活移动,只能被迫跟炼狱烛龙兽厮杀。 The giant arm of condensation shakes the fist to pound, hits to fly upside down unexpectedly directly the body of Purgatory Candle Dragon, Su Ping is somewhat surprised, this sky clan does not extinguish the strength of boundary to be much bigger, it is estimated that a finger can puncture the big universe, prestige of the fist, 34 universe overlay will be penetrated even! 其凝聚的巨臂挥拳砸出,竟直接将炼狱烛龙兽的身体打得倒飞出去,苏平有些吃惊,这昊天族不灭境的力量大得出奇,估计一根手指就能戳破大宇宙,一拳之威,就算是三四颗宇宙叠加都会被击穿! I do not want to kill you, do not come!” “我不想杀你,别过来!” The sky clan does not extinguish the boundary to repel Purgatory Candle Dragon, the loud anger exclaimed. 昊天族不灭境击退炼狱烛龙兽,大声怒吼道。 Purgatory Candle Dragon actually disregards, the body coils around to go, attacks with various ways. 炼狱烛龙兽却不管不顾,身体盘绕而去,用各种方式攻击。 The sky clan does not extinguish the boundary to be made the anger, can ignore the threat of Su Ping, suddenly the both arms condense, change to two giant fierce palms, grasps firmly the Purgatory Candle Dragon wing fiercely, catches up suddenly, tears unexpectedly directly Purgatory Candle Dragon, the both arms of its inflation change to the innumerable sharp blade fast, cuts the innumerable blocks Purgatory Candle Dragon. 昊天族不灭境被打出火气,也顾不得苏平的威胁,蓦然双臂凝聚,化作两只巨大狰狞的手掌,猛地攥住炼狱烛龙兽的翅翼,骤然发力,竟将炼狱烛龙兽直接撕裂开来,其膨胀的双臂快速化作无数利刃,将炼狱烛龙兽切割成无数块。 The Su Ping vision concentrates, this sky clan does not extinguish the boundary to be really intrepid, as 12 ancestor witches in does not extinguish the boundary, itself does not extinguish the apex in boundary, dominates above All Heavens Myriad Races, Purgatory Candle Dragon in comparison, many disparities. 苏平目光微凝,这昊天族不灭境果然强悍,作为12祖巫中的不灭境,本身就是不灭境中的顶尖,凌驾于诸天万族之上,炼狱烛龙兽与其相比,还有不少差距。 However, the body of Purgatory Candle Dragon meets again quickly, had not died, does not extinguish the boundary to attack to kill toward the sky clan as before. 不过,炼狱烛龙兽的身体很快重聚,并没有就此死去,依旧朝昊天族不灭境攻杀过去。 Damn, obviously is not the protorosaurus clan universe, unexpectedly is so thorny!” The sky clan does not extinguish the boundary to be somewhat angry, his body was imprisoned, unexpectedly is very for a while difficult to kill this dragon Zuzhan. “该死,明明不是原龙族宇宙,居然这么棘手!”昊天族不灭境有些愤怒,他的身体被囚禁,一时竟很难将这龙族斩杀。 Su Ping saw Purgatory Candle Dragon Trial similarly, no longer delayed, walked with stride. 苏平炼狱烛龙兽试炼得差不多了,也不再耽搁,大步走去。 On together.” “一起上。” Roar!” “吼!” Saw that Su Ping must collaborate with Dragon, the sky clan did not extinguish the boundary to be anxious immediately, said hastily: I admit defeat, I beg for mercy, the Great Dao fragment that you want I give you, I coordinate!” 看到苏平龙兽要联手,昊天族不灭境顿时急了,连忙道:“我认输,我求饶,你要的大道碎片我给你,我配合!” Late!” “晚了!” Su Ping has not stopped, displays the primitive Chaos universe to kill. 苏平没停下,施展原始混沌宇宙杀去。 In him with Purgatory Candle Dragon , the sky clan does not extinguish the boundary to fall jointly quickly leeward, shortly after was defeated by them, digs the Great Dao strength from his body unceasingly. 在他跟炼狱烛龙兽的联手下,昊天族不灭境很快落入下风,没多久就被他们击败,不断从其身体中刨出大道力量。 Su Ping fight while absorbs, he prepares the condensed third universe origins Great Dao, is he comprehends from Federation Universe Dao Source. 苏平一边战斗一边吸收,他准备凝炼的第三颗宇宙是起源大道,也是他从联邦宇宙道源界中领悟而出。 As origins Great Dao to absorb the Great Dao strength, from continues to grow quickly completely, continuous growth. 随着起源大道吸收大道力量,很快从圆满继续成长,不断壮大。 Su Ping directly with Purgatory Candle Dragon body fusion, this is the first time that he with did not extinguish boundary body fusion, in an instant, the wild strength swamps into his body, Su Ping felt that within the body as if were many a universe, two strengths each other fuse, this is not the simple overlay, but promotion doubled and re-doubled. 苏平直接与炼狱烛龙兽合体,这是他第一次与不灭境合体,刹那间,狂暴的力量涌入他的身体,苏平感觉体内似乎多了一处宇宙,两股力量彼此融合,这不是简单的叠加,而是成倍的提升。 The Su Ping body becomes extremely palatial, the whole body grows the close dragon scale, the appearance is fierce, has the shatter universe prestige energy. 苏平的身躯变得极其巍峨,浑身生长出细密的龙鳞,模样狰狞,举手投足间都有破碎宇宙的威能。 Several prisoners look fearful and apprehensive, shocks in the extreme, some prisoners yelled: What strength is this? Does not extinguish the boundary also to be able unexpectedly such large scale improvement strength, this is impossible!” 几个囚犯看得心惊肉跳,震撼得无以复加,有囚犯大叫道:“这是什么力量?不灭境居然还能这么大幅度提升力量,这绝不可能!” Fusion! Was that Dragon sacrificed itself, discarded itself!” “融合!是那头龙兽牺牲了自己,舍弃了自己!” This was also too stupid, it just promoted not to extinguish the boundary, eternal immortal!” “这也太蠢了吧,它可是刚晋升成不灭境,永恒不朽啊!” These prisoners are shocked, does not extinguish the boundary to discard unexpectedly, integrates Su Ping within the body, this broke their cognition. 这些囚犯都是深感震惊,不灭境居然舍弃自我,融入到苏平的体内,这打破了它们的认知。 Bang! 嘭! A Su Ping fist rumbles, trillion tons strength suddenly/violently smash, coordinating the endless skill in Daoist cultivation, the sky clan not to extinguish the boundary to cause the giant arm to resist, the arm was actually hit cracks. 苏平一拳轰出,亿万吨的力量暴砸而出,配合无尽道力,昊天族不灭境引起巨臂招架,手臂却被打得崩裂。 After body fusion, Su Ping strength already exceeded the sky clan not to extinguish the boundary. 合体之后,苏平的力量已经超越了昊天族不灭境。 Su Ping acts fast, condenses the hemorrhage sword, connects the anger to cut, the prestige energy of each sword is the previous several times. 苏平快速出手,凝聚出血剑,接连怒斩,每一剑的威能都是先前数倍。 The sky clan does not extinguish the boundary to be hit the body unceasingly to be shattered the reorganization, the pitiful yell again and again. 昊天族不灭境被打得身体不断破灭重组,惨叫连连。 Su Ping feels the Purgatory Candle Dragon universe, deeply inspires, transfers the strength of its universe, the black red universe and primitive Chaos universe simultaneously present behind him, but the volume of black red universe was obviously small, like surrounding the Moon of Earth, Su Ping can feel the suppression and preemption of primitive Chaos universe to other universes. 苏平感受到炼狱烛龙兽的宇宙,深吸了口气,将它的宇宙之力调动出来,黑红色的宇宙和原始混沌宇宙同时呈现在他背后,但黑红色宇宙的体积明显小了很多,就像环绕地球的月球,苏平能感受到原始混沌宇宙对其他宇宙的镇压和排挤。 If not Purgatory Candle Dragon with the body fusion stance, this black red universe by the Purgatory Candle Dragon leadership control, it is estimated that wants to transfer is actually not possible. 若非炼狱烛龙兽是以合体姿态,这黑红宇宙实则是由炼狱烛龙兽主导掌控,估计想要调动都不可能。 Explodes!” “爆!” Su Ping detonates two universes simultaneously, the wild strength such as the twin stars gathering, enhances one another's beauty, changes to the storm vortex to swamp into the body of Su Ping, the terrifying strength sweeps across, the sky clan does not extinguish the boundary to yell startled: Lets off me, I knew mistakenly, I am willing to lend you my strength, stopped quickly!!” 苏平同时引爆两颗宇宙,狂暴的力量如双子星汇聚,交相辉映,化作风暴漩涡涌入苏平的身体,恐怖的力量席卷,昊天族不灭境惊慌大叫道:“放过我,我知道错了,我愿意把我的力量都借给你,快住手!!” I will leave behind your spirit!” Su Ping only said. “我会留下你的魂灵!”苏平只说道。 At once a sword anger cuts under. 旋即一剑怒斩而下。 The sky clan does not extinguish the huge body of boundary to be cut open immediately, such as ancient god's fierce body rupturing only, from the rupturing center collapses fast, was stirred broken by a strength inspiration, changes to the innumerable fragments instantaneously. 昊天族不灭境的庞大身躯顿时被切开,如古老神祇的狰狞身体爆裂,从爆裂的中心快速坍塌,被一股力量吸入搅碎,瞬间化作无数碎片。 Su Ping absorbs immediately these fragments at present, fast absorption. 苏平立刻将这些碎片吸附到眼前,快速吸收。 Has the body fusion strength, the speed that he absorbs was faster than previously. 合体的力量,他吸收的速度比先前更快。 But in these chaotic fragments, the sky clan does not extinguish the spirit empty shadow of boundary to drift, its startled anger looks at Su Ping, actually does not dare to make the sound. 而在这些混乱碎片中,昊天族不灭境的魂灵虚影飘浮,它惊怒地看着苏平,却不敢作声。 Su Ping has not managed it , to continue to absorb its Great Dao, bites its flesh. 苏平没理它,继续吸收其大道,啃吃其血肉。 Shortly, origins Great Dao to expand rapidly, quick, the universe embryonic form appears. 没多久,起源大道飞速壮大,很快,宇宙雏形出现。 Also passes half a month, new does not extinguish the universe birth. 又过半月,一颗新的不灭宇宙诞生。 With condensation of origin universe, aloof aura also appears, was previously extruded nearby Void Dao and Flame Dao universe, as if found the ally to gather rapidly. 伴随着起源宇宙的凝聚,一股超然的气息随之浮现,先前被挤压到一旁的虚道炎道宇宙,似乎找到盟友般迅速聚集过来。 The strengths of three universes each other connect, under the oppression of primitive Chaos universe, melts unexpectedly automatically, each other altogether becomes a body. 三颗宇宙的力量彼此连接,在原始混沌宇宙的压迫下,竟自动相融,彼此共成一体。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完) Please remember this book first round domain name:. 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