AS :: Volume #72

#7197: Destiny that a person changes

Sir, what matter has to happen?” The tiger graceful asked. “大人,有什么事发生吗?”虎帅问道。 No, prepares, must start.” Xia Tian does not think the generals tiger involves, although the tiger leads is also the emperor level 20, but the tiger leads still possibly is not the aristocratic family Patriarch opponent, once they want to protect Xia Tian, that possibly evolved the fight between aristocratic families and patron god clans finally, Xia Tian does not want also to draw the patron god clan, if it's going to be like this, he harmed the patron god clan. “没什么,去准备一下吧,就要开始了。”夏天可不想将帅虎牵扯进来,虽然虎帅也是帝级二十品,但虎帅依然不可能是世家家主的对手,而且一旦他们想要保护夏天,那最后就可能演变成世家和守护神族之间的战斗了,夏天可不想将守护神族也拉进来,这样做的话,那他就是害了守护神族的。 When the time comes solely is not Yu Clan, even other aristocratic families will also seize the chance to begin. 到时候不单单是一个羽家,甚至其他的世家也会趁机动手。 Once the chaos caused by war happened, that result is no one can expect. 一旦战乱发生,那结果就是没有人可以预料的。 At night approaches! 黑夜来临! Moved. 动了。 Xia Tian their plans have also started. 夏天他们的计划也已经开始了。 Really. 果然。 Also shortly, around Xia Tian residence is the person. 还没过多长时间,夏天住处周围就已经全都是人了。 Kill! 杀! Storm! 强攻! These people are to want storm Xia Tian here. 那些人是想要强攻夏天这里。 Came.” The right hand of Xia Tian wields. “来了。”夏天的右手一挥。 The kestrel presents in his hands, a sword cuts later. 红鹰出现在他的手中,随后一剑斩出。 ! 噗! These people who the front to/clashes all finish a job the foot, this is Xia Tian attacks intentionally, because he wants to leave behind the lives of these people, following time, he can a better attack. 面前冲过来的那些人全都断手断脚,这是夏天故意这么攻击的,因为他想要留下这些人的性命,后面的时候,他才能更好的攻击。 Tread! 踏! Xia Tian forwarded two steps, later his vision looked to the front, his front, all was various Expert, enough several thousand people: Person are really many.” 夏天向前走了两步,随后他的目光看向了前方,他的前方,全都是各种各样高手,足足几千号人:“人还真不少啊。” He was understands now, these people are to extinguish now fast kill Xia Tian, took away on Xia Tian all. 他现在算是明白了,那些人现在是想要快速灭杀夏天,拿走夏天身上的一切。 Spares nothing that. 是不惜一切代价的那种。 Bang! 轰! Xia Tian several time attack. The front person also is unceasing. 夏天的几次攻击下来。前方的人也全都是不断的到底。 Bang! 砰! At this moment, the attacks of some people hit on the body of Xia Tian. 就在这时,有人的攻击打在了夏天的身上。 Flaming Monarch Armor blocked this attack, the body of Xia Tian was also the bank. 帝王火甲挡住了这的攻击,不过夏天的身体也是侧飞了出去。 Expert!” The body of Xia Tian moves. 高手!”夏天的身体一动。 The mirror of water! 水之镜! At this time he also turned on the mirror of water directly. 此时他也是直接打开了水之镜。 Copes with this Expert, fighting vigorously is not the great idea. 对付这种高手,力战并不是什么好主意。 Mirror of type of imaginary technique emperor water, the biggest use also here, can be used to confuse the opponent, conducts the protracted time, at this time these attack his person, all entered inside of mirror of water. 水之镜这种幻术帝器,最大的用处也就在这里,可以用来迷惑对手,进行拖延时间,此时这些进攻他的人,也是全都进入到了水之镜的里面。 The blade of water! 水之刃! The attack of Xia Tian also started. 夏天的攻击也开始了。 He avoids vital point of these people intentionally. 他故意避开那些人的要害 So long as delayed the time to be good, protracted a while, the tiger led to hurry back.” Xia Tian this time vision also looked that sneak attacked own person to that. “只要拖延时间就好了,拖延一会儿,虎帅就能赶回来了。”夏天此时的目光也看向了那个偷袭自己的人。 Really!! 果然!! This person is high-level, 这个人是高层, Xia Tian remembers that this person, this person is emperor level ten nine chief ministers of state Expert, is the general of black wind area patron god clan, before material Xia Tian of this person, has looked. 夏天记得这个人,这个人是帝级十九品的高手,也是黑风区守护神族的一名将军,这个人的资料夏天之前看过了。 Place of altogether eight generals protection, including seven are emperor level ten nine chief ministers of state Expert, this person, is one of them. 守护之地一共有八个将军,其中有七个是帝级十九品的高手,这个人,就是其中之一。 unexpectedly General even/including the person of this level was infiltrated, no wonder will have the crisis of extermination of the clan.” Northern God Monarch said. 居然连将军这个层面的人都被渗透进来了,难怪会有灭族的危机。”北国神王说道。 Actually I suspected, mother -in-law has long known all these, but she thinks that she was old, has not changed all these abilities, but she also knows that I and you had the relations, I who therefore selected.” Xia Tian sees own suspicion not wrong, therefore also understands reason that protects a clan true extermination of the clan. “其实我怀疑,婆婆早就已经知道这一切了,只不过她认为自己年纪大了,已经没有改变这一切的能力了,而她还知道我和你有关系,所以才选中的我。”夏天看到自己的猜想没有错,所以也明白守护一族真正灭族的原因了。 General! 将军! Under a person, above 7 billion people. 一人之下,七十亿人之上啊。 Such person was infiltrated, once makes war, such person is doing the destruction, collaborates from outside with the inside with the enemy, the patron god clan did not exterminate the clan blames. 这样的人都被渗透进来了,那一旦开战,这样的人在搞破坏,和敌人里应外合,守护神族不灭族都怪了。 ! 呼! Xia Tian long expiration. 夏天长长的吐了一口气。 The blade of water is attacking unceasingly, these people are also defending, moreover they see is the Water Dragon powerful incomparable attacks, does not dare to advance recklessly. 水之刃不断的攻击着,那些人也是在防御着,而且他们看到的一个个都是水龙强大无比的攻击,也都是不敢冒进。 It seems like the mirror and water blade of water also really scary, temporarily constrains them, was and other tigers led.” Xia Tian understands, chases down tiger graceful these people, the strength definitely is very formidable, when they bump into the tiger to be graceful, will be taken fast. “看来水之镜和水之刃还真的唬人啊,暂时算是拖住他们了,接下来就是等虎帅回来了。”夏天明白,去追杀虎帅的那些人,实力肯定是非常强悍的,不过在他们碰到虎帅的时候,都会被快速拿下。 Waiting! 等待! When Xia Tian waited for a half hour. 夏天等待了半个小时的时候。 The tiger graceful caught up. 虎帅赶了过来。 The mirror and water blade of this time water have consumed inside person was similar. 此时的水之镜和水之刃已经将里面的人消耗的差不多了。 Em? 恩? That general as if also felt that had the issue. 那名将军似乎也感觉到有问题了。 ! 噗! Cuts to kill. 斩杀。 He cuts to kill subordinate directly. 他直接将自己身边的手下斩杀。 He understands probably Xia Tian must do, although his subordinate was injured, but had not actually died, therefore this is Xia Tian must catch the living witness. 他好像明白夏天要干什么了,虽然他的手下都受伤了,但却并没有死亡的,所以这就是夏天要抓活口。 Now. 现在。 He also own subordinate killing. 他也是将自己的手下一个一个的杀死。 This fellow, he discovered.” Xia Tian does not have the means to prevent him, his strength too formidable. “这个家伙,他发现了啊。”夏天也没有办法阻止他,他的实力太强悍了。 At this time. 此时。 These people were all dying unceasingly. 这些人全都在不断的死亡着。 Stop!” The tiger led, held the shoulder of that person directly: unexpectedly is you!” “住手!”虎帅冲了进来,直接将那个人的肩膀抓住:“居然是你!” Escape! 逃! That person wants to escape. 那个人想要逃。 But how the tiger leads possibly to him the opportunity, the tiger leads, if outside tackled top Expert, possibly also unusual trouble, but copes with his these subordinates, the issue is not big, because he too understood the ability of own each subordinate, therefore several rounds, grasped oneself subordinate. 但虎帅怎么可能会给他机会呢,虎帅如果对付外面的顶尖高手,可能还会非常的麻烦,但对付他的这些手下,问题还是不大的,因为他太了解自己每一个手下的能力了,所以几个回合,就将自己的手下拿住了。 Comes the person, gives me to bring to get down.” The tiger led the seal the dantian of that general. “来人,给我带下去。”虎帅封印了那个将军的丹田。 What kind of?” Xia Tian asked. “怎么样?”夏天问道。 My there also catches a general, but he all killed oneself subordinate.” The tiger graceful said. “我那里也抓到一个将军,不过他将自己的手下全都杀了。”虎帅说道。 Em, right, do not forget the linked strategies, two generals were grasped, I am worried also to have others, these people will silence a witness of crime, therefore you must with coming up now, moreover must hide.” Xia Tian said. “恩,对了,别忘了连环计,两个将军被抓,我担心还有其他人,那些人会杀人灭口,所以现在你必须跟上去,而且要隐藏起来。”夏天说道。 Good!” The tiger graceful nods, later walked. “好!”虎帅点了点头,随后走了出去。 After two hours . 两个小时后。 The tiger graceful news passed on: Altogether catches the general three people, cuts to kill the traitor within 4729 people, captures alive 9760 people, now most people are still interrogating, but some people have started to confess 虎帅的消息传过来了:“一共抓到将军三人,斩杀内奸四千七百二十九人,活捉九千七百六十人,现在大部分人还在审讯,不过已经有人开始招供了” Really quick.” Northern God Monarch says with emotion. “真快啊。”北国神王感慨道。 Yes, this matter must be quick, once otherwise disclosed the news, that late, this night, being doomed is not tranquil, perhaps to after dawn, patron god clan in also on thorough did not have the traitor within.” Xia Tian can also all look for all traitors within in the pray. “是啊,这种事情必须快,否则一旦走漏了消息,那就晚了,这个黑夜,注定是不宁静的,也许到天亮之后,守护神族里面也就彻底的没有了内奸了。”夏天也是在祈祷能够将所有的内奸全都找出来。 You had changed the destiny of patron god clan, caught these people, is the people of holding an important post, they were grasped, that following war, the patron god clan will not have the too big trouble.” Northern God Monarch also has to acknowledge, because of a person, the patron god clan changed the destiny. “你已经改变了守护神族的命运,抓到的这些人,都是身居要职的人,他们被抓出来,那接下来的大战,守护神族就不会有太大的麻烦了。”北国神王也不得不承认,因为一个人,守护神族改变了命运。 Xia Tian. 夏天 Thorough revived the patron god clan. 彻底的救活了守护神族。 Day in gradually shines. 天在渐渐的亮起。 Xia Tian is also waiting for the news, the interrogation method of patron god clan, therefore Xia Tian does not need to be worried about anything, dawn, all are also this/should conclusion time. 夏天也在等待着消息,守护神族的审讯手段还是可以的,所以夏天也不需要担心什么,天亮了,一切也就是该结束的时候。 Does not know that this time, will have the big harvest.” Xia Tian said. “不知道这一次,会有多大的收获啊。”夏天说道。 After dawn, even if later you make the people of all patron god clans bring death, they.” Northern God Monarch said. “天亮之后,哪怕以后你让所有守护神族的人去送死,他们也会去了。”北国神王说道。
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