AS :: Volume #82

#8171: The lord of medium influence acts

Black ray. 黑色的光芒。 At this time in the demon fork emitted the black ray. 此时魔叉之中冒出了黑色的光芒。 Defensive power very formidable of ghostdom nine dogs, moreover its body also puts on one set of armor, this set of armor increases the defensive power, increases the ability of counter-attack. 冥界九头犬的防御力可是非常强悍的,而且它的身上还穿着一套铠甲,这套铠甲增加防御力,同时也增加反击的能力。 formidable is incomparable. 强悍无比。 So many people attacked the ghostdom nine dogs a moment ago, cannot bring any damage to the ghostdom nine dogs. 刚才那么多的人攻击冥界九头犬,都没能给冥界九头犬带来任何的损伤。 Can see from this point, formidable of ghostdom nine dogs. 从这一点就可以看出,冥界九头犬的强悍 May in this moment. 可在这一刻。 The demon fork actually pricked the bodies of ghostdom nine dogs. 魔叉却刺入了冥界九头犬的身体。 ! 嗷! In the mouths of ghostdom nine dogs exuded the painful howling. 冥界九头犬的口中发出了痛苦的吼叫声。 What's the matter?” A Xia Tian brow wrinkle, he is not clear, so many weapons cannot break open the defensive powers of ghostdom nine dogs, was actually broken by one of the eight weapons. “怎么回事?”夏天的眉头一皱,他不明白,那么多强力武器都没能破开冥界九头犬的防御力,却被八武器之一破开了。 Moreover the demon fork is not longest over one meter, even if punctured the skins of ghostdom nine dogs, still injured his skin table, the impossible wound to arrive at the ghostdom nine dogs intrinsic is right, but the ghostdom nine dogs actually made the sound that the pain shouted a moment ago, obviously this was to let it really eats the pain. 而且魔叉最长不超过一米,就算是刺破了冥界九头犬的皮肤,也只是伤了他的皮表,不可能伤到冥界九头犬的内在才对,可刚才冥界九头犬却发出了痛呼的声音,显然这一下是让它真的吃痛了。 Nine dogs, you how?” The corrupt wolf opens the mouth to ask. “九头犬,你怎么了?”贪狼开口问道。 Yama Sir, his weapon has the strangeness, the very powerful demon air/Qi, the demon air/Qi is piercing, eats the pain.” The ghostdom three dogs said. “冥王大人,他的武器有古怪,好强的魔气,魔气刺骨,吃痛的很。”冥界三头犬说道。 Demon!!” The brow wrinkle of corrupt wolf to me five minutes!!” “魔器!!”贪狼的眉头一皱“给我五分钟!!” Yes, yama Sir.” The ghostdom three dogs also erupt at this time instantaneously. “是,冥王大人。”冥界三头犬此时也是瞬间爆发。 Its attack increased several times instantaneously. 它的攻击瞬间增加了好几倍。 The attack of Berserk pounded to the surroundings. 狂暴的攻击砸向了周围。 Everyone, are you plan to see a play? This corrupt wolf is not simple, he takes five minutes, after that five minutes, perhaps will have what terrifying matter to happen, if really made him destroying the royal family territory, that consequence was dreadful.” The tomb owner in god grave looked to periphery these managed a household. “各位,你们是打算看戏吗?这个贪狼可不简单,他要五分钟的时间,那五分钟后,说不定还会有什么恐怖的事情发生,如果真的让他将王族领地给毁了,那后果不堪设想。”神墓的墓主看向了周围这些当家的。 Although now Expert of royal family territory although sent out, no matter but the top influence, is the medium influence, making a move also only then he, the master of low influence is one has not acted. 虽然现在王族领地的高手虽然都出动了,但不管是顶尖势力,还是中等势力,出手的也只有他一个人,就连低等势力的主人也是一个都没有出手。 At this time when they hear the words of god grave tomb owner, everyone is the slight nod. 此时当他们听到神墓墓主的话,所有人都是微微点头。 Everyone, you had heard disaster day, now looks like, this was the so-called disaster day, the people in all royal family territories, must unite, annihilated this corrupt wolf together, this ghostdom nine dogs.” Hundred wing gods stood finally. “各位,想必你们都听说过灾难日吧,现在看来,这就是所谓的灾难日了,所有王族领地的人,必须团结起来,一起歼灭这个贪狼,还有这个冥界九头犬。”百翅神主终于站了出来。 Hundred wing god opens the mouth, became the authority immediately. 有百翅神主开口,顿时变得权威了起来。 Now I order, all low following influences, go to attack that corrupt wolf to me, the medium and top influence, the attack ghostdom nine dogs, anybody cannot hide contraband, if makes me discover that kills without the amnesty.” Hundred wing gods were also first use courtesy and then use force. “现在我命令,所有低等以下势力,去给我袭击那个贪狼,中等和顶尖势力,攻击冥界九头犬,任何人不可以藏私,如果让我发现的,杀无赦。”百翅神主也算是先礼后兵了。 At the beginning, he used the principle of righteousness to unite everyone. 刚开始的时候,他用大义来团结大家。 Told everyone, contended with this time disaster together. 告诉大家,一起抗衡这次的灾难。 Afterward. 随后。 Ordered directly, ordered with own authoritative influence. 直接下令,用自己的权威势力来下命令。 The words of however hundred wing gods, everyone is very useful. 不过百翅神主的话,大家还是非常有用的。 The chaotic fight, all of a sudden became orderly, the low following influence started to circle from the two sides, medium influence above Expert all charged into the ghostdom nine dogs directly. 原本混乱的战斗,一下子变得有规律了起来,低等以下的势力开始从两边绕了过去,中等势力以上的高手全都正面冲向了冥界九头犬。 Truly cannot see a play, the thing of such big fellow, I am also first seeing, that makes my unfeeling sect to come ask for advice this big fellow fierce.” The Sect Master body of unfeeling sect moves, ten thousand Jianqi flies, the direct bang approached front ghostdom nine dogs. “确实是不能看戏了,这么大块头的东西,我也是第一次看见,那就让我绝情宗来领教一下这大块头的厉害吧。”绝情宗的宗主身体一动,万剑齐飞,直接轰向了面前的冥界九头犬。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! The strong striking power is to also let body unceasingly retreat of ghostdom nine dogs. 强大的攻击力也是让冥界九头犬的身体不断后退 Sect Master of unfeeling sect is seemingly mystifying, probably a hermaphrodite is the same, but actually gave people a feeling of death partly to cast aside the beard to be obvious, can make very deep impression. 绝情宗的宗主看上去阴阳怪气,像是一个阴阳人一样,不过却给人一种死亡的感觉半撇胡须非常明显,可以给人留下很深的印象。 Worthily is Expert of medium influence master rank, really acts, is out of the ordinary.” Surroundings these saw the after Sect Master of tomb owner and unfeeling sect in god grave acts, is the unusual admiration. “不愧是中等势力主人级别的高手啊,果然一出手,就非同凡响啊。”周围那些看到神墓的墓主和绝情宗的宗主出手以后,一个个全都是非常的敬佩啊。 They, just started to hit were so long, cannot injure to arrive at the ghostdom nine dog iotas. 他们这些人,刚开始打了那么久,都没能伤到冥界九头犬分毫。 But now. 可现在。 Two top figure make a move, the strength can be said as unusual formidable. 两个顶尖的人物出手,实力可以说是非常的强悍 Caused a big damage to the ghostdom nine dogs. 都给冥界九头犬造成了不小的伤害。 Other these medium influences are also the slight bows, everyone understands, since were the top influence opened the mouth, they must on, perhaps if on, that will not be crusaded against by everyone from now on, moreover this time was also the opportunity of showing the strength, let each other know everyone's strength, if whose strength were insufficient, that will be doomed to be kicked the medium influence. 其他的那些中等势力也都是微微点头,大家都明白,既然是顶尖势力开口了,那他们就必须上了,如果不上的话,那过后恐怕就会被大家讨伐了,而且这次也是一个展现实力的机会,让彼此都知道一下大家的实力,如果谁的实力不足,那就注定了会被踢出中等势力。 ! 咻! Together clasp directly check stubbornly on the bodies of ghostdom nine dogs. 一道钩子直接死死的勾在了冥界九头犬的身上。 I seize the soul palace, is to seize the person soul, but such big head, does not know to be able Chen Gong.” Seized on the palace main face of soul palace to show a smiling face of faint trace. “我夺魂殿,就是要夺人魂魄,不过这么大个头的,也不知道能不能一下陈宫。”夺魂殿的殿主脸上露出了一丝丝的笑容。 His body looks somewhat extremely fat, is a fatty, in addition his short figure, if falls down, really no one knows that which head should lift. 他的身体看上去有些臃肿,是一个胖子,再加上他那矮小的身材,如果倒在地上,真的没有人知道该抬哪头。 However is this fatty, acts very swiftly and fiercely. 不过就是这一个胖子,出手非常凌厉。 Treads! 踏踏! The bodies of ghostdom nine dogs start unceasing rocking, nearly pours to get down. 冥界九头犬的身体开始不断的晃动,险些倒下去。 Bang! 轰! However quick, its body stabilized. 不过很快,它的身体就稳定了。 Success. 成功了。 Everyone understands, seizes the skill of soul palace really not to cancel all of a sudden Divine Soul of opposite party, but makes Divine Soul of opposite party short was controlled, wins the time to others. 大家都明白,夺魂殿的本事并不是一下子就真的将对方的神魂勾出来,而是让对方的神魂短暂的被控制,给其他的人争取时间。 A moment ago. 刚才。 The Expert of medium influence and top influence also all acts. 中等势力和顶尖势力的高手也全都出手。 A their round of attack makes, the ghostdom nine dogs have no counter-attack . Moreover the ghostdom nine dog destruction also stopped, this seizes the soul palace palace main merit. 他们的一轮攻击打出去,冥界九头犬没有任何的反击,而且冥界九头犬刚才的破坏也停了下来,这就是夺魂殿殿主的功劳。 Seizes the soul palace worthily, won a lot of time to everyone, like us, our Luodong, cannot only enjoy the star to enjoy looking at the moon, spies on the secret.” The hole lords in Luodong finish speaking. “不愧是夺魂殿啊,给大家争取了不少的时间,不像我们,我们星罗洞,只能赏星赏月,窥探天机啊。”星罗洞的洞主话音刚落。 The hole of Luodong advocates peace the first two people to compare, that must have the imposing manner to be many, his clothes, in addition his appearance, it can be said that a feeling of swaying. 星罗洞的洞主和前两个人比起来,那就要有气势多了,他的穿着打扮,再加上他的长相,可以说是给人一种仙仙的感觉。 Direction landscape, daring potential. 指点江山,气吞山河之势。 The surroundings then presented stars. 周围便出现了点点繁星。 These stars have flown from the sides of ghostdom nine dogs, sparkle. 这些星星从冥界九头犬的身边飞过,闪耀而出。 bo! 啵! The ray flashes before, finally fell on the bodies of ghostdom nine dogs. 光芒闪现,最后落在了冥界九头犬的身上。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! Explosion. 爆炸。 The strong explosive force appears on the bodies of ghostdom nine dogs, the armor of ghostdom nine dogs were exploded several holes, revealed its hair. 强大的爆炸力在冥界九头犬的身上出现,冥界九头犬的铠甲被炸出了几个窟窿来,露出了它的毛发。 Moreover many place also exploded burnt. 而且很多的地方也是被炸的一片焦糊。 Does attractively!!” The tomb lord in the world tomb said, at this time he also came the interest, several other medium influence masters acted, if he does not act, others looked down upon him following, this/should I, my world tomb had no skill, took the tomb as the war, melted dies to live, controlled the life and death.” “干得漂亮!!”天地陵的陵主称赞道,此时他也是来了兴致,其他的几个中等势力主人都出手了,如果他不出手的话,那别人岂不是看不起他了“接下来,该我了,我天地陵没什么本事,就是以陵为战,化死为生,控制生与死。” Watching zui is new 观看zui新 Chapter Festival Welcome to- cell phone address. 请到-手机地址.
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