AS :: Volume #85

#8496: Fan Wangxing

Quick. 很快。 Fan Yingchou caught up. 樊鹰仇就赶了过来。 Eagle enmity!” Ten uncles loudly shout. “鹰仇!”十叔大喝一声。 Fan Yingchou hears ten uncles' voices, quickly knelt. 樊鹰仇听到十叔的声音,急忙跪了下来。 Eagle enmity, matter was noisily big.” The report that eight uncles will lose threw to Fan Yingchou. “鹰仇,事情闹大了。”八叔将损失的报告扔给了樊鹰仇。 Fan Yingchou is also the hurried examination, when he sees the concrete loss, he also stares, later he quickly said: How like this, I will have made the clouds lead the person to pass personally, is impossible to present such matter.” 樊鹰仇也是急忙查看,当他看到具体的损失时,他也是一愣,随后他急忙说道:“怎么会这样,我已经让云霄亲自带人过去了,不可能会出现这样的事情啊。” Eagle enmity, you should understand, the clouds normally, is a nine uncle people's direction, but you make the clouds lead so many subordinates to act, this violates a prohibition, if you handled the matter, we can turn a blind eye, but dies now so many people, because of you, you thinks how explained with your father's younger brothers and brothers?” Eight uncles asked. “鹰仇,你应该明白,云霄正常情况下,直属于九叔一个人的指挥,但你却让云霄带着自己那么多的手下出手,这本身就是犯禁,如果你将事情搞定了,我们可以睁一只眼闭一只眼,但现在死了这么多人,都是因为你,你想好了怎么和你那些叔父和兄弟们解释了吗?”八叔问道。 These people of dying. 死掉的这些人。 Is and Fan Yingchou the peer, some are compared with a fence eagle hatred/enemy little generation of person. 很多都是和樊鹰仇同辈的,还有一些是比樊鹰仇小一辈的人。 It can be said. 可以说。 They are the core juniors in Fanjia. 他们都是樊家的核心子弟。 But now. 可现在。 Died so many. 死了这么多。 Moreover Fanjia Refiner Work place was hit by the attack. 而且就连樊家炼器坊都遭受袭击了。 This creates solely is not loses the issue, the reputation issue, in the clouds city, no one dares to move Fanjia before, may pass through Xia Tian this event, if perhaps later Fan Jia continued like before, the person who that breaknecked were many. 这造成的不单单是损失问题,还有名声问题,以前在云端城,没有人敢动樊家,可经过夏天这次事件,恐怕以后如果樊家继续像以前那样的话,那玩命的人就多了。 I...” “我...” Eagle enmity.” Ten uncles loudly shout. “鹰仇。”十叔大喝一声。 Fan Yingchou the whole body trembles. 樊鹰仇浑身一颤。 Goes out to help.” Ten uncles said. “出去帮忙。”十叔说道。 Fan Yingchou without demur, ran directly. 樊鹰仇二话没说,直接跑了出去。 He usually fears ten uncles, now hears ten uncles to go out to help by oneself, he also understood, ten uncles give him a redeeming oneself through good works opportunity, he cannot miss this opportunity absolutely. 他平时可是非常怕十叔的,现在听到十叔让自己出去帮忙,他也就明白了,十叔是给他一个戴罪立功的机会啊,那他就绝对不能错过这个机会了。 Nine uncles, the City Lord Mansion person came.” Butler said. “九叔,城主府的人来了。”管家说道。 Please!” Nine uncles said. “请!”九叔说道。 City Lord Mansion is having an accident the earliest possible time, is places nine uncles, rather than makes an arrest directly, normally, they must begin to make an arrest directly, any causing trouble the person of Fanjia, they will grasp, Fan Yingchou they will also grasp, but now, City Lord Mansion first comes to greet, this showed sufficiently, in the person eye of City Lord Mansion, Fanjia nine uncles' position high. 城主府在出事第一时间,是来摆放九叔的,而不是直接抓人,正常情况下,他们是要直接动手抓人的,凡是闹事的樊家之人,他们都会抓,樊鹰仇他们也会抓,但现在,城主府是先过来打招呼的,这就足以证明,在城主府的人眼中,樊家九叔的地位是有多高的。 Nine uncles, eight uncles, ten uncles.” Person respectful saying of City Lord Mansion. “九叔,八叔,十叔。”城主府的人恭敬的说道。 Laborious everyone, Butler, takes storage equipment.” Nine uncles said. “辛苦各位了,管家,去拿个储物装备。”九叔说道。 Butler also walked quickly, pulls out storage equipment. 管家也是很快走了上来,掏出来一件储物装备 Nine uncles, your is...” “九叔,您这是...” Gives me evening's time, I guaranteed, after dawn, anything does not have, no matter loses many, I will arrange, will not have anyone to go to City Lord Mansion to complain, you first lead person hand/subordinate to relax.” Nine uncles said. “给我一晚上的时间,我保证,天亮之后,什么事都没有,不管损失多少,我都会安排好,不会有任何一个人去城主府告状,你们先带着手下的人去放松放松。”九叔说道。 Butler also gave the City Lord Mansion person storage equipment. 管家也是将储物装备递给了城主府的人。 Good, nine uncles, I have believed very much your, but after dawn, I do not want anything again, otherwise my position could not preserve, above will perhaps not let off me.” That City Lord Mansion person said. “好吧,九叔,我可是一直很相信您的,但天亮之后,我是不希望再有任何事情的,否则我的位置也保不住了,上面恐怕不会放过我。”那个城主府的人说道。 Relax!” Nine uncles said this simple two characters. “放心!”九叔就说了这简单的两个字。 But nine uncles' words, are very substantive. 但九叔的话,一直都是非常有份量的。 That City Lord Mansion person also walked. 那个城主府的人也是走了出去。 Bang! 砰! Small ants, unexpectedly also overturned the heavens, dares to collide our Fanjia, was our low-key time is too long? They do not remember how our Brother Fan Jia are base in the clouds city?” Ten uncles had a heavy touch the heavy racket above nearby table, at this time his on the face also all was the angry facial expression. “一个小小的蝼蚁,居然也翻了天了,敢来碰撞我们樊家了,是我们低调的时间太长了吗?难道他们都不记得我们樊家兄弟是怎么在云端城立足的吗?”十叔的手重重的拍在了旁边的桌子之上,此时他的脸上也全都是愤怒的神情。 „, The small figure bad important matter, this originally is the eagle enmity will not be sometimes right, causing trouble that without him most starts, will not have the following so many things to happen, prosperous being popular, was popular prosperously, if processes well, matter will not make in a big way.” Eight uncles said. “有时候,小人物也会坏大事的,这次原本就是鹰仇不对,如果没有他最开始的闹事,也就不会有接下来这么多的事情发生,还有旺兴,原本旺兴如果好好处理的话,事情也就不会闹大。”八叔说道。 You say that now these are useful? ’ Ten uncles asked. “你现在说这些有什么用?’十叔问道。 Useless, is useless, fighting to win the state power is easy, defending the landscape is difficult.” Eight uncles said that walked directly. “没用,是没用啊,打江山容易,守江山难啊。”八叔说完直接走了出去。 Looks after eight uncles walk, nine uncles shake the head: Old ten, you were excessive.” 看着八叔走出去之后,九叔摇了摇头:“老十,你过份了啊。” „Can't nine elder brother, you listen to his words inside taunt? Eagle Qiu He is popular prosperously is our people, he said these at this time, isn't hits a person when he is down?” Ten uncle angry saying. “九哥,你听不出来他话里面的嘲讽吗?鹰仇和旺兴是我们的人,他这个时候说这些,不就是落井下石吗?”十叔愤怒的说道。 He after all is your myna.” Nine uncles said. “他毕竟是你八哥。”九叔说道。 Snort, I living only has nine elder brother, without myna.” Ten uncles said, also walked. “哼,我活着的只有九哥,没有八哥。”十叔说完之后也走了出去。 Nine uncles look that ten uncles' backs have not said anything, now here only has him, he released for flight several pass on message symbols. 九叔看着十叔的背影没有说什么,现在这里只剩下他了,他放飞了几道传讯符。 ! 呼! Xia Tian big mouth is panting for breath. 夏天大口的喘息着。 You are all right.” Red Phoenix (Hong Feng) asked. “你没事吧。”红凤问道。 Consumption is a little big, the body several, Fanjia Refiner Work place there Expert were really also many, almost could not come out.” Xia Tian helpless saying. “消耗有点大,身上也中了几下,樊家炼器坊那里高手还真不少啊,差点就出不来了。”夏天无奈的说道。 Your this time really noisily was big matter, I have felt many Berserk aura to make a long-range raid everywhere, they are definitely searching you.” Red Phoenix (Hong Feng) said. “你这次是真的将事情闹大了,我已经感受很多狂暴的气息在四处奔袭了,他们肯定是在搜索你。”红凤说道。 My promotion pill has not digested, cannot stop, moreover now looks for my affirmation , is not only only Fanjia, influences and Bai who wind person Fan Jia knows, they definitely want to look for me, then informs Fanjia.” Xia Tian also understands, now the entire clouds city, is seeking for his total number of people to add, no less than tens of thousands people, these people are investigating him absolutely fast. “我的升级丹还没有消化完,不能停下来啊,而且现在找我的肯定不只只是樊家,还有樊家认识的势力和百风号的人,他们肯定是想要将我找出来,然后通知樊家的。”夏天也明白,现在整个云端城,在寻找他的总人数加起来,绝对不少于几万人的,这些人都在快速的调查他。 Runs, running that must keep, your knowing others' range is luckily broad, like this you can first discover them.” Red Phoenix (Hong Feng) believes, the Xia Tian knowledge sea is really the most effective thing. “跑吧,必须一直不停的跑,幸好你的识海比别人的范围广,这样你能先发现他们。”红凤认为,夏天的识海真的是最管用的东西啊。 His knowledge sea adds on his eyes, has rescued his many times. 他的识海加上他的双眼,已经救了他很多次了。 He is depends on oneself knowledge seas and eyes each time avoids the pursuit of opposite party, then changes the road. 每次他都是靠着自己的识海和双眼躲避对方的追击,然后换路。 Also wants to sneak attack their people, these young masters but who they leave behind were all recalled probably, now traces your person to be getting more and more, although they almost do not gather, but the distance between each of them is not very far, once you assassinate one of them, others will all dash at the maximum speed, once assassinates the failure, you will tie down, when the time comes, solely was not your position exposed, moreover you wanted to withdraw on is also difficult.” The Red Phoenix (Hong Feng) reminder said. “还想要偷袭他们的人呢,可他们落单的那些公子好像全都被召回了,现在追踪你的人越来越多,虽然他们几乎也都不是聚集在一起的,但他们每个人之间的距离都不是很远,你一旦去暗杀其中一人,其他的人就全都会以最快的速度飞奔过来,而一旦暗杀失败,你就会被缠住,到时候,不单单是你的位置暴露了,而且你想要脱身也就困难了。”红凤提醒道。 Em! 恩! Xia Tian nods. 夏天点了点头。 Right. 没错。 Now has missed the best beginning time, words that now begins, he will perhaps have very major problem. 现在已经错过了最佳的动手时机,现在动手的话,他恐怕会有很大的问题啊。 You know in the sea to present a person, the speed is quick.” Red Phoenix (Hong Feng) reminded suddenly. “你识海里面出现一个人,速度很快。”红凤突然提醒道。 Em? 恩? A Xia Tian brow wrinkle, locked the position of that person later: „The knowledge sea of this person is very familiar.” 夏天的眉头一皱,随后锁定了那个人的位置:“这个人的识海很熟悉。” He pondered the moment: Fence is popular prosperously!!” 他沉思了片刻:“樊旺兴!!” Xia Tian has determined at this time, the person who that dashes fast is not others, is Fan Wangxing. 夏天此时已经确定了,那个快速飞奔的人不是别人,正是樊旺兴。
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