AT :: Volume #38

#3742: Certainly the place of burying

Divine Bell City numerous Paramita Realm sees the shatter bell, the appearance almost delay live. 神钟城一众彼岸境看到破碎的大钟,一个个面目几乎呆滞住。 They stupidly look at that bell, cannot believe...... 他们傻傻的看着那口大钟,根本不敢相信…… The surroundings were peaceful. 周围安静极了。 Jing Wuhuan first responded, said hastily, was not I...... I have not overcharged this bell!” 净无幻最先反应过来,连忙说道,“不是我……我还没敲上这口钟!” This bell is many Paramita Realm lifeblood! 这口大钟可是诸多彼岸境的命根子! The pot back that the bell shivers on Jing Wuhuan, that may be unjust. 大钟敲碎的这口锅背在净无幻身上,那可就冤枉了。 Looks at arrived, definitely is not you shivers, Eldest senior brother you do not have this ability......” Yu Shenfeng to say in the one side. “看到了,肯定不是你敲碎的,大师兄你也没这个能耐……”御神锋在一旁说道。 „But why will the bell break to pieces?” “可大钟为什么会碎掉?” To break our road of cultivation?” “岂不是断了我们的修炼之路?” I also want to promote the third step......” “我还想晋升第三阶……” That ticket Paramita Realm responded, insane generally, this is the roads of their only promotion. 那一票彼岸境们反应过来后都疯了一般,这可是他们唯一的晋升之路。 Gu Bei walks up, puts out a hand to stroke gently this bell, the complexion becomes grim exceptionally. 顾北走上前去,伸手摩挲着这口大钟,脸色变得异常凝重 Just Yu Shenfeng entered, then had discovered that in Heaven and Earth Profound Yellow Tower had the deficiency, this bell destroyed directly, that Heaven and Earth Profound Yellow Tower was perhaps more unfortunate than fortunate! 刚刚御神锋进入其中时,便已发现天地玄黄塔内有不妥之处,紧接着这口大钟直接毁了,那天地玄黄塔恐怕凶多吉少! I try!” “我来试试!” different race Paramita Realm arrives under that shatter bell. 一名异族彼岸境走到那口破碎的大钟下。 This different race Paramita Realm came from Jiang Yunzu, is a Guixu Cemetery large clan. 异族彼岸境来自于姜云族,也是归墟坟场的一大族。 Bell damage affected is not only human race, other different race will also be very uncomfortable. 大钟损毁受影响的不仅仅是人族,其他异族亦会很难受。 Jiang cloud Zuren arrives under the bell, both hands hang down, the head raises, this is their cultivation ways. 姜云族人走到大钟下,双手垂挂,头部扬起,这是它们的修炼方式。 Buzz......” “嗡……” Its top of the head emits an intermittent green light, when read aloud True Meaning of the Dao silently, fierce rap that bell. 它头顶冒出一阵阵绿光,默默念诵道之真意时,猛的敲击那口大钟。 Ka!” “咔!” The bell exudes the harsh deafening sound sound. 大钟发出破锣般的震响声。 Buzz......” “嗡……” Jiang clouds that the green light of clansman top of the head gets down dimly, it shakes the head toward Gu Bei, could not go in......” 姜云族人头顶的绿光黯淡下去,它朝顾北摇摇头,“进不去了……” Really bad?” “真的坏了吗?” This may should do!” “这可如何是好!” Wū wū......” “呜呜呜……” In these Paramita Realm sounds has taken permits some the weeping voice. 那些彼岸境们的声音中已带上许些哭腔。 After Jiang clouds the clansman, several groups of people rushed to under the bell to attempt, failed without exception. 在姜云族人之后,又有好几拨人冲到大钟下进行尝试,无一例外都失败了。 Then is so, living being in Guixu Cemetery have not lost heart as before. 便是如此,归墟坟场内的生灵们依旧没有死心。 Several big different race convene expert in human race in the same place, attempts means that searches to restore that bell. 几大异族人族中的强者们召集在一起,试图寻觅修复那口大钟的办法。 The simplest direct method is to restore the bell, human race assembles dozens skilled craftsmen from divine land, is straight hemstitching to rub of that bell, secondary metal cautious fill...... 最简单直接的手段就是修复大钟,人族神域内调集数十名能工巧匠,将那口大钟的卷边撸直,再用金属小心翼翼的填补…… For three days and three nights, after the bell restored the original design, they attempted to strike a gong again. 三天三夜时间,大钟恢复了原样后,他们再度尝试敲钟。 In order to prevent the bell was staved again, strikes a gong by Paramita Realm First Heaven. 为了防止大钟再被敲破,由一名彼岸境一重天敲钟。 Ka, ka, ka......” “咔,咔,咔……” The bell is obviously good, how but regardless of to knock unable to knock at first that sound, cannot return to Heaven and Earth Profound Yellow Tower again. 大钟明明是好的,但无论怎么敲也敲不出最初那种声音,也再也回不到天地玄黄塔 Until this time, restored the hope of bell to be shattered, they realized that this bell also knocked again not loud...... 直到这时,修复大钟的希望才破灭,他们意识到这口大钟再也敲不响…… ...... …… In Jade Purity Heaven, in Heavenly Square City. 玉清天中,天方城内。 The Snake Spirit King long tail extends to it in front, embed in tail black light is glittering unceasingly. 蛇灵王长长的尾巴延伸到它面前,镶嵌在尾巴内部的黑光不断地闪烁着。 Why didn't make him say the words?” Snake Spirit King asked. “为什么不让他把话说完?”蛇灵王问道。 His words do not have the significance,” flicks black light, the sound said from the Snake Spirit King mouth. “他的话毫无意义,”黑光一闪一闪,声音是从蛇灵王口中说出来的。 „Is sub-world really irreversible?” Snake Spirit King also asked. 次世界真的不可逆?”蛇灵王又问道。 I have demonstrated to you, will you actually believe only human race words?” Replied black light. “我已经向你展示过了,你竟然会相信区区一名人族的话?”黑光回答道。 If reversible, why must wait for is so long, more than 1000 primordial chaos eras, even by the count-down of main world still, we...... must wait in the past for a long time again, even waits till the next round primordial chaos era?” Snake Spirit King also asked “如果可逆,为什么要等待这么久,一千多个混沌纪元,即使按照主界的时间计算也过去许久了,我们……还要再等下去,甚至等到下一轮混沌纪元?”蛇灵王又问道 . Before then, Snake Spirit King never dares with black light to speak, even the black light origin does not dare to ask much. 在此之前,蛇灵王从来不敢同黑光如此说话,甚至连黑光的来历都不敢多问。 After all the Snake Spirit King present all are give black light, black light can take away its all similarly. 毕竟蛇灵王现在的一切都是黑光给予的,黑光同样能够拿走它的一切。 According to the original plan, Snake Spirit King also needs to wait for is very long. 按照原定的计划,蛇灵王还需要等待很久。 May recently have a series of terrible business, particularly black light does not make it kill Bird Spirit King this matter, making in the Snake Spirit King heart have the suspicion and vacillation. 可最近发生一系列麻烦事,尤其是黑光不让它杀鸟灵王这件事,让蛇灵王心中也有了怀疑和动摇。 It realized that cannot delay again. 它意识到不能再拖延下去。 Black light silent a while, immediately said, such being the case, you begin using certainly the place of burying, I will lighten the black lamp to promote.” 黑光沉默了一会儿,随即说道,“既然如此,你去启用绝葬之地,我会点亮黑灯进行升格。” Crescent moon golden light in Snake Spirit King eye pupil fierce flashes, it wants is black light these words. 蛇灵王眼瞳中的月牙金光猛的一闪,它要的就是黑光这句话。 According to the original plan, Snake Spirit King makes Yuan Spirit Civilization support Youxiong, Shennong and other clans, thorough control Mother world, after completing Dao of Guarding Order, leisure, so long as primordial chaos world in control then. 按照原本的计划,蛇灵王元灵文明扶持有熊,神农等族,彻底的掌控母世界,完成守序之道后再慢悠悠的等下去,只要混沌世界在掌控中即可。 But Evil God has Dao Unification now, Mother world was controlled by him, the situation becomes extremely complex! 可现在邪神拥有了融道大一统,母世界又被他掌控,情况变得极其复杂! I then open certainly the place of burying now......” Snake Spirit King saying without hesitation. “我现在便开启绝葬之地……”蛇灵王毫不犹豫的说道。 ...... …… Has two in a big way ominously hè hè prestige in primordial chaos, one is Guixu Cemetery, another is certainly the place of burying. 混沌内有两大凶地赫赫威名,一个就是归墟坟场,另外一个便是绝葬之地。 No matter powerful existence, so long as falls these two in then have not to have...... to be good because of Guixu Cemetery ominously aimless with certainly the place of burying in the primordial chaos deep place is fluttering, most living being will not leave Mother world for a lifetime, in primordial chaos will astray except for some ethnic group of survivals, the average person is for a lifetime impossible 不管是何等强大的存在,只要落入这两个凶地内便有进无出……好在归墟坟场与绝葬之地都在混沌深处漫无目的的飘荡着,大部分生灵一辈子也不会离开母世界,除了一些生存在混沌内的族群会误入其中,一般人一辈子都不可能 Contacts, like this is about equal to a legend ominously. 接触到,这样的凶地大约就等于一个传说。 ......” “呼……” Watches certainly the place of burying from the distant place, then a standard triangle, the body surface is the azure black probably, flutters in primordial chaos quietly slowly. 从远处观看绝葬之地,便像是一个标准的三角形,体表呈青黑色,悄无声息在混沌内缓缓飘荡。 The interior of place of burying is certainly open, but is crowded regarding living being, because here is distributing over a thousand wild ethnic groups. 绝葬之地的内部非常开阔,但对于其中的生灵而言却非常拥挤,因为这里分布着上千种蛮荒族群。 Chirp chirp chirp chirp......” “叽叽叽叽……” In the black sky has flown one flock of red eyes black birds, they just conducted a hunting, on the sharp claws were also contaminating the rich smell of blood, after eating until full, they plan to return to the lair. 黑色的天空中飞过一群红眼黑鸟,它们刚刚进行了一场狩猎,利爪上还沾染着浓郁的血腥味,饱餐一顿后它们打算回归巢穴。 But in the ground stretches out careful claw suddenly, these claw getting red eyes black bird will tie down quickly, makes an effort to rub to pinch, tears, strangles to death, will get angry the blood of Kurotori within the body to press out. 但地面上忽然伸出一根根细细的爪子,这些爪子以迅雷不及掩耳之势将红眼黑鸟缠住,用力揉捏,撕扯,绞杀,将红眼黑鸟体内的血液榨出来。 Whish......” “哗……” Intermittent blood rain sprinkles from the upper air. 一阵阵血雨从高空洒落。 In the ground steadily an only dozens zhang (3.33 m) wide big mouth, these big mouth are opening furiously, eat the blood rain that is descending, simultaneously exudes the exciting cry...... 在地面上长着一只只数十丈宽的大嘴,这些大嘴都奋力张开,饱餐着降落下来的血雨,同时发出兴奋的叫声…… This is the devil general world. 这是个恶魔一般的世界。 Even still has the rule in the place of infinite chaotic burying certainly. 即便是在无穷混乱的绝葬之地也是有规则的。 Although these wild races each other slaughter, actually does not dare to provoke the survival, that is one stands erect place of central snake-shaped statue in Jue the burying. 这些蛮荒种族们虽然彼此厮杀,却不敢招惹生存在,那是一座屹立于绝葬之地中央的蛇形雕像。 Any dares to approach existence of snake-shaped statue, will write off instantaneously, in the infinite years have never had the exception. 任何敢于靠近蛇形雕像的存在,都会被瞬间抹杀,无穷岁月里从未有过例外。 Gradually there became a forbidden area, did not depend close and convenient is, these wild race many immersed in battle, who will pay attention to this statue the origin? 久而久之那里就成了一个禁区,不靠近便是了,这些蛮荒种族多数都沉浸在厮杀里,又有谁会关注这座雕像的来历? But today that snake-shaped statue becomes less crowded suddenly. 但今天那蛇形雕像忽然松动了。 The plate moved in the above that blacksnake, walks randomly unexpectedly just like the living creature. 盘在上面的那条黑蛇动弹了一下,竟宛若活物般游走下来。 Hiss......” “嘶……” From creating this Place of Origins starts, I have not intervened here, now unexpectedly such confusion......” “从创造这个始生之地开始,我就没干预过这里,现在竟如此的混乱……” After Snake Spirit King feels certainly the place of rich smell of blood burying, was somewhat unable to continue watching. It controls the blacksnake to fly upwards, in the snake eye released together the flourishing red ray, a powerful incomparable thought proliferated with the red light, arrived in the place of entire certainly burying. 蛇灵王感受到绝葬之地浓郁的血腥味后,也有些看不下去了。它控制着黑蛇飞升而起,蛇眼中释放出一道殷红色的光芒,一股强大无匹的意念随着红光扩散出去,降临在整个绝葬之地内。
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