AS :: Volume #80

#7911: Dragon Clan is not affable

„It is not good!” “不好!” The first response of wild dragon was that human appeared, that human is sneak attacking him, he imagined the resistance, but his body lost the strength at this time suddenly. 野龙的第一反应就是那个人类出现了,那个人类在偷袭他,他想象反抗,不过此时他的身体突然失去力量。 bo! 啵! Strength of the huge immortal erupts from his within the body, consolidated his body directly. 一股庞大的仙之力从他的体内爆发出来,直接稳固了他的身体。 ! 唰! At this moment, the blood glow cut together directly to him. 就在这时,一道血芒直接斩向了他。 Although he does not see clearly the blood glow the complete picture, but he is clear, this blood glow is the weapon in opposite party hand, at this time he also believed firmly, this sneak attacks his person, is that person who he has pursued. 虽然他看不清楚血芒的全貌,不过他非常清楚,这个血芒就是对方手中的武器,此时他也更加的确信了,这个偷袭他的人,就是他一直追逐的那个人。 You underestimated me, I and others were different, wants to kill me, you did not have that skill.” The wild dragon shouts loudly. “你太小看我了,我和别人不一样的,想杀我,你还没那个本事。”野龙大声喊道。 Afterward his hand strength of immortal changed into dragon claw directly, pounding ruthlessly approached the blood glow. 随后他手中的仙之力直接化为了龙爪,狠狠的砸向了血芒。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! A powerful strength pounded on the body of wild dragon, but. 一股强大的力量砸在了野龙的身上,但同时。 Wild dragon body also reacted at the same time. 野龙也的身体也是在同一时间做出了反应。 At this time his in the body also erupts the incomparably huge strength. 此时他的身体之内也是爆发出了无比庞大的力量。 This strength as if must swallow all. 这股力量仿佛是要吞噬一切。 Destroys the day to extinguish. 毁天灭地。 Bang! 轰! Shouldered. 扛住了。 He shouldered the attack of Xia Tian directly, moreover body not slight retreat. 他直接扛住了夏天的攻击,而且身体没有丝毫的后退 Em? 恩? It is not right! 不对! At this moment, a familiar sudden appearance, he discovered later, the opposite party appeared on own body. 就在这时,一种熟悉的突然出现,随后他就发现,对方出现在自己的身上了。 Invite the wrath of the emperor! 逆鳞! He understood, the opposite party certainly to reverse scale, how previous time him sees with one's own eyes the opposite party to cut to kill that Dragon Clan, was reverse scale of that Dragon Clan by Xia Tian extracting downward. 他明白了,对方一定是冲着逆鳞来的,上次他亲眼看到对方是怎么斩杀那头龙族的,就是那头龙族的逆鳞被夏天给拔下来了。 Moreover Xia Tian looks unusual is accurate. 而且夏天找的非常准。 That Dragon Clan false reverse scale cannot conceal Xia Tian. 那头龙族假的逆鳞都没能隐瞒夏天 Instinct. 本能。 He depends on the instinct of oneself body to defend oneself reverse scale. 他靠着自己身体的本能去防御自己的逆鳞。 Why does not know, he as if recognized Xia Tian will definitely find his true reverse scale, normal, even if Dragon Clan discovered that the opposite party wants own reverse scale, that Dragon Clan does not think that the opposite party can find itself really reverse scale directly. 不知道为什么,他仿佛认定了夏天肯定会找到他真正的逆鳞,正常来说,一头龙族就算是发现对方想要动自己的逆鳞,那龙族也不认为对方直接就能找到自己真的逆鳞。 But the wild dragon actually unusual confidence, Xia Tian can certainly find him really reverse scale now, why even he does not talk clearly, he has this feeling, moreover this feeling very obvious. 但野龙现在却非常的确信,夏天一定可以找到他真的逆鳞,甚至连他自己都说不清为什么,他就是有这种感觉,而且这种感觉非常的明显。 Now this feeling also appears in his heart immediately. 现在这种感觉也是在第一时间出现在他的心底。 Bang! 砰! His attack also pounded directly to Xia Tian. 他的攻击也是直接砸向了夏天 But the left hand of Xia Tian lifts, held his attack directly. 夏天的左手一抬,直接抓住了他的攻击。 Right. 没错。 Was this holds forcefully. 就是这样硬生生的抓住了。 „It is not right, planning of this fellow was too thorough, he knows that I resist his attack, can definitely screen out the body strength and the strengths in all immortals instantaneously, therefore my strikes now, is absolutely impossible to make the big strength, even if like this hits, he can still anti- live, that said my reverse scale had the danger.” The wild dragon does not dare to have slight careless. “不对,这个家伙的算计太周密了,他知道我抵挡他那一下攻击,肯定是会瞬间抽走自己身体内的所有仙之力和力量,所以现在我的这一击,绝对不可能打出多大的力量,这样就算打过来,他也可以抗住,那岂不是说我的逆鳞有危险了。”野龙不敢有丝毫的马虎。 Bang! 轰! He was pounded by oneself body instantaneously to the ground. 他瞬间让自己的身体砸向地面。 This his attack is simple. 这次他的攻击非常简单。 To pound with own enormous force downward, but that side that he is well-grounded, is there that Xia Tian is. 就是要用自己的巨大力量向下砸,而他着地的那一面,就是夏天所在的那里。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! Smashing! 粉碎! The surrounding area several hundred li (0.5 km), were pounded a giant gulf by him instantaneously. 方圆数百里,瞬间被他砸出了一个巨大的深坑。 Thus it can be seen. 由此可见。 Wild dragon impulse actually how fearful. 野龙这一下的冲击力究竟是多么的可怕。 Handled?” The wild dragon also relaxes. “搞定了吧?”野龙也是松了一口气。 However quick. 不过很快。 He is the complexion changes. 他就是脸色一变。 Pain! 痛! Above his reverse scale spread a severe pain suddenly. 他的逆鳞之上突然传出了一股剧痛。 The strength of immortal! 仙之力! Bang! 轰! The strength of incomparably huge immortal from his within the body eruption, at the same time, on him all scales all set upright instantaneously, each scale is just like the sharp incomparable knife. 无比庞大的仙之力瞬间从他的体内爆发,与此同时,他身上所有的鳞片全都竖了起来,每一个鳞片都好比锋利无比的刀子。 Direct tangential Xia Tian. 直接切向了夏天 ! 唰! The body of Xia Tian moves, vanished under the ground directly. 夏天的身体一动,直接消失在了地面之下。 Red Phoenix (Hong Feng) putting on mountain ability. 红凤的穿山能力。 Tread! 踏! The body of Xia Tian moves, appears in the ground again, moreover this time is to present the front of out of office dragon. 夏天的身体一动,再次出现在地面,而且这次是出现在野龙的面前。 Quickly! 快! This flash, two people were almost the method were uneven a moment ago, their two all used the strongest method, can say, their two will press the bottom the skill to use. 刚才这一瞬间,两人几乎是手段齐出啊,他们两个全都使用了自己最强的手段,可以说,他们两个是将自己压箱底的本事都用出来了。 And displays their wisdom and bravery. 而且是斗智斗勇。 No matter their two who has little careless, could die during the fierce battle. 不管他们两个谁有一点点的马虎,都可能会死在刚才的激烈战斗之中。 However! 不过! Now the obvious two people are defeated. 现在显然两个人都是失败了。 The sneak attack of Xia Tian failed. 夏天的偷袭失败了。 Various of wild dragon cut the Assassins section is also failed. 野龙的各种斩杀手段也失败了。 You called Xia Tian was right!!” The wild dragon lifted the head, the vision looked to front Xia Tian, although their two fought a moment ago so many rounds, but this is also the first time that he sees Xia Tian today. “你叫夏天对吧!!”野龙抬起了头,目光看向了面前的夏天,虽然刚才他们两个交手了那么多的回合,但这也是他今天第一次看到夏天 Because two people fought a moment ago were too quick, he sees, only then attacks, but has not seen Xia Tian. 因为刚才两人交手太快了,他看到的只有攻击,而没有看到夏天 He is certain, if a moment ago were general Dragon Clan, had been cut to kill by Xia Tian here, because a moment ago the movement of that flash simply was too many. 他可以肯定,如果刚才是一般的龙族,就已经被夏天斩杀在这里了,因为刚才那一瞬间的动作简直就是太多了。 He, is actually unable to imagine this is what fearful attack. 就连他,都无法想象这究竟是什么样的可怕攻击。 You are really more than them.” Xia Tian these words are from the heart, his series attack, it can be said that the flawlessness of computation, Xia Tian almost calculated inside all possible changes a moment ago. “你果然比他们强不少。”夏天这句话是发自内心的,刚才他的那个连环攻击,可以说是计算的天衣无缝,夏天几乎是将一切可能的变化都算到了里面。 But failed finally, although he attacked reverse scale of wild dragon, but does not have the time reverse scale extracts downward. 可最后还是失败了,虽然他攻击到了野龙的逆鳞,但却没有时间将逆鳞拔下来。 Now reverse scale of wild dragon bled, but actually and has no big obstructing. 现在野龙的逆鳞上流血了,但却并没有什么大碍。 And following. 而且接下来。 Wild Long Yi meets key protection own reverse scale surely, therefore Xia Tian wants to attack reverse scale of wild dragon again, that was difficult such as to ascend to heaven. 龙一定会重点的保护自己的逆鳞,所以夏天想要再次袭击野龙的逆鳞,那就是难如登天了。 „Doesn't boy, you know? Dragon Clan is not affable, you should escape, but since you deliver, I am impolite, do not think used Teleport, I have discovered, your Teleport required the little time, but I periphery will all have arranged the strength of Exalted Immortal, so long as I discovered that you must use Teleport, the strength of immortal will destroy your Teleport instantaneously.” The wild dragon is very astute. “小子,你难道不知道吗?龙族不好惹的,原本你应该一直逃下去的,但既然你自己送上门来,那我就不客气了,不要想着使用瞬移了,我已经发现了,你的瞬移需要一点点的时间,而我已经将周围全都布置上仙之力了,只要我发现你要使用瞬移,仙之力就会瞬间破坏你的瞬移。”野龙还是非常精明的。 He most fears is Xia Tian Teleport. 他最怕的就是夏天瞬移 But after these observations, he has discovered, Xia Tian Teleport has the shortcoming, that is if were attacked on, that is unable to use. 但经过这几次的观察,他已经发现了,夏天瞬移是有缺点的,那就是如果被攻击上,那就无法使用。 Therefore he periphery will all arrange the strength of Exalted Immortal, although the strength of these immortals cannot cause any damage to Xia Tian, even ordinary super Expert cannot injure, but is the attack. 所以他将周围全都布置上仙之力,虽然这些仙之力对夏天不能造成任何的伤害,甚至连普通的超级高手都伤不到,但却属于攻击。 In this case, Xia Tian has not used the Teleport opportunity. 这样的话,夏天就没有使用瞬移的机会。 You have not really disappointed me.” On the face of Xia Tian also revealed an excitement of faint trace, he most likes is this type has the exciting fight, if the opponent is too weak, he was the feeling is on the contrary senseless. “你果然没有让我失望啊。”夏天的脸上也露出了一丝丝的兴奋,他最喜欢的就是这种有刺激的战斗,如果对手太弱的话,他反倒是感觉无趣了。 Tread! 踏! At this time Xia Tian was also forwards one step: Since you blow Dragon Clan is so fierce, that then makes me have a look, actually your Dragon Clan has what skill.” 此时夏天也是向前走了一步:“既然你把龙族吹的这么厉害,那接下来就让我看看,你们龙族究竟有什么本事吧。” Tread! 踏! The wild dragon was also forwards one step, on his face showed the smiling face: I will make you know that Dragon Clan is not good to provoke, is not your human can contend.” 野龙也是向前走了一步,他的脸上露出了笑容:“我会让你知道龙族不是好招惹的,也不是你一个人类可以抗衡的。” On! 上了! Two people bodies flush away simultaneously forward. 两人的身体同时向前冲去。
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