AS :: Volume #80

#7914: Last round

Incision. 切开了。 The scale slight hindrance of wild dragon, had not been cut open by Xia Tian Golden Blade instantaneously, although Golden Blade is very small, but the Xia Tian speed is fast enough. 野龙的鳞片没有丝毫的阻碍,瞬间被夏天金刀切开了,虽然金刀很小,但夏天的速度够快。 The flash cut over a hundred. 一瞬间切出了上百下。 That scale of wild dragon also by the Xia Tian direct incision, but Xia Tian also crashes in the slit of scale. 野龙的那个鳞片也是被夏天直接切开,而夏天也是冲进鳞片的缝隙。 ! 噗! Wild dragon unceasing contraction body, but Xia Tian has rushed to the slit of his scale. 野龙不断的收缩身体,可夏天已经冲到他鳞片的缝隙之中。 Therefore his thrust augmentation, could not attack Xia Tian no matter how. 所以他不管怎么加力,都攻击不到夏天了。 ! 唰! Meanwhile. 与此同时。 Red Phoenix (Hong Feng) moves. 红凤一动。 The body of Xia Tian directly flushed. 夏天的身体直接冲了出去。 ! 呼! Xia Tian is also the big mouth is panting for breath, he has not despised front wild dragon, he also knows, the method of wild dragon definitely is very many, but he almost capsized in in the sewers. 夏天也是大口的喘息着,他从来都没有小看面前的这个野龙,他也知道,野龙的手段肯定是非常多的,但他还是差点在阴沟里翻船了。 Almost under the attack of dying out of office dragon. 差一点就死在野龙的攻击之下了。 However now. 不过现在。 He lived. 他活了。 He has succeeded lived. 他已经成功的活下来了。 Sometimes. 有时候。 Victory and defeat only in flash. 胜负只在一瞬间。 Em?” The wild dragon watched a scale, at this time his on the face also is the inconceivable facial expression. “恩?”野龙看了一眼自己身上的鳞片,此时他的脸上也全都是不可思议的神情。 Split. 裂开了。 His scale unexpectedly split. 他的鳞片居然裂开了。 Moreover was cut open evidently. 而且看样子是被切开的。 Very neat margin. 非常整齐的切口。 Such matter is really makes him very surprised. 这样的事情真的是让他非常的惊讶啊。 dragon scale was cut open. 龙鳞被切开。 He definitely is unable to imagine, actually Xia Tian used what weapon a moment ago. 他完全无法想象,夏天刚才究竟是使用了什么样的武器啊。 Aspect that must kill a moment ago, he is can definitely cut to kill Xia Tian, but finally, unexpectedly had such big mistake. 刚才是必杀的局面,他是肯定可以将夏天斩杀的,可最后,居然出现了这么大的差错。 Life and death really in that flash. 生死真的就是在那一瞬间啊。 If Xia Tian is not behind this trick, he believes, Xia Tian must die without doubt. 如果夏天不是后面这种奇招的话,他相信,夏天必死无疑。 Now but says these already late. 可是现在说这些就已经晚了。 Although another arm of Xia Tian crushes now, but regarding Xia Tian such Expert, what crushed an arm to be considered as? 虽然现在夏天的另外一条手臂粉碎了,但对于夏天这样的高手来说,粉碎了一条手臂又算得了什么呢? ! 噗! The body of Xia Tian moves, his left arm again vice minister. 夏天的身体一动,他的左臂再次长了出来。 Although is also not the optimum condition, but has not missed many.” Xia Tian looked at a left arm. “虽然还不是最佳状态,不过也没差多少。”夏天看了一眼自己左臂。 His body is going against heaven's will such, so long as his Strength of Vitality also, so long as his strength also has, that body which spot crushed even, he can still be long. 他的身体就是这么的逆天,只要他的生机之力还在,只要他的力量还有,那就算是身体哪个部位粉碎了,他也可以重新长出来。 Naturally. 当然了。 The premise is, he must have the strength of enough consumption. 前提是,他必须有足够消耗的力量。 Grows an arm, the consumption is also big. 长出一条手臂,消耗也是不小的。 He must measure a next present to restore the arm to be advantageous. 他要权衡一下现在恢复手臂是不是有利的。 You are very surprised, I have not thought, your unexpectedly can break open my scale, moreover neat of such incision, this is I have not thought that is also I have not seen, it seems like your treasure are many.” The first idea of wild dragon is Xia Tian treasure definitely are many, if he can bring these treasures, the Neijia dragon will definitely not punish him. “你是真的很惊讶啊,我没想到,你居然可以破开我的鳞片,而且还是切开的这么整齐,这是我从来都没有想过的,也是我从来都没有见过的,看来你身上的宝物不少啊。”野龙的第一想法就是夏天身上的宝物肯定不少,如果他能够将这些宝物都带回去的话,那甲龙就肯定不会处罚他了。 Even will reward him. 甚至会奖赏他。 That this time matter on perfect neutralize. 那这次的事情就完美的化解了。 Right, my treasure has, looked that you did have that skill to take away.” The right hand of Xia Tian moves, Golden Blade has vanished in his hands. “没错,我身上的宝物有很多的,就看你有没有那个本事拿走了。”夏天的右手一动,金刀已经消失在他的手中。 Golden Blade. 金刀 Xia Tian wanted to place Great General there. 原本夏天是想要放在大将军那里的。 But was quick he to discover. 可很快他就发现了。 Golden Blade unexpectedly suppressed the restoration of Great General, even Xia Tian discovered, if Golden Blade and Great General puts together, Great General that has started the mature spirit wisdom also to write off gradually. 金刀居然压制了大将军的恢复,甚至夏天发现,如果将金刀和大将军放在一起,大将军那已经开始渐渐成熟的灵智也在被抹杀。 Therefore Xia Tian does not dare to place on the Great General Golden Blade again. 所以夏天也是不敢将金刀再放在大将军身上了。 Does not know that the Great General now, between he and Golden Blade, what relation had, even/including dragon scale type of thing can cut open, was actually Golden Blade what existence? Suppresses the Great General with Golden Blade this treasure, what existence is the Great General?” Xia Tian shakes the head, now does not think these times. “也不知道大将军现在怎么样了,他和金刀之间,到底有什么样的联系,连龙鳞这种东西都可以切开,金刀究竟是什么样的存在呢?用金刀这种宝物来镇压大将军,那大将军又是什么样的存在呢?”夏天摇了摇头,现在也不是想这些的时候了。 The Great General is unable to remember the beforehand matter to come, therefore these things are also no one can talk clearly now. 大将军一直无法想起以前的事情来,所以现在这些事情也是没有人可以说清楚的。 The matter that Xia Tian must handle now handles front wild dragon. 夏天现在要做的事情就是搞定面前的这头野龙。 In his eyes. 在他的眼中。 The wild dragon is really one lets his satisfied opponent. 野龙真的是一个非常让他满意的对手。 Makes him not dare the lax opponent, facing wild dragon such existence, so long as he has little lax, that possibly died finally here. 一个让他一点都不敢松懈的对手,面对野龙这样的存在,只要他有一点点的松懈,那最后可能就死在这里了。 Bang! 轰! The wild dragon does not have the slight idle talk, he also charged into Xia Tian, his body flutters in the midair. 野龙也没有丝毫的废话,他也是冲向了夏天,他的身体在半空之中翻飞。 His attack very swift and violent. 他的攻击非常的迅猛。 The huge attack is also flies high to pound down. 庞大的攻击也是凌空砸下。 Kestrel! 红鹰! The body of Xia Tian moves, the words kestrel in hand also flung directly to the wild dragon. 夏天的身体一动,手中的话红鹰也是直接甩向了野龙。 Bang! 砰! The body of Xia Tian starts to go to retreat. 夏天的身体开始向后退去。 „It is not good, hits, you cannot shoulder, we need to tempt his, uses demigod to press him, then seizes the chance to attack, but demigod, once uses, he will certainly have the protection next time, therefore you must prepare for killing his.” The Red Phoenix (Hong Feng) reminder said. “不行,这么打下去,你是扛不住的,我们需要引诱他一下,使用半仙器将他压下去,然后趁机攻击,不过半仙器一旦使用,他下次就一定会有防备的,所以你要做好干掉他的准备。”红凤提醒道。 Xia Tian is also pondering at this time unceasingly. 夏天此时也是在不断的思考着。 Before reverse scale is on him the only weakness, that scale that but, I do not cut open now, already not too strong defensive power, although compared with reverse scale there defense, but the defense with his normal place does not have the means to place on a par, he will definitely defend reverse scale now stubbornly, did not give me any opportunity, I started to his there, but must one strike to go well, otherwise he is also certain will not give me again the opportunity.” Xia Tian is clear. “之前逆鳞是他身上唯一的弱点,不过现在不是了,我切开的那块鳞片,已经没有太强大的防御力了,虽然要比逆鳞那里防御强很多,但和他正常地方的防御已经没有办法相提并论了,他现在肯定会死死的守住逆鳞,不给我任何的机会,那我就冲着他那里下手好了,不过一定要一击得手,否则他也一定不会再给我机会。”夏天非常清楚。 The wild dragon and general Expert are different. 野龙和一般的高手不同。 The front of normal Expert out of office dragon is not anything. 正常的高手在野龙的面前根本就不算什么。 He is really very vigilant, so long as Xia Tian had what intention to be discovered by him, he will certainly try to find the solution, did not give the Xia Tian second opportunity. 他真的是非常警觉的,只要夏天有什么意图被他发现了,那他就一定会想办法,不给夏天第二次的机会。 On time, I will kill to attack his reverse scale with the feather, compelling him to protect reverse scale most strengths!” Red Phoenix (Hong Feng) said. “上的时候,我会用羽杀去袭击他的逆鳞,逼他将大部分力量去保护逆鳞!”红凤说道。 Em, on us, this time strives to handle him one time.” In the eyes of Xia Tian bright light flashes. “恩,那我们上吧,这次争取一次搞定他。”夏天的双眼之中精光一闪。 At this time! 此时! Xia Tian has prepared rushing. 夏天已经做好了冲上去的准备。 His fight and others are different, generally others fight, the fight of especially this rank, did not get was impossible to end for several days and several nights, but Xia Tian believes that fight did not have the nutrition, both sides did not use the full power, is not going all out, how many months that got, how many years how? 他的战斗和别人不一样,一般别人战斗起来,特别是这种级别的战斗,不打上几天几夜都不可能结束的,可夏天认为,那种战斗是没有营养的,双方都不动用全力,都不是在拼命,那打上几个月,几年又如何? Xia Tian must do is, must hit, that must come to select happily. 夏天要做的就是,要打,那就要来点痛快的。 Must achieve the quickest forms of combat. 必须去做到最快的战斗方式。 Either you get rid of me, either I get rid of you. 要么你干掉我,要么我干掉你。 both sides who have a faint trace recognizes instigates, is he died. 双方谁有一丝丝认怂的时候,就是他死亡的时候。 However obviously Xia Tian and wild dragon will not recognize that existence that instigates. 不过显然夏天和野龙都是不会认怂的那种存在。 ! 唰! Xia Tian fast upward flies, flew the top of the head of wild dragon. 夏天快速的向上飞去,飞到了野龙的头顶。 But the wild dragon is also fast upward flushing away. 而野龙也是快速的向上冲去。 Speed very quick. 速度非常的快。 Their two want to attack from above downward, this absolutely is the strength suppression. 他们两个都想从上面往下攻击,这样绝对是力量压制。 In two people rose a very high altitude, Xia Tian also stopped suddenly there, later the kestrel in hand cut directly. 就在两人上升到了一个非常高的高度时,夏天也是突然停在了那里,随后手中的红鹰直接斩了下去。
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