AS :: Volume #82

#8178: The royal family territory extinguishes

! 嗷! The huge form, blocked one after another directly in their front. 一个接着一个巨大身影,直接拦在了他们的面前。 Quick. 很快。 Seven incomparably big forms appear here. 七个无比高大的身影出现在这里。 Ghostdom pig sovereign meets the yama Sir.” siwuqian ten feets in height giant black pig knees down, respectful saying. “冥界猪皇叩见冥王大人。”一个身高四五千丈的巨大黑猪单膝跪地,恭敬的说道。 This black pig hair is sparkling, the defensive power seems like unable to imagine, moreover its two Fang are also all over the body the black, the ray flashes in above, everyone even believes, its two Fang can pierce the dragon scale. 这个黑猪身上的毛发闪闪发光,防御力看上去无法想象,而且它的两个獠牙也是通体黑色,光芒在上面闪现,大家甚至认为,它的两个獠牙是可以将龙鳞刺穿的。 Ghostdom roaring flame envoy meets the yama Sir.” 1000 ten feets in height flame giant knees down, the body of this flame giant comprised of the magma, its face, is the devil is the same. “冥界烈焰使者叩见冥王大人。”一个身高1000丈的火焰巨人单膝跪地,这个火焰巨人的身体就是由岩浆组成的,它的脸,是魔鬼一样。 Its flame temperature very high, lets the surrounding flowers and plants, all withers. 它身上的火焰温度非常的高,让周围的花花草草,全都枯萎。 These cultivation are felt discomfort that oneself could not say from top to bottom. 那些修炼者都是感觉自己浑身上下说不出的难受。 Ghostdom skeleton king on the wane meets the yama Sir.” Height ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) skeleton person knees down, this skeleton is all over the body a skeleton, does not have any flesh. “冥界凋零骷髅王叩见冥王大人。”一个身高万丈的骷髅人单膝跪地,这个骷髅就是通体骷髅,没有任何的血肉。 But the body is big. 只不过身体高大而已。 Ghostdom wicked soul meets the yama Sir.” Huge soul knees down, the body of this soul is extremely fat, very huge, its within the body, the ghosts of trillion lives seem same there pitiful yell. “冥界恶魂叩见冥王大人。”一个巨大的魂魄单膝跪地,这个魂魄的身体臃肿,非常的巨大,它的体内,仿佛是有亿万生灵的鬼魂在那里惨叫一样。 Appearance very scary. 模样非常的吓人。 Its appearance, compared with the skeleton king terrifying on the wane. 它的样子,比凋零骷髅王更加的恐怖。 Ghostdom thousand kings meet the yama Sir.” Everyone looks at to this thousand kings time, is afraid, because it really has thousand, moreover each hand at least several kilometers, seemingly unusual has the toughness. “冥界千手王叩见冥王大人。”大家看向这个千手王的时候,都是不寒而栗,因为它真的有千手,而且每个手最少有几千米长,看上去非常的有韧性。 Where so many arms are brandishing recklessly. 这么多的手臂在哪里肆意挥舞着。 Ghostdom one-eyed king meets the yama Sir.” A giant face appears in everyone's front, on this face be only an eye, its body four limbs and human size is the same, even almost looks to disappear quickly, but its face actually enough 3,000-4,000 zhang (3.33 m), on its face, only then an eye, even no one knows where its sound from sends. “冥界独眼王叩见冥王大人。”一个巨大的脸出现在大家的面前,这个脸上只有一个眼睛,它的身体四肢和人类大小相同,甚至几乎快看不见了,但它的脸却足足有3,000-4,000丈,它的脸上,只有一个眼睛,甚至没有人知道它的声音是从什么地方发出来的。 Ghostdom snake Ji meets the yama Sir.” This is a female, but the female looks at one, lets that the person can unable to fall asleep for a lifetime. “冥界蛇姬叩见冥王大人。”这个是女性,不过女性看一眼,就让人可以一辈子都睡不着的那种。 Ghostdom nine dogs that their seven, in addition died, is the ghostdom eight big top monster beasts. 他们七个,再加上死去的冥界九头犬,就是冥界八大顶尖妖兽。 At this time. 此时。 They all gathered in the royal family territory. 他们全都汇聚在王族领地里面了。 Your mission, only then, ruins this world to me, kills off everyone in this world, does not remain.” Corrupt wolf unemotional saying. “你们的任务只有一个,给我毁掉这个世界,杀光这个世界的所有人,一个不留。”贪狼面无表情的说道。 Yes, yama Sir.” They seven very respectful saying. “是,冥王大人。”他们七个非常恭敬的说道。 Attract! 吸! Surroundings everyone all held breath cold air. 周围所有人全都倒吸了一口凉气。 How does this also hit? 这还怎么打? Ghostdom nine dogs have made their so many people make a move, even the eldest children of top influence acted, but now, presented seven with existences of ghostdom nine dog same ranks. 一个冥界九头犬就已经让他们这么多人出手了,甚至连顶尖势力的老大们都出手了,可现在,又出现了七个和冥界九头犬一样等级的存在。 This made people feel the terrifying. 这就让人感觉恐怖了。 This could not hit. 这根本就打不了啊。 How they contend with these seven to exist, these seven and ghostdom nine dogs are of the same class . Moreover the method are more, their terrors. 他们如何去抗衡这七个存在,这七个和冥界九头犬都是同级别的,而且手段更多,他们更加的恐怖啊。 bo! bo! bo! 啵!啵!啵! 12 black forms appear in everyone's front. 十二道黑色的身影出现在所有人的面前。 „The ghostdom 12 Blackwater kings, meet the yama Sir.” 12 people appear, all very respectful. “冥界十二黑水王,叩见冥王大人。”十二个人出现的时候,全都是非常的恭敬。 I give you 12 person mission, ruins the foundation of this world to me, has the issue?” The corrupt wolf asked. “我给你们十二个人一个任务,给我毁掉这个世界的根基,有问题吗?”贪狼问道。 No problem, yama Sir.” 12 person respectful saying. 没问题,冥王大人。”十二个人恭敬的说道。 The words of their 12 people just said, vanishes in the front of people directly, vanished baseless. 他们十二个人的话刚刚说完,直接消失在众人的面前,就这么凭空消失了。 However the words of corrupt wolf make everyone be all afraid. 不过贪狼的话却让所有人全都不寒而栗啊。 They do not believe absolutely the corrupt wolves and these people boasted here. 他们绝对不相信贪狼和这些人是在这里吹牛的。 In other words. 也就是说。 These people really must destroy here thoroughly. 这些人是真的要彻底破坏这里了。 Ghostdom seven ten 8-Stars night/lodge see the yama Sir.” 78 forms appear in the front of people. “冥界七十八星宿参见冥王大人。”七十八个身影出现在众人的面前。 This world was opened, has the stars, the intercontinental samsara, I want you to ruin here balance, making the time of this world stop, do the myriad things no longer change, have the issue?” The corrupt wolf asked. “这个世界是被人开辟出来的,有日月星辰,洲际轮回,我要你们毁掉这里的平衡,让这个世界的时间停止,万物不再变化,有问题吗?”贪狼问道。 Nature No problem, the yama Sir is to ruin here, we have the meteor hot rain directly, coordinates the words of 12 Blackwater kings, enough this destruction this world.” “自然没问题,冥王大人是想要毁掉这里吧,那我们就直接降下流星火雨吧,配合十二黑水王的话,足够这个毁灭这个世界了。” Ok!!” The corrupt wolf nods. “可以!!”贪狼点了点头。 The words of 78 people said, the body also vanished in same place, later, above the sky presented stars. 七十八个人的话说完,身体也消失在了原地,随后,天空之上出现了点点繁星。 Ghostdom 91 games ghost meets the yama Sir.” Also is 91 forms appears in everyone's front. “冥界91战鬼叩见冥王大人。”又是九十一道身影出现在所有人的面前。 Harvesting!!” Only said two characters greedily. “收割!!”贪婪只说了两个字。 Yes, yama Sir.” “是,冥王大人。” ! 嗷! Five giant Black Dragon king to appear in the front of people, these Black Dragon kings very big: „The ghostdom five Black Dragon kings, meet the yama Sir.” 五头巨大的黑龙王出现在众人的面前,这些黑龙王的个头都是非常的高大:“冥界五大黑龙王,叩见冥王大人。” Your five, gave me first to kill that dragon, then killed casually.” The corrupt wolf said again. “你们五个,给我先杀了那头龙,然后随便杀。”贪狼再次说道。 Yes, yama Sir.” “是,冥王大人。” That dragon. 那头龙。 They understand, that dragon that the corrupt wolf said that is dragon god Great Emperor inside dragon god. 他们都明白,贪狼所说的那头龙,正是龙神大帝里面的龙神。 formidable. 强悍 At this time all talents understand, anything is called true formidable, at this time they are clear, this so-called yama title, not only the single is a title, but really has the real power. 此时所有人才明白,什么叫做真正的强悍,此时他们才明白,这个所谓的冥王称号,并不单单只是一个称号,而是真的有实权。 They do not know that what the ghostdom is. 他们不知道冥界是什么样的。 But today, they were experience. 但今天,他们算是见识到了。 A yama can call many Expert. 一个冥王可以叫来多少高手 Moreover they also understand, wants to come from the ghostdom summon person, that is very difficult, perhaps otherwise the corrupt wolf will call more people. 而且他们也明白,想要从冥界召唤人过来,那是非常困难的,否则贪狼恐怕会叫来更多的人啊。 The hadrosaurus does not press local tyrant. 都说强龙不压地头蛇 However looks like in the corrupt wolf, that is just you weak, if you are really the hadrosaurus, that had nothing does not press local tyrant. 不过在贪狼看来,那只不过是你不够强罢了,如果你真的是强龙,那就没有什么不压地头蛇的话了。 These Expert that came a moment ago. 刚才过来的这些高手 The body of everyone, is all divulging the aura of boundless danger. 每一个人的身上,全都透漏着无边危险的气息。 In other words. 也就是说。 All is uniform topest Expert. 全都是清一色最顶尖的高手 At this time periphery these people all started to be shocked. 此时周围的那些人全都开始被震惊了。 Your four do, when want to lie down?” The right foot of corrupt wolf treads in the ground, these Blackwater flowed in wolf they several bodies. “你们四个,想要躺到什么时候?”贪狼的右脚在地面上一踏,那些黑水流入到了狼一他们几个的身体之中。 Wolf their four people that afterward has poured, stood again. 随后已经倒下去的狼一他们四人,再次站了起来。 formidable. 强悍 This was true formidable. 这就是真正的强悍了。 The person who four had soon died, stood. 四个已经快要死掉的人,重新站起来了。 Melting. 融化。 Everyone all discovered, the ground is melting . Moreover the meteor in sky also started to pound. 所有人全都发现了,地面正在融化,而且天空之中的流星也开始砸了下来。 In other words. 也就是说。 These subordinates of corrupt wolf, have not all talked big. 贪狼的那些手下,全都没有说大话。 Their really start began. 他们真的开始动手了。 Seven ghostdom top monster beasts in this moment, is starts crazily slaughtered. 七头冥界顶尖妖兽在这一刻,也是开始疯狂的杀戮起来了。 The ghostdom 91 games ghost breaks to the crowd in directly, here person may be Expert, but these 91 war ghosts kill, their bodies were all pierced. 冥界91战鬼更是直接冲入到人群之中,这里的人可都是高手啊,但这九十一个战鬼杀出去的时候,他们的身体全都被洞穿了。
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