AS :: Volume #82

#8173: The climax came

The person in horizon must make a move, in fact, for these years, the horizon had been regarded by everyone is in the medium influence, most special, everyone was useful the horizon, therefore no one will haggle over the horizon to have to become the qualifications of medium influence. 天涯的人要出手了,实际上,这么多年来,天涯已经被大家当成是中等势力里面,最特殊的一个了,大家都用得上天涯,所以没有人会去计较天涯到底有没有成为中等势力的资格了。 Everyone believes that the horizon, should have this position. 大家都认为,天涯,应该有这个地位。 However since now the royal family territory ten major and medium and other nine of influence have acted, if they do not act, will definitely be gossipped. 不过现在既然王族领地十大中等势力的九个已经出手了,那他们如果不出手,肯定会被人说闲话的。 Therefore. 所以。 Now, their five people were also the earliest possible time stood. 现在,他们五个人也是第一时间站了出来。 Their five people. 他们五个人。 Stood in five positions. 站在了五个位置上。 Afterward the positions of five people formed the shape of five pointed star. 随后五个人的位置形成了五角星的形状。 Five pointed star unceasing expansion, finally thorough covering on the bodies of ghostdom nine dogs. 五角星不断的扩大,最后彻底的笼罩在冥界九头犬的身上。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! Heavenly Thunder! 天雷! The endless heavenly thunder falls in this moment directly, but place that the heavenly thunder falls, is the bodies of ghostdom nine dogs. 无尽的天雷在这一刻直接落下,而天雷落下来的地方,正是冥界九头犬的身上。 Black thunder! 黑雷! Xia Tian saw, they use is also the black thunder strength, skillfulness that but they utilize, the might is also bigger, the ghostdom nine dog armor at this time are also thorough was given the smashing by these black thunder. 夏天看到,他们使用的也是黑雷的力量,只不过他们运用的更加纯熟,威力也是更大,冥界九头犬身上的铠甲此时也是彻底的被这些黑雷给粉碎了。 Smashing. 粉碎。 This time is the true smashing. 这次是真正的粉碎。 The strength of black thunder wreaks havoc. 黑雷的力量肆虐。 Moreover the bodies of ghostdom nine dogs is also burnt that explodes, the ghostdom nine dog hair defensive powers are very formidable, but at this time, these hair were also exploded up. 而且将冥界九头犬的身上也是炸的一片焦糊,冥界九头犬身上的毛发防御力都是非常强悍的,可此时,这些毛发也被炸光了。 This is the person in horizon acts. 这就是天涯的人出手。 Always. 一直以来。 Everyone believes, five founder Realm of horizon are too low, if not they are having the information, serves for everyone, during they do not even match and other influences. 大家都认为,天涯的五位创始人境界太低,如果不是他们掌握着情报,为大家服务的话,那他们甚至已经不配当中等势力了。 But sees that now the five founders in horizon make a move, they can understand, the ginger is old spicy. 可现在看到天涯的五位创始人出手,他们才能明白,姜还是老的辣。 The five founders in horizon are still formidable such. 天涯的五位创始人依然是这么的强悍 Tread! 踏! Five founders are also simultaneously retreat. 五位创始人也是同时后退 They were also acted, a moment ago, was the people of their ten medium influences acted one after another, they make a move, the strength was very formidable, everyone showed oneself strongest side. 他们也算是出手了,刚才,是他们十个中等势力的人轮番出手的时候,他们这些人一出手,实力都是非常强悍的,每个人都展现出了自己最强的一面。 This is telling everyone. 这是在告诉所有人。 The master of medium influence, is still existence that they are unable to attain. 中等势力的主人,依然是他们无法企及到的存在。 Is also telling other influences, they still so formidable. 同时也是在告诉其他的势力,他们依然如此强悍 We also handled.” The five founders in horizon show a faint smile. “我们也搞定了。”天涯的五位创始人微微一笑。 Just started. 刚开始。 Expert of so many royal family territories make a move, how cannot the ghostdom nine dogs, this extreme influence their morale, but these medium influence masters make a move at this time, the person in royal family territory is also the morale increases. 那么多王族领地的高手出手,都没能将冥界九头犬怎么样,这极度的影响到了他们的士气,可此时这些中等势力主人出手的时候,王族领地的人也是士气大增。 These kill to the person of corrupt wolf, went all out. 那些杀向贪狼的人,一个个也是更加的卖力了。 However wolf their four people also all have own different method, they pledge to fight to the death to guard the corrupt wolf, does not make anybody approach the corrupt wolf, they are to stand there. 不过狼一他们四个人也全都是有属于自己的不同手段,他们誓死守卫着贪狼,不让任何人靠近贪狼,他们就是要站在那里。 Blocks Expert that flushed in large numbers. 挡住了大批冲过来的高手 Three minutes. 三分钟。 Five minutes that the corrupt wolf takes are also left over for three minutes. 贪狼要的五分钟还剩下三分钟。 It can be said. 可以说。 Insistence every seconds is very difficult. 每一秒的坚持都是非常艰难的。 Elder Brother several, kill off them, any to approach the master.” A wolf this time whole body is the blood, these blood have oneself, there is an enemy. “哥几个,杀光他们,不要让任何一个人靠近主人。”狼一此时浑身都是鲜血,这些鲜血有自己的,也有敌人的。 The blood flies horizontally, scene extremely frigid. 鲜血横飞,场面极其的惨烈。 The body of everyone flies horizontally. 每个人的躯体横飞。 The corrupt wolf has not opened own eyes, but Xia Tian saw, the corrupt wolf is restoring, he consumed many essence and blood a moment ago, moreover starts this summon, he also consumed very big strength, but now, his strength is consuming rapidly. 贪狼没有睁开自己的双眼,不过夏天看到,贪狼正在恢复,刚才他消耗了不少精血,而且开启这个召唤,他也消耗了很大的力量,但现在,他的力量正在急速的消耗着。 In other words. 也就是说。 If in three minutes, he can restore to his in peak condition. 如果再过三分钟,那他就能恢复到他自己的巅峰状态。 Xia Tian knows in peak condition of corrupt wolf strong, if makes the corrupt wolf thoroughly restore, the person in royal family territory will feel the terrifying of corrupt wolf. 夏天可是知道贪狼的巅峰状态是有多强的,如果让贪狼彻底恢复的话,那王族领地的人将会感受到贪狼的恐怖了。 On together.” The tomb owner in god grave looked at side masters of these medium influences on say, they acted a moment ago, was lets each other be familiar with an ability. “一起上。”神墓的墓主看了一眼身边的这些中等势力的主人说道,他们刚才出手,也是让彼此熟悉了一下能力。 Opportunity that they have usually not acted together, therefore to other medium influence master strengths, they do not know, regarding their methods, does not know. 他们平时根本就没有一起出手的机会,所以对其他的中等势力主人实力,他们也并不知晓,对于他们的手段,也就更加的不知道了。 Therefore. 所以。 In them under a round of attack, they were also to each other had an understanding a moment ago. 在他们刚才一轮攻击之下,他们也是对彼此有了一个了解。 At this time they can also cope with this ghostdom nine dogs together jointly. 此时他们也可以一起联手对付这个冥界九头犬了。 ! 嗷! In the mouths of ghostdom nine dogs also exuded the angry howling, its attack also pounded to these ten bo people, it could look, but the strengths of these ten bo people unusual formidable. 冥界九头犬的口中也是发出了愤怒的吼叫声,它的攻击也是砸向了这十啵人,它看得出来,这十啵人的实力可是非常的强悍 It must attack these ten people directly, although other have many people to attack it, but wants to perplex the tower, is not so easy. 它必须正面冲击这十个人,虽然其它也有很多的人在攻击它,但想要难住塔,也并不是那么容易的。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! Fight of both sides was also very frigid. 双方的战斗也是非常惨烈了。 Here ghostdom nine dogs are also thorough making a determined effort, its striking power becomes exceptionally terrifying, moreover it also felt the following pressure, therefore its attack also hit at this time to wolf them, helping their four break through. 这边冥界九头犬也是彻底的发狠,它的攻击力变得异常恐怖,而且它也感受到后面的压力了,所以此时它的攻击也是打向了狼一他们那边,帮助他们四个解围。 Although it does not know wolf them, but it knows the corrupt wolf, these four people are protect the corrupt wolf the person, then it must help. 它虽然不认识狼一他们,但它认识贪狼,这四个人是守护贪狼的人,那它就必须帮忙。 Ghostdom nine dogs. 冥界九头犬。 One of ghostdom eight big top monster beasts. 冥界八大顶尖妖兽之一。 It has oneself powerful strength and pride. 它有着自己的强大实力和自傲。 It can be said. 可以说。 Besides the corrupt wolf, no one can order it. 除了贪狼以外,没有人可以命令它。 Bang!! 轰!! The terrifying attack scatters in all directions to go, this time ghostdom nine dog attacks are also everywhere are, its nine heads that hits send out the different attacks, each attack is also exceptionally terrifying. 恐怖的攻击四散而去,此时的冥界九头犬攻击也是打的到处都是,它的九个头颅发出不一样的攻击,每一个攻击也都是异常恐怖。 „Do you also plan to watch the fun?” The vision of hundred wing gods looked to that side of dragon god Great Emperor, although dragon god Great Emperor their subordinates had gotten up, but they have not actually acted. “你们还打算看热闹吗?”百翅神主的目光看向了龙神大帝的那一边,虽然龙神大帝他们的手下已经上了,但他们两人却并没有出手。 At this time stands there like this looks at all these. 此时就这样站在那里看着这一切。 Never expected that our royal family territory unexpectedly has so many Expert.” Shang Jieao light saying. “没想到我们王族领地居然有这么多高手啊。”商桀骜淡淡的说道。 This time. 这一次。 Although many Expert also outside, but keeps in royal family territory Expert is many, the especially medium above influence, all gave their cards in a hand with. 虽然很多的高手还在外面,但留在王族领地里面的高手还是不少的,特别是中等以上的势力,将他们的底牌全都给拿出来了。 Expert spread across here. 一个个高手在这里纵横交错。 The method is also all sorts of strange and unusual, the pattern is uneven. 手段也是千奇百怪,花样齐出。 Royal family territory so many years saved many strengths, person who can have a liking, you should also know.” Hundred wing gods said. “王族领地这么多年可是积蓄了不少的力量的,不过看得上的人,你应该也都认识。”百翅神主说道。 „Did Sikong pass through day? I to his impression am very deep.” Shang Jieao asked. “司空贯日呢?我对他印象可是非常深的。”商桀骜问道。 Went out to make mission.” Hundred wing gods said. “出去做任务了。”百翅神主说道。 „, Was made mission, but I heard, he with that Xia Tian to, generally with that boy's person to, was probably more unfortunate than fortunate.” Shang Jieao said. “哦,原来是去做任务了,不过我听说,他好像和那个夏天对上了,一般和那个小子对上的人,都是凶多吉少啊。”商桀骜说道。 Can kill Sikong Guanri person, entire spirit world also few, do you begin?” Hundred wing god impatient saying. “能杀得了司空贯日的人,整个灵界也没有几个,你到底动不动手?”百翅神主不耐烦的说道。 Good, that makes us offer a few ordinary introductory remarks so that others may offer their valuable ideas, dragon God, this/should you went on stage.” Shang Jieao light saying. “好吧,那就让我们抛砖引玉吧,龙神,该你上场了。”商桀骜淡淡的说道。 ---------- ---------- ps: I became the father, recently renewed extremely will be unstable, the brothers and sisters excused me. ps:我当爸爸了,最近更新会极度不稳定,兄弟姐妹们见谅。
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