AT :: Volume #40

#3907: Wanted reality

From has several guesses to the zero point possible change. “从”对原点可能出现的变化有好几种猜测。 The zero point possibly has no change, will exhibit this condition forever, this means that the whole world died thoroughly, from will be stranded with Luo Zheng in an eternal prison. 原点可能没有任何变化,将会永远呈现这种状态,这意味着整个世界彻底死亡,从和罗征将会被困在一个永恒的监狱内。 Another possibility is the zero point restarts for the perfect place restores to the itself 13 square world, a Georgian world has many common places with 13 standard perfect places, both have the transformation is not not impossible. 另外一个可能就是原点重启为完美之地恢复到本身十三格世界,一格世界与十三格完美之地有着许多共通处,两者发生转化并非不可能。 A possibility is the zero point splits, it judged very much long time ago Luo Zheng and Evil God do not belong to here, their two can span the world's most foundation the rule. 还有一个可能就是原点分裂,它很早就判断罗征邪神不属于这里,他们两位才能跨越世界最基础的规则。 However these infer, after all has not experienced lowering standards. 不过这些都是推断,毕竟从也没经历过降格。 Now from the judgment was correct, the zero point starts to split really slowly. 现在从的判断正确了,原点果真开始缓缓分裂。 How then can?” Luo Zheng asked. “接下来会怎么样?”罗征问道。 Perhaps...... your I will have perfect place,” said from the response. “或许……你我将重新拥有一个完美之地,”从回应道。 World of complete separation?” “完全分隔的世界?” Right, you will become another me, congratulates you,” said from the blessing. “对,你将成为另外一个我,恭喜你,”从祝福道。 Who knew Luo Zheng to be anxious immediately, you complied to give me a real world!” 谁知罗征顿时急了,“你答应赋予我一个真实的世界!” Luo Zheng wants is not the perfect place, he does not want to become world's control, he only wants destroyed all, his lover, family members and friends. 罗征想要的并非是完美之地,他也不想成为世界的主宰,他只想要回过去被毁灭的一切,他的爱人,亲人和朋友们。 This is not difficult,” from said indifferently, my memory gives to you, you then can create once reality.” “这不难,”从淡然说道,“我的记忆赋予给你,你便能创造出曾经的真实。” Said that its consciousness curls toward Luo Zheng, this consciousness fuses with Luo Zheng unexpectedly on own initiative mutually! 说罢它的意识朝罗征卷来,这意识竟主动与罗征相互融合! Consciousness fusion from initiating, but from gives up the leading power on own initiative, was equal to Luo Zheng swallowed directly from part of consciousness, include certainly the memory in consciousness. 意识融合是从发起的,而从又主动放弃主导权,等于罗征直接吞噬了从的一部分意识,当然也包括意识内的记忆。 Why this...... you must so......” the Luo Zheng surprised say/way. “这……你为何要如此……”罗征惊讶道。 And other zero points restored after the perfect place, I will greet a new world, I do not need to return to original state once passing, some memories give up to you well,” from replying, it only need remember that had had anything probably then. “等原点恢复为完美之地后,我将迎接一个新的世界,我不需要还原曾经的过往,这部分记忆割舍给你最好,”从回答道,它只需记得曾经大概发生过什么即可。 Luo Zheng has not said anything, only waits for the consciousness to fuse slowly, but Luo Zheng's memory explosion -type growth in process of fusion. 罗征没有多说什么,只等待着意识慢慢融合,而在融合的过程中罗征的记忆爆炸式的增长。 From some memories contain in a 13 square to Georgian world any energy, anything qualitative distribution, this is another level entire knowledge, conceivable this memory huge. 从的这部分记忆包含十三格至一格世界中任何能量,任何物质的分布,这是另一种层面的全知,可以想象这记忆有多庞大。 Also because of so, can really return to original state all according to the memory. 也因为如此,才能够根据记忆还原出一切真实。 For a long time latter from that some consciousness were fused by Luo Zheng completely. 许久后从的那部分意识被罗征完全融合。 The time of also in the past there are numerous similar cases, the zero point also complete splitting, changed into two zero points, Luo Zheng with from occupied one respectively. 又过去不知凡几的时间,原点也完全分裂,化为了两个原点,罗征与从各自占据一个。 After the independence occupies a zero point, Luo Zheng with from then loses the contact thoroughly. 独立占据一个原点后,罗征与从便彻底失去联系。 In this infinitely great world, Luo Zheng's consciousness alone is scattering, without the sound, without the light, does not have any feeling, this makes Luo Zheng feel lonely. 在这无穷小的世界里,罗征的意识独自在其中飘散着,没有声音,没有光,没有任何感觉,这让罗征倍感孤独。 Under is bored to death Luo Zheng starts to read from these memories to kill the time. 百无聊赖下罗征开始阅读从的那些记忆打发时间。 In this memory Luo Zheng can seek for each has had living being, including the king, has the traitor, had the dreamer...... these living being of all forms born the mental journey of death, like a notebook book not reserved show/unfolds 这记忆里罗征可以寻找到每一个存在过的生灵,其中有君王,有背叛者,有梦想家……这些形形色色生灵们出生到死亡的心路历程,如同一本本书毫无保留展 Now in front of Luo Zheng. 现在罗征面前。 After reading tens of thousands of living being memories, in the zero point starts to change. 在阅读了数以万计生灵的记忆后,原点内开始发生变化。 The infinity pressure disappeared suddenly. 无穷大的压力骤然消失了。 The pressure vanishes at the same time, originally starts the crazy rebound by highly material and energy of compression, this infinitesimal zero point explodes suddenly. 压力消失的同时,原本被高度压缩的物质与能量就开始疯狂的反弹,这个无限小的原点骤然爆开。 Bang!” “轰!” The energy starts quiet flowing. 能量开始悄无声息的流动。 Can the accommodation thing qualitative space appear. 可以容纳物质的空间出现。 The time of stagnation also flows. 凝滞的时间随之流动。 Only starts to disseminate. 光开始传播。 The sound also resounds, even if the noisy explosive sound were heard still such as the sounds of nature sound by Luo Zheng. 久违的声音也响起,即便是嘈杂的爆炸声被罗征听闻也如天籁音。 The big space presents in front of Luo Zheng. 偌大的空间呈现在罗征面前。 Although this space anything does not have, but will not make one have the void feeling, instead seems very content. 这片空间虽然什么都没有,但不会让人有空虚之感,反而显得十分美满。 Indeed is the perfect place...... 的确是完美之地…… Luo Zheng once from in the memory has experienced, is the present scene is then exactly the same. 罗征曾在从的记忆中见识过,便是与眼前的景象一模一样。 In this region all are eternal, will not have the pain again, leaves, the betrayal, Luo Zheng can found Immortal Mansion in this, all will be perfect...... 在这片区域里一切都是永恒,不会再有痛苦,离别,背叛,罗征可以将仙府创建于此,一切都将完满…… His thought moves slightly, then displays the need the memory. 他念头微微一动,便罗列出需要的记忆。 Whish......” “哗……” The void in blue stones appear, compose the big courtyard wall, Immortal Mansion are returned to original state in the moments, the person in Immortal Mansion also to be returned to original state. 虚空之中一块块青石浮现,组成高大的院墙,仙府在片刻之间被还原,仙府中的人也一个个被还原出来。 After the tall wall, transmits the Luo Yunxin chuckle laughter and Luo Nian's crying out strangely sound, Ning Yudie's scolds the sound. 高墙后传来罗云欣咯咯笑声以及罗念的怪叫声,宁雨蝶的呵斥声。 Also no passing through the gate can feel passionate, is dynamic. 还没进门就能感受到热情洋溢,活力四射。 All are so perfect. 一切都是如此完美。 After Luo Nian own body, straight from moves toward Immortal Mansion, before arriving at the Immortal Mansion gate , when is just about one step to stride, he stops the footsteps suddenly, this one step unexpectedly in any event cross. 罗念化出自己的身体后径自走向仙府,来到仙府门前正要一步跨入时,他忽然止住脚步,这一步竟无论如何都跨不下去。 Immortal Mansion indeed is that Immortal Mansion, the person is also these people, placing in perfect place is complete. 仙府的确是那座仙府,人也是那些人,身处于完美之地一切更是圆满。 But this complete does not ask for happily, even makes in the Luo Zheng subconscious have some repugnance. 可这种圆满并不讨喜,甚至让罗征潜意识中产生一些反感。 This is not the reality that he wants. 这不是他要的真实。 Extinguishes.” “灭。” Luo Zheng spits one lightly. 罗征轻吐一声。 Immortal Mansion vanished, inside person also disappeared. 仙府消失了,里面的人也消失了。 He has understood, oneself want to create is not only person in Immortal Mansion and Immortal Mansion, he must return to once world! 他已经明白,自己想要创造的不仅仅是一座仙府仙府中的人,他要回到曾经的世界! Although that world is imperfect, has the disease, had and leaves, has the death, had the fear...... 那个世界虽然不完美,有疾病,有和离,有死亡,有恐惧…… But that is the real world. 可那才是真实的世界。 In comparison in the perfect place all seem false. 相比之下完美之地内一切都显得虚假。 Was too small, this place was too small, must lower the rank......” “太小了,这地方太小了,要降格……” The Luo Zheng's voice falls, 13 standard space deployments in perfect place, after losing part of details, turns into 12 standard spaces, the only energy divides into two. 罗征的话音落下,完美之地中的十三格空间展开,丢失一部分细节后变成十二格空间,唯一的能量一分为二。 11 standard spaces, the energy two are divided into four. 十一格空间,能量二分为四。 Ten standard spaces, four are divided into eight. 十格空间,四分为八。 Nine standard spaces...... 九格空间…… Eight standards...... 八格…… Seven standards...... 七格…… Six standards...... 六格…… Five standards. 五格。 Lowers standards to stay in this time Luo Zheng the world. 将世界降格于此时罗征停留下来。 Luo Zheng can the world return to original state at any time, this first layer surface come to see him to control the time, he must decide that which time point from starts to return to original state. 罗征可以将世界还原在任何时间,这一层面来看他掌控了时间,他要决定从哪个时间点开始还原。 Thought deeply about him to set the direction slightly, the body then appeared in five Georgian world most top level. 微微思索他已确定了方向,身体便出现在五格世界的最顶层。 That indestructible gray soil layer in his top of the head, Immortal Mansion is retreats is forced to lower the rank here, the people in Immortal Mansion also after mutual saying goodbye falls from the sky. 在他的头顶上正是那坚不可摧的灰色土层,仙府就是退守在这里被迫降格,仙府中的众人也在相互道别后陨落。 Memory......” “记忆……” Return to original state.” “还原。” Immortal Mansion was created in the flash. 仙府在一瞬间被创造出来。 The people in Immortal Mansion were just about to greet the death at this moment, although they confident, but was still grievous. 此时此刻仙府内的人们正要迎接死亡,他们虽然坦然但仍旧充满悲伤。 Xi Youqin bit the lip to cover in the bosom the eye of Luo Yunxin, Luo Yunxin is still not knowing how her destiny is asking mother. 溪幼琴咬着嘴唇捂着怀中罗云欣的眼睛,罗云欣尚不知她的命运在问妈妈怎么了。 It‘s nothing, no......” Xi Youqin was not cried strongly by oneself. “没什么,没什么……”溪幼琴竭力不让自己哭出来。 Mom, that blue line disappears,” Luo Yunxin also said, her big eye is waiting and seeing by the finger/refers seam. “妈妈,那蓝线不见了,”罗云欣又说道,她大大的眼睛透过指缝观望着。 Xi Youqin closed the eye, after hearing the Luo Yunxin words, she opened the eye. 溪幼琴原本都闭上了眼睛,听到罗云欣的话后她又睁开了眼。 That azure arc indeed disappears, but Immortal Mansion, she and Luo Yunxin are perfect, only vanishes only has Luo Zheng's Clone. 那条湛蓝色的弧线的确不见了,而仙府,她和罗云欣则完好无损,唯一消失的只有罗征的分身 Why? Haven't we...... died?” Xi Youqin muttered said. “为什么?我们……没死?”溪幼琴喃喃说道。 Ning Yudie, Su Lingyun, Xun and other females have the similar question, they had not died, but lies down in Luo Zheng Clone vanishes does not see. 宁雨蝶,苏灵韵,等女亦发出同样的疑问,她们没有死亡,只是躺在身旁的罗征分身消失不见。 In the Immortal Mansion courtyard, Fu Xi, Luo Nian, Hua Tianming and the others are also eyes closed waits for death. 仙府的院落中,伏羲,罗念,华天命等人也是闭目等死。 May wait for a long time, they have not died. 可等了许久,他们都没死。 Miracle, did the miracle appear?” “奇迹,奇迹出现了?” Luo Nian eyes closed has just now been praying, he does not know that who can save itself, even the fathers have been at a loss, can only hope that the miracle appears reverses all, but his pray was unexpectedly successful. 罗念方才一直闭目祈祷着,他不知道谁能够救自己,连父亲都已束手无策,只能希望奇迹出现扭转一切,而他的祈祷竟然成功了。
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