AS :: Volume #2

#149: Crazy from exploding flows Summoner

, , above spn left wing battlefield spn左翼战场之上 --- --- The the calling out in grief sound of pitiful yell sound and insect of shouting out sound and wounded person of humanity, the metal junction called the break sound...... The number made the person soul make the cold incisive grating sound, in having the night of rain resounded, composes the death symphony that a bloody water splash and spark four have shot, is similar to wok with cooking oil that seethed with excitement, tumbling! 人类的呼喝声、伤员的惨叫声、虫子的悲鸣声,金属的交鸣断裂声……数令人灵魂发寒的尖锐刺耳声音,在有雨的夜晚响起,组成了一曲血水飞溅、火花四射的死亡交响乐,如同沸腾的油锅,翻滚不已! Kills!” “杀!” Ran Hongxia pushes to the front, the alloy long sword in hand spout long Sword Qi, is swift and fierce and sharp, in dark night splendid. 染红霞一马当先,手中的合金长剑喷涌出长长的剑气,凌厉而犀利,在黑夜中熠熠生辉。 Tittering[ “噗嗤”[ Grey Thunder Scorpion had been severed completely by Ran Hongxia impressively, the poisonous blood, high has sprinkled place! 一头苍雷毒蝎赫然已经被染红霞一刀两断,毒血、碎甲洒落了一地! Ran Hongxia is Second Level High Order Sword Saint, the potential is poor, the present stage is also the fierce ratio, Sword Qi just like Dragon She, each make a move, the insect will call out in grief, every time wields a sword, will have the flesh and blood separation! 染红霞二级高阶剑圣,潜力穷,现阶段也是厉害比,一道道剑气犹如龙蛇,每一次出手,都会有一头虫子悲鸣,每一次挥剑,都会有血肉分离! Ran Hongxia, is thousand armed forces flinches simply! 染红霞,简直就是千军辟易! Rosy cloud, you are quite fierce!” “霞,你好厉害!” A Kikyo also arrow shoots to explode Flying Dragon Louse that flies to wreak havoc spatially, has turned the head, smiles toward the partner who she most likes. 桔梗也一箭射爆一头飞空肆虐的飞龙虱,转过头,朝她最喜欢的伙伴会心一笑。 „, You are also and you too pretty good!” “彼此彼此,你也不赖!” Ran Hongxia has not thought that she will go one day to the battlefield. 染红霞从来没有想过,她会有一天踏上战场。 Not is only Ran Hongxia, Xijiang University entering the war, and even is all people of left wing, has not thought will go forth to battle to kill the enemy! 不仅仅是染红霞,就连西江大学的参战者,乃至是左翼的所有人,都从来没想过自己会上阵杀敌! It looks like in beforehand them, war, is such unattainable, even if looked that the news heard where where has the dispute of religious and territory, is only one of the setting smiles. 在以前的他们看来,战争,是如此的遥不可及,哪怕看新闻听说哪里哪里发生宗教、领土的纠纷,也只是置之一笑。 However to this time, them has had to enter the war for various reasons, recalls that all are so inconceivable. 然而到了今时今日,他们因为种种原因不得不参战,回想起来,一切是如此的不可思议。 Like having a dream, the iron and blood that the war brings, making the combatants feel such is not really fresh. 就像做梦一样,战争所带来的铁与血,让参战人员感觉那么的不真奂。 You give me dead!” “你们都给我去死!” Sad shouting, Chu Xiang handful of 300 jin (0.5 kg) alloy sledgehammer, potential, if a hammer pounds extremely heavy on Crimson Crowned Beetles. 一声沉闷的大喊,楚翔捧起300斤重的合金大锤,势若万钧地一锤子砸在一头红顶甲虫头上。 Crimson Crowned Beetles was pounded immediately excrement whish to come out by Chu Xiang, dies again cannot die. 顿时红顶甲虫楚翔砸得屎都飕出来,死得不能再死。 gua “呱 Flying Dragon Louse drops from the clouds, sharply compared with the sickle big pre- impact on Chu Xiang, hits confused Chu Xiang immediately, departed several meters far, layer on layer hits on the bough, coughs up blood again and again, because Chu Xiang opened „the Draconian condition hardly whole body skin like the stone, perhaps put in an appearance is dismembered by Flying Dragon Louse. 一头飞龙虱从天而降,锋利比的镰刀大预冲击在楚翔身上,登时把楚翔撞得七荤八素,飞出了十几米远,重重地撞在树干上,连连咳血,要不是因为楚翔开启了“龙人状态”浑身皮肤坚硬如石,恐怕一个照面就被飞龙虱分尸了。 Deserves death I to be negligent......” “该死我大意了……” The breastbone of Chu Xiang also broke several, only thought that the internal organs hurt awfully. 楚翔的胸骨也断了好几根,只觉得内脏疼得要命。 Suddenly, the cream ray, is having the holy aura together, was away from dozens meters to shoot came needless several time of breath, treated seven 7~8 the Chu Xiang injury eight, making him return to the battlefield. 忽然之间,一道乳白色的光芒,带着圣洁的气息,隔着几十米射了过来不消几个呼吸的时间,就把楚翔的伤势治疗得七七八八,让他重返战场。 Chu Xiang bellows:[ 楚翔大吼一声:[ Principal, many thanks you!” “校长,多谢你了!” Xiao Wanqing in the rear area shows a faint smile, has her to play the wet nurse role frequently, can reduce to absolutely lowly the Xijiang University casualties. 萧晚晴在后方微微一笑,有她时时刻刻地担任奶妈角色,绝对可以把西江大学的伤亡减到最低。 Sometimes, Xiao Wanqing will also hold the condition to other civil organization person in addition, if saw that they are injured by far will also add Recovery Technique at least to let their wound to heal half together. 有时候,萧晚晴还会给其他民间组织的人加持状态,如果见到他们受伤也会远远地加一道恢复术起码能让他们的创伤愈合一半。 Where that Flying Dragon Louse?” “那头飞龙虱哪里去了?” Waits for Chu Xiang to want looks for Flying Dragon Louse to revenge, actually the discovery a moment ago wounded his Flying Dragon Louse disappearing trace, at this time behind resounds mildew Yaksha that thick crazy keenly blowing, Chu Xiang turns head, actually sees mildew Yaksha and Dark Templar collaborates, ripped the fragment that Flying Dragon Louse! 楚翔想要找飞龙虱报仇的时候,却发现刚才击伤他的飞龙虱不见了踪影,此时身后响起白毛夜叉那粗狂的尖啸,楚翔一回头,却见白毛夜叉黑暗圣堂联手,将那头飞龙虱撕成了碎片! „! Yitian Zhao and Ling Shaoping that two boys, snatched father's game!” “靠!倚天照凌少平那两个小子,抢了老子的猎物!” Battlefield, fast changing, every point every second some person or insect death. 战场,瞬息万变,每一分每一秒都有人或者虫死亡。 However, again River University as if has become the main force of left wing, other civil organization combatants are centered on the Xijiang University master, even follows Ran Hongxia and Kikyo to penetrate the insect group! 然而,再江大学似乎成了左翼的主力,其他民间组织的战斗人员都以西江大学的高手为中心,甚至跟随着染红霞桔梗突入虫群! Some men noticed that pretty Ran Hongxia and Kikyo were in the dominant position, immediately is not convinced, goes all out fights. 一些爷们看到娇滴滴的染红霞桔梗占据了主导地位,顿时就不服气,一个个更加卖力地战斗。 Cluck “咕咕咕 Five Seven Color centipede, well up toward the leading troops of left wing together with three Floating Jellyfish crazily! 五头七彩蜈蚣,连同三头悬浮水母朝左翼的先头部队狂涌而来! Some Ran Hongxia also cannot help but controls sweat she to look the insect that a leader gloss assumes the bright, fierce terror, has the flash to want retreat, however she has dropped quickly this idea 染红霞也不由得有些手心冒汗她看着一头头油光呈亮,狰狞恐怖的虫子,真的有一瞬间想要后退,然而她很快就打消了这个想法 Because her, the companions of many force! 因为她的身后,有许许多多强力的同伴! Devil scholar Yitian Zhao 恶魔学者倚天照 Dark Templar Ling Shaoping these two people, are partial in Darkness System, has the Strength addition in this type in the evening, the Yitian Zhao mildew Yaksha strength is not inferior in Grey Thunder Scorpion, but Ling Shaoping makes Sudden Dark Strike, mysteriously appeared and disappeared strikes to kill three Second Level insects within one minute! 黑暗圣堂凌少平这两个人,都是偏向于黑暗系,在这种晚上一个个都有力量的加成,倚天照的白毛夜叉的实力丝毫不逊色于苍雷毒蝎,而凌少平更是打出一次次黑暗暴击,神出鬼没地在一分钟之内击杀了三头二级虫子! Also respectively have the performance as for Qigong Master, Sonic Warrior, Flame Sorcerer and Shapeshifter, bunch of True Qi, sound waves, bunches of flame, black hair, bloom the respective color in the darkness and might! 至于气功师声波战士火法师变形师也是各有表现,一团团真气,一圈圈声波,一簇簇火焰,一匹匹青丝,在黑暗中绽放出各自的色彩与威力! Come! I will not make your insects injure my Student!” “来吧!我不会让你们这些虫子伤害我同学的!” Ran Hongxia drinks tenderly, that in maliciously, is nearly tenacious like the rock, the stubborn look that whatever thousands of jin (0.5 kg) steelyard weight cannot break, winks does not wink is staring at the insect group of coming stubbornly. 染红霞一声娇喝,那近乎于狠狠的,顽强得就像岩石,任凭千万斤重锤都不能砸碎的倔强眼神,眨也不眨地死死地盯着呼啸而来的虫群。 Li Jiayu, I also!” 李佳玉可以,我也可以!” Ran Hongxia is this, whenever she must protect Student, protects the companion time, will erupt 120%, even 200% Strength, her sword delimits, Sword Qi like rainbow, instantaneously Seven Color centipede that when hits first cut to fly! 染红霞就是这样,每当她要保护同学,保护同伴的时候,都会爆发出120,甚至200的力量,她一剑划出,剑气如虹,瞬间就把当先撞来的七彩蜈蚣斩得飞了出去! Must know that Seven Color centipede has 20 meters, the whole body scales, the weight most at least also has the 6~7 ton, but its puts in an appearance unexpectedly is swept by the Ran Hongxia alloy long sword flies, this simply is inconceivable! 要知道,七彩蜈蚣有20米长,浑身鳞甲,重量最起码也有六七吨,但它竟然一个照面就被染红霞的合金长剑扫飞,这简直是不可思议! Meanwhile, the head of Seven Color centipede was also hit by Sword Qi shrivelled, front several blade-legs are torn to pieces! 与此同时,七彩蜈蚣的脑袋也被剑气打得瘪了进去,前面的几对刀腿更是支离破碎! Witnessed that Ran Hongxia limiting to approach in Second Level Middle Order Seven Color centipede strikes to sweep flies, the following combatants all morale like the rainbow, call out to clash to fight side-by-side with Ran Hongxia! 目睹染红霞把限接近于二级中阶七彩蜈蚣一击扫飞,后面的战斗人员个个都士气如虹,暴吼着冲上来与染红霞并肩作战! „The arrow of strong winds!”[ “狂风之箭!”[ Kikyo is coordinating Ran Hongxia, projects pursues star to catch up together the moon/month the green arrow arrow, is towing the colored glaze green light, shoots on the head of Seven Color centipede all of a sudden, while still alive has almost not shot to explode the head of Seven Color centipede! 桔梗配合着染红霞,射出一道追星赶月的绿色箭矢,拖曳着琉璃般的绿光,一下子射到七彩蜈蚣的脑袋上,差点没把七彩蜈蚣的脑袋活活射爆! However, merely is jointly attacking of Ran Hongxia and Kikyo, has hit that Seven Color centipede lost 70% battle efficiencies! 然而,仅仅是染红霞桔梗的合击,就已经把那头七彩蜈蚣打得失去了七成战斗力! These two women, simply have become the left-wing battlefield most focus! 这两个女人,简直就成了左翼战场最为瞩目的焦点! Rank winds, blood rain, have swept across each stretch of battlefield of left wing! 一股股腥风,一股股血雨,席卷了左翼的每片战场! Soldiers to soldier, king to king. 兵对兵,王对王。 Yin Soul Inheritance anti- Second Level insect Yang Soul Inheritor also refuse to admit being inferior, has carried out the life-and-death fight with the First Level insect. 阴魂传承者们抗住二级虫子阳魂传承者们也不甘示弱,与一级虫子展开了殊死搏斗。 Xijiang University Acid Controller and Earth System Magician, Illusionist, strongman and Berserker, ice Magician and Shadow Killer, Sword Dancer, Qi Battlemaster, Plant Master, before Mind Power Master rushes in abundance, their coordination are quite tacit, close combat Profession in former farfight Profession, edge Profession walks randomly, the trivial more than 30 people, fought to a draw with 20 Shape-shifting Insect and Crimson Crowned Beetles unexpectedly! 西江大学酸液控制者土系法师幻术师、大力士、狂战士、冰法师影杀者,剑舞者,斗气师,植物师,念力师纷纷冲上前,他们的配合相当默契,近战职业在前远战职业在后,边缘职业游走,区区的30多人,竟然与20多头变形虫红顶甲虫打了个平手! Sun Weiwei also military might, her yellow color electricity mouse Pikachu quite powerful, not only flexible scurries about to shunt the attack of insect compared with the place, even can also release several kilovolts golden lightnings! 就连孙薇薇也威武了一把,她的黄色电老鼠皮卡丘相当的给力,不仅灵活比地上蹿下跳躲开虫子的攻击,甚至还可以释放几千伏的金色闪电! „......” “刺啦啦……” Because the might of wet weather lightning multiplies, every time attacks can the electricity result in Crimson Crowned Beetles to wail again and again, although cannot break the defense of Crimson Crowned Beetles, but regularly the attack of stagnant red beetle, is easy! 由于下雨天闪电的威力倍增,每一次出击都能电得红顶甲虫哀号连连,虽然破不开红顶甲虫的防御,但隔三差五地停滞红甲虫的攻击,还是轻而易举的! Yan Zisu but actually also fierce, she has the original talent in the Ice System magic arts, obtains the Li Jiayu's direction, even also crystal core of 2-3 Frost frogs strengthen Spiritual Force is safe First Level High Order Ice System Magician she lifts the hand to be able now congealing rain to become Bing, makes ice cones and ice storms! 晏紫苏倒也厉害,她在冰系法术有着独到的天赋,又得到李佳玉的指点,甚至还有两三颗冰霜蛤蟆的晶核强化精神力如今是稳稳当当的一级高阶冰系法师她一抬手就能凝雨成冰,打出一道道冰锥和冰风暴! However, Xijiang University also has not the small damage, Shapeshifter Lan Xiaoyue is cut by biting the arm by a green beetle of sneak attack, she wails the kneeling down pain to shout, Ran Hongxia rescues promptly, perhaps the Lan Xiaoyue whole person must hang. 然而,西江大学也有着不小的损伤,变形师蓝小月被一头偷袭的绿甲虫咬断了手臂,她哀嚎着跪倒痛呼,要不是染红霞救援及时,恐怕蓝小月整个人都要挂掉了。 Luckily Lan Xiaoyue is Shapeshifter, can let arm Regeneration slowly, otherwise before Xiao Wanqing becomes Advanced Radiant Priest 幸好蓝小月变形师,可以慢慢地让手臂再生,否则在萧晚晴成为高级光明祭祀之前 Lan Xiaoyue must make alone arm god nun. 蓝小月就要一直做个独臂神尼了。 Naturally, Xijiang University Yang Soul Inheritor also died a tragic death 34 to let companions grievance. 当然,西江大学阳魂传承者也惨死了34个让同伴们睚眦欲裂 As for other civil organization, death were more, in more than 400 people, within one minute died 30-40 people! 至于别的民间组织,死亡的就更多了,400多人里面,一分钟之内就死掉了三四十人! The corpse of insect, the corpse of humanity everywhere is! 虫子的尸体,人类的尸体遍地都是! Some people are wondering, how did War Goddess vanish? 有些人在纳闷,怎么女战神消失了? War Goddess roared a moment ago flamboyant cuts to kill Blue-eyed Giant Ant, why now goes into hiding? Hid? 刚才女战神牛逼哄哄地斩杀了蓝眼巨蚁,如今为何销声匿迹?难道躲起来了? No! 不! Li Jiayu quietly the region Dark Octopus, was bypassing actually already person and the thousandth war zone of insect runs up to by the Blue-eyed Giant Ant corpse. 李佳玉其实早已悄然地带着黑暗章鱼,绕过人与虫的厘战区跑到蓝眼巨蚁的尸体旁边。 Blue-eyed Giant Ant is difficult also...... The defensive power absolutely is in the middle of the same level insect outstanding person, what a pity 蓝眼巨蚁非常难亦……防御力绝对是同级虫子当中的佼佼者,可惜 It has run into me. ” 它遇到了我。” The weakness of Li Jiayu to Blue-eyed Giant Ant knows from A to Z. 李佳玉蓝眼巨蚁的弱点了如指掌。 Do not look at the Blue-eyed Giant Ant outer covering hardly like the iron, actually its hot resisting force is very weak, but Li Jiayu's Fire elemental from exploding the might is also illegal, just restrains Blue-eyed Giant Ant! 别看蓝眼巨蚁的外壳坚硬如铁,其实它的火抗力很弱,而李佳玉的火元素自爆又威力非法,刚好克制住蓝眼巨蚁 However, Li Jiayu summoned two Second Level Low Order Fire elemental, and makes them from exploding, this not only has consumed massive Spiritual Force, but also has heavy backlash, compelling Li Jiayu to stop the breathing heavily one breath. 不过,李佳玉召唤了两个二级低阶火元素,并且让它们自爆,这不仅消耗了大量的精神力,而且还有着不轻的反噬,逼着李佳玉不得不停下来喘一口气。 Good, now my Spiritual Force also remaining 50%...... Summoned Bursting Hammer Dragon, remaining but actually also enough used one time to offer sacrifices Summoning Technique!” “好吧,现在我的精神力还剩下五成……召唤一个爆锤龙,剩下的倒也足够使用一次献祭召唤术了!” Li Jiayu shouted the one breath gently, whatever before the volume , the rain water of bangs falls to the eye , the hand lifts, appeared just like rock Bursting Hammer Dragon side Li Jiayu, to is rubbing the Li Jiayu's thigh with the head affectionate. 李佳玉轻轻地呼了一口气,任凭额前刘海的雨水滑落到眼睛里,手一抬,宛如磐石的爆锤龙已经出现在李佳玉身旁,正亲昵地对用脑袋蹭着李佳玉的大腿。 His look said to Dark Octopus calmly: 他神色平静地对黑暗章鱼说道: You and Bursting Hammer Dragon, protect me well! Performs all Strength, does not make insect approach in my three meters, heard?” “你和爆锤龙,好好地保护我!尽一切力量,不让虫子接近我三米之内,听到了吗?” „...... The octopus went all out also to protect good master......” “过……章鱼拼了命也会保护好主人的……” The Dark Octopus whole body rolls is burning the eye red plasma, the jar sound jar air/Qi said. 黑暗章鱼周身滚动着灼眼的红色电浆,瓮声瓮气地说道。 Li Jiayu selects nod, he arrives in front of Blue-eyed Giant Ant, the palm is stroking the Blue-eyed Giant Ant outer covering, read incantations. 李佳玉点头,他来到蓝眼巨蚁面前,手掌抚摸着蓝眼巨蚁的外壳,念动起一句句咒文。 The bracing cold of shape, is centered on Li Jiayu scatters in all directions. 形的气劲,以李佳玉为中心四散而出。 Light of the black grey death, collected to marry one summon law in the Li Jiayu's under foot. 一股股黑灰色的死亡之光,在李佳玉的脚下汇娶成一个召唤法阵。 The needless ten seconds, Li Jiayu calmly muttered the start to talk: 不消十来秒钟,李佳玉就平静地喃喃开口: Uses Second Level High Order Blue-eyed Giant Ant as the sacrificial offering...... Will certainly satisfy your greed and food cangue thoroughly “以二级高阶蓝眼巨蚁为祭品……必将彻底地满足你的贪欲与食枷 ...... Please come out, meal meal Ghoul! ” ……请你出来吧,餐餐食尸鬼!” In an instant, cold wind writings, blew to harass the Li Jiayu's hair disorderly. 刹那间,一股股阴风大作,吹扰得李佳玉的头发都凌乱了起来。 The Blue-eyed Giant Ant corpse gradually lost vigor, the next quarter unexpectedly has become the flying ash, vanishes in the nighttime sky, only remains that cold light to sparkle same place Hyorinmaru, as well as colored glaze Insect Crystal of two fist sizes! 蓝眼巨蚁的尸体逐渐失去了活力,下一刻竟然成了飞灰,消失在夜空之中,原地只剩那寒光闪闪冰轮丸,以及两颗拳头大小的琉璃虫晶 Kalala 喀拉拉 The ground, suddenly spout the death the aura, then in all directions was cracked, first three meters high, nearly will have wild elephant that big Ghoul to appear in front of Li Jiayu! 地面,忽然间喷涌起死亡的气息,而后四处龟裂,紧接着,一头三米高,将近有野象那么大的食尸鬼出现在李佳玉面前! This Ghoul, the whole body is filling the odor wealth and tumor, only looks at one, your whole body flood goosebumps will want to vomit! 这头食尸鬼,浑身弥漫着恶臭的脓水和肿瘤,只看一眼,你就会浑身泛起鸡皮疙瘩想要呕吐! However, it is two evolution bodies of ordinary Ghoul, meal meal Ghoul, is Second Level Middle Order, fierce very! 然而,它是普通食尸鬼的二次进化体,餐餐食尸鬼,位列二级中阶,厉害非常! Good, good......” “好吧,好吧……” Li Jiayu's Spiritual Force only remaining 20%, he felt his head some dizziness, but looks such big, such fierce Ghoul, Li Jiayu actually felt unusual satisfaction. 李佳玉的精神力只剩下两成,他感觉自己的脑袋有些眩晕了,但看着这么高大,这么狰狞的食尸鬼,李佳玉却感觉非常的满意。 Goes “去吧 ...... Tonight, you bloom you most beautiful flash, making these insects know that Summoner is crazy to be fearful! ” ……今晚,你就绽放出你最美丽的一瞬间,让那些虫子知道,召唤师疯狂起来有多么可怕!” Ordinary Summoner, where dares unceasingly by own Summon Beast from exploding! 普通的召唤师,哪里敢不断地让自己的召唤兽自爆啊! However, Li Jiayu actually dares! 然而,李佳玉却敢! Not only makes Fire elemental from exploding, specially brings from exploding including Ghoul, if these Summon Beast have the independent consciousness, did not know that has hates this good master! 不但让火元素自爆,连食尸鬼也专门拿来自爆,如果这些召唤兽有自主意识,不晓得有多恨这个良的主人! Cry “鸣” Ghoul roared, stepped on the blood froth and white broken bone stubble of tread, just like devil that in the hell walked, Mao Pu to insect group in! 食尸鬼咆哮一声,踩着地面的血沫和白森森的碎骨头茬子,宛如地狱之中走出来的恶魔,毛扑到虫群之中! Your all shunt! Let my Ghoul cope with these insects alone!” “你们全都闪开!让我的食尸鬼来单独对付这些虫子!” Suddenly, Ran Hongxia, Kikyo and the others heard the Li Jiayu's sound, cannot help but simultaneously stares. 忽然之间,染红霞桔梗等人听到李佳玉的声音,不由得齐齐一愣。
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