AS :: Volume #70

#6925: Black Dragon School eldest child's secret

The red robe clearly has the interest looks at front person, he does not know that front person is Xia Tian, otherwise his hesitant such a long time, his will not actually have planned at heart, if strength of opposite party, oneself have not seized the chance to kill Xia Tian, killed in any case mistakenly regarding oneself also no. 红袍显然是非常有兴致的看着面前的人,他并不知道面前的人就是夏天,否则他也不会犹豫这么长时间了,不过他的心里却已经算计好了,如果对方的实力没有自己强的话,那自己就趁机杀了夏天,反正杀错了对于自己来说也没什么。 If the strength of opposite party is immeasurably deep, oneself can also probe is Xia Tian. 如果对方的实力深不可测的话,那自己也能试探出来是不是夏天了。 His unusual understanding Xia Tian. 他非常的了解夏天 It can be said. 可以说。 Xia Tian each same skill and aura he understood, therefore Xia Tian really sudden grows to this situation even, he can still investigate a difference of faint trace. 夏天的每一样本事和气息他都非常了解,所以就算是夏天真的突然成长到这种地步,他也能探查出一丝丝的异样。 When the time comes is he can distinguish the opposite party Xia Tian. 到时候他就能分辨出对方到底是不是夏天了。 „If Xia Tian, I will spare nothing to cut to kill you, if is really not, perhaps that also has what secret, can investigate together.” The killing heart of red robe to Xia Tian is intense, because initially when that small place, Xia Tian has beaten him. “如果是夏天,那我就会不惜一切代价斩杀你,如果真的不是,那说不定也有什么秘密,可以一起探查。”红袍对夏天的杀心可是非常强烈的,因为当初在那个小地方的时候,夏天击败过他。 At that time he believes, oneself there is invincible, but same lost to Xia Tian. 当时他认为,自己在那里是无敌的,可一样输给了夏天 Therefore this time he personally acts, because he cannot make Xia Tian continue absolutely to grow, otherwise and other Xia Tian really grow, he is also the same is not the Xia Tian opponent. 所以这次他才亲自出面,因为他绝对不能让夏天继续成长下去了,否则等夏天真的成长起来,那他也一样不是夏天的对手。 If on Heavenly Formation Continent he truly frightened person, that only has one, that is: Xia Tian!! 如果说天阵大陆上他真正恐惧的人,那就只有一个,那就是:夏天!! Hey, the sword sect, prepares the good words, I attacked.” Xia Tian shouted one. “喂,剑宗的,准备好的话,我就攻击了。”夏天喊了一声。 The sword of red robe lifts directly: Come.” 红袍的剑直接抬起:“来吧。” Bang! 轰! Follows his sound falls, together the powerful pressure directly falls on his body, later he felt oneself Divine Soul started absent-minded: What?” 伴随他的声音落下的时候,一道强大的威压直接落在了他的身上,随后他感觉自己的神魂都开始恍惚了:“什么?” Bang! 砰! The body of red robe started to retreat several steps. 红袍的身体开始向后退了几步。 At this time his complexion very ugly, that flash, he felt a moment ago oneself Divine Soul must be defeated and dispersed. 此时他的脸色非常的难看,刚才那一瞬间,他感觉自己的神魂都要溃散了。 Good, emperor level 17 Expert of sword sect, and has soon entered the emperor level 18, no wonder can be so strong in the place of spent clay.” Xia Tian stands there, on his face is very optional facial expression, seems like a keeping aloof feeling. “不错嘛,剑宗的帝级十七品高手,而且已经快要进入帝级十八品,难怪可以在废土之地这么强势。”夏天站在那里,他的脸上全都是非常随意的神情,就好像是一副高高在上的感觉。 Overlooks the red robe. 俯视红袍。 The red robe does not like the attitude of front this person. 红袍非常不喜欢面前这个人的态度。 But means that he also has no. 但他也没有任何的办法。 Because of that flash, he has lost to the opposite party, the opposite party, if while his distracted time sneak attacks, oneself will definitely be injured. 因为刚才的那一瞬间,他已经输给了对方,对方如果趁着他精神恍惚的时候偷袭的话,那自己肯定会受伤。 Relax, I will not continue to begin, I am not my younger brother, I do not like killing people, if my younger brother, he will not manage you absolutely is the person of sword sect, will therefore see with my long exactly the same next time, the whole body murderous aura person, try not to provoke him, because his temperament is very big.” The Xia Tian reminder said. “放心吧,我不会继续动手的,我不是我弟弟,我不喜欢杀人,如果是我弟弟,他绝对不会管你是不是剑宗的人,所以下次见到和我长的一模一样,浑身杀气的人,尽量不要招惹他,因为他脾气很大。”夏天提醒道。 Thunder Little Tian younger brother. 小天的弟弟。 Hears here time, the red robe also remembered in the innermost feelings. 听到这里的时候,红袍在内心之中也记住了。 He looked, front person truly did not like slaughtering, but he is also reminding himself probably, therefore he also starts to dread that younger brother in Xia Tian mouth in the innermost feelings now. 他看出来了,面前这个人确实不怎么喜欢杀戮,而他好像也是在提醒自己,所以他现在也是在内心之中开始忌惮起来夏天口中的那个弟弟了。 Boy who he just did not make a debut. 他不是刚刚初出茅庐的小子。 He also understands, on Heavenly Formation Continent crouching tiger , hidden dragon. 他也明白,天阵大陆上卧虎藏龙。 Everywhere is Expert. 到处都是高手 Good, I remembered, later I have the time to come to look your, next time will come, did not fight.” The red robe is on good terms obviously Xia Tian, he also saw this Xia Tian is not simple, younger brother who not to mention he also likes slaughtering behind. “好,我记下了,以后我有时间会过来看你的,下次过来,就不是打架了。”红袍显然是在交好夏天,他也看出了这个夏天的不简单,更不用说他身后还有一个喜欢杀戮的弟弟了。 Such person, can become friends with must become friends with, after all no one can guarantee after oneself, does not encounter some difficulties. 这样的人,能够结交还是要结交的,毕竟谁也不能保证自己以后不遇到一些困难。 Good.” Xia Tian nods. “好。”夏天点了点头。 Red robe turn around left, after he leaves. 红袍转身离开了,在他离开之后。 In small alley. 一个小巷子里面。 Body directly by above wall: What is this attacks? The opportunity why I make a move does not have, suffered such heavy losses?” 身体直接靠在了墙壁之上:“这是什么攻击?为什么我连出手的机会都没有,就遭受了这样的重创?” Before Xia Tian hospital gate . 夏天的医馆门前。 Your boy mandate of heaven is big, that red robe sword waited on was too negligent, a Divine Soul defense did not have, therefore I can easily beat him, but did not have the means that could not kill him, he after all was the person of sword sect, although I can control his flash, but also can only control such 2-3, but your strength and his disparity were too big, cannot enter the body.” The Northern God Monarch reminder said. “你小子还真命大啊,那个红袍剑侍太大意了,一点神魂防御都没有,所以我才能这么轻松的击败他,不过也没办法,杀不了他的,他毕竟是剑宗的人,我虽然可以控制住他一瞬间,但也只能控制那么2-3下,而你的实力和他差距太大了,根本就进不了身。”北国神王提醒道。 I understand, otherwise has killed him.” Xia Tian also wants to cut to kill the red robe. “我明白,否则早就干掉他了。”夏天也是非常想要斩杀红袍的。 Red robe person, so long as gives him the opportunity, he will be will not let off absolutely. 红袍这个人,只要给他机会,那他是绝对不会放过的。 Right, the boy, how you ran here to open the hospital, how not in Black Dragon School?” Northern God Monarch asked. “对了,小子,你怎么跑这里开起医馆了,怎么不在黑龙学府了?”北国神王问道。 I graduated.” Xia Tian said. “我毕业了啊。”夏天说道。 Graduation, shit, your brat, who makes you graduate? How you did not wait for me to restore to discuss that I made you go to Black Dragon School, was becomes the eldest child.” Northern God Monarch incomparably depressed saying. “毕业,我靠,你个臭小子,谁让你毕业的啊?你怎么不等我恢复了商量商量啊,我让你去黑龙学府,是去当老大的。”北国神王无比郁闷的说道。 You also know I do not like becoming that what eldest child.” Xia Tian said. “你也知道我不喜欢当那种什么老大的。”夏天说道。 No, when eldest child to seek for thousand machine-drawns, once found thousand machine-drawns, you can find the secret of Black Dragon School, when the time comes your strength will turn time of growth, most young and old to 450 million also No problem.” Northern God Monarch indignant saying. “不,当老大是为了寻找千机引啊,一旦找到了千机引,你就能找到黑龙学府的一个秘密,到时候你的实力就会翻倍的增长,最少长到四五千万也没问题啊。”北国神王气愤的说道。 é!? Senior, how you me did not tell that earlier, I go back to go to school now.” Xia Tian very speechless saying. 额!?“前辈,你怎么不早点跟我说啊,我现在就回去重新上学。”夏天非常无语的说道。 Was useless, you have graduated, did not have the opportunity, thousand machine-drawns were will not look for you absolutely again, I was also thinking, you can depend on a ghost jade to knit the clothing/taking these people, then little subdued them, you can become the eldest children of Black Dragon School, now looks like, you really missed such good opportunity.” Northern God Monarch helpless saying. “没用了,你已经毕业了,就没有机会了,千机引是绝对不会再找你了,原本我还想着,你可以靠着鬼头玉将那些人都打服,然后一点点的收服他们,你就能当上黑龙学府的老大了,现在看来,你是真的错过这么好的机会了。”北国神王无奈的说道。 What are thousand machine-drawns?” Xia Tian puzzled asking. “千机引到底是什么啊?”夏天不解的问道。 It can be said that a person, the person who also it can be said that to protect to have, all previous Black Dragon School eldest children can obtain his direction, where even if the presidents of Black Dragon School could not find thousand machine-drawns to be.” Northern God Monarch shakes the head, obviously was wants to say Xia Tian, but has not known that should say what was good. “可以说是一个人,也可以说是一个为了守护而存在的人,只有历届的黑龙学府老大才能得到他的指引,就算是黑龙学府的校长都找不到千机引在哪。”北国神王摇了摇头,显然是想要说夏天,但还不知道该说什么好了。 „, Is good to owe.” Xia Tian is also incomparably depressed saying. “啊,好亏啊。”夏天也是无比郁闷的说道。 Ok, it seems like that this opportunity does not belong your, but the secret of place of spent clay are many, this opportunity has not held, next time.” Northern God Monarch said. “算了,看来这个机遇不是属于你的,不过废土之地的秘密很多,这次机会没抓住,还有下一次。”北国神王说道。 Right, Senior Northern (Bei Guo), a moment ago your attack what's the matter? You now are not only then does Divine Soul exist? How do you launch the attack?” Xia Tian suddenly wants, before him with the red robe fight, neglected this point, but at this time, he made a sound suddenly. “对了,北国前辈,刚才你的攻击是怎么回事?你现在不是只有神魂存在吗?你是怎么发动攻击的?”夏天突然想向了起来,之前他在和红袍战斗,也就忽略了这一点,可此时,他突然响了起来。 This wanted many thanks to you boys, your boy gave my cultivation method, opened up a brand-new path to me, I have felt, so long as my cultivation two Realm, I can go out from your knowledge sea again, existed in the way of Divine Soul body, but my striking power will not compare my past difference, even I also had the opportunity that continued cultivation to get down, so long as my cultivation, my strength will have exceeded the emperor level 20.” “这就要多亏你小子了,你小子给我的修炼方法,给我开创了一条全新的道路,我已经感觉到,只要我再修炼两个境界,我就能从你的识海里面出去,以神魂体的方式存在,而我的攻击力也一点都不会比我当年的差,甚至我还有了继续修炼下去的机会,只要我一直修炼,那我的实力就会超过帝级二十品。” ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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