AT :: Volume #35

#3497: Opens

Cold air isolation at the same time, Luo Yan also stimulates to movement the energy flow of Cloudy Mountain Fog Covering Formation. 将寒气隔绝的同时,罗嫣亦催动云山雾罩阵的能量流动。 In is not only the clansman and disciple who in Li Mountain survives, is unable the cultivation mortal. 黎山内生存的不仅仅是族人与弟子,还有更多无法修炼的凡人。 When this cold air spreads to the Li Mountain edge the temperature is not low. 尽管这一阵寒气扩散到黎山边缘时温度已没那么低。 May regarding these mortals, as before be the fatal blow 可对于那些凡人而言,依旧是致命打击 After completing these, the eyebrow of Luo Yan twists, the goal has aimed at the above colossus! 做完这些后,罗嫣的眉毛一拧,目标已对准上方的庞然大物! Nuwa gives the Luo Yan duty, conforms to protect the completeness of Li Mountain the Li Mountain strength. 女娲交给罗嫣的任务,就是将黎山的力量整合起来护住黎山的周全。 May fight to conduct now, she has been at the defensive the condition. 可战斗进行到现在,她一直都处于防守的状态。 Suffered for quite a while to hit, now can counter-attack finally, Luo Yan naturally did not remain fell in torrents the energy! 挨了半天打,现在总算可以反击了,罗嫣自然毫不留守的将能量倾泻出去! Brushes......” “刷刷刷刷刷……” One howls to go to toward the above the physique giant golden color laser scalpel. 一把把形体巨大的金色光刀朝着上方呼啸而去。 Energy that these golden laser scalpels contain, even Primordial Chaos Ancient God does not allow to look down upon. 这些金色光刀蕴藏的能量,即使是混沌古神也不容小视。 Hiss......” “嘶……” In upper air cold suddenly opens the mouth, deeply shouted the one breath, the giant abdomen sticks out high. 高空上的“冷”忽然张开嘴巴,深深地呼了一口气,巨大的腹部高高隆起。 ......” “呼……” Draws the air/Qi in belly, unexpectedly another emits. 吸进肚子里的气,竟又一口喷吐出来。 The cold air that this big mass emits, causes cold hurricane sufficiently. 这大体量喷吐出来的寒气,足以引起一股寒冷的飓风。 But that chill in the air such as in others imagination is not crazy, but quite gentle forms a stretch of white cold region under him. 可那股寒意并未如旁人想象中般狂猛,而是颇为温柔的在他下方形成一片白色的寒冷地带。 When these golden laser scalpels infiltrate this stretch of region, the speed slows down suddenly, slows down, finally stagnates, laser scalpel surface golden light also rapid dim, finally complete ablation in this stretch of cold region. 当那些金色光刀打入这片地带时,速度忽然放缓,放慢,最终停滞,光刀表面的金光亦迅速黯淡,最终完全消融在这片寒冷地带。 The golden laser scalpel is the temperature extremely high energy, during ablation, reduced much the cold air. 金色光刀本身是温度极高的能量,在消融的同时,亦将寒气削减了不少。 The small face of Luo Yan sinks slightly, both hands even/including Dan, more golden laser scalpels fly to shoot on. 罗嫣的小脸微微一沉,双手连弹,更多的金色光刀飞射而上。 Primordial Chaos Ancient God is fierce, the strength had True Reason is also limited, because Luo Yan in Li Mountain massive divine crystal, naturally can splash out! 混沌古神再厉害,拥有的真理之力也有限,而罗嫣因为黎山海量神晶,自然可以大肆挥霍! Under the golden laser scalpel such as one group of dancing in the breeze butterfly racing wells up on, take place of the fallen also swallows that stretch of cold region rapidly! 金色光刀如一群飘舞的蝴蝶奔涌而上,前仆后继之下亦将那一片寒冷地带迅速吞噬! After the cold region swallows completely, more golden laser scalpel also swift and fierce stance shoots towards cold. 将寒冷地带完全吞噬后,更多的金色光刀亦凌厉的姿态射向“冷”。 Cold overlooked Luo Yan one silently, the body of stay still disappeared suddenly, along with even appears in the Li Mountain summit, from a Luo Yan merely hundred thousand zhang (3.33 m) distance! “冷”只是默默地俯视了罗嫣一眼,原本静止不动的身躯骤然消,随即便出现在黎山山巅,距离罗嫣仅仅十万丈距离! Must know that cold its build has 1 million zhang (3.33 m) big, a hundred thousand zhang (3.33 m) distance to him is a half step! 要知道“冷”本身体型就有百万丈高大,十万丈距离对他不过是一小步! !” “呼!” Appeared flickers, cold has brandished the fist to pound toward the Luo Yan overhead. 出现的一瞬,“冷”已挥舞着拳头朝着罗嫣当头砸来。 Yan'er!” 嫣儿!” Luo Zheng saw that this whole body fine hair is but actually vertical. 罗征看到这一幕浑身汗毛倒竖。 Luo Yan was still not Immortal Realm, her fleshly body intensity was only stronger than common Chaotic Source Realm. 罗嫣尚不是不朽境,她的肉身强度只比寻常浑源境更强。 Let alone hard anti- Primordial Chaos Ancient God strikes full power, is only cold in a finger ball, will meet a cruel death! 别说硬抗混沌古神全力一击,只是被“冷”的一根手指头弹中,都会粉身碎骨! Facing cold attack, Luo Yan actually not flurried. 面对“冷”的攻击,罗嫣倒是没有慌乱。 She extends the take action palm to caress on that golden long skirt gently, a golden cover covers her surrounding area several tens of thousands zhang (3.33 m) range, Luo Zheng on Green Jade Terrace was naturally also included. 她伸出手掌在那金色长裙上轻轻一抚,一个金色的罩子将她方圆数万丈范围笼罩,翡翠台上的罗征自然也被囊括其中。 Clang! 哐! Cold a fist pounds, makes the huge sound. “冷”的一拳砸上来,发出巨大的声响。 The golden cover is so unexpectedly firm, but sways slightly. 金色的罩子竟如此坚固,只是微微晃荡。 Luo Yan both hands stroke, golden laser scalpel from energy axis high-speed concentrated fire! 紧接着罗嫣双手一拂,金色光刀从能量轴高速攒射而出! Because the distance is extremely near, forefront three golden laser scalpels directly in cold the chest blasts out. 因为距离极近,最前面的三枚金色光刀直接在“冷”的胸口炸开。 Rumbling!” “轰轰轰!” With three dull thumping sounds, cold the chest then presented three giant blood holes, the blood gushed out from the blood hole in like a waterfall, the smell of blood disseminated on Li Mountain. 随着三道闷响,“冷”的胸口便出现了三个巨大的血窟窿,鲜血如瀑布般自血窟窿中涌出,血腥味在黎山上弥散开来。 Cold obviously has not thought that these laser scalpel so might, eat under the pain only to flee by far! “冷”显然没想到这些光刀如此威力,吃痛之下只能远远遁走! But Luo Yan does not plan to let off it obviously with ease, so long as is in the Li Mountain range, is her attack range. 罗嫣显然不打算轻松放过它,只要是黎山范围内,就是她的攻击范围。 The continuous laser scalpel follows, under unceasing blasting open, a series of small solar golden light bloom in the sky. 源源不断的光刀紧随其后,不断炸裂下,一连串小太阳般的金光绽放在天空。 Luo Zheng also relaxes slightly, Cloudy Mountain Fog Covering Formation of Nuwa arrangement is fierce, even Primordial Chaos Ancient God is not easy to break. 罗征也微微松了一口气,女娲布置的云山雾罩阵还是厉害,连混沌古神都没那么容易破掉。 But near the Luo Zheng ear resounded an old sound at this time suddenly, Luo Zheng, if cold approaches again, must seize the opportunity to stimulate divine crystal great formation, kills it sleepily in Li Mountain.” 可这时罗征耳边忽然响起一个苍老的声音,“罗征,若是‘冷’再次靠近,要把握机会激发神晶大阵,将它困杀在黎山中。” That Mouse King Sheng Tian sound. 那正是胜天鼠王的声音。 Just cold so approached, is actually an excellent time. 刚刚“冷”如此靠近,其实是一个极好的时机。 But when Luo Zheng is worried about the Luo Yan safety, completely forgot this matter...... 罗征担心罗嫣安危之际,完全忘记了这档子事…… Although Mouse King Sheng Tian is controlling entire divine crystal great formation, but starts this right on Green Jade Terrace, Mouse King Sheng Tian can only reminder of good intentions. 胜天鼠王虽然掌控着整个“神晶大阵”,但发动此阵的权利在翡翠台上,胜天鼠王只能善意的提醒一下。 I knew,” Luo Zheng nods. “我知道了,”罗征点点头。 Above divine crystal great formation in Li Mountain, Mouse King Sheng Tian also nods toward several other living being. 黎山内的神晶大阵上方,胜天鼠王亦朝着其他几名生灵点点头。 The conception of divine crystal great formation is Mouse King Sheng Tian raises, but the improvement and formulation depend upon Nuwa, manages divine crystal great formation these living being Paramita Faith Token, is Nuwa and Fu Xi searches in Thirty Three Heavens. 神晶大阵的构想是胜天鼠王提出来的,但完善与制定还是依靠女娲,就连主持神晶大阵的这几位生灵彼岸信物,也是女娲伏羲三十三天寻觅。 Also depends on these Paramita Faith Token coordination with each other, can the might display of divine crystal great formation. 也是靠着这些彼岸信物相互配合,才能将神晶大阵的威力发挥。 „After cold withdraws from a distance, fierce roared upwards, the after muscle creeping motion of chest, then healed. “冷”退出一段距离后,猛的朝天咆哮一声,胸口的肌肉一阵蠕动后便自行愈合。 It like spatial is not obviously discrete, that human race little girl Immortal Realm is not, can injure it unexpectedly, absolutely is the great shame! 它显然不像“空”那么谨慎,那人族小女孩连不朽境都不是,竟能伤了它,绝对是奇耻大辱! hū hū......” 呼呼……” Cold whole body white cold air flutters, meets the time, its body surface has then presented a solid ice armor, immediately throws unexpectedly toward the Luo Yan overhead. “冷”的周身一圈白色寒气飘荡出来,一会功夫,它体表便已出现一身坚冰铠甲,随即竟又朝罗嫣当头扑来。 Even the Luo Yan golden laser scalpel might is extraordinary, it plans to shake as before hardly! 即使罗嫣的金色光刀威力非凡,它依旧打算硬撼! Rumbling rumbling......” “轰轰轰轰……” A piece by piece golden laser scalpel positive/direct bang in cold the armor, strange then appeared, the golden laser scalpel hit golden light on the armor flashes vanishes! 一片片金色光刀正面轰在“冷”的铠甲,奇怪的一幕便出现了,金色光刀打在铠甲上金光一闪就消失了! Trades to make other Primordial Chaos Ancient God, perhaps does not dare such as its so hard anti- golden color laser scalpel, but its armor, is nemesis of all pure energies. 换做其他的混沌古神,恐怕不敢如它这般硬抗金色光刀,可它的铠甲,正是一切纯粹能量的克星 Whiz whiz whiz......” “嗖嗖嗖……” The Luo Yan first even/including rumbles over a hundred golden laser scalpels, cold solid ice armor absorption. 罗嫣一连轰出上百金色光刀,都被“冷”的坚冰铠甲吸收。 Cold giant body comes shortly, Luo Yan has no other choice again took out that golden color guard/shield. 眼看“冷”巨大的身体呼啸而来,罗嫣不得已再度祭出那金色护罩。 Clang! 哐! The golden guard/shield rocks, but is still stable. 金色护罩晃动不已,但依旧稳固。 Cold has not shown mercy slightly, stretches out the double fist, at once is everywhere fist shadow pounds toward Luo Yan! “冷”丝毫没有手下留情,伸出双拳,旋即便是漫天的拳影朝罗嫣砸来! „......” “哐哐哐哐……” Tens of thousands of fists pound on the golden guard/shield, fierce of more and more guard/shield also vibration. 成千上万拳砸在金色护罩上,护罩也震动的越来越厉害。 The Luo Yan complexion also becomes pallid, in the eye has the nervous color finally. 罗嫣的脸色也变得煞白,眼中终有慌色。 Each fist, can the smashing that she pounds, so long as golden guard/shield one broken, she must die without doubt, perhaps cannot escape by luck on Brother Lian. 这其中的每一拳,都能将她砸的粉碎,只要金色护罩一破,她必死无疑,就连哥哥恐怕也不能幸免。 Right, divine crystal great formation...... 对了,神晶大阵…… Flurried, Luo Yan looks at Luo Zheng. 慌乱之下,罗嫣将目光投向罗征 Luo Zheng is only opening entire divine crystal great formation, is actually not difficult, the real abbot / abbess entire divine crystal great formation person is below Mouse King Sheng Tian. 罗征只是开启整个神晶大阵,倒是不难,真正住持整个神晶大阵的人是下方的胜天鼠王 He sits cross-legged to sit on Green Jade Terrace, both hands smooth and level on Green Jade Terrace, the green gloss in floor gathers in his both hands place rapidly. Green Jade Terrace starts to revolve slowly. Entire divine crystal great formation starts to swallow the astronomical figures like a not being able to force-feed giant beast divine crystal. 他盘膝坐在翡翠台上,双手平贴在翡翠台上,台面上的绿色光泽迅速汇聚在他的双手处。翡翠台开始缓缓旋转。整个神晶大阵如同一只喂不饱的巨兽开始吞噬天文数字的神晶
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