AS :: Volume #85

#8485: Eight uncles

Fan Wangxing, with Fan Yingchou is two people, Fan Yingchou is that violent person, he handles anything, likes solving use violence, moreover he is concerned about face-saving very much, he has believed, oneself made so many efforts, oneself should be a member of the upper-class. 樊旺兴,和樊鹰仇是两种人,樊鹰仇是那种暴力的人,他做什么事情,都喜欢用暴力解决,而且他很爱面子,他一直认为,自己付出了那么多的努力,自己就应该是上等人了。 Did not allow that anybody disrespects to him. 不容许任何人对他不敬。 Moreover he from most starts to despise Xia Tian. 而且他从最开始就是小看夏天的。 Also because of this, has suffered a loss. 也正是因为这样,才一直吃亏。 He made a mistake from the beginning, he does not have earnestly has treated Xia Tian, he has believed, is Bai wind is contending with him. 他从一开始就错了,他从没有认真的对待过夏天,他一直认为,是百风号在和他抗衡。 But Fan Wangxing is different. 但樊旺兴不同。 He comes up to be regarded as oneself opponent Xia Tian. 他上来就将夏天当做是自己的对手。 He sees clearly. 他看得清楚。 How Fan Yingchou pours. 樊鹰仇是怎么倒下去的。 „Is this fence popular prosperously must start with you directly? Doesn't their Fanjia manage?” Red Phoenix (Hong Feng) puzzled asking. “这个樊旺兴是要和你正面开打吗?他们樊家不管吗?”红凤不解的问道。 This fence is popular prosperously, declares war directly. 这次樊旺兴过来,是直接宣战。 Moreover looked that his appearance knows, he is not speaking the aggressive statement, this position to him, hard-won, he does not want to lose, but the only means that he cannot lose are: Handles Xia Tian this matter, recalls reputation that Fanjia loses. 而且看他的样子就知道,他不是在说狠话,这个位置对他来说,来之不易,他不想失去,而他不能失去的唯一办法就是:搞定夏天这件事情,挽回樊家损失的名声。 He stared at me.” Xia Tian understands, although oneself do is very covert, but Fanjia stared. “他盯上我了。”夏天明白,虽然自己做的很隐蔽,但樊家还是盯上自己了。 Moreover the reason that Bai wind withdraws is not simple, he suspected, Qin wind also suspected him, although Bai wind and no one knows that Xia Tian made anything, no one saw the Xia Tian murder, but in fact. 而且百风号撤走的原因也不简单,他怀疑,秦风也怀疑他了,虽然百风号并没有人知道夏天做了什么,也没有人看到夏天杀人,但实际上。 Qin wind has started to have the suspicion to Xia Tian. 秦风已经开始对夏天产生怀疑了。 His person cannot protect good Xia Tian obviously, but Xia Tian actually lived, moreover according to his investigation discovered, Fanjia sent out many Assassins, although these Assassins disappeared without a trace finally, but he suspected the Xia Tian ability. 他的人明明没能保护好夏天,可夏天却活下来了,而且根据他的调查发现,樊家派出了不少的杀手,虽然最后这些杀手不知去向,但他还是怀疑了夏天的能力。 He withdrew oneself all subordinates. 他撤走了自己的所有手下。 To look how Xia Tian chooses. 就是要看夏天怎么选择。 If Xia Tian chose with Fanjia, he will definitely not let off Xia Tian ; But if Xia Tian chose with him, he even if also succeeds gathered Xia Tian. 夏天如果选择跟了樊家,那他肯定不会放过夏天;但如果夏天选择了跟他,那他也就算是成功的招揽夏天了。 This is a choice question. 这是一道选择题。 Although Qin wind appreciated Xia Tian, but he cannot dies to knock for Xia Tian and Fan Jia. 秦风虽然欣赏夏天,但他也不能为了夏天和樊家死磕下去。 This time. 这一次。 The attitude of Fanjia is clear. 樊家的态度非常明确。 Fan Wangxing is Xia Tian dies to bump, if Xia Tian wants to request safe and secure, that either compromise Fanjia ; Either compromise Bai wind. 樊旺兴就是要和夏天死碰的,如果夏天想要求平安,那就要么妥协樊家;要么妥协百风号。 If he joins Bai wind. 如果他加入百风号。 Qin wind had the justifiable reason to protect Xia Tian. 那秦风就有名正言顺的理由来保护夏天了。 Otherwise. 否则的话。 Now Xia Tian is a worthless person, he has protected a worthless person, even offends Fanjia, this does not occupy the principle. 现在夏天一直都是一个散人,他一直保护一个散人,甚至得罪樊家,这本身也不占理。 How do you choose?” Red Phoenix (Hong Feng) asked. “你怎么选择?”红凤问道。 I choose, when powder cultivates, but Qin wind, since has the choice, I and his beforehand trust was nothing left, he gave me the materials of 30,000 immortal stones, I will give back to his value 35,000 immortal stones the weapons, is also his favor, but from now henceforth, I will not supply goods to give Bai wind.” Xia Tian this person most worries about is the favor. “我选择当一个散修,不过秦风既然已经有了选择,那我和他之前的信任就荡然无存了,他给了我三万仙石的材料,我会还给他价值三万五千仙石的武器,算是还他的人情,不过从今以后,我不会供货给百风号。”夏天这个人最顾念的就是人情。 If Qin wind also took care of him, he will definitely not let Qin Fengkui, even can say, he will make Qin Fengda gain. 秦风如果还照顾他,那他肯定不会让秦风亏了,甚至可以说,他会让秦风大赚。 But Qin wind forced him to compromise at this kind of time, making him make the choice, that Xia Tian also nothing more to be said. 可秦风在这种时候逼迫他妥协,让他做出选择,那夏天也就没什么好说的了。 The choice that he makes is the powder cultivates. 他做出的选择就是散修。 In this case, you possibly offended Fanjia and Bai wind simultaneously.” The Red Phoenix (Hong Feng) reminder said. “这样的话,你就可能是同时得罪樊家和百风号了。”红凤提醒道。 Red Phoenix (Hong Feng), was I the low-key time was too long, even did you take for me is a person who was good to bully?” Xia Tian shows a faint smile. 红凤,我是不是低调的时间太长了,连你都误认为我是一个好欺负的人了?”夏天微微一笑。 é! 额! Hears the Xia Tian words, Red Phoenix (Hong Feng) also stares. 听到夏天的话,红凤也是一愣。 Right. 没错。 Xia Tian is not a person who is good to bully. 夏天可不是一个好欺负的人。 But is he does not want to annoy troublesome, but he is not one feared absolutely the troublesome person, has gotten the gate to come now, if he continues to tolerate, opposite party only forever without limits persecutes him. 只不过是他不想惹麻烦而已,但他绝对不是一个怕麻烦的人,被人现在已经打上门来了,如果他继续容忍的话,那对方只会永无止境的对他进行迫害。 It seems like, you must face itself truly.” Red Phoenix (Hong Feng) said. “看来,你要真正的面对自己了。”红凤说道。 I am summer Heavens!, me do not tell that is living low-key, I come to the paradise, does not come low-key, I am come to the paradise to raise a disturbance.” Xia Tian got hold of own fist. “我可是夏天啊,别跟我说低调活着,我来仙界,就不是来低调的,我是来仙界大闹一场的。”夏天握紧了自己的拳头。 Refiner. 炼器。 Then, he was to conduct the crazy refiner. 接下来,他就是要进行疯狂炼器了。 He must refine the weapon, then all sells through the dark net, received exchange for promotion pill fast. 他要炼制武器,然后通过暗网全都卖出去,快速换取升级丹。 Em? 恩? The old man who when Xia Tian in the refiner, on a face is piling up with the smiling face walked from outside, he has not knocked on a door, but walks directly, after he walks, sat in side directly. 就在夏天正在炼器的时候,一名脸上堆满笑容的老者从外面走了进来,他根本就没有敲门,而是直接走进来的,在他走进来之后,也是直接坐在了旁边。 The movement of this old man is simple, gets in home to be the same probably. 这个老者的动作非常简单,就好像是回到自己家里一样。 Xia Tian stopped the movement in oneself hand, looked to this old man. 夏天停下了自己手中的动作,看向了这个老者。 I am Fanjia.” The old men say. “我是樊家的。”老者开口说道。 Looked.” Xia Tian saw the inscription on old man clothes. “看出来了。”夏天看到老者衣服上的字样了。 In Fanjia, most people called me for eight uncles!!” The old men said again. “在樊家,大部分人都称呼我为八叔!!”老者再次说道。 Em? 恩? Xia Tian has understood the position of this old man probably, because the beforehand that nine uncle status he knows. 夏天大概已经明白这个老者的地位了,因为之前的那个九叔身份他还是知道的。 Your such figure, what coming to my small refiner work place to make?” Xia Tian asked. “你这样的人物,来我这个小小的炼器坊做什么?”夏天问道。 I look for you, naturally must cooperate.” Eight uncles said. “我来找你,自然是要合作的。”八叔说道。 Cooperation? Eight uncles in your solemn Fanjia, pick up the day in the clouds city only hand, how to think highly of a I young refiner master.” Xia Tian shakes the head. “合作?你堂堂樊家的八叔,在云端城只手摭天,怎么会看得起我一个小小的炼器师呢。”夏天摇了摇头。 I thought that you have the potential.” Eight uncles placed Xia Tian front storage equipment: This is I gives you, you cannot reject, I the matter that wants you to handle is very simple, helping me clean up Fan Wangxing, fence eagle Qiu He Fan Yun xiao.” “我觉得你有潜力。”八叔放在了夏天面前一个储物装备:“这是我给你的,你不可以拒绝,我要你做的事情很简单,帮我清理掉樊旺兴,樊鹰仇和樊云霄。” These three people who you said that my cannot be victorious.” Xia Tian said. “你说的这三个人,我一个也打不过。”夏天说道。 Sometimes, is to think, I believe you, moreover I am not anxious.” Eight uncles said that must walk toward outside. “有时候,是要动脑子的,我相信你,而且我不急。”八叔说完就要向外面走去。 But they will not give me the time.” Xia Tian said again. “可他们不会给我时间。”夏天再次说道。 I rarely misread the person, before had misread one time, almost kills me, but, I believe, my whole life also looks at a Cona person.” Eight uncles said, vanished there. “我很少看错人,以前看错过一次,差点害死我自己,不过,我认为,我这辈子也就看错那一次人。”八叔说完之后消失在了那里。 Xia Tian looked at storage equipment in hand, 夏天看了一眼自己手中的储物装备, Also is really a great writer.” Xia Tian looked at a storage equipment inside thing, is the material . Moreover the rank of material is also very high. “还真是大手笔啊。”夏天看了一眼储物装备里面的东西,全都是材料,而且材料的等级也是非常高的。 Even 10,000 immortal stone arrange there. 甚至还有一万仙石摆在那里。 This Old Fellow, although is not the good thing, but he gives money now, but really helped your one busy.” Red Phoenix (Hong Feng) says with emotion. “这个老家伙虽然也不是什么好东西,但他现在送钱过来,可真的是帮了你一个大忙啊。”红凤感慨道。 Right, he helped my busy, although I can make money now fast, but the refiner speed is limited, wants to purchase the promotion pill's words, takes about a month each time at least, but now, Fan Wangxing perhaps not to me this time, but these 10,000 immortal stones, can help me be busy, moreover so many refiner material, after me, did not need to be worried not to have the refiner material.” Before Xia Tian, has thought that Bai wind this time is compelling him, in other words, later, he wanted to purchase the material to be difficult. “没错,他是帮了我一个大忙,虽然现在我可以快速赚钱,可毕竟炼器速度有限,想要购买升级丹的话,每次最少需要一个月左右的时间,可现在,樊旺兴恐怕不会给我这个时间,但这一万仙石,就能帮我大忙了,而且还有那么多的炼器材料,那我以后,就不用担心没有炼器材料了。”夏天之前想过,百风号这次算是在逼他,也就是说,以后,他想要购买材料就非常困难了。 Where no matter he goes to purchase the material, the people in Fanjia will stare at him, when the time comes no one will sell the thing to him. 不管他去哪里购买材料,樊家的人都会盯上他,到时候谁都不会卖东西给他。 First enhances the strength, this time can promote well.”. Cell phone version website. “先提升实力吧,这次可以好好提升一下了。”。手机版网址.
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