AGM :: Volume #16

#1517: Extermination of the clan

The Ancient Emperor City wind and cloud is unceasing, however does not have the disturbance to surmount that time top rank expert eventually to meet. 古帝之城风云不断,然而终究没有风波能够超越那一次的顶级强者约战。 That time, the Ancient Emperor City strongest character gets together, after that fights, Qin Wentian raises Ancient Emperor City, even is doomed to be going to be famous, vast Immortal Territory knows the name of Qin Wentian, after that fights, Qin Wentian may be called in Ancient Emperor City titled as God, is difficult some people to surmount. 那一次,古帝之城最强人物齐聚,那一战之后,秦问天名扬古帝之城,甚至注定将要名扬天下,浩瀚仙域都将知道秦问天之名,那一战之后,秦问天堪称在古帝之城封神,再难有人超越。 In Emperor City Dao Lineage inheritance makes countless person strengths progressive, transformation. 帝城道统传承让无数人实力进步,蜕变。 The years, wind through in referring, are quietly, regarding vast Immortal Territory Immortal King Realm Stellar Martial Cultivator, even if are hundred years are also in a flash, most of them were practice several thousand years of martial cultivator, even there are surmounts much for over ten thousand years, this was because they mostly are the character who various influence talents different reported. 岁月,在指间流过,悄无声息,对于浩瀚的仙域仙王境界武命修士而言,即便是百年也不过弹指一挥间而已,他们中绝大多数都是修行了数千年的武修,甚至有不少超越万年以上,这还是因为他们大多都是属于各势力天赋异禀的人物。 Also eight years, Ancient Emperor City was born to step into Emperor-rank expert finally, stems from the expectations of many people, the person of this Emperor to become, the top rank character got together a war unexpectedly in the past, by Asking Heart Temple High Monk that Jiang Zihua puts to death, Bu Jie teacher, when some people once saw him to enter the emperor situation . Moreover the person who sees are many, because the sound is very big. 又过八年,古帝之城终于诞生了一位踏入帝位强者,出乎许多人的预料,这成帝之人,竟然当年顶级人物聚会一战,被姜子崋诛杀的问心寺高僧,不戒的师尊,有人曾看到他入帝之时的情形,而且看到的人不少,因为动静很大。 On that day, in the world was born baseless unsurpassed Buddha's Aura, from the day came, to fall on desolated place, this ray was extremely dazzling, attracts the innumerable expert vanguards to wait and see, afterward, they noticed that dies and is reborn by Asking Heart Temple Grandmaster that Jiang Zihua killed, reappeared in Buddha's Aura, the recast Buddha body, left this space under the Buddha's Aura hauling afterward, vanished does not see. 那一日,天地间凭空诞生了无上佛光,从天外而来,落在一处荒芜之地,这光芒太过耀眼,吸引无数强者前行观望,随后,他们看到被姜子崋杀死的问心寺大师死而复生,于佛光中再现,重铸佛体,随后在佛光牵引之下离开这一层空间,消失不见。 Ancient Emperor City has its natural law, enters Emperor-rank, naturally cannot stay in this. 古帝之城自有其规则,既入帝位,自然不能在此停留。 After Bu Jie learns of the news, is quite excited, the meaning of losing sweeps away, the teacher eventually is a teacher, really some self- practice know that it seems like with a Jiang Zihua war, seemed like is Jiang Zihua won, but was the teacher to enter Emperor-rank that moment, who won who defeated/carrying has not actually talked clearly, perhaps initially was the Jiang Zihua achievement the teacher also perhaps. 不戒得知消息之后,极为兴奋,失落之意一扫而空,师尊终究是师尊,果然有自我的修行知道,看来和姜子崋的一战,看似是姜子崋胜了,但当师尊入帝位的那一刻,谁胜谁负却还说不清楚,或许当初是姜子崋成就了师尊也说不定。 Person of various expert Ancient Emperor also believe that it seems like their fighting, but must arrive at Emperor Realm, now discusses the Dao Lineage victory or defeat, but also was too early. 古帝之人诸强者也都这么认为,看来两人的争锋,还要到帝境,如今谈道统胜败,还为时过早了些。 Also many years, the person of second Emperor to become was born, but this time, enters Immortal Emperor Realm expert is actually not one of the top rank characters, but is not that famous martial cultivator, not so is at least famous in Ancient Emperor City, was in Sun Shooting Immortal Country practice many years of Immortal King peak expert, has visited Emperor Realm. 又过不少年,第二位成帝之人诞生,不过这一次,入仙帝境界强者却并非那些顶级人物之一,而是一位并不那么有名的武修,至少在古帝之城不那么有名,是射日仙国中一位修行了多年的仙王巅峰强者,踏足了帝境 This made many lives leave the meaning of hope, does not need to stare at these top rank characters again, their strength, but may not earlier stepping into Emperor Realm, for example Qin Wentian, he even not step into Immortal King peak realm, even attended that peak showdown time, some people said that he was also in the Immortal King early stage boundary, but his fighting strength, do you dare to appraise by realm? 这让许多人生出了希望之意,不必再一直盯着那些顶级人物,他们战力强,但不一定能够更早的踏入帝境,譬如秦问天,他甚至还没有踏入仙王巅峰境界,甚至参加那场巅峰对决的时候,有人称他还处于仙王前期境,但他的战斗力,你敢以境界来评估吗? Many strength unparalleled strong characters, uncertain practice to the Immortal King extreme boundary, they also had promotion space, just now has the opportunity to step into Emperor Realm. 许多战力无双的超强人物,都不一定修行到了仙王极致境,他们都还有提升的空间,方才有机会踏入帝境 Has expert to proclaim oneself emperor one after another, Ancient Emperor became naturally also one after another was born many Transcendent characters, the status that even some people wanted to challenge that top rank character, aspired to seize Ancient Emperor City to be strongest. 陆续有强者称帝,古帝之成自然也陆续诞生了不少超凡人物,甚至有人想要挑战那顶级人物的地位,问鼎古帝之城最强。 As for once these grace and talent unparalleled characters, was instead tranquiler, has little enlivened before the person, perhaps, they in comprehend Dao Lineage inheritance strength silently, or were comprehending the [say / way] of Emperor Realm, sought the law of breakthrough. 至于曾经的那些风华无双人物,反而都平静了许多,很少活跃在人前,或许,他们都在默默的参悟道统传承力量,或者在领悟帝境之道,寻求突破之法吧。 The time flies, many people have recorded to fight many year of years from past peak not clear, in the middle of Ancient Emperor City, the mountain, this mountain bathes under solar divine shine, radiant incomparable, Vault of Heaven as if has solar divine light to let fall, sacred incomparable. 时光飞逝,许多人已记不清距离当年的巅峰一战有多少年岁月了,在古帝之城当中,有一座山,这座山沐浴在太阳神华之下,璀璨无比,天穹仿佛有太阳神光垂落而下,神圣无比。 Here is the Desolate Monster Clan Golden Sun Clan expert habitat, the place of practice, this region, is them alone, nobody dares to invade. 这里是蛮荒妖族太阳黄金族强者的栖息之地,修行之地,这片区域,独属于他们,无人敢入侵。 Golden Sun Clan powerful, Desolate Great Monster, is Immortal Territory expert, who does not know. 太阳黄金族的强势,无论是蛮荒大妖,还是仙域强者,谁人不知。 However on this day, some people arrived at this region, even, entered the Golden Sun Clan expert practice boundary. 然而这一天,有人来到了这片区域,甚至,进入了太阳黄金族强者修行地界。 This person of white clothing, figure is slim, the facial features are pretty, the long hair dangles, natural incomparable, his eyes just like the abyss, cannot see the bottom. 此人一袭白衣,身材修长,面容俊秀,长发垂下,潇洒无比,他双眸宛若深渊般,看不见底。 This form such standing silently under Taiyang, whatever that heat wave raids, is moving his white long unlined close-fitting gown, he actually crosses the hands behind the back to stand, tranquil looked at front one, seems waiting for anything. 这身影就这么默默的站在太阳山下,任由那热浪袭来,吹动着他的白色长衫,他却只是负手而立,平静的看了前方一眼,似乎在等待着什么般。 Who?” Sees only this time, flaming brilliance raids together, the temperature elevates suddenly, fearful Great Monster arrives, the whole body bathing flame, the top of the head seemed to be that an illusory Sun, is Divine Bird Golden Crow and golden clan union Golden Sun Clan Great Monster, that bathes the body of flame is just liking the gold casts, its defense will not know strongly. “谁?”只见此时,一道炽盛的光华袭来,温度遽然间升高,一尊可怕的大妖降临,浑身沐浴火焰,头顶似有一颗虚幻的太阳,正是神鸟金乌和黄金族结合的太阳黄金族大妖,那沐浴着火焰的身躯犹如黄金铸就,其防御不知会有多强。 Is you!” After he sees at present the form, in that pair of stubborn pupil reveals fearful killing intent, in eyes has Sun Fire to project, passes through void, must burn to eliminate at the scene the opposite party. “是你!”当他看到眼前身影之后,那双桀骜之眸中露出可怕的杀念,双眸中有太阳之火射出,贯穿虚空,要将对方当场焚杀灭掉。 The youth stand in that as before, the profound incomparable pupil looked to the opposite party, this flash, eyes of youth became extremely fearful, as if revolving, that likely will not be both eyes pupil, but likely was Samsara World, only one, let person falling to the enemy, is unable to extricate oneself. 青年依旧的站在那,深邃无比的眸子望向了对方,这一刹那,青年的双眸变得极为可怕,仿佛会旋转般,那不像是一双眼瞳,而像是一个轮回世界,只一眼,让人沦陷其中,无法自拔。 The sunlight that in opposite party eyes projects extinguishes gradually, that pair of stubborn pupil also becomes gloomy atheistic, immediately, he has experienced the matter of any big terrifying likely, in the eye pupil is flooding the meaning of fear, his body shivered crazily, wing fierce dodges, in an instant howls to go toward the distant place, the hōng lóng lóng fearful sound vibration world, saw only the opposite party that to bathe solar divine fire the body of gold to hit unexpectedly above ancient mountain, moreover just like insane has proceeded along no particular course, penetrated ancient mountain directly, the blown sand walked the gravel. 对方眼眸中射出的太阳光渐渐熄灭,那双桀骜的眸子也变得暗淡无神,随即,他像是遇到了什么大恐怖之事般,眼瞳中充斥着恐惧之意,他的身体疯狂的颤抖了起来,羽翼猛的一闪,刹那间朝着远处呼啸而去,轰隆隆的可怕声响震动天地,只见对方那沐浴太阳神火的黄金之躯竟撞击在了古山之上,而且宛若疯了般乱撞,直接将古山穿透,飞沙走砾。 He exudes the pitiful sharp cry, attacks to go toward that solar flame, sees only formidable form one after another glittering, directly soars the opposite party. 他发出凄惨的尖锐叫声,朝着那太阳火焰中冲击而去,只见一尊尊强大的身影陆续闪烁而出,直奔对方。 Stops.” Loudly has same clan expert to exclaim, there is Golden Sun Clan expert to put out the beast language, eyah keeps, but actually does not help matters, they see that clansman crazily from oppressive, tears own body, finally, his floating in sky, exudes together the pitiful roar, in an instant, the wing tears to come from the body directly, fire of the dying out from inside to outside, crazily is burning down own body, must burn to extinguish together with bloodline, with an extremely miserable sound, his body blasting open, changes to one group of flame blood rain. “停下。”有同族强者大吼道,也有太阳黄金族强者吐出兽语,咿呀不停,但却都无济于事,他们看到那族人疯狂的自虐,撕裂自己的身躯,终于,他悬浮于天,发出一道凄惨的吼声,刹那间,羽翼直接从身躯上撕裂而来,一股寂灭之火由内而外,疯狂的焚烧着自己的身躯,连同血脉都要焚灭,伴随着一道极惨的声音,他身躯炸裂,化作一团火焰血雨。 looks at present that Golden Sun Clan expert shocks, the innermost feelings raise the raging tide, they are unable to understand why will have such one. 太阳黄金族强者都震撼的看着眼前的一幕,内心掀起狂澜,他们无法理解为何会发生这样的一幕。 As if had realized anything, their vision are broadminded have transferred, wears the youth of white clothing long unlined close-fitting gown to look toward that in an instant, killing intent crazy eruption. 似乎意识到了什么般,他们的目光豁然间转过,朝着那身穿白衣长衫的青年望去,刹那间,杀意疯狂的爆发而出。 Is you do?” A expert ice-cold start to talk, the personal appearance dodges, then arrives in front of the youth. “是你干的?”一强者冰冷开口,身形一闪,便降临青年面前。 In the past you killed my clansman, has not killed you, dares to come back unexpectedly.” “当年你杀我族人,没有杀死你,竟然还敢回来。” Kills.” Golden Sun Clan expert change to the main body in abundance, terrifying Sun float above void, projects the light of domain, covers in which that white clothing youth, the opposite party actually as before is such tranquility, crosses the hands behind the back to stand, just likes Samsara eyes revolving, has swept at present many Golden Sun Clan Great Monster directly. “杀。”一尊尊太阳黄金族强者纷纷化作本体,一颗颗恐怖的太阳悬浮于虚空之上,射出领域之光,将那白衣青年笼罩其中,对方却依旧是那样的平静,负手而立,犹如轮回般的眼眸旋转,直接扫过眼前诸多太阳黄金族大妖 Only flash, many Great Monster bodies fierce trembles, immediately their look also one after another changed, no longer has the appearance, passed by all sorts of strange and unusual expression, as if each Monster Beast, is experiencing the different pictures. 只一刹那,不少大妖身体猛的一颤,随即他们眼神也陆续变了,不再那么有神采,路过千奇百怪的神色,仿佛每一尊妖兽,都在经历着不同的画面。 However the result, is actually the astonishing consistency, so long as is not top rank Monster King, immediately falls to the enemy in that both eyes pupil, afterward fell into the crazy condition, starts to slaughter the companion, incomparable wild, has completely forgotten the standpoint, had forgotten who oneself is, their look thoroughly fell to the enemy, only has crazily. 然而结局,却是惊人的一致,只要不是顶级妖王,立即沦陷那双眼眸之中,随后陷入了疯狂状态,开始对同伴进行杀戮,无比的狂暴,完全忘记了立场,忘记了自己是谁,他们眼神都彻底沦陷了,唯有疯狂而已。 What is more fearful, they actually quite the same as do not know that lost the reason. 更可怕的是,他们却浑然不知,丧失了理智。 Only has the top rank character, they as if still desperately are struggling, body unceasing is shivering, top rank Monster King late stage strong Great Monster his eyes as before is maintaining sober, looks at surrounding slaughtering, he voices the anger to eat delicacies, as to awaken the clansman, but is useless, all that as if he makes are the futile efforts. 唯有顶级人物,他们似乎还在苦苦挣扎,身体不断的颤抖着,一尊顶级妖王后期的超强大妖双眸依旧保持着清醒,看着周围的杀戮,他发出怒啸,似乎想要将族人唤醒,但没有用,仿佛他所做的一切都是徒劳的。 What have you made to them?” That top rank expert crazy exclaiming. “你对他们做了什么?”那顶级强者疯狂的吼道。 The youth as if have not heard his words, the looks at opposite party, said: Now, you whether killed her to confess for the past?” 青年仿佛没有听到他的话般,看着对方,道:“如今,你们是否为昔日杀她而忏悔?” I do not know the circumstances of the matter, you stop quickly.” This top rank expert anger exclaimed. “我并不知情,你快住手。”这顶级强者怒吼道。 Doesn't know the circumstances of the matter?” Youth expression that tranquil, calmly to making one feels fearful. “不知情?”青年神色是那么的平静,平静到令人感到可怕。 Does not know the circumstances of the matter, after knowing the circumstances of the matter, has not seen you to confess, but chases down, such being the case, Golden Sun Clan, vanishes from Ancient Emperor City first, then vanishes from Immortal Territory.” Youth tranquil saying , seemed relating a not worthy of mentioning matter, his expression is such indifferently, that fearful. “不知情,等到知情之后,也没见到你们忏悔,而是追杀,既然如此,太阳黄金族,先从古帝之城消失,再从仙域消失吧。”青年平静的说道,仿佛只是在诉说着一件微不足道的事情般,他的语气是那么的漠然,那么的可怕。 Buzz......” his double pupil became was more fearful, these still also started in struggling high level Monster King crazily, afterward, his opposite that top rank Immortal King, only felt that the eye is unable to see other pictures again, all scenes that in his mind, appear(ance) he experienced, each scene, that real. “嗡……”他的双瞳变得更加的可怕了,那些还在挣扎的高阶妖王也开始疯狂,随后,他对面的那尊顶级仙王,只感觉眼睛再无法看到其它画面了,他的脑海中,出现了他所经历的一切场景,每一道场景,都是那么的真实。 He does not have the experience to be too many, has not felt all that other same clan expert experience, because a handle silver long spear pricked in his skull, pierces directly that golden skull, his living nailing tight in void. 他没有经历太多,也没有感受到其他同族强者所经历的一切,因为一柄银色的长枪刺入了他的头颅中,直接将那金色的头颅刺穿来,将他活生生的钉死在了虚空中。 The white clothing long unlined close-fitting gown form treads his huge body to pass through, has not yearned, has not turned head to look at one again, these also living Great Monster desperately is still struggling, but the destiny, as if has been doomed. 白衣长衫身影踏着他的庞大身躯走过,没有留恋,没有回头再看一眼,身后,那些还活着的大妖还在苦苦挣扎,但命运,似乎已经注定了。 The white clothing long unlined close-fitting gown form has mounted that mountain, inside, that once initiated Golden Sun Clan Monster King that the Ancient Emperor City top rank character meets to open eyes, erupts dreadful killing intent, sweeps across the world, the person of clear feeling vast endless space, countless person raise one's head looked to this Taiyang, is feeling there eruption dreadful killing intent, as well as pricks the Vault of Heaven solar light beam. 白衣长衫身影登上了那座山,里面,那尊曾发起古帝之城顶级人物约战的太阳黄金族妖王睁开了双眸,爆发出滔天杀意,席卷天地,浩瀚无尽的空间之人都清晰的感觉到了,无数人抬头望向这太阳山,感受着那里爆发的滔天杀意,以及刺入天穹的太阳光束。 Many expert hurry to toward that side, innermost feelings raise the raging waves wild waves, finally, has the person, challenges the Ancient Emperor City top rank character? 许多强者朝着那边赶去,内心掀起惊涛骇浪,终于,有人,挑战古帝之城顶级人物吗? How long, there intense fluctuation has not subsided, when first expert catches up comes to here, the scene that sees, making his body crazy is shivering, seems hard to believe all that he sees. 没有过多久,那里的强烈波动平息了下来,当第一位强者赶来这里的时候,看到的场景,让他的身体疯狂的颤抖着,仿佛难以相信他所看到的一切。 His raised the head, sees only the white clothing long unlined close-fitting gown form to stroll to depart together, is such at will and that free and easy. 抬起头,只见一道白衣长衫身影漫步离去,是那么的随意、那么的洒脱。 His personal appearance fierce dodges, directly soars in that Taiyang, Sun Fire extinguishes gradually, when he arrives at the summit, the body shivers fiercely, frightens the both legs to become tender. 他身形猛的一闪,直奔那太阳山上,太阳之火渐渐熄灭,当他降临山顶,身体颤抖得更加的厉害,吓得双腿发软。 Front, huge incomparable Great Monster, Golden Sun Clan that strongest top rank Monster King, was lying down in the past Taiyang, his huge skull, tumbled in the one side, the eye has been opening, died with injustice unredressed! 前方,一尊庞大无比的大妖,太阳黄金族那尊最强的顶级妖王,正躺在昔日的太阳山上,他的庞大头颅,滚落在了一旁,眼睛还是睁开着的,死不瞑目!
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