AS :: Volume #83

#8216: I am less affable

It is not affable! 不好惹! The present god grave tomb owner believes, oneself is not affable, although he went down in the world, but is no one can bully, now Xia Tian another attendant dares to his. 现在的神墓墓主认为,自己是非常不好惹的,虽然他落魄了,但也不是什么人都可以欺负的,现在夏天的另外一个跟班都敢对他这样。 If on the Great General, he does not care. 如果是大将军上的话,他并不在意。 Fights with the spirit world's fifth king, he thinks that also has this status. 和灵界第五王交手,他认为也有这个身份。 But the present is in the remnant soul. 但现在是残魂上。 This made him very uncomfortable. 这就让他非常的不爽了。 Tomb owner unexpectedly of his solemn god grave was despised. 他堂堂神墓的墓主居然被人小看了。 Dares that to speak with my master, hopes that you have that capital.” The facial color of remnant soul cold, later his body moves slightly, charged into the tomb owner in god grave directly. “敢和我主人那么说话,希望你有那个资本吧。”残魂的面色冷了下来,随后他的身体微微一动,直接冲向了神墓的墓主。 The tomb owner in god grave. 神墓的墓主。 The eldest child of royal family territory medium influence. 王族领地中等势力的老大。 Moreover in all medium influences, not most affable that. 而且还是所有中等势力里面,最不好惹的那一个。 courting death!” The tomb owner right hand of god grave wields, the demon fork appears in his hands. 找死!”神墓的墓主右手一挥,魔叉出现在他的手中。 Afterward demon fork direct thorn in his hand to remnant soul. 随后他手中的魔叉直接刺向了残魂。 ! 噗! Stabbed. 刺中了。 When his demon fork stabbing remnant soul, the body of remnant soul starts dissipation gradually, vanishes in his front directly. 在他的魔叉刺中残魂的时候,残魂的身体开始渐渐的消散,直接消失在他的面前。 What?” The tomb owner in god grave also stares. “什么?”神墓的墓主也是一愣。 He just stabbed obviously is right, but why the remnant soul will vanish suddenly. 他刚刚明明是刺中了才对啊,可为什么残魂会突然消失。 Appeared. 出现了。 At this time his in all directions is the form of remnant soul, these remnant souls all killed to him: What situation? Is the camouflage?” 此时他的四面八方全都是残魂的身影,这些残魂全都杀向了他:“什么情况?是障眼法吗?” é! 额! At this time several people in horizon stare, they look at each other in blank dismay: This is not Sikong Guanri...” 此时天涯的几个人都是一愣,他们面面相觑:“这不是司空贯日的。。。” Right, after Sikong Guanri I handle, I took his all things, and gave the remnant soul.” Ability that Xia Tian very optional saying, the remnant soul uses at this time, is Sikong Guanri becoming famous ability, makes the space, but the present god grave tomb owner cannot hear their dialogues, because he already by thorough pass/test enters to that space. “没错,司空贯日被我搞定之后,我就拿了他的所有东西,并且给了残魂。”夏天非常随意的说道,此时残魂所使用的能力,就是司空贯日的成名能力,制造空间,而现在的神墓墓主并不能听到他们的对话,因为他已经被彻底的关入到那个空间之中了。 „Did Sikong pass through day dead?” No. 1 founder stares immediately. “司空贯日死了?”一号创始人顿时一愣。 Does not know, I have not killed him, at that time he was insane, I left.” Xia Tian said. “不知道,我并没有杀他,当时他疯了,我就离开了。”夏天说道。 Insane!! 疯了!! Several people were more speechless, but they can understand, Sikong Guanri definitely lost, otherwise he may be how insane. 几人更加的无语了,不过他们都能够明白,司空贯日肯定是输了,否则他怎么可能会疯呢。 To them. 对于他们来说。 Sikong Guanri is also legendary same figure. 司空贯日也是传奇一样的人物啊。 Was known as in the past the spirit world four king below first people. 号称当年灵界四王以下第一人。 This reputation does not blow. 这个名头可不是吹出来的。 The strength obtains everyone to approve. 实力是得到所有人认可的。 These days, they also heard that hundred wing gods have been sending people to look for Sikong Guanri. 这段时间,他们也听说百翅神主一直在派人寻找司空贯日。 Sikong Guanri has a bad problem, that is the self- seal, in this case, others wanted to find him too to be difficult, but, since his previous and Xia Tian fought, on thorough did not have the news, this made one have many suspicions, but no one has thought absolutely Sikong Guanri died, will not have the person to want Sikong Guanri to be insane. 司空贯日有一个坏毛病,那就是自我封印,这样的话,别人想要找到他就太困难了,可自从他上次和夏天一战之后,就彻底的没有了消息,这就让人有了很多的猜想,但绝对没有人想过司空贯日死了,更不会有人想过司空贯日疯了。 Therefore. 所以。 Now they when hear this news, is the incomparable shock. 现在他们在听到这个消息的时候,也是无比震惊的。 Xia Tian! 夏天 That summer Heavens!. 还是那个夏天啊 Xia Tian that sparkles flamboyant. 那个牛逼闪闪的夏天 Spirit world was short of Expert.” No. 2 founder says with emotion. “灵界又少了一个高手啊。”二号创始人感慨道。 No, you look at the remnant soul, he did not replace Sikong Guanri.” The founder said on the 1st. “不,你看残魂,他不是取代了司空贯日嘛。”一号创始人说道。 Hears here time, their vision also all looked to the remnant soul. 听到这里的时候,他们所有人的目光也全都看向了残魂。 Right! 没错! The present remnant soul has replaced Sikong Guanri, he completely mastered Sikong Guanri ability, therefore present remnant soul, if trades words, should also be the spirit world five king below first people. 现在的残魂已经取代了司空贯日,他完全掌握了司空贯日的能力,所以现在的残魂,如果换种话来说,应该也是灵界五王以下第一人了。 As for Xia Tian. 至于夏天 He is special existence. 他是一个特殊的存在。 No one can talk clearly him is what strength. 没有人可以说清楚他到底是什么实力。 Therefore cannot by describe him with five kings, even his mysterious strength had arrived at five kings impartial or five kings above, his Realm is too just low, has not obtained everyone's approval. 所以根本就不能用五王以下来形容他,甚至他神秘的实力已经到了五王持平或者五王以上了,只不过他的境界太低,并没有得到大家的认可罢了。 Master, could make he himself play.” The remnant soul looked that asked to Xia Tian. “主人,是不是可以让他自己玩了。”残魂看向夏天问道。 Em, making he himself play in inside, we first go to stroll here well.” Xia Tian moved toward the position of seashore, here was called the ends of the earth, that here, was the corner of sea. “恩,让他自己在里面玩吧,我们先去好好逛逛这里。”夏天走向了海边的位置,这里被称之为天涯海角,那这里,就是大海的一角了。 Disregarded. 无视了。 Everyone all tomb owner god grave disregarding. 所有人全都将神墓的墓主给无视了。 Whatever he runs its own course in that world. 任由他在那个世界里面自生自灭。 But in fact. 而实际上。 The present god grave tomb owners cannot respond, this is Sikong Guanri ability, actually he is still studying the remnant soul to fight with him with what means that if he just started to know that this is Sikong Guanri ability, he definitely will have some means that after all they had known that so many years, will have the means of dealing with somewhat. 现在的神墓墓主都没能反应过来,这是司空贯日的能力,他还在研究残魂究竟是用什么办法在和他战斗,如果他刚开始就知道这是司空贯日的能力的话,那他肯定也会有一些办法的,毕竟他们已经认识那么多年了,多多少少都会有一些应对的办法。 But now. 可现在。 He has not thought the remnant soul meets Sikong Guanri ability, has not thought Sikong Guanri will be defeated, therefore he is also fighting here diligently. 他从没想过残魂会司空贯日的能力,也没想过司空贯日会失败,所以他还在这里努力的战斗着。 bo! 啵! In sea level. 海面上。 The strength spreads together. 一道力量扩散开来。 Thump! 咕咚! Quick. 很快。 Several tens of thousands sea area king Kuaisu caught up: See Mr. Xia.” 数万头海域王快速的赶了过来:“参见夏先生。” So long as there is a sea place, Xia Tian can summon the lifeform of sea, no matter sea clan or sea-nymph, what contradiction no matter among them has, but saw Xia Tian, same is respectful. 只要有海的地方,夏天就可以召唤到海的生物,不管是海族还是海妖,不管他们之间有什么样的矛盾,但见了夏天,都一样是要毕恭毕敬的。 é! 额! These people of horizon look at each other in blank dismay, before they had also fought with Xia Tian, naturally is knows that the sea clan helps the Xia Tian matter, but they have not thought, Xia Tian moves gently, can have the sea clan to appear. 天涯的那些人一个个面面相觑,之前他们也和夏天大战过,自然是知道海族帮助夏天的事情,不过他们没想到,夏天轻轻一动,就可以有海族出现。 Before they also think, the sea clan of Xia Tian and that sea area had anything to trade. 之前他们还以为,夏天和那片海域的海族有什么交易。 But now. 可现在。 Here from the sea area of Xia Family city is very far. 这里距离夏家城的海域可是很远的啊。 In addition these sea area kings' respectable degrees to the Xia Tian, completely does not seem like has anything to trade. 再加上这些海域王对夏天的尊敬程度,完全不像是有什么交易啊。 Having the transaction can respect? 有交易能这么尊重吗? Moreover they feel, probably Xia Tian can having the sea place, any place, summons the sea area king. 而且他们感觉到,好像夏天可以到有海的地方,任何一个地方,召唤出海域王。 Here will have a war after a period of time, told the sea clan brothers of coastal water, all evacuated here, no matter above had what sound, do not come.” The Xia Tian reminder said that sea clan in sincerity helps him, therefore he does not hope that the sea clan has an accident, since now has known that nearby this may erupt the war, he must remind nearby sea clan. “这里过段时间会有一场大战,告诉附近海域的海族兄弟们,全都撤离这里,不管上面有什么动静,都不要过来。”夏天提醒道,海族可是在真心的帮他,所以他也不希望海族出事,现在既然已经知道这附近可能会爆发大战了,那他也要提醒一下附近的海族。 Mr. Xia, if you have what need coastal water king Douhui to act . Moreover the person is insufficient, we will also assemble Dajun to come from a farther place, including the underwater all King, will catch up immediately.” These sea area king Gongjing saying. 夏先生,如果您有什么需要附近海域王都会出面,而且人不够的话,我们还会从更远的地方调集大军过来,包括水下所有王者,都会在第一时间赶过来。”那些海域王恭敬的说道。 Attract! 吸! These person of thorough Mongolian circles of horizon, they all do not know that now should say anything, even they felt that this seems like having a dream to be the same. 天涯的那些人一个个彻底的蒙圈了,他们现在全都不知道该说什么了,甚至他们感觉这就像是在做梦一样。 This matter, is simply inconceivable. 这种事情,简直就是不可思议啊。 Matter that they hear, seems like Xia Tian is the masters of sea clan is the same. 他们听到的事情,就好像夏天是海族的主人一样。 Their unexpectedly for Xia Tian, can assemble the entire sea area. 他们居然为了夏天,可以调集整个海域。 Now they understand why finally in the past contended with the Xia Family army to lose. 现在他们终于明白当年抗衡夏家军为什么会输了。 They have thought many reasons, but looking back now, no matter looked from any aspect, they will definitely lose finally. 他们想过很多理由,但现在看来,不管从任何一个方面看,他们最后都肯定会输的。 At this time. 此时。 They started to know Xia Tian. 他们开始重新认识夏天了。 Now they also start to rejoice. 现在他们也开始庆幸。 Luckily Heavenly Formation Continent Tianya Chamber of Commerce these high levels were on good terms ahead of time Xia Tian, otherwise they really led to the catastrophe. 幸亏天阵大陆的天涯商会那些高层提前交好了夏天,否则他们就真的酿成大祸了。 Although they follow the Xia Tian time is not long, but they discovered recently, they and Xia Tian in the same place, can discover every day the different things, Xia Tian brings always surprisedly to them. 他们虽然跟着夏天的时间不长,但他们最近发现,他们和夏天在一起,每天都能发现不一样的事情,夏天无时无刻不给他们带来惊讶。 Every day. 每一天。 Xia Tian will make them see many shock. 夏天都会让他们看到更多的震惊。 Does not need, this time does not have the danger, you left here to be OK.” Xia Tian said. “不需要,这次没危险,你们离开这里就可以了。”夏天说道。 Yes, Mr. Xia.” All sea area king Gongjing saying. “是,夏先生。”所有的海域王恭敬的说道。 Afterward they retreated gradually. 随后他们渐渐的退去了。 This is Xia Tian in the face of sea clan. 这就是夏天在海族的面子。 Although the present Xia Tian fame is very big, especially on Heavenly Formation Continent, is known to everybody, is known to everybody, but in fact, Xia Tian is higher in the position in person of heart sea clan, if Xia Tian has an accident on Heavenly Formation Continent, will have many people to come out to help, the person but who sees a play are more, although Xia Tian helped Heavenly Formation Continent be too many, but these people will not remember good of Xia Tian, even many people noticed that Xia Tian dropped down is very excited. 虽然现在的夏天名气很大,特别是在天阵大陆上,无人不知,无人不晓,但实际上,夏天在海族之人心中的地位更高,夏天如果在天阵大陆上出事,是会有很多人出来帮忙,但看戏的人更多,虽然夏天帮过天阵大陆太多了,但那些人不会记得夏天的好,甚至很多人看到夏天倒下还很兴奋。 But the sea clan is different. 但海族不同。 If Xia Tian has the danger, they will flush boldly, is the entire sea clan to/clashes together. 如果夏天有危险的话,他们会奋不顾身的冲上来,是整个海族一起冲上来。 Hateful, what's the matter, what's all this about? It is not right, Xia Tian they? The person in horizon? They not in side? Why could not see.” The tomb owner in god grave also responded at this time, before periphery these people all, but now, these people not in: „It is not right, this is Sikong Guanri ability, I put to an independent world.” “可恶,怎么回事,这是怎么回事?不对,夏天他们呢?天涯的人呢?他们不是在旁边吗?为什么看不到了。”神墓的墓主此时也反应过来了,之前周围的那些人全都在,可现在,这些人都不在了:“不对,这是司空贯日的能力,我被放入到一个独立的世界里面了。” Angry! 愤怒! The tomb owner in god grave the unusual anger, he understood at this time finally. 神墓的墓主此时非常的愤怒,他终于明白过来了。 At this time he also felt oneself were played jokes upon, he understands Sikong Guanri, but responds his unexpectedly to the present. 此时他也感觉自己被戏耍了,他可是非常了解司空贯日的,可他居然到现在才反应过来。 Your unexpectedly dares so to treat me, I am the tomb owner in god grave, you when I am good to bully is?” The tomb owner feeling of god grave what people can insult him now. “你们居然敢如此对待我,我可是神墓的墓主,你们都当我是好欺负的是吧?”神墓的墓主感觉现在什么人都可以欺辱他。 The brow wrinkle of remnant soul: Master, my control to this thing did not have Sikong to pass through day to be good.” 残魂的眉头一皱:“主人,我对这东西的掌控还是没有司空贯日好啊。” Is good, Sikong Guanri studies this ability several hundred thousand years, how long you study, can have such might to be good, he after all is the tomb owner in god grave, wants in dire straits he, is not quite realistic.” Xia Tian also understands, the god grave tomb owner has entered most Expert echelon, even Sikong Guanri and he to, is impossible to guarantee 100% to handle his. “已经不错了,司空贯日可是研究这能力几十万年的,你才研究多久,能有这样的威力已经不错了,他毕竟是神墓的墓主,想要困死他,不太现实。”夏天也明白,神墓墓主已经进入最强者的梯队了,就算是司空贯日和他对上,也不可能保证百分之百搞定他的。 Although the remnant soul now surrounded the opposite party, but obviously remnant soul impossible thorough handles him. 残魂现在虽然困住了对方,但显然残魂也不可能彻底的搞定他。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! Smashing. 粉碎了。 The space that the remnant soul makes was crushed. 残魂制造出来的空间被粉碎了。 The tomb owner in god grave directly flushed from inside, his vision fiercely looks at front these people: You provoked me, you will regret that I was not that affable, I will make you know that provoked my consequence is how fearful.” 神墓的墓主直接从里面冲了出来,他的目光恶狠狠的看着面前的这些人:“你们招惹到我了,你们会后悔的,我可不是那么好惹的,我会让你们知道招惹我的后果是多么可怕的。” Threat! 恐吓! He seems threatening Xia Tian to be the same at this time. 他此时就仿佛是在恐吓夏天一样。 Xia Tian stands there like this, the vision looks at front god grave tomb owner: „Aren't you affable?” 夏天就这样站在那里,目光看着面前的神墓墓主:“你不好惹?” Right, my present all alone, what do I also fear? Nothing is I feared, you will suffer me brutally to retaliate.” The tomb owner in god grave shouts. “没错,我现在孤身一人,我还怕什么?没有什么是我怕,你将遭受到我无情的报复。”神墓的墓主喊道。 The corners of the mouth of Xia Tian raise slightly: I am less affable.” 夏天的嘴角微微一扬:“我更不好惹。”
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