AT :: Volume #38

#3800: Reminder

Luo Zheng cuts to kill kind of human bodies, but in the Earth Temple the people see is completely different. 罗征斩杀着一个又一个类人体,可地坛上众人所看到的却完全不同。 In Nuwa and the others in the eyes, Luo Zheng holds the irregular heavy sword to divide to cut everywhere, but he chops the object who cuts is the black insect of palm of the hand size. 女娲等人的眼中,罗征手执不规则重剑四处劈斩,而他劈斩的对象则是一个又一个巴掌大小的黑色虫子。 Luo Zheng cuts to kill a black insect every time, blows out together the light flash from the insect body, later this flash submerges Luo Zheng within the body to vanish rapidly does not see. 罗征每斩杀一个黑色虫子,自虫体内爆出一道淡淡的闪光,随后这闪光迅速没入罗征体内消失不见。 As submerges the flash of Luo Zheng within the body to be getting more and more, the vicious tendencies on Luo Zheng face are getting stronger and stronger. 随着没入罗征体内的闪光越来越多,罗征脸上的戾气越来越浓烈。 The genuine kind of human body floats in not far away. 真正的类人体漂浮在不远处。 His palm opens gathers, the black insects drill, seems lining up to bring death charges into Luo Zheng generally. 他的手掌一开一合,就有一只只黑色虫子从中钻出,仿佛排着队送死一般冲向罗征 This is the dream extinguishes the naiad. 这是梦灭稚虫。 Condition multiplies from the mind extremely. 是从心灵极态中滋生的。 Kind human body very clear Luo Zheng has the fearful strength the sword with that therefore he has not planned the upfront fight from the beginning. 类人体很清楚罗征与那把剑拥有可怕的力量,所以从一开始他就没有打算正面战斗。 When kind human body took out probability condition that dark clouds, the mind condition has launched extremely extremely quietly. 在类人体祭出概率极态那片黑云时,心灵极态就已悄然展开。 When Luo Zheng cuts to extinguish the dark clouds, he has in fact intruded the mind with the irregular heavy sword extremely condition. 等到罗征将黑云斩灭,他与不规则重剑实际上已闯入心灵极态。 Luo Zheng is not the star inundates in locally born living being, inundates in divine ability to understand limitedly to star, but the spirit body in irregular heavy sword situated in the ignorance , the wisdom is more limited, is easier to fall into the mind extremely condition. 罗征并非星漫界内土生土长的生灵,对星漫界内的神通了解有限,而不规则重剑内的灵体更是处于蒙昧中,智慧有限,更加容易陷入心灵极态。 Therefore a kind of human body is very relaxed then Luo Zheng and irregular heavy sword capture! 所以类人体很轻松便将罗征和不规则重剑捕获! Kills, kills, the dream extinguishes the naiad to poison your innermost feelings little, finally makes you not mental slaughtering, falls into the eternal hysterical/frenzy......” “杀吧,杀吧,梦灭稚虫能一点点毒害你的内心,最终让你成为一个没有心智的杀戮者,陷入永恒的狂乱之中……” The kind human body muttered. 类人体喃喃自语道。 The people in Earth Temple see this , during falls into is flurried. 地坛上的众人看到这一幕,亦陷入慌乱之中。 Luo Zheng, fell into illusory realm probably......” 罗征,好像陷入幻境了……” „Is the flash that he absorbs what?” “他吸收的闪光是什么?” Situation some not wonderful......” “情况有些不妙……” This had the arrangement illusory realm to be extremely powerful, once falls into is very difficult to work loose. 这等存在布置的幻境极其强大,一旦陷入其中恐怕很难挣脱。 Although they realize this point, how can be able? 他们虽然意识到这一点,可又能如何? First did not say these Immortal Realm, even strength stronger Monkey Lord, Bird Lords, does not dare take action. 先不说那些不朽境,即便实力更强的猴主,鸟主们,也不敢出手 The method of kind human body is not they can contend, even does not use Shattering Light, a kind of human body can still strike to kill Guijue directly, the Coordinate that even together with may come back to life for them can one and is shattered. 类人体的手段根本不是他们能抗衡的,即使不动用破灭之光,类人体也能直接将诡谲击杀,甚至连同可供他们复生的坐标都能一并破灭掉。 If wants the means to remind Luo Zheng!” Man Spirit said. “要想办法提醒罗征!”一名人灵说道。 Who goes?” Another Man Spirit asked back. “谁去?”又一名人灵反问。 Although they become the body of Guijue, may have the heart of fear eventually, the fear vanishes in the world truly. 虽然他们成为诡谲之体,可终究存在恐惧之心,害怕真正消失于天地之间。 When people still at hesitation, the luan fox pair of wings raises, I go!” 众人尚在犹豫时,鸾狐双翼一扬,“我去!” Luan fox?” The cold song said in a low voice, it is not willing to look oneself ally brings death in vain. “鸾狐?”寒歌低声说道,它不愿意看着自己的战友白白送死。 I have the world intelligent eyes, broken illusory realm, can try specially,” luan fox replied. “我有天地慧目,专破幻境,可以一试,”鸾狐回答道。 You cannot break, but will get up will certainly die!” The cold song persuasion said. “你破不掉,而起一定会死!”寒歌劝说道。 Now dies dead the difference from and other?” The luan fox asked. “现在死和等一下死有区别?”鸾狐反问道。 Since the goal of kind human body is to lower the rank, then it will certainly clean up all Guijue, all living being that came from the fourth Georgian world, they are impossible to escape by luck. 类人体的目标既然是降格,那么它一定会清理掉所有诡谲,所有来自于第四格世界的生灵,它们是不可能幸免的。 Regardless of frightened, this catastrophic consequence will certainly arrive, that only then seizes an opportunity to wrestle at risk of life. 无论恐不恐惧,这种灾难性的后果一定会降临,那么只有抓住一丝机会拼死一搏。 The cold song was silent. 寒歌沉默了。 Others were also silent. 其他人也沉默了。 They are clear about meaning in luan fox words. 他们都清楚鸾狐话中的意味。 No one stops again, the luan fox has raised the wing to speed along. 没有人再阻拦,鸾狐已扬起翅膀飞驰上去。 But in that moment that the luan fox begins, Black Mansion Black Mansion will resist giant scissors suddenly, the figure also changes into together the straight line, leaps from another direction. 而就在鸾狐动手的那一刻,黑府黑府将忽然抗出一把巨大的剪刀,身形亦化为一道直线,从另一个方向飞跃上去。 That is the broken dream scissors, is the big suspicion institute specially for a treasure of its building, similarly can restrain all illusory realm. 那是碎梦剪,是大猜想院专门为其打造的一件宝物,同样能克制一切幻境 The luan fox raises the instance that the wing rushes, that pair of the world intelligent eyes have erupted two all colors to dazzle the light, this all colors dazzle light straight from to cut the expansive sky, without bias and without favor hits toward Luo Zheng. 鸾狐扬翅冲上去的瞬间,那双天地慧目已爆发出两道五彩炫光,这五彩炫光径自划破长空,不偏不倚朝着罗征打过去。 Black Mansion is will follow, huge scissors fierce expansion, toward the Luo Zheng void scissors. 黑府将更是紧随其后,一把巨大的剪刀猛的展开,朝着罗征虚空一剪。 „!” “咔嚓!” The kind human body naturally can see this. 类人体自然能看到这一幕。 His within the body dissipates one contemptuous and mood of ridicule. 他体内逸散出一丝轻蔑与嘲弄的情绪。 living being in fifth Georgian world, is basically accustomed to the by mood conducts the exchange class human body to be no exception. 第五格世界内的生灵,基本习惯于以情绪进行交流类人体也不例外。 He does not have the idea that take action stops...... 他并没有出手阻拦的想法…… The mind condition and is not only illusory realm is so extremely simple. 心灵极态并不仅仅是幻境那么简单。 Generally illusory realm often covers a region, constructs real or the dream difficult position. 一般幻境往往笼罩一片区域,构建出真实或者梦幻的困境。 But does the mind condition in view of in a specific object, after Luo Zheng fall into mind condition, these any cat any dog to relieve extremely extremely can it be that? 可心灵极态是针对于某一个特定的对象,罗征陷入心灵极态后又岂是这些阿猫阿狗能解除的? Waste do not come out to join in the fun......” “废物们就不要出来凑热闹……” The kind human body lowers the head slightly, six pairs of compound eyes glitter. 类人体微微一低头,六对复眼闪烁一阵。 The luan fox will seethe with excitement directly with Black Mansion, the candle of body of melting Guijue is likely common, the surface has the air bubble to ascend, finally changes into the white pulpy thing to scatter on the ground, but their Coordinate were collapsed by the treatment similarly equally directly. 鸾狐和黑府将直接就沸腾起来,诡谲之体像融化的蜡烛一般,表面有气泡升腾,最终化为白色泥状物散落在地上,而他们的坐标同样遭受一样的待遇直接崩溃。 In the Earth Temple is a silence. 地坛上又是一片寂静。 They really seem like one flock of small and weak and ignorant ants facing the kind human body. 面对类人体他们真的像是一群弱小而无知的蚂蚁。 They are not only able to resist so exist powerful, the method that even the opposite party resorts to does not look clearly. 他们不仅无法对抗这般强大存在,甚至就连对方动用的手段都看不明白。 Oh......” “唉……” Some people sighed, sat in the ground peak is drawing the head, this was gives up. 有人叹息一声,一屁股坐在地上耸拉着脑袋,这是放弃了。 Some people closely are pinching the fist, a face is bitter. 有人紧紧捏着拳头,一脸辛酸无奈。 Has the will of the people to have the anger, actually does not dare loudly. 有人心有怒意,却不敢放声。 Nuwa is tilting the head, looks that Luo Zheng cuts to kill the black insect, the wrinkle in her volume is getting deeper and deeper, but stretches suddenly, said to Heavenly Venerable Genesis sound transmission gently, arrives.” 女娲歪着头,看着罗征一只一只斩杀黑色虫子,她额上的皱纹越来越深,但忽然之间舒展开来,轻轻对元始天尊传音道,“降临。” What?” Heavenly Venerable Genesis has not recovered. “什么?”元始天尊没有回过神来。 Arrives at Place of Origins!” Nuwa said. “降临到始生之地!”女娲说道。 Since Luo Zheng were stranded by illusory realm, then the irregular heavy sword, Luo Zheng oneself, hide to be stranded in the Luo Zheng mind laozis, but they can communicate in Place of Origins and Luo Zheng. 罗征既然被幻境所困,那么不规则重剑,罗征本人,还有藏匿在罗征脑海的太上老君都被困进去,但他们能够在始生之地中与罗征进行沟通。 Heavenly Venerable Genesis hear eye slightly one bright, immediately said, you go!” 元始天尊听罢眼睛微微一亮,随即说道,“你去!” Nuwa nods. 女娲点点头。 Heavenly Venerable Genesis rapid took out Ring of Descent throws in the Nuwa top of the head. 元始天尊迅速祭出降临之环抛在女娲头顶。 Buzz!” “嗡!” Ring of Descent sends out piece of golden light to bathe on Nuwa, Nuwa then arrives to Place of Origins rapidly. 降临之环散发出一片金光沐浴在女娲身上,女娲便迅速降临至始生之地 The kind human body no doubt notices this, but has not cared. 类人体固然注意到这一幕,但并未在意。 Who will care about the trend of under foot ant? 谁会在意脚下蚂蚁的动向呢? After the Nuwa main body arrives to Li Mountain, even on people with Li Mountain greeted without enough time, then directly soared human race Tool of Civilization to go. 女娲本尊降临至黎山后,甚至来不及与黎山上的人们打招呼,便直奔人族文明之器而去。 Stays nearby Tool of Civilization, the Nuwa main body puts out a hand to press above, Tool of Civilization activates at the same time attempts with Luo Zheng to communicate, this after all is Luo Zheng's Internal Body World, should be able to break the limit of illusory realm. 停留在文明之器跟前,女娲本尊就伸手摁在上面,将文明之器激活的同时就尝试着与罗征进行沟通,这毕竟是罗征的体内世界,应该能打破幻境的局限。 Tool of Civilization glitters unceasingly the green light, the Nuwa main body was saying, Luo Zheng, you may hear my sound......” 文明之器不断闪烁着绿色的光,女娲本尊则说道,“罗征,你可听到我的声音……” Long time, without response. 良久,没有回应。 The Nuwa main body undergoes several attempts, as before is so. 女娲本尊又经过几次尝试,依旧是如此。 „It is not good......” Nuwa to lower the head, in the eye is completely the disappointed color. “不行吗……”女娲低下头,眼中尽是失望之色。 At this time Nuwa, Fu Xi also had Eastern Emperor and other numerous to remain in Place of Origins Immortal Realm to catch up. 这时女娲,伏羲还有东皇等一众留守在始生之地不朽境赶了过来。 What matter Empress Nuwa...... in Jade Purity Heaven has, why so hurried?” Nuwa goes forward to ask. 女娲娘娘……玉清天内发生何事,为何如此匆忙?”女娲上前问道。 Communicates with another is actually a very strange matter, but the Nuwa main body is so anxious, perhaps the situation will not be wonderful. 跟另外一个自己沟通其实是一件很奇怪的事,但女娲本尊如此焦急,恐怕情况不会太妙。
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