AS :: Volume #76

#7595: Sees own corpse

Bang! 轰! The huge attack lets surrounding person all retreat, they saw this move of might a moment ago, this move, extinguished a moment ago killed over ten thousand people, at this time such huge attack pounded directly on the body of Xia Tian. 庞大的攻击让周围的人全都后退,他们刚才可是看到了这一招的威力,刚才这一招,就灭杀了上万人的,此时这么庞大的攻击直接砸在了夏天的身上。 They think. 他们都认为。 Xia Tian died. 夏天死定了。 But. 可是。 Quick they saw inconceivable one. 很快他们就看到了不可思议的一幕。 Xia Tian stands there, has moved, the strength that even emperor astral air/Qi and so on has not used, does not have any movement of resisting, whatever the attack hits on his body. 夏天站在那里,一动没动,连帝王罡气之类的力量都没有使用,也没有任何抵挡的动作,任由攻击打在他的身上。 But his scar does not have. 可他却一点伤痕都没有。 This this time that person is also the unusual shock. “这”此时那个人也是非常的震惊。 He is self-confident about oneself attack, but now, his attack unexpectedly cannot cause any damage to the opposite party, such defensive power made people feel inconceivable. 他对自己的攻击可是非常自信的,可现在,他的攻击居然没能给对方造成任何的伤害,这样的防御力太让人感觉不可思议了。 Depends on the body defense, his attack relaxed neutralize. 靠着身体防御,就将他的攻击轻松的化解了。 I do not want to occupy you to be cheap, the simple point, besides the emperor level 20 people, others does not need to continue to begin to me, you possibly are not my opponent, this time I want this thing , because I have big using, but I do not want to obliterate everyone to rob the treasure the mood, now I am willing to put out emperor, if everyone wants, I will release for flight directly emperor, when the time comes who can snatch even whose, this was still compensates everyone.” Xia Tian said loudly. “我不想占你们便宜,简单点来说,除了帝级二十品的人之外,其他的人没必要继续对我动手了,你们不可能是我的对手,这次我想要这东西,是因为我有大用,不过我也不想磨灭了大家抢夺宝物的心情,现在我愿意拿出一件帝器,如果大家愿意的话,我会将帝器直接放飞出去,到时候谁能抢到就算谁的,这也算是补偿大家了。”夏天大声说道。 It can be said. 可以说。 If he just started to say these, everyone thinks certainly that he has the problem. 如果他刚开始就说这些,那大家一定认为他有毛病。 But such a saying, the surrounding person also starts to admire him now. 可现在这么一说,周围的人也都开始敬佩起他了。 However similarly, some people think him to be sick, like he such strong strength, who also dares to snatch with him? 不过同样的,还是有人认为他有病,像他这么强大的实力,谁还敢和他抢? Fools. 傻子。 Also some people believe, this person is a fool. 也有人认为,这个人就是一个傻子。 However Xia Tian actually does not need to explain anything, he is summer Heavens!, he works only seeks the conscience, always does not go to the manages reason, he wants to make anything, makes anything. 不过夏天却并没有必要去解释什么,他可是夏天啊,他做事只求本心,从来都不去管原因,他想做什么,就做什么。 Saw that the surrounding person has not all spoken, Xia Tian also put out emperor. 看到周围的人全都没有说话,夏天也是拿出了一件帝器。 Afterward emperor will release for flight directly. 随后直接将帝器放飞了出去。 Disappearance. 消失。 Meanwhile. 与此同时。 His body vanishes on the spot. 他的身体消失在原地。 Presents again time, he has been separated from surrounding of these people. 再次出现的时候,他已经脱离了那些人的包围。 However Xia Tian actually saw, oneself was surrounded probably. 不过夏天却看到,自己好像被包围了。 interesting.” On the face of Xia Tian showed the smiling face, these people seem like prepare here beforehand, but before oneself transmit, probably do not know oneself must come to here. 有点意思。”夏天的脸上露出了笑容,这些人就好像是事先准备好在这里的一样,而自己传送过来之前,好像连自己都不知道自己要来这里的。 Did not need to think, definitely was the coincidence.” Red Phoenix (Hong Feng) said, he does not believe some people can have foresight, knows that Xia Tian will appear here. “不用想了,肯定是巧合。”红凤说道,他也不相信有人能未卜先知,知道夏天会出现在这里。 This matter is completely impossible. 这种事情完全就是不可能的。 However at this time these people actually Xia Tian surrounding firmly in the middle. 不过此时这些人却将夏天牢牢的包围在中间。 Hands over that treasure!!” A man walked from behind. “交出那件宝物吧!!”一名男子从后面走了上来。 „?” The brow of Xia Tian selects ; What hands over?” “哦?”夏天的眉头一挑;“交出什么?” Did not need to feign ignorance, our people have passed on your image, was you, will not have the mistake, my luck was never so expected that good, your unexpectedly appeared here.” On the face of that man is the exciting facial expressions. “不用装蒜了,我们的人已经将你的影像传出来了,就是你,不会有错的,没想到我这次运气这么好,你居然出现在我这里。”那个男子的脸上都是兴奋的神情。 „? It seems like you arranged many people.” Xia Tian said. “哦?看来你们布置了不少人啊。”夏天说道。 Nonsense, the surrounding area tens of thousands li (0.5 km), we arranged 30 million people, has surrounded the surrounding, where no matter you rush, so long as appears in our scopes, our people can hold you.” That person very proud saying. “废话,方圆几万里,我们布置了三千万人,将外围都已经包围了,不管你跑到哪里,只要出现在我们的范围,那我们的人都能将你抓住。”那个人非常自豪的说道。 It seems like inside person runs no matter how, is impossible to live is leaving.” Before Xia Tian believes that seizes the treasure time, everyone's opportunity is the same, but now looks like. “看来里面的人不管怎么跑出来,都不可能活着离开啊。”夏天以前认为,夺宝的时候,大家的机会都是一样的,可是现在看来。 The present seizing treasure, is not pure, turned into games between these big influences completely. 现在的夺宝,已经没有那么单纯了,完全变成了那些大势力之间的游戏。 30 million people. 三千万人啊。 Periphery will wrap completely, therefore after inside person robbed the treasure, they are impossible to live are leaving. 完全将周围都包裹了啊,所以里面的人抢夺了宝物之后,他们也不可能活着离开的。 This world, there is no fairly, your emperor, will also fall into the hands of these people finally.” Red Phoenix (Hong Feng) said. “这个世界,原本就没有什么公平可言,你的帝器,最后也会落入这些人的手中。”红凤说道。 Em! 恩! Xia Tian has not spoken, is such static looks at the surrounding these people. 夏天没有说话,就是这样静静的看着周围那些人。 Doesn't hand over?” That person waves, the surrounding person all charged into Xia Tian. “不交出来是吧?”那个人一挥手,周围的人全都冲向了夏天 In his eyes, Xia Tian is not a person, but is a treasure. 在他的眼中,夏天可不是一个人,而是一件宝物。 A merit. 一个功劳。 So long as takes the thing, that is a huge merit, as for the Xia Tian life, they do not care. 只要将东西拿到手,那就是一件天大的功劳啊,至于夏天的死活,他们可不在乎。 You are not my opponent.” Xia Tian looked at around these people, later his hand to an air racket. “你们不是我的对手。”夏天看了一眼周围的这些人,随后他的手对着空气一拍。 Bang! 砰! The surrounding all people all knelt on the ground. 周围所有的人全都跪在了地上。 What?” A moment ago on the face of that person also all was the shocking look, he has not thought, Xia Tian unexpectedly will have such skill. “什么?”刚才那个人的脸上也全都是震惊的神色,他没想到,夏天居然会有这样的本事。 Yeah! 哎! Xia Tian sighs. 夏天叹了一口气。 Boy, should not be too wild, I told you, offended us, you were nothing advantage, we were the subordinate influences of Nie, I urged you to be honest handed over thing, otherwise you can die was very miserable.” Although that man also frightened Xia Tian strength, but thinks own backer, he was again is also hard. “小子,你不要太猖狂了,我告诉你,得罪了我们,你是没有什么好处的,我们可是聂家的下属势力,我劝你还是老老实实的将身上的东西交出来吧,否则你会死的很惨。”那个男子虽然也恐惧夏天的实力,不过一想到自己的靠山,他也是再次硬起来了。 Nie!” “聂家!” Right. 没错。 Reputation of Nie truly very resounding, so long as anybody hears Nie this name to fear, because this is not only hundred, but also is hundred first ten existences. 聂家的名头确实是非常的响亮啊,任何人只要听到聂家这个名字都会恐惧的,因为这不但是百家,而且还是百家前十的存在。 Nie Renwang reputation is not blows. 聂人王的名声可不是吹出来的啊。 Can say, so long as hears this reputation, can be panic at the news. 可以说只要听到这个名声,就可以让人闻风丧胆了。 Right, is Nie.” That person looks at Xia Tian to hear Nie, that was also naturally more excited. “没错,就是聂家。”那个人一看夏天听说过聂家,那自然也是更加的兴奋了。 This represents, he has taken the opposite party, on road that although the reinforcements have come again, but he takes the opposite party and reinforcements takes the opposite party, but merit different. 这就代表,他已经拿下对方了,虽然援军已经再来的路上了,不过他拿下对方和援军来拿下对方,功劳可是不一样的啊。 Boy, kneels down now also with enough time.” The words of that person just told only half, he discovered, his body has been away from him to be getting more and more far. “小子,现在下跪还来得及。”那个人的话刚说到一半,他就发现,他的身体就已经距离他越来越远了。 Right. 没错。 He can induce. 他能够感应到。 Was more and more far. 是越来越远了。 His body, is separating with him. 他的身体,正在和他分开。 Death. 死亡。 He looks with own eyes oneself died. 他是亲眼看着自己死亡的。 Xia Tian regarding average person not under Assassins, but regarding this bullying person, he is will not be absolutely polite. 夏天对于普通人不会下杀手,但对于这种仗势欺人的人,他是绝对不会客气的。 Departure. 离开。 Xia Tian has not gone to manage so many, but left directly. 夏天没有去管那么多,而是直接离开了。 Ghost town. 鬼城。 When he returns to the ghost town, gave day the cold ice dagger directly: Old man, this thing your.” 当他回到鬼城的时候,也是直接将寒冰匕首交给了天阵:“老头子,这东西你的了。” Your boy is really quick.” Day looks the cold ice dagger in own hand. “你小子还真快啊。”天阵看着自己手中的寒冰匕首。 „, It is fortunately relaxed.” Xia Tian discovered, since own strength was increased, anything probably became simple, to them, did not have the too difficult matter. “还好吧,挺轻松的。”夏天发现,自从自己的实力提升了以后,任何的事情好像都变得简单了,对于他们来说,没有太难的事情了。 This grows. 这就是成长。 Also is their rank the advantage of person's on Heavenly Formation Continent. 也是他们这个级别的人在天阵大陆上的优势。 Cold ice dagger.” Day drops own blood on the dagger. “寒冰匕首。”天阵将自己的鲜血滴落在匕首上面。 Em? 恩? Xia Tian stares: This is false immortal!!” 夏天一愣:“这是伪仙器!!”
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