AST :: Volume #5

#494: The strong bow, forges the bone arrow, Swift Wind Talisman

Qing Shui astonished, this bow also extraordinary really thing, Qing Shui formerly probably heard this to call any Red Flood-Dragon Bow also to have that Poison Flood-Dragon Arrow the bow. 青水惊异一声,这把弓还真非凡物,青水先前好像听到这把弓叫什么红蛟弓还有那个毒蛟箭 Flood dragon thing also has in World of the Nine Continents, said that the snake ten thousand years can melt the flood dragon, the flood dragon crosses ten thousand years of Flood Dragon again, Flood Dragon is also not the genuine dragon, but is actually extremely fearful existence. 蛟这东西在九州大陆也是有的,都说蛇万年才可以化蛟,蛟再过万年化蛟龙,蛟龙还不是真正的龙,但却已经是极其可怕的存在。 The flood dragon is Monster Beast of Martial Saint rank, the flood dragon cultivates to achieve ten thousand years of snake evolves, has Red Jiao, the black flood dragon, White Flood Dragon, the green flood dragon, Golden Flood Dragon, the poisonous flood dragon and silver flood dragon... 蛟就已经是至尊级别的妖兽了,蛟是修为达到万年的蛇进化成的,有红蛟、黑蛟、白蛟、绿蛟、金蛟、毒蛟、银蛟… The flood dragon is the ophidia ten thousand years of Monster Beast evolution of World of the Nine Continents correspondence comes, powerful incomparable, not having the wing actually to be able the hovering sky, has the tyrannical fleshly body and huge Strength. 蛟是九州大陆对应的蛇类万年妖兽进化而来,实力强大无比,没有翅却是可以翱翔天空,有着强横的肉体和巨大的力量 In the hand this Red Flood-Dragon Bow through spirit strength that sends out, in addition is away from Purple Gold Divine Shield shot spitting blood, obviously this Red Flood-Dragon Bow might how formidable. 通过手中这个“红蛟弓”散发出的灵力,加上隔着紫金神力盾都被射的吐血,可见这红蛟弓的威力多么的强大。 Ancient Divine Strength pours into Red Flood-Dragon Bow slowly, Qing Shui feels the Red Flood-Dragon Bow Toughness intensity as if to promote much, even had very big change including the imposing manner. 上古神力缓缓注入红蛟弓,青水感受着红蛟弓韧性强度似乎提升不少,甚至连气势都发生了很大的变化。 Roar! 吼! Front spreads a giant beast roar! 前边传出一声巨大的兽吼声! Only intensity Qing Shui that sends out from that can feel that is Monster Beast of Martial King rank, but is the low-order Martial King rank. 只从那散发出的强度青水可以感受到那是一只武皇级别的妖兽,不过是低阶武皇级别的。 Tries this Red Flood-Dragon Bow?” “试试这红蛟弓?” Qing Shui does not abandon these that with that Poison Flood-Dragon Arrow, directly puts out builds before Realm of the Violet Jade Immortal scrap weapon, regarding Qing Shui is the scrap. 青水不舍的用那枝毒蛟箭,直接从紫玉仙境中拿出以前打造的那些“废品”武器,对于青水是废品。 Diamond Gigantic elephant crossed a hill common pitched slope in jungle! 金刚巨象在“丛林”中翻过一座小山一般的石坡! Direct sees the pitched slope following sound, originally is two big guy is fighting, the one who formerly exuded the roar is an iron armor turtle beast, the height three meters. Long in seven meters, whole body black green such as tortoise shell common carapace, what is completely different from the turtle is this iron armor turtle beast Speed is astonishing, Strength and Defense are also excellent, rarely has the rival in the same rank. 直接一眼就看到石坡后面的动静,原来是两只大家伙在战斗,先前发出吼声的是一只铁甲龟兽,身高三米。长在七米,浑身黑青色的如龟壳一般的甲壳,不过和乌龟完全不同的是这铁甲龟兽速度惊人,力量防御也是上乘,在同级别中鲜有敌手。 What fights with it is a python, 30 meters, the diameter has more than two meters, such as tiger mark general trace! On that sturdy python has together the middle high two sides low such as mountain ridge general black bulge. 和它战斗的是一只巨蟒,30米长,直径有两米多,身上一道道如虎纹一般的纹路!只是在那粗壮的蟒身上有着一道中间高两边低的如山脊一般黑色凸起。 ? Suffices II? ?够Ⅱ?
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