AS :: Volume #85

#8499: One sword broken myriad things

bo! 啵! The left hand finger of Xia Tian selects instantaneously, in a flash, around his body all principles in nothing left, all vanishes to disappear, a Yang's finger/refers, can eradicate all principles. 夏天的左手手指瞬间点出,一瞬间,他身体周围所有的法则在荡然无存,全都消失不见了,央的一指,可以破除一切法则。 No matter what strength. 不管什么样的力量。 In the face of his finger/refers of strength, is not anything. 在他这一指的力量面前,都不算什么。 His finger/refers, can destroy all. 他这一指,可以毁灭一切。 Crushes all. 粉碎一切。 Bang! 砰! When the attack of Xia Tian projects on front of Fan Wangxing, Fan Wangxing also felt Xia Tian this finger/refers of uncommonness, dodging that later his body went all out, evaded Xia Tian struck. 夏天的攻击打到樊旺兴面前的时候,樊旺兴也感受到了夏天这一指的不凡,随后他的身体拼命的闪躲,躲过了夏天的一击。 This is the differences of Fan Wangxing and others, others, will be confused by the Xia Tian surface generally, therefore, they, when fights with Xia Tian, they were sneak attacked by Xia Tian, suffered Xia Tian this finger/refers. 这就是樊旺兴和其他人的不同,其他的人,一般都会被夏天的表面所迷惑,所以,他们在和夏天战斗的时候,他们都被夏天偷袭了,吃了夏天这一指的亏。 Even was seized the opportunity by Xia Tian, direct Insta-kill, but Fan Wangxing actually avoided this struck, at this time his, on the face all was the shocking facial expression: Every level of Rank 8, how possibly? Rapidness of such your how improvement, I have possibly investigated, you just arrived at the clouds city time, but is about every immortal Rank 2, you are impossible to have such high rank.” 甚至被夏天抓住了机会,直接秒杀,可樊旺兴却躲开了这一击,此时他的,脸上全都是震惊的神情:“凡级八阶,怎么可能?你怎么可能提升的这么快,我调查过的,你刚刚来到云端城的时候,只不过是凡仙二阶左右,你根本就不可能有这么高的等级。” Shaking the head. 摇头。 This time fence is popular shaking the head that is also non-stop prosperously. 此时的樊旺兴也是不停的摇头。 He is not really able to imagine the great strength of Xia Tian, he has not really thought, Xia Tian unexpectedly is so strong, even can say, strong even he felt the shock. 他实在是无法想象夏天的强大,他是真的没想到,夏天居然这么强,甚至可以说,强的连他都感觉到震惊了。 This growth, was too fearful. 这种成长速度,太可怕了。 Moreover the Xia Tian that finger/refers, he felt a danger of faint trace. 而且夏天刚才的那一指,就连他都感觉到了一丝丝的危险。 Present he, understands finally why fence eagle Qiu He he failed. 现在的他,终于明白为什么樊鹰仇和他都失败了。 Because from most starts, they underestimated Xia Tian, they have believed, is Bai wind is protecting Xia Tian in secret, therefore Xia Tian can evade so many assassinations, but now, he sees clearly finally. 因为从最开始,他们就低估了夏天,他们一直认为,是百风号在暗中保护夏天,所以夏天才能躲过这么多次的暗杀,可现在,他终于看清楚了。 Was the Xia Tian skill is too strong. 夏天的本事太强了。 Now knew, has not called the helper, you do not handle my.” Xia Tian used simplest method of goading somebody into action. “现在知道了,还不叫帮手,你可是搞不定我的。”夏天使用了最简单的激将法。 Em? 恩? Hears the Xia Tian words, Fan Wangxing a brow wrinkle: Method of goading somebody into action, wish makes me call the helper, then you seize the chance to escape right? I know, person a little skill that your fly upwards, moreover skill that while will escape randomly, if I have not guessed that wrong, you can cut to kill beforehand these Expert , because you attacked my finger a moment ago, on that finger has certainly any huge secret, in other words, so long as I do not make your finger hit, you were impossible to injure to me.” 听到夏天的话,樊旺兴眉头一皱:“激将法,想要让我叫帮手,然后你趁机逃跑对吗?我知道,你们这些飞升上来的人都有点本事,而且都会趁乱逃跑的本事,如果我没猜错的话,你之所以能够斩杀之前的那些高手,都是因为你刚才攻击我的那根手指吧,那根手指上面一定有什么巨大的秘密,也就是说,只要我不让你的手指击中,那你就不可能伤害到我了。” Fan Wangxing sees Xia Tian so formidable time, in fact, he is more excited, because Xia Tian is stronger, this represents him to gain more advantage, so long as he can cut to kill Xia Tian, on that Xia Tian all secrets and treasures, all were his, when the time comes , he although Realm compared with fence eagle hatred/enemy Di, if by any chance after he all studied these cards in a hand understands, his entire stamina quantity the fence eagle enmity will be definitely stronger. 樊旺兴看到夏天如此强悍的时候,实际上,他内心是更加兴奋的,因为夏天越强,这就代表他能获得越多的好处,只要他能够将夏天斩杀,那夏天身上所有的秘密和宝物,就全都是他的了,到时候,他虽然境界比樊鹰仇低,但等他将这些底牌全都研究明白之后,那他的整体力量肯定会比樊鹰仇更强。 He thinks. 他认为。 The body of Xia Tian has some treasures, but Xia Tian cannot all develop these treasures, if one day, he can display in the future completely the abilities of these treasures, he also believes that only then people like him, can all develop the secrets of Xia Tian all treasures. 夏天的身上是有一些宝物的,只不过夏天自己并没能将这些宝物全都开发出来,如果将来有一天,他可以将这些宝物的能力完全发挥出来,他也认为,只有他这样的人,才能将夏天身上所有宝物的秘密全都开发出来。 Even including Xia Tian refiner secret. 甚至包括夏天炼器的秘密。 By that time, Fanjia this generation, will be dominated by him, in the future, he is nine uncles' successors. 到了那个时候,樊家这一代,将以他为主,将来,他就是九叔的接班人。 Thinks of here, he is the incomparable excitement, at this time his right hand wields, a weapon presented in his hands, him kills later directly to Xia Tian, this time, he avoided the finger attack of Xia Tian left hand. 一想到这里,他就是无比的兴奋,此时他的右手一挥,一柄武器出现在他的手中,随后他直接杀向了夏天,这一次,他避开了夏天左手的手指攻击。 Gives me dead.” In his opinion, so long as avoided the left hand finger attack of Xia Tian, that Xia Tian skill was not anything. “给我去死吧。”在他看来,只要自己避开了夏天的左手手指攻击,那夏天的本事就不算什么了。 ! 唰! Chill in the air. 寒意。 At this moment, he feels ice cold suddenly. 就在这时,他突然感受到一股冰冷 Ka! 咔! The weapon in his hand breaks off directly accordingly, but his body, was penetrated by sword of the cold ice. 他手中的武器直接应声折断,而他的身体,也是被一柄寒冰之剑穿透。 ! 噗! Frozen. 冰封。 He can feel, own body in little frozen, he wants retreat, but his body did not listen to direct, does not know when from started, around his body all was all kinds of Gold Thread, innumerable, his entire body seemed fixed was the same. 他能够感觉到,自己的身体正在一点点的被冰封,他想要后退,可他的身体都不听指挥了,不知道从什么时候开始,他的身体周围全都是各种各样的金线,数不胜数,他的整个身体都仿佛被固定了一样。 ! 噗! Xia Tian finger direct above Fan Wangxing the body. 夏天的手指直接点在了樊旺兴的身体之上。 Strength of Fan Wangxing the immortal protects the sleeve to be crushed. 樊旺兴身上的仙之力护体完全被粉碎。 ! 噗! Hides in Gold Thread, lethality biggest that Gold Thread directly Fan Wangxing the body incision. 隐藏在金线之中,杀伤力最大的那根金线直接将樊旺兴的身体切开。 Divine Soul. 神魂 Fan Wangxing Divine Soul chooses to escape immediately. 樊旺兴的神魂在第一时间选择逃跑。 However his Divine Soul was also controlled immediately by Xia Tian. 不过他的神魂也是被夏天在第一时间控制住了。 Immortal, is immortal!!” Fan Wangxing desperate shouting, his sound does not have, he understands, finally pierces his body is immortal. “仙器,是仙器!!”樊旺兴绝望的喊道,不过他的声音已经没有了,他明白,最后刺穿他身体的就是仙器。 You know that his was too late, but you are in the clouds city, first can make me use the person of immortal.” Xia Tian rubbish, gets up his Divine Soul physique. “你知道他的太晚了,不过你是云端城内,第一个能够让我动用仙器的人。”夏天也没有废话,将他的神魂筋骨起来。 Fan Wangxing and other Fanjia the people are different, above other person Divine Soul of Fanjia bans, so long as he asked the issue about Fanjia, but these people vacillated wanted to reply the time, these people must die without doubt. 樊旺兴和其他樊家的人不一样,其他樊家的人神魂之上都有一层禁制,只要他问到关于樊家的问题,而那些人动摇想要回答的时候,那些人就必死无疑。 But Fan Wangxing is different. 可樊旺兴不一样。 Fan Wangxing is in Fanjia second generation top figure, his such status, Divine Soul inside should not have the ban, even if there are, is still only the final key question. 樊旺兴是樊家第二代里面的顶尖人物,他这样的身份,神魂里面应该是没有禁制的,就算是有,也只是最后的关键问题。 Thus, Xia Tian can interrogate about the matter that the fence is popular prosperously. 这样,夏天就可以多审问一些关于樊旺兴的事情了。 Red Phoenix (Hong Feng), examines to me.” Xia Tian said. 红凤,给我审。”夏天说道。 Good!” Red Phoenix (Hong Feng) said. “好!”红凤说道。 bo! 啵! Meanwhile, Xia Tian released the huge strength here, is used strength that covered a day of cold sword to release, simultaneously Fan Wangxing the body and here sweep trace. 与此同时,夏天在这里释放出了庞大的力量,用来掩盖天寒剑释放出来的力量,同时将樊旺兴的尸体和这里收拾干净。 ! 唰! His body moved, he exposes oneself aura and Divine Soul intentionally, enabling the surrounding person to find him, in this case, the surrounding person will not observe the scene. 他的身体动了,他故意暴露自己的气息和神魂,让周围的人可以找到他,这样的话,周围的人就不会去观察现场了。 Also can give the place enough time of a moment ago fighting. 也就可以给刚才战斗的地方充足的时间。 So long as the time is sufficient, the aura of day cold sword will vanish thoroughly, in this case, others will not discover existence of day of cold sword. 只要时间充足,天寒剑的气息就会彻底消失,这样的话,别人也就不会发现天寒剑的存在了。 At this time. 此时。 In Fanjia. 樊家之中。 Being doomed is impossible to be ordinary. 注定了是不可能平凡了。 Who Fan Wangxing is. 樊旺兴是什么人。 That is the Fanjia second generation juniors inside mainstay, can say, Representative Fan Wangxing in the Fanjia second generation disciple most outstanding a group of people, he is going on an expedition is so long outside, has not died, but he actually died in the clouds city. 那可是樊家第二代子弟里面的中流砥柱啊,可以说,樊旺兴代表着樊家第二代弟子里面最优秀的一批人,他在外面征战那么久,都没有死,可他却死在了云端城。 Under sphere of influence of Fanjia. 樊家的势力范围之下。 It can be said. 可以说。 This matter. 这种事情。 Is the people in Fanjia not unimaginable. 是樊家的人无法想象的。 They have not thought that this time matter can make the fence be popular the death prosperously, although Fanjia also died before two generations with the third generations juniors, but these people, majority eats Fanjia, with Fanjia, is Fanjia has been raising them, but Fan Wangxing, can actually bring the profit and reputation person to Fanjia. 他们从没想过,这次的事情可以让樊旺兴死亡,虽然之前樊家也死了一些二代和三代子弟,但那些人,大部分都是吃樊家的,用樊家的,是樊家一直养着他们的,可樊旺兴,却是可以给樊家带来利润和名声的人。 Eight uncles, nine uncles, ten uncles arrived in the great hall in Fanjia directly. 八叔,九叔,十叔直接来到了樊家的大堂之中。
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