AS :: Volume #81

#8052: You may dare to accept a challenge

But these four people are impatient. 这四个人可是等的不耐烦了。 They have been waiting for their master's summons, to them, the corrupt wolf now was their masters. 他们一直都在等待他们主人的召唤,对于他们来说,贪狼现在就是他们的主人了。 Normal. 正常来说。 Like people like them, usually has keen eyesight in withstand/top, is arrogant. 像他们这样的人,平时一个个眼高于顶,非常高傲。 But the corrupt wolf is the person who they admire sincerely. 但贪狼是他们真心敬佩的人。 They also believe, mixes with the corrupt wolf, their future futures will also be light. 他们也认为,跟着贪狼混,那他们将来的前途也就是一片光明的。 Master looked for us finally, this time can go all out one.” The wolf two shows a faint smile, they once on Heavenly Formation Continent, was resounding No. 1 figure. “主人终于找我们了,这次可以大干一场了。”狼二微微一笑,他们这些人曾经在天阵大陆上,也都是响当当的一号人物了。 What a pity to cross tribulation, they lost oneself all, finally can only hide in the place of that godship. 可惜为了渡劫,他们丢失了自己的一切,最后只能躲在那个神格之地。 Afterward was also the corrupt wolf gave them the New Student opportunity. 后来也算是贪狼给了他们新生的机会。 Because of the help of corrupt wolf. 正是因为贪狼的帮忙。 They have the opportunity to become the loose immortal. 他们才有机会成为散仙。 Even is the present two tribulation loose immortals. 甚至是现在的二劫散仙。 „The performance, the master will not treat unjustly our four well, looked like the past North Pole wolf fang to be the same, he was also following master mixing of step by step, will have such strength.” The wolf three said. “好好表现吧,主人是不会亏待我们四个的,就像是当年的北极狼牙一样,他也是跟着主人一步一步的混,才会有那样的实力的。”狼三说道。 They can be said as unusual favoring to oneself future. 他们这些人对自己的前途可以说是非常的看好。 The following corrupt wolf walks, in the future anything will have. 跟着贪狼走,未来啥都有。 Xia Family city. 夏家城。 Before the Xia Family city could be said as on Heavenly Formation Continent is not famous, may after the war of trapped/sleepy dragon canyon, they also be thorough becoming famous. 以前夏家城在天阵大陆上可以说是并不出名,可经过困龙峡谷的一战,他们也是彻底的成名了。 But Xia Tian. 夏天 Also because of this war. 也是因为这一战。 Becoming Heavenly Formation Continent first Expert. 重新成为了天阵大陆第一高手 This time. 这一次。 Perhaps the Xia Tian position was no one can shake, even it can be said that his father Xia Tianlong cannot shake his position. 夏天的地位恐怕是没有人可以撼动了,甚至可以说是连他的父亲夏天龙也不能撼动他的位置。 Originally. 原本。 Xia Tian is the Heavenly Formation Continent all youngster idols. 夏天就是天阵大陆所有年轻人的偶像。 He can give these youngster to hope. 他可以给那些年轻人希望。 Let these youngster cultivation diligently. 让那些年轻人更加努力的修炼 Xia Tian is their goal. 夏天就是他们的目标 A trapped/sleepy dragon canyon war, although are not many in the person, but that fights was actually called on Heavenly Formation Continent for hundreds of thousands of years the first war, was Xia Tian leads own brothers to contend in history the strongest team. 困龙峡谷一战,虽然在现场的人不多,但那一战却被人称之为天阵大陆上数十万年来的第一大战,是夏天带着自己的兄弟们抗衡了史上最强的队伍。 Finally the Xia Tian trapped/sleepy dragon ascends to heaven. 最后夏天困龙升天。 Xia Tian and his brothers defeated. 夏天和他的兄弟们战胜了。 After this war, Expert of other two mainland are also thorough was shocked. 经过这一战,其他两片大陆的高手也是彻底的被震慑了。 From now henceforth, no one dares to have the idea of Heavenly Formation Continent. 从今以后,再也没有人敢打天阵大陆的主意了。 How even other two mainland have started to study to conduct the trade with Heavenly Formation Continent. 甚至其他的两片大陆已经开始研究要如何跟天阵大陆进行通商了。 However after everyone's decision. 不过经过所有人的决定。 Everyone believes, has Xia Tian, therefore black market is they trades together the best partner, therefore everyone is waiting for black market to appear, so long as black market reappears on Heavenly Formation Continent, they first and black market will trade together. 大家认为,有夏天在,所以黑市才是他们通商最好的伙伴,所以大家都在等待着黑市出现,只要黑市重新出现在天阵大陆上,那他们就会第一时间和黑市进行通商。 Now you are thorough became famous, you on Heavenly Formation Continent, what is thorough was known to everybody, was known to everybody, if walked on the avenue, if a casual person had not heard Xia Tian, that this person must be despised.” Day shows a faint smile. “现在你算是彻底的出名了,你在天阵大陆上,已经彻底的是无人不知,无人不晓了,如果走在大街上,随便拉一个人如果没听说过夏天的话,那这个人就一定是要被人鄙视了。”天阵微微一笑。 Present Xia Tian. 现在的夏天 But was really becomes famous compared with their past day 18 kings. 可真是比他们当年的天阵十八王更加的出名啊。 Is the unwarranted reputations, these things, cannot add the battle efficiency, cannot add the opportunity of maintaining life, can only be fools scary.” Xia Tian does not care about these unwarranted reputations. “都是虚名罢了,这些东西,也不能加战斗力,也不能加保命的机会,只能是唬唬人而已。”夏天并不在乎这些虚名。 This solely is not the unwarranted reputation issue, you will have many adorers, similarly , many youth talents regard as oneself life goal you, they try hard cultivation, tens of thousands years later, they are also resounding figure, if when the time comes you had to trouble, these people will all volunteer, come the help.” Day does not think the reputation is a point with does not have. “这可不单单是虚名的问题,你会有很多的崇拜者,同样的,也有很多青年才俊将你视为自己的人生目标,他们努力修炼,几万年后,他们也都是响当当的人物,到时候如果你有麻烦了,那些人全都会自告奋勇,过来帮忙。”天阵可不认为名声是一点用都没有的。 Old man, you should understand my, I most do not like owing others, I do not like giving others to bring the disaster, looked like me once to see, day ghost Lone Star, this was my destiny.” Xia Tian helpless shaking the head. “老头子,你应该了解我的,我是最不喜欢欠别人的,我更不喜欢给别人带来灾难,就像是我曾经看到的,天煞孤星,这就是我的命运啊。”夏天无奈的摇了摇头。 This time died many people. 这次死了不少人。 Especially bright moon, he for Xia Tian, for everyone, it can be said that death unusual is solemn and stirring, before this also makes Xia Tian remembered again, see. 特别是皓月,他为了夏天,为了所有人,可以说是死的非常悲壮,这也是让夏天再次想起了之前自己看到的。 Day ghost Lone Star. 天煞孤星。 The person who any he approaches, will encounter the danger. 任何他靠近的人,都会遇到危险。 This is his destiny. 这就是他的命运。 „Aren't you always do not believe the life?” Day looks at Xia Tian to say. “你不是从来都不信命吗?”天阵看着夏天说道。 He was not first day knew with Xia Tian, the Xia Tian temperament he understood. 他可不是第一天和夏天认识了,夏天的脾气他可是了解的。 This whole life, can who Xia Tian submits, perhaps has not appeared. 这辈子,能够让夏天屈服的人,恐怕还没有出现。 Even this heaven is impossible. 就算是这个老天也不可能。 I can not believe the life, I can fight with this day, but my brothers are not good, after this time matter, I will find the way to cross the tribulation, then looks for the royal family territory, the Xia Family city gives you.” Xia Tian does not want to lead them to walk, including remnant soul. “我自己可以不信命,我可以和这个天斗,但我的兄弟们不行,这次的事情之后,我会去想办法渡劫,然后找一找王族领地,夏家城就交给你们了。”夏天不想带着他们走,包括残魂。 Because he knows. 因为他知道。 These person and walk was too near, will bring the disaster to these people. 这些人和自己走的太近了,会给这些人带来灾难的。 You.” Day also understood that the Xia Tian mood, he has not said anything, but he has set firm resolve, must try hard cultivation, they, must create again magnificently, at least must help Xia Tian solve all extra worries. “你啊。”天阵也理解夏天的心情,他也并没有多说什么,不过他已经下定决心了,一定要努力修炼,他们这些人,一定要再创辉煌,最起码也要帮夏天解决所有的后顾之忧。 summer army how?” Xia Tian asked. “夏军怎么样了?”夏天问道。 He continuously at sleep, does not know how long can awake, since previous time he and a flight monster beast war, he has rested the present, we have inspected, his body issue does not have, without the injured trace, is pure is sleeping.” Day sees such strange phenomenon for the first time. “他一直在睡眠,也不知道多久才能醒,自从上次他和飞行妖兽一战之后,他就一直睡到了现在,我们检查过,他的身体一点问题都没有,没有受伤的痕迹,就是单纯的在睡觉而已。”天阵还是第一次见到这么古怪的现象。 In his opinion. 在他看来。 The Great General is sleeping. 大将军就是在睡觉啊。 Pure sleeping. 单纯的睡觉。 This can also rest. 这也太能睡了。 He can also rest.” Xia Tian shows a faint smile, the Great General most starts is a zombie, can say, the Great General can rest millenniums existences. “他还更能睡的。”夏天微微一笑,大将军最开始可是一个僵尸啊,可以说,大将军可以一睡千年的存在。 Regarding Great General such existence. 对于大将军这样的存在。 The sleep was equal to that is restoring. 睡眠就等于是在恢复了。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! The giant explosive sound transmits. 巨大的爆炸声传来。 What's the matter?” A day brow wrinkle. “怎么回事?”天阵的眉头一皱。 ! 咻! Subpoenaed rune/symbol drop together in his hand. 一道传讯符落在了他的手中。 Some people hit, killed passing by sea clan Expert, caught up directly to the position of our Xia Family city.” Day said. “有人打过来了,杀了路过的海族高手,直接向我们夏家城的位置赶过来了。”天阵说道。 At this time came, that can only be the corrupt wolves and his four subordinates, they were Expert, making the people of Clan retreat, they could not defend, defended, can only harm them.” Xia Tian said. “这个时候过来,那就只能是贪狼和他的四个手下了,他们都是高手,让海族的人撤退,他们守不住的,这么守下去,只能害了他们自己。”夏天说道。 Good!” Day also released for flight fast the pass on message symbol. “好!”天阵也是快速的放飞了传讯符。 Tread! 踏! Xia Tian stood up own body, later walks toward outside: Should come, throughout must come, hiding cannot hide.” 夏天站起了自己的身体,随后向着外面走去:“该来的,始终都是要来的,躲是躲不掉的。” Day and the others also followed. 天阵等人也都跟着走了出去。 Meanwhile. 与此同时。 All Expert in Xia Family city all flew. 夏家城内的所有高手全都飞了出来。 They understand, certainly had the powerful enemy to attack, otherwise was impossible to pass through the sea area, such big sound, was Lane Expert comes certainly out . Moreover the sound was probably getting more and more near. 他们都明白,一定是有强敌来袭了,否则不可能穿过海域的,这么大的动静,一定是高手出来的,而且声音好像越来越近了。 Xia Tian, you may dare to accept a challenge!!” Huge sound together raids from the distant place. 夏天,你可敢应战!!”一道的巨大的声音从远处袭来。
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