AF :: Volume #17

#1644 Part 1: Father and to

The position of father. 大君之位。 Has flash that all dwarf kings, forgot the breath. 有那么一瞬间,所有侏儒王,都忘记了呼吸。 It is not able to believe words that Huai Shi said that is unable to believe that oneself actually will also hear such words. Ha, ha, hahahaha-” 无法相信槐诗所说出的话,也无法相信自己・・・・・・竟然也会听到这样的话语。“哈,哈哈哈,哈哈哈哈哈哈—” Father's corners of the mouth bring back, fall about makes noise again. Following, is innumerable resounding shouting. 大君的嘴角勾起,再忍不住大笑出声。随之而来的,便是无数高亢的呼喊。 Without the violent anger, has not denounced severely, has not had any angrily roars Giant or the dwarf, set out from own position, exciting roaring, shouted with. 没有暴怒,没有痛斥,也未曾有任何的怒吼・・・・・・不论是巨人还是侏儒,都从自己的位置之上起身,兴奋的咆哮,呼和。 Imitates if joyfully celebrates such. 仿若欢庆那样。 Stared in a big way the eye, offered to acclaim. 瞪大了眼睛,献上赞叹。 Rejoiced that can actually witness the outset of struggle of this father in oneself, after four eras, some people initiates the contention to the position of father finally again! 庆幸于自己竟然能够见证这大君之争的起始,在时隔四个纪元之后,终于有人再次向大君之位发起角逐! Naturally! Huai Shi, naturally.” “当然!槐诗,当然。” The king of Giant launches the both arms, approves this determination: Present you, without that sword, has all qualifications that has challenged me to need.” 巨人之王展开双臂,认可这一决心:“现在的你,哪怕没有那把剑,也已经具备了挑战我所需要的一切资格。” But, this may compared with declaring war must more difficult-” “只不过,这可比宣战还要更加困难—” Control above bed of state reminded finally: „To be the enemy with the father, then only needed to accept the destruction of father to be then enough. May want to become the father, actually must defeat the thunder incessantly, before then, but must defeat all Giant to be good.” 御座之上的主宰者最后提醒:“想要同大君为敌,那么只需要领受大君的毁灭便足够了。可想要成为大君,却不止是要战胜雷霆,在这之前,还要战胜所有的巨人才行。” Huai Shi, were you really ready?” 槐诗,你真的做好准备了吗?” Also are some people responsible for the warming up link? Sounds really good.” Huai Shi looks to Giant, cannot help but regretted: Just , are such several words, perhaps insufficient?” “还有人负责热身环节吗?听上去真好。”槐诗看向巨人们,不由得遗憾:“只不过・・・・・・只有这么几个的话,恐怕不够吧?” Giant are silent, without speech. 巨人们沉默着,没有说话。 Has just like thunderous general thundering, resounds from their bottom of one's heart. Ashes and arched spatial and permanent long and incomplete sea. 只是,有宛若雷鸣一般的轰鸣,从他们的肺腑之中响起。灰烬、穹空、恒长和残缺的海洋。 When unties the instance of fetter, the boundless breadth of spirit and illusory image appear from their bodies above, since wild with joy and is furious, has not soon been able to restrain unexpectedly, exposes the appearance/portrait! 当解开束缚的瞬间,磅礴的气魄和幻影自他们的身躯之上显现,自狂喜和震怒之中,竟然已经快要无法克制的,展露真容! In the column beam self flame burns, the palace cracks in the storm. 柱梁自火焰中燃烧,殿堂在风暴之中崩裂。 But the resounding bugle horn sound has qualitative if, ascends from the infinite thunder light, resounds through Abyss, informed all. Made to have knowledge to fall into the shock and delay. 可高亢的号角声却有若实质的,自无穷雷光之中升腾而起,响彻深渊,昭告所有。令所有有知者陷入震惊和呆滞。 Cannot help but, casts the vision. The struggle of father, from today's postscript! 不由自主的,投来目光。大君之争,自今日再启! Your majesty, cannot go, cannot go!!!” “陛下,不能去啊,不能去!!!” In the palace outside the capital, the white snake is crying out similarly, furiously grasps the thigh of dry king, the complexion becomes flushed, soon has entrained motionless: „ Other generation of barbarian where, once after hitting above , to manage other. 离宫之内,白蛇同样在呐喊着,奋力的抱住枯王的大腿,面色涨红,已经快要拽不动:“彼辈蛮夷一旦打上头之后哪里还会管其他。 Your majesty supreme body, ten thousand cannot tread on the dangerous situation lightly, your majesty , your majesty!!! ” 陛下至尊之躯,万不可轻履险境,陛下,啊,陛下啊啊啊啊!!!” Dissolute, where in the world has the thing that We cannot look at!” king of big withering drinks: Lets go, white snake, quickly, otherwise We must execute your whole families, quickly.” “放肆,天底下哪里有朕不能看的东西!”枯萎之王大喝:“撒手,白蛇,赶快,不然朕要诛你满门了,赶快。” white snake stares, refuses stubbornly to let go: „ The heir of feudal official, although is good-for-nothing, but are at least many enough, can disappear your majesty anger words, how is casual to execute are not related. But your majesty has what mishap by some chance, the imperial family whole families may really die quickly certainly! 白蛇瞪眼,死不撒手:“臣的子嗣虽不成器,但起码够多,能消陛下怒火的话,随便怎么诛都没关系。可陛下万一有什么不测,皇室满门可就真快死绝了啊! When the time comes perishing country a group of people without a leader, feudal official and others what to do can set up excommunication that old thing to be the crown prince?! ” Defies superiors impolitely!” The dry king angrily roars. 到时候亡国群龙无首,臣等怎么办・・・・・・难道要立绝罚那老东西做太子吗?!”“无礼犯上!”枯王怒吼。 „Is!” Nearby Gala also angrily roars: Feudal official please cut white snake, cuts immediately!” May shout again loudly, actually does not dare to rush to trample the old thing. “就是就是!”旁边伽拉也怒吼:“臣请斩白蛇,立马就斩!”可喊得再大声,却不敢冲上去把老东西一脚踹开。 Only can refuel to your majesty in side. 只能在旁边给陛下加油。 Outside the gate, the nine chief ministers look at each other in blank dismay, silent, pretends unable to hear emperor's call and order. This was stubborn as final of official. 门外面,九卿们面面相觑,默默无言,装作听不见皇帝的呐喊和命令。这就是作为人臣的最后倔强了。 Suddenly, from foreign dwarf Wang Cheng for sea of approval thunder authorized Giant. What Giant can call to be good? 忽然之间,从外籍侏儒王成为了雷霆之海认可的授权巨人。可叫什么巨人好呢? Huai Shi holds the chin, the dedicated ponder, wants to look for a power and prestige point title. Hot sun Giant? Taiyang (Sun) Giant? Destroys Giant? Said Giant of light? Roadless Tramain? 槐诗托着下巴,专注的思考,想要找个威风一点的称号。烈日巨人太阳巨人?毁灭巨人?还是说・・・・・・光之巨人?无路特拉曼? But will not change the body. God light/only stick where? 可自己也不会变身啊。神光棒在哪里? Presently pinches one also with enough time? 现捏一个还来得及吗? But in him, if the ponder of no others throughout, the palace changed into the flying ash from the bugle horn sound, vanishes does not see, the beautiful glow ascended from Abyss, changed into the vault of heaven. 而就在他若无旁人的沉思始终,殿堂自号角声里化为了飞灰,消失不见,绮丽的辉光自深渊之中升腾,化为了天穹。 The infinite complex inverted image and illusion appear. Since the Giant drumbeat and to praise sang. 无穷纷繁的倒影和幻象浮现。自巨人的鼓声和赞唱里。 The skinny permanent length Giant opens the mouth, loudly sings loudly, the singing sound such as the fog appears baseless. The wreckage of sea is dragging, just like the ebullition, the rapid inflation, haunched this infinite illusory foundation. 枯瘦的恒长巨人张口,纵声高歌,歌声如雾凭空显现。海之残骸摇曳着,宛若沸腾,迅速的膨胀,撑起了这无穷虚幻的根基。 From shining of fire of ashes, unceasing emergence of grotesque and gaudy scene from void. 自灰烬之火的照耀之下,光怪陆离的景象自虚空之中不断的出现。 The remote former days, once infinite time in appeared at this moment grand to replacing vault of heaven great yurt, huge to flooding land and all dignified squares, reaching to the sky clouds just like mountain range common statue. 遥远的旧日,曾经的无穷时光在此刻重新显现・・・・・・宏伟到代替天穹的伟岸穹庐,庞大到充斥了大地和一切的庄严广场,一座座高耸入云霄宛如山峦一般的雕像。 But are more, is the fuzzy form that returns from the dream. Elapsed Giant return at the singing sound again. 而更多的,便是一个个从梦中归来的模糊身影。逝去的巨人们在歌声再度归来。 Dream of the gone far away nihility appeared in the Huai Shi front, this was the dream of Giant! 早已经远去的虚无之梦就在槐诗的面前显现而成,这便是巨人之梦! But in the Huai Shi front, permanent has vanished without the trace steadily thoroughly, only then situated in whether there is the mist everywhere flooded each corner. 而就在槐诗的面前,恒长已经彻底消失无踪,只有介于有无之间的雾气已经无处不在的充斥了每一个角落。 She dream with the entire Giant has melted for a body. 她早已经同整个巨人之梦融为了一体。 But arched spatial outline actually even more swift and fierce sharp, probably the sharp blade outlined, but the trace, his body has vanished does not see, as if realistic opening was common, after the opening, nearly infinite eternal turned void wells up the ripples. 而穹空的轮廓却越发的凌厉锋锐,像是利刃勾勒而出的痕迹,他的身躯已经消失不见,仿佛现实的裂口一般,在裂口之后,近乎无穷的永恒虚空翻涌涟漪。 Giant of sea returns to the most flourishing condition to has soon broken open the dream of Giant huge, the arm and limbs that are supporting the huge body extend downward, submerged in the nihility, tide that the agitation cannot see. 回归全盛状态的海之巨人已经庞大到快要将巨人之梦撑破,一条条支撑着庞大身躯的手臂和肢体向下延伸,都没入了虚无之中,搅动看不见的潮汐。 But most is unable to neglect, is that already the fire of being furious definitely is unable to endure patiently! Just like ashes reignition. 而最无法忽视的,便是那已经完全无法忍耐的震怒之火!宛若灰烬重燃。 Above body that the infinite Hell ashes compose, all are pursuing the determination that the destruction and is shattered and long for changing into the flame of corroded reality, recklessly gushes out from the crevice. 无穷地狱的灰烬所组成的身躯之上,一切追逐着毁灭和破灭的决心和渴望化为了侵蚀现实的火焰,肆意的从裂隙之中喷薄而出。 Permanent long and arched spatial, ashes and sea. 恒长、穹空、灰烬和海洋。 Present age four Giant besides father exposes own authority and essence, again no hostility of concealing and slaughtered longs for going to the front. Then, before them ponder Giant, raised the head finally. 当世除了大君之外的四位巨人展露自身的威权和真髓,再无任何掩饰的敌意和杀戮渴望投向了前方。然后,在他们之前・・・・・・沉思的巨人,终于抬起头。 It seems like, recovers. 就好像,回过神来。 Concentrates on the line of sight here again. 再度将视线投注于此处。 Therefore, the dream of wail Giant, was being crossed by the crevice! Under bird's eye view of that huge form .... 于是,巨人之梦哀鸣着,被裂隙所横贯!在那庞大身影的俯瞰之下....・・ At this moment, Huai Shi behind, that hidden in the terrifying essence in darkness and light as if under the refraction of dream of Giant, finally appears, changed into almost made the terrifying outline that the dream of Giant must dissipate thoroughly. 此刻,槐诗的身后,那隐藏在黑暗和光里的恐怖本质仿佛在巨人之梦的折射之下,终于显现而出,化为了几乎令巨人之梦都要彻底消散的恐怖轮廓。 The crown wore the Abyss black day, wore the white clothing of Taiyi. The strange shadow flows rapidly just like such as the rivers and streams generally. 冠戴深渊黑日,身披太一之白衣。诡异的阴影宛如如江河一般奔流。 In interweaving of innumerable ascension phenomenon, the king of final Hell appears the form! I guess, we can start?” 无数升腾事象的交织之中,最终的地狱之王显现身影!“我猜,我们可以开始了?” Huai Shi is smiling as before, looks at them, proposed: Although some hackneyed stuff, but does not need first come first served to arrange the seats are not related please on together.” 槐诗依旧微笑着,看着他们,提议道:“虽然有些老套,但不用先来后到排座次也没关系・・・・・・请你们一起上吧。” In this moment, Giant are silent, maintains total silence. 在这一刻,巨人们沉默着,不发一语。 That spiritedly to killing intent of limit, as if the volcanic eruption is the same, increases again, gushes out, the dazzling blood-color appears from their soul, almost dyes scarlet the dream of Giant. 只是那原本已经昂扬到极限的杀意,却仿佛火山爆发一样,再度攀升,喷薄而出,刺目的血色从他们的灵魂中显现,几乎将巨人之梦染成猩红。 But, Giant of hugest sea, is then stiff on the spot. 可紧接着,最为庞大的海之巨人,便僵硬在原地。 As if the sea freezes thoroughly. 仿佛沧海彻底冻结。 From bird's eye view of hot sun. 自烈日的俯瞰中。 Does not have the indication, that form from the present his at present, the close place, put out a hand, strokes the fissure that fellow daoist person is leaving behind together finally. 毫无征兆的,那个身影从现在了他的眼前,近在咫尺的地方,伸出手,抚摸着那一道道友人最后所留下的裂痕。 So recalls. 如此缅怀。 Relax, so long as shows own complete ability to be good.” He said: I as far as possible does not kill your.” “放心,只要拿出自己的全部本领就好。”他说:“我会尽量・・・・・・不打死你们的。” Therefore, tune the finger springs, knocks above the skull of Giant of sea. 于是,曲起的手指弹出,敲在海之巨人的颅骨之上。 Just like startling thunderclap general thundering , the dragon vein sang loudly long recites, innumerably like thunder general ascension, but the iron light gathering was one bunch, penetrated Giant of that sea just like the skull of mountain range, superficial, put from another side. 宛如惊雷一般的轰鸣里,龙脉高歌长吟,无数如同雷霆一般升腾而起的铁光汇聚为一束,贯入了海之巨人那宛如山峦的颅骨中,轻描淡写的,从另一侧穿出。 Might tilt the sea. 好像要倾覆海洋。 Giant of sea is neighing, backward, cannot help but raised, drops down. 海之巨人在嘶鸣中,不由得向后,被掀起,倒下。 But until now, the great hand of dropping from the clouds fell on the body of Huai Shi. Permanent long changed into invisible, because just invisible, everywhere visible, everywhere. 而直到现在,从天而降的巨手才堪堪落在了槐诗的身上。恒长化为了无形,可正因为无形,才处处有形,无处不在。 What may regret, his great hand has not fallen, then during snaps fingers once again, is defeated and dispersed without the trace! The infinite mist is vacillating, was almost blown off, almost soon appears the behind fierce appearance 可遗憾的是,他那一巨手还未曾落下,便在又一次弹指之中,溃散无踪!无穷雾气动摇着,几乎被吹散,几乎快要显现出背后的狰狞模样 Bang! 轰! Huai Shi unemotional took back the fist, under the day collapsing fist, the arched spatial Giant outline has flown upside down. When his form drops from the clouds, crashes when the ground, the infinite sea of fire opens from center. 槐诗面无表情的收回了拳头,天崩之拳下,穹空巨人的轮廓已经倒飞而出。当他的身影从天而降,坠落在地上时,无穷的火海从正中开辟。 „The exchanging greetings link that greeted mutually was not necessary, moving point real.” “互相问候的寒暄环节大可不必,动点真格的吧。” Huai Shi strolls, before treading, toward nearly changes into dragon volume general huge ashes Giant: I come here, wants to win all your strengths completely, including all that you are proud, Giant dignity, the strengths and buried treasures of all dwarf kings as well as father's title.” 槐诗漫步,踏前,向着近乎化为龙卷一般的庞大灰烬巨人:“我来到这里,想要将你们所有的力量全部夺走,包括你们引以为傲的一切,巨人的尊严,所有侏儒王的力量和宝藏・・・・・・以及大君的头衔。” Now, the friendly discussion link had finished.” “现在,友好的商谈环节已经结束了。” Above face that then just like covered by dark, in the genial smile, spurts from the Current Territories ominous intent emerges thinly: Please resistance heartily, everyone!” 那宛若被黑暗所笼罩的面孔之上,和煦的微笑中,源自现境的凶意喷薄涌现:“请尽情的反抗吧,各位!” In me, before warming up ! 在我,热身完毕之前! The jet black flame, ignites from both hands of Huai Shi. 紧接着,漆黑的火焰,从槐诗的双手之上燃起。 The color that waves dissolutely, making all Giant cannot help but at present one black, accepted the terrorist threat from day flame. The shape of that flame, but is the stance that the destruction ascends, the ray that releases merely is the insignificant complementary waves. 那放肆舞动的色彩,令所有的巨人不由得眼前一黑,亲身领受到了来自日焰的恐怖威胁。那焰的形状,不过是毁灭升腾的姿态,所释放出的光芒仅仅是微不足道的余波。 The dark most deep place, that made Abyss for the turbulent essence sufficiently, seemed to be must the nihility that all had erase all! The shadow of archenemy, has covered them is one of them. 黑暗的最深处,那足以令深渊为之动荡的本质,是仿佛要将一切存在尽数抹除的虚无!大敌的阴影,已经将他们笼罩在其中。 Has no place to go again! 再无处可逃! Suddenly is awakening the scruples of instantly, again having no with hesitant. 在恍然醒悟的刹那,再无任何的顾忌和犹豫。 After sweeping off all luck and prejudices, feels, then has never had panic-stricken and inspired, again urging of no limit from my strength. 扫去一切的侥幸和偏见之后,所感受到的,便是从未有过的惊骇和振奋,再无任何限制的催发自我的力量。 Even, does not hesitate this body! 甚至,不惜此身! Giant of sea angrily roars, submerges hand and foot pulling of slowly nihility, is pulling heavy chains, since similar to tears iron gate equally eras, was dissolved disaster in sea after the strobe, the blowout, embezzles all! 海之巨人怒吼,没入虚无的手足缓缓的拔出,拉扯着一条条沉重的锁链,就如同扯开铁闸一样一个个纪元以来,被溶解进海洋中的灾厄从闸门之后,井喷而出,吞没一切! Original is only left over the outline arched spatial, even thorough lost the physique, innumerable the crevice that extends from the body, imitates, if takes sharp blade such by the crack of reality, cuts to extinguish all. 原本的只剩下轮廓的穹空,甚至已经彻底的失去了形体,只有无数条从身上延伸开来的裂隙,仿若以现实的裂缝作为利刃那样,斩灭所有。 The mist that permanent long transforms cleared thoroughly, reveals back appearance/portrait- never has the appearance/portrait, pursues the achievement of eternal becoming constantly to change, can see is ten thousand ten thousand unceasing fissions opens and closes, the maneuver, the development, the distortion reality recklessly, formed the everywhere terrifying to interfere with the strength. 恒长所幻化的雾气彻底散尽了,露出背后的真容—从来没有真容,追逐永恒而成的成果一直在不断的变化着,所能看到的便是万眼万手不断的分裂开阖,回旋,拓展,肆意的扭曲现实,形成了无处不在的恐怖干涉力。 But the ashes, have extinguished thoroughly. Could not see any flame again 而灰烬,已经彻底熄灭。再看不到任何的火焰了・・・・・・ Black smoke winding that only then a jet black bleached bone of several meters surplus, a faint trace burns through above bleached bone, in the crevice of skeleton has the final spark to flash on and off. 就只有一具数米余高的漆黑枯骨,一丝丝燃尽的黑烟缠绕在枯骨之上,骨骼的裂隙之中似是有最后的星火明灭。 Gust blows, thorough unravelling. 一阵风吹来,就会彻底的灰飞烟灭。 But when he treads step at the same time, the dream of entire Giant probably by the invisible flame is lit, all soul were entrained the suffering purgatory without limits. 可当他踏出一步的同时,整个巨人之梦好像都被无形的火焰所点燃,一切灵魂都被拽进了无止境的折磨炼狱。 The fire that all hatred, greedy, ambition and gathers extremely arrogantly, has cast the ashes common crystallization, destructive power sudden rise without limits! Steps aside from inward, cannot see the Huai Shi form again. 一切憎恨、贪婪、野心和狂妄所汇聚成的火,已经铸就灰烬一般的结晶,破坏力无止境的暴涨!自外向内,再也看不到槐诗的身影。 Only can see the strange color that in the dream of Giant transforms unceasingly, the Giant illusory image spontaneity extinguishes dissipates, may be the dissipation, that dreamland is huge. 只能够看到巨人之梦里不断变换的诡异色彩,一个又一个的巨人幻影自生灭中消散,可越是消散,那梦境便越是庞大。 All struggles, the blockade is one of them all. 将一切斗争,尽数封锁在其中。 Even so, soon has not actually been able to contain jet black hot sun that raises slowly! In Huai Shi behind! 但即便是如此,却也已经快要无法包容・・・・・・那冉冉升起的漆黑烈日!就在槐诗的身后! Launches just like the god Buddha common matrix halo, the nihility gathered the material, by the shape of flame and ray toward the four directions ejection, by one's effort, dealt with four Giant unprecedented besieging jointly. 宛若神佛一般的矩阵光环展开,虚无汇聚成了物质,以火焰和光芒的形态向着四方抛射而出,以一己之力,应对四位巨人前所未有的联手围攻。 Again then, superficial depresses!!! 再然后,轻描淡写的・・・・・・压下!!! The strong and weak boundary, not so absolutely and distinct. But that criterion, has grasped in the hand of Huai Shi! 强与弱的界限,从未曾如此绝对而分明。而那一条准绳,已经握在了槐诗的手中! At that moment, the sword of ashes cracks in the five fingers of Huai Shi, from divulges, but the terrifying temperature and holds to read, the dissipation in the darkness, only had a trivial insignificant flying ash from referring to the seams all departs. 那一刻,灰烬之剑在槐诗的五指之间崩裂,从其中宣泄而出的恐怖温度和执念,尽数消散在黑暗里,就只剩下了一丝微不足道的飞灰从指缝间飞出。 „The ash of burnout, how about shining of hot sun?” “燃尽之灰,何如烈日之普照?” Huai Shi hangs the pupil, overlooks skull that is cracking unceasingly: „ Gathering many crazy and despairs, are unable to transform eventually, the sacrifice were many, then only remained the ashes 槐诗垂眸,俯瞰着那一颗不断崩裂的颅骨:“汇聚再多的疯狂和绝望,终究无从蜕变,牺牲再多,也便只剩灰烬而已・・・・・・ Titus does not elect you, reasonable. 提图斯不选你,是有道理的。 The number practiced to abandon, came again! ” 号练废了,重来!” Bang! 轰! In the five fingers of pressing down, bleached bone Giant collapses loudly, is defeated and dispersed like the sandburg of tide washout generally, the dissolution, the flame was swallowed by the flame, but ashes belongs to the ashes. 在按下的五指之间,枯骨巨人轰然坍塌,如同潮水冲刷的沙堡一般溃散,溶解,火焰被火焰所吞噬,而灰烬・・・・・・归于灰烬。 In a flash, thorough annihilation! 在弹指之间,彻底湮灭! Again, after endless disaster dissolves , the vastness that forms, freezes from bird's eye view under. „Does the narrowness of sea, how with compare infinitely?” 再紧接着,无尽灾厄溶解之后所形成的汪洋,自俯瞰之下冻结。“海之狭隘,如何同无限相较?” The finger of Huai Shi has delimited from void , the fingertip place visited, the chains of sea of all shackles disaster, all the break, cuts off such like can see sword blade. 槐诗的手指自虚空之中划过,指尖所过之处,所有桎梏灾厄之海的锁链,尽数断裂,如同被看不见的剑锋所斩断那样。 Boils in the common sound of the tide and wail, was only left over the desolate appraisal: By having the border strove for boundlessly, how could it not be erroneous? Really, Mr. Chu sea should your broken is cleaner.” 沸腾一般的潮声和哀鸣里,只剩下了冷淡的评价:“以有涯求无涯,岂不谬哉?果然,褚海先生应该把你碎的再干净一些。” The sword of day error, cuts baseless! Passes through the sea. 天阙之剑,凭空斩下!贯穿海洋。 Therefore, the extremely heavy mighty current was swallowed from the maneuver of hot sun in completely, all disaster dissipate from the nihility in thoroughly, is only left over the body that Giant of sea grows to be passed through above sword blade. 于是,万钧洪流自烈日的回旋中被吞尽,一切灾厄自虚无之中彻底消散,只剩下海之巨人重新长出的身躯被贯穿在剑锋之上。 Rapid collapsing, collapse, petrification. 迅速的坍塌,崩溃,石化。 After looking like the sea water removes the deathly stillness reef, proliferates the fissure, is soundless. Again then, palm of Huai Shi, invisible turn over. 就像是海水褪去之后的死寂礁石,遍布裂痕,再无声息。再然后,槐诗的手掌,无形的翻转。 Got hold of the crevice that twines the whole body, making the arched spatial strength stagnate thoroughly, is unable to extend, touches the hot sun... nihility arched spatial, what also there is able to save?” 握紧了缠绕周身的裂隙,令穹空的力量彻底停滞,在无从延伸,触碰烈日本身...・・・“虚无之穹空,又有何物能存?” Huai Shi hangs the pupil, distinguishes of palm together to be of realistic the essence crevice, the regret shakes the head: To strive for spatially spatially, finally was still spatial!” 槐诗垂眸,分辨着掌心的那一道现实裂隙的本质,遗憾摇头:“以空求空,最终依然是空!” After his five fingers get hold , the innumerable say/way covered the strange crevice of dream of Giant, started rapid contraction unexpectedly toward his palm! 当他的五指握紧之后,无数道笼罩了巨人之梦的诡异裂隙,竟然开始了迅速的收缩・・・・・・向着他的掌心! Looks like involved in seaweed to be the same by the vortex. 就像是被漩涡所卷入其中的海草一样。 Dominated changed into the black hole in oneself over ten thousand times disaster, is pulling the arched spatial disaster incarnation, inward, until finally, pestered one group thoroughly. 凌驾于自身万倍以上的灾厄化为了黑洞,拉扯着穹空的灾厄化身,向内,直到最后,彻底纠缠成一团。 „The words of such repugnant reality, you go to two dimensions.”! “这么讨厌现实的话,你还是去二次元吧。”啪! Has colored glaze shatter clear sound to resound. 有琉璃破碎的清脆声音响起。 In the five fingers that launch again, crevice that overlaps innumerably in the same place, by crude compressing, like not can see the slip of paper of any thickness, is fluttering falling. 就在再度展开的五指之间,无数重叠在一起的裂隙,已经被粗暴的压扁,如同看不到任何厚度的纸片一样,飘扬着落下。 It is not able to launch again. 再无法展开。 But finally, Huai Shi has turned head, looked, in dark sun is covering in the shackles, unceasing struggled attempts strange outline that crawled from that eternal darkness. 而最后,槐诗回过头,看向了在黑暗日轮的笼罩着桎梏中,不断的挣扎・・・・・・试图从那一片永恒的黑暗里爬出的诡异轮廓。 Giant is permanently long. 巨人恒长。 Such as dream bubble general existing forever, what significance also there is?” Huai Shi waves, might as well really come to naught simply forget about it.” Therefore, the final cracking resounds. “如梦幻泡影一般的长存,又有什么意义?”槐诗挥手,“不如干脆真的化为泡影算了。”于是,最后的破裂声响起。 The eye hands of innumerable expansion under the pressure of black day, the painful convulsion, the contraction, the collapse, to finally, blasting open, only had moving fast mist inward loudly. 无数展开的眼手在黑日的压力之下,痛苦的痉挛,收缩,向内塌陷,到最后,轰然炸裂,只剩下一片飘忽的雾气。 Dissipation to not have. 消散为无。 Now, when Huai Shi treads the footsteps again, spanned the Giant wreckage, goes out forward, then has no strength to dare to stop that dignified sun again to raise together. 现在,当槐诗再度踏出脚步,跨越了巨人的残骸,向前走出,便再无任何力量胆敢阻拦那一道庄严的日轮升起。 Ancient singing sound and dreamland rapid evaporation, dissipation. The only winner goes out from that dreamland. Is overlooking all dust. 古老的歌声和梦境迅速的蒸发,消散。唯一的胜者从那一片梦境之中走出。俯瞰着所有的尘埃。 Waiting in road of end challenge, finally enemy!- Father! 还有等待在挑战之路尽头的,最后敌人!-大君! The father is also visiting him, is so tranquil. 大君也在看着他,如此平静。 In the dwarf king Men song sang, the elegy sound got up, is extolling Giant of these return long dreams. No one dares to accuse this result, even has not cried and deeply regretted. 在侏儒王们的颂唱中,挽歌声响起,赞颂着那些回归漫长之梦的巨人。无人胆敢指责这一结果,甚至未曾落泪和痛惜。 Uses the full power showdown to be so right, if not died, how to divide the victory and defeat?! If Huai Shi shows mercy, is to this contention biggest insult! 倾尽全力的对决本该如此才对,若非死亡,如何分胜负?!倘若槐诗手下留情,才是对这一场角逐最大的侮辱! But when Huai Shi at the absolute strength, routed four Giant after directly, finally from father's body feels, that quiet did not know many eras the terrorist forces! 可当槐诗以绝对的力量,正面击溃了四个巨人之后,才终于从大君的身上感受到了,那沉寂了不知道多少个纪元的恐怖力量! So-called, Abyss to! 所谓的,深渊至强! Even if with is Giant, is unable to be mentioned in the same breath as before that huge disparity, is similar to Current Territories Predator and Taiyi distance is the same! Giant is just the leader of sea of thunder, but the father, is actually the incarnation of this infinite strength! 纵然同为巨人,依旧无法同日而语・・・・・・那庞大的差距,就如同现境天敌太一的距离一样!巨人只不过是雷霆之海的领袖,而大君,却是这一份无穷力量的化身!
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