AS :: Volume #73

#7202: This is the Xia Family army

The North Pole wolf fang now is very self-confident, his Realm was not low, in addition he now so many emperor, therefore he to own present strength very self-confident. 北极狼牙现在可是非常的自信,他的境界原本就不低,再加上他现在身上有那么多的帝器,所以他对自己现在的实力非常的自信。 Because his master cuts to kill these top talents and Expert very relaxed, therefore suddenly, he even had a false appearance, that was the present can also relaxed cutting kill these top talents and Expert probably. 因为他的主人斩杀那些顶尖天才和高手非常的轻松,所以一时间,他甚至产生了一种假象,那就是自己现在好像也可以轻松的斩杀那些顶尖天才和高手了。 Self-confident! 自信! He to own present very self-confident: Right, is the man, comes out, I will let your nonsense Xia Family army, dying is very ugly.” 他对自己现在是非常的自信:“没错,是爷们,就出来,我会让你们这些狗屁夏家军,死的很难看。” Although he cannot kill Xia Tian, but he believes, the Xia Family army all are the Xia Tian little brother, he wants to cope with so-called Brother Xia Tian is very relaxed. 他虽然没能杀死夏天,但他认为,夏家军全都是夏天的小弟罢了,他想要对付所谓的夏天小弟还是非常轻松的。 Even he casually with the strength of emperor, can handle with ease. 甚至他随便用一用帝器的力量,就可以轻松搞定的。 Happen to now he also just grasps so many emperor strengths, he also wants well shows the might of emperor. 正好现在他也是刚刚掌握了这么多的帝器力量,他也想要好好的展现一下帝器的威力。 Although he is only the dog of his master. 他虽然只是他主人的一条狗。 But he believes, oneself except for before oneself master, in others' front, oneself should keep aloof. 但他认为,自己除了在自己的主人面前,在别人的面前,自己都应该是高高在上的。 Tread! 踏! The body of Silver Dragon moves, walked directly. 银龙的身体一动,直接走了出去。 His speed is not fast. 他的速度并不快。 He rubbish, but he used the action to prove oneself must make anything. 他没有废话,但他用行动证明了自己要做什么。 The North Pole wolf fang said that must kill him, he must go out with a North Pole wolf fang war. 北极狼牙说要杀了他,那他就要出去和北极狼牙一战。 Snort! 哼! North Pole wolf fang feeling very uncomfortable, opposite party unexpectedly really dares to go out directly, this is provoking him, he also wants to seize the chance to cut to kill this person, then deters the black market person, otherwise this so-called black market master is a face does not give him. 北极狼牙感觉非常的不爽,对方居然真的敢直接出去,这就是在挑衅他啊,他也想要趁机斩杀这个人,然后震慑一下黑市的人,否则这个所谓黑市主人也是一点面子都不给他。 Status! 身份! He knows, on Heavenly Formation Continent, the status is very important. 他知道,在天阵大陆上,身份是非常重要的。 Since you think courting death, I help you.” The North Pole wolf fang also walked directly. “既然你想找死,那我成全你。”北极狼牙也是直接走了出去。 When he goes out, the Silver Dragon has been waiting outside. 在他出去的时候,银龙已经在外面等着了。 This time Silver Dragon, on the face is the optional facial expression. 此时的银龙,脸上全都是随意的神情。 Sees his facial expression, North Pole wolf fang also very uncomfortable, he remembers, he had also seen this smiling face on the face of Xia Tian before. 看到他的这个神情,北极狼牙也是非常的不爽,他记得,他以前在夏天的脸上也看到过这个笑容。 Tread! 踏! The North Pole wolf fang forwarded one step, the surrounding scenery as if changed to be the same. 北极狼牙向前走了一步,周围的景色仿佛都发生了变化一样。 Meanwhile. 与此同时。 Silver Dragon not polite: Xia Family army, flowered camp, Silver Dragon.” 银龙也没客气:“夏家军,花都营,银龙。” He first identifies one's role when first coming on stage, later the body changes into a silver long line, flew directly, this silver long line is not very long, only then about five meters, but the speed of Silver Dragon actually very quick, the flash passes through from the side of North Pole wolf fang. 他先是自报家门,随后身体化为一条银色长龙,直接飞了出去,这条银色长龙并不是很长,只有五米左右,但银龙的速度却是非常的快的,一瞬间从北极狼牙的身边穿过。 Tread! 踏! His body fell above the ground. 他的身体落在了地面之上。 The corners of the mouth flowed off the bloodstain: No wonder dares is so wild, good thing to be many.” 嘴角流下了血迹:“难怪敢这么猖狂,身上的好东西不少啊。” Hahahaha! 哈哈哈哈! The North Pole wolf fang smiled directly, in the flash of fight, he used four emperor a moment ago, therefore wounded the Silver Dragon, at this time he was also more self-confident about oneself strength. 北极狼牙直接笑了起来,刚才在交手的一瞬间,他动用了四件帝器,所以才击伤了银龙,此时他对自己的实力也是更加的自信了。 Emperor. 帝器。 Really hi very formidable. 果然都hi非常强悍的。 ! 噗! In this is, a blood spouts from the mouth of North Pole wolf fang: What?” 就在这是,一口鲜血从北极狼牙的口中喷出:“什么?” On North Pole wolf fang this time face is the surprised facial expression, he has not thought, unexpectedly will have such matter, oneself unexpectedly was injured. 北极狼牙此时的脸上全都是惊讶的神情,他没想到,居然会发生这样的事情,自己居然受伤了。 He does not think clearly, actually oneself are how injured. 他根本就想不明白,自己究竟是怎么受伤的。 Meanwhile. 与此同时。 The body of Silver Dragon moved again, once again charged into the North Pole wolf fang. 银龙的身体再次动了,又一次的冲向了北极狼牙。 Hateful, I killed you.” North Pole wolf fang angry shouting, at this time his attack is also thorough hit. “可恶,我杀了你。”北极狼牙愤怒的喊道,此时他的攻击也是彻底的打了上来。 At this time he uses is the attacks of emperor. 此时他使用的都是帝器的攻击。 Tread! 踏! The body another appearance of Silver Dragon in the North Pole wolf fang behind. 银龙的身体又一次的出现在北极狼牙的身后。 ! 噗! His body had dozens wounds: Nine, defend to add the attack, unexpectedly altogether nine emperor, moreover unexpectedly is the condition of all thoroughly grasping.” 他的身上出现了数十道伤口:“九件,防御加攻击,居然一共有九件帝器,而且居然还是全都彻底掌握的状态。” Silver Dragon also very surprised. 银龙也是非常的惊讶。 He has not thought that unexpectedly so many emperor of this person, moreover this person unexpectedly can also use so many emperor all of a sudden, the condition of completely grasping. 他没想到,这个人的身上居然有这么多的帝器,而且这个人居然还能一下子使用这么多的帝器,都是完全掌握的状态。 The North Pole wolf fang is equally surprised. 北极狼牙同样惊讶。 His body has nine emperor, but he has not thought of the opposite party unexpectedly discovery. 他的身上是有九件帝器,不过他没想到对方居然发现了。 Moreover knows is so detailed. 而且知道的这么详细。 Two people were all injured. 两人全都受伤了。 Their two just fought, the Silver Dragon has known probably the situation of North Pole wolf fang, but the North Pole wolf fang actually does not understand the forms of defensive action of Silver Dragon completely, although he also wounded the Silver Dragon, but he wounds the Silver Dragon, that because of the reason of emperor, in fact, without emperor, he does not know how completely should and Silver Dragon such Expert battle, he does not even know how the Silver Dragon attack formed. 他们两个刚刚交手,银龙已经大概知道了北极狼牙的情况,而北极狼牙却完全不明白银龙的攻击方式,虽然他也击伤了银龙,但他击伤银龙,那都是因为帝器的缘故,实际上,如果没有帝器的话,他完全不知道该怎么和银龙这样的高手交战,他甚至不知道银龙刚才的攻击是怎么形成的。 How to wound his. 是怎么击伤他的。 courting death!” The North Pole wolf fang was also on the face showed the mean look. 找死!”北极狼牙也是脸上露出了阴狠的神色。 He has emperor on the body, therefore he is wants fast front the person will also kill now: Xia Family army, in my eyes, but is one group of deceased people.” 他有帝器在身上,所以现在他也是想要快速的将面前的这个人干掉:“夏家军,在我眼中,只不过是一群死人罢了。” He knows that the personality of own master, own master is impossible to let off Xia Tian and all with the Xia Tian concerned person, therefore now, he also regards front Silver Dragon is a deceased person. 他知道自己主人的性格,自己的主人是不可能放过夏天和所有跟夏天有关的人,所以现在,他也将面前的银龙当成是一个死人。 Kill! 杀! He begins the speed quickly. 他动手速度非常的快。 At this time he also hit oneself attack. 此时他也是将自己的攻击打了出去。 You do not understand the Xia Family military representative anything, more unclear white bloom camp is representing anything.” The Silver Dragon closed the eye, in this moment, the surroundings snowflake flutters about, all sceneries are all stave, the illusion that the North Pole wolf fang makes crushes directly, at once, surroundings thorough changed into the snow color state. “你还是不明白夏家军代表着什么啊,更不明白花都营代表着什么。”银龙闭上了眼睛,在这一刻,周围雪花纷飞,所有的一切景色全都破碎,北极狼牙弄出来的幻境直接粉碎,一时之间,周围彻底的化为了雪色的国度。 Bang! 砰! The attack hit of Silver Dragon and North Pole wolf fang in one. 银龙和北极狼牙的攻击撞击在了一起。 The body of Silver Dragon flew upside down. 银龙的身体倒飞了出去。 The body of North Pole wolf fang also flew upside down similarly. 北极狼牙的身体也同样的倒飞了出去。 Does not die unyieldingly!!” The Silver Dragon shouts loudly. “不死不屈!!”银龙大声喊道。 Afterward he controlled the body of oneself retreat, flushed again, this was the forms of defensive action of Silver Dragon, so long as has not died, that will not submit. 随后他控制住了自己后退的身体,再一次的冲了出去,这就是银龙的攻击方式,只要还没死,那就不会屈服。 The North Pole wolf fang also hit own emperor attack. 北极狼牙也是将自己的帝器攻击打了出去。 Bang! 轰! Silver Dragon hit again above the attack of North Pole wolf fang. 银龙再一次的撞击在北极狼牙的攻击上面。 Two people again retreat. 两人再次后退 But argyrosaurus's third rushing, he does not unload the strength each time, the eating up attack forcefully , his body can have very big load in this case, but his, the North Pole wolf fang that also gets in retreats in defeat again and again, present North Pole wolf fang, even to unload the strength is not impossible, because of impact of this overlay, if unloads the strength, his body can unable to shoulder. 但银龙第三次冲了上去,他每次都是不卸力,强行的吃下攻击,这样的话,他的身体会有非常大的负荷,但他这样,也是打的北极狼牙节节败退,现在的北极狼牙,就算是想要卸力也不可能了,因为这种叠加的冲击,如果卸力,那他的身体会扛不住的。 Then with being called the Xia Family army!” The attack of Silver Dragon ruthlessly pounded the North Pole wolf fang. “这才配叫做夏家军!”银龙的攻击狠狠的将北极狼牙砸了下去。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! The body of North Pole wolf fang was smashed into above the ground. 北极狼牙的身体被砸入到了地面之上。 The body of Silver Dragon has also dropped above the ground. 银龙的身体也已经跌落在了地面之上。 Meanwhile. 与此同时。 The form fell on the side of North Pole wolf fang together: Really disgraced.” 一道身影落在了北极狼牙的身边:“真丢人啊。” Master, sorry.” North Pole wolf fang sound hoarse saying. “主人,对不起。”北极狼牙声音沙哑的说道。 --------- --------- about ps : 23,24 goes home, restores to renew, was not quite recently stable, but the renewal are as far as possible many. ps:23,24号左右回家,恢复更新,最近不太稳定,但尽量更新不少。
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