AS :: Volume #70

#6923: I called thunder Little Tian

Tread! 踏! ? Xia Tian forwarded one step, he understands, oneself must hit, if did not hit, by the astuteness of red robe, will also suspect him, moreover Brother person also said that red robe time killed many people, he held the attitude of rather killing does not let off mistakenly. ?夏天向前走了一步,他明白,自己必须打,如果不打,以红袍的精明,同样会怀疑他,而且海哥的人也说了,红袍这次来杀了很多人,他是抱着宁可杀错绝不放过的态度。 Therefore this time he not only need hit, but must show own momentum. 所以这次他不但要打,而且还要打出自己的气势。 Let the red robe not dare easily begins to oneself. 让红袍不敢轻易的对自己动手。 If oneself display is the ant strength that type can pinch conveniently, that red robe did not mind pinches absolutely him, so long as killed him, he really or false was obvious. 如果自己表现出来的就是那种随手可以捏死的蚂蚁实力,那红袍绝对不介意将他捏死,只要杀了他,那他是真的还是假的就非常显而易见了。 Killed right. 杀对了。 He gained. 他赚了。 Killed mistakenly, that was also indifferent. 杀错了,那也无所谓。 This play. 这场戏。 Xia Tian can only win. 夏天只能赢。 It seems like I very long have not really killed people.” The right hand of Xia Tian pinches today, breaks a meatless fast with you.” “看来我是真的很久没杀人了啊。”夏天的右手一捏“今天,就拿你开开荤吧。” Extremely arrogant! 狂妄! It looks like in five thunder, front brat simply was too extremely arrogant, oneself cannot let off him absolutely. Otherwise own face lost completely. 在五雷看来,面前这个臭小子简直就是太狂妄了,自己绝对不能放过他。否则自己的面子就丢光了。 Ka ka! 咔咔! The powerful thunder light covered entirely his whole body instantaneously. 强大的雷光瞬间布满了他的全身。 Whiz! 嗖! Moved. 动了。 He in that moment, seems flashing of thunder and lightning is the same, his powerful offensive also pounded in the flash on the body of Xia Tian. 他在动的那一刻,就仿佛是雷电的闪动一样,他的强大攻击也是在一瞬间砸在了夏天的身上。 Ended!? The surrounding person all thinks that Xia Tian ended. 完了!?周围的人全都认为夏天完了。 The strength strongest destruction strength of thunder and lightning . Moreover the meaning that Xia Tian had not defended a moment ago, such fearful attack pounds on the body of Xia Tian, perhaps that Xia Tian has been rumbled now the sediment the internal organs. 雷电的力量可是最强的毁灭力量啊,而且夏天刚才根本就没有丝毫防御的意思,这么可怕的攻击砸在夏天的身上,那夏天现在恐怕连内脏都已经被轰成渣滓了。 Good! 好! In the eye of beautiful woman jade is excited, obviously she wants to see such scene. 美人玉的眼睛里面全都是兴奋,显然她是非常希望看到这样的场面的。 The grain has not said anything, obviously this scene he has seen were too many. 五谷并没有说什么,显然这种场面他已经见的太多了。 As for opposite Xia Tian, he will not go to the manages life. 至于对面的夏天,他才不会去管死活。 Brother and sea he are not cruel enough to look. 海哥和海丫已经不忍心去看了。 Bang! 砰! At this moment, giant impact noise appeared. 就在这时,一道巨大的撞击声出现了。 What?” The grain is startled immediately. “什么?”五谷顿时一惊。 Other person vision are also quickly look to there. 其他的人目光也是急忙向那里看去。 At this time Xia Tian front has a giant gulf, but five thunder whole person also lie down in the gulf at this time directly, the life and death does not know. 此时夏天的前面有一个巨大的深坑,而五雷整个人此时也是直接躺在深坑之中,生死不知。 é!? Brother and sea he looked at each other one, on their faces is inconceivable. 额!?海哥和海丫对视了一眼,他们两个的脸上全都是不可思议。 Is impossible, how is this possible?” Beautiful woman jade also shaking the head of keeping, obviously front situation is big was not as she expected, in her eyes, the grains and five thunder are topest Expert, is now, five thunder unexpectedly made into this by front brat. “不可能,这怎么可能?”美人玉也是在不停的摇头,显然面前的情况已经是大大的出乎她的意料了,在她的眼中,五谷和五雷都是最顶尖的高手,可是现在,五雷居然被面前的这个臭小子打成了这样。 Plays the thunder before me? Does not know that I am called thunder Little Tian? The Yu Clan person does not dare to play the thunder before me casually.” Xia Tian stands there, on his face does not have any expression. “在我面前玩雷?不知道我叫做雷小天吗?就连羽家的人也不敢在我面前随便玩雷。”夏天站在那里,他的脸上没有任何的表情。 However obviously his has given everyone enough shock. 但是显然他的这一下已经给了所有人足够的震撼了。 Actually the strengths of ten thousand thunder are very strong, what a pity he too relied on the strength of oneself thunder and lightning. 其实万雷的实力真的很强,可惜他太依赖自己的雷电之力了。 Xia Tian when helps Northern God Monarch resist a day of tribulation, that was all absorbed the Northern God Monarch day tribulation, therefore just under he used was also the strength of thunder and lightning, the thunder that but he used was the thunder of day of tribulation, true destructive thunder, therefore five thunder did not have the opportunity of resistance, this was handled by him directly. 夏天在帮北国神王对抗天劫的时候,那可是将北国神王的天劫全都吸收了,所以刚下他使用的也是雷电之力,只不过他使用的雷是天劫之雷,真正毁灭性的雷,所以五雷连反抗的机会都没有,就这样直接被他搞定了。 Em? 恩? The red robe stands in secret, him also stares at this time. 红袍站在暗中,此时他也是一愣。 He has not thought that the boy who oneself want to test, unexpectedly used the strength of such powerful thunder and lightning interesting, wanted to have a look at him to have the issue, even No problem, must kill, rather killed wrong, cannot let off, but, his unexpectedly also had such skill, that cannot act rashly, moreover he in making a move, I have not induced on him to any Xia Tian aura.” 他没想到,自己想要试探的这个小子,居然使用出了这么强大的雷电之力“有意思,原本还想要看看他有没有问题呢,就算是没问题,也要杀了,宁可杀错,不能放过,但没想到,他居然还有这样的本事,那就不能轻举妄动了啊,而且他在出手的时候,我没有在他身上感应到任何夏天的气息。” At this time! 此时! Although he still a little suspected, but also a little suspected. 他虽然依然是有点怀疑,但也只是有点怀疑了。 Even can say, front he does not suspect this person. 甚至可以说,他已经不怀疑面前这个人了。 Five thunder!” The grain quickly ran, he wants to draw five thunder bodies. “五雷!”五谷急忙跑了上去,他想要去拉五雷的身体。 Ka ka!? The strength of powerful thunder tribulation has not diverged completely, therefore grain also by strength of slight attack thunder tribulation, these that but on five thunder sends out at this time, is very insignificant, therefore grain not by what wound. 咔咔!?强大的雷劫之力还没有完全散去,所以五谷也被雷劫之力轻微的袭击了一下,只不过此时五雷身上散发的这些,已经很微不足道了,所以五谷并没有受什么伤。 I have said that making you not come to provoke me.” After Xia Tian said that the vision looked I had said directly to front beautiful woman jade, will not easily let off you.” “我说过,让你们别来招惹我。”夏天说完之后,目光直接看向了面前的美人玉“我说过吧,不会轻易的放过你。” Em! 恩! The beautiful woman jade in that flash, felt oneself as if stared at to be the same by the devil. 美人玉在那一瞬间,感觉自己仿佛是被魔鬼盯上了一样。 Frightened! 恐惧! This fear covered entirely her whole body instantaneously. 这种恐惧瞬间布满了她的全身。 Shivers!? Her body is also starts to shiver. 颤抖!?她的身体也是开始颤抖。 Hateful, your unexpectedly killed my younger brother.” The grain eyes are red, angry looks at five thunder. “可恶,你居然杀了我弟弟。”五谷双眼通红,愤怒的看着五雷。 If I am an average person, his, can want my life a moment ago?” Xia Tian looked asked you just came the time to the grain, used the law of the jungle the rule to cope with me, has not solicited my suggestions, has not thought must let off me, without listening to the friend of mine explained why I will begin, you only believe, you were Expert, how you wanted to handle me, how to handle me, but now, I am Expert, I handled you to be good with the same means.” “如果我是普通人,刚才他那一下,会不会要了我的命?”夏天看向五谷问道“你们刚来的时候,就用弱肉强食的规则来对付我,从来都没有征求过我的意见,也没想过要放过我,更没听我的朋友解释为什么我会动手,你们只认为,你们是强者,那你们想要怎么处置我,就怎么处置我,可现在,我是强者,那我就用相同的办法来处置你们好了。” Ka!? In a flash. 咔!?一瞬间。 Around the body of Xia Tian covered entirely the thunder and lightning. 夏天的身体周围布满了雷电。 A moment ago this thunder and lightning and five thunder used may completely not be one type, the day leaves badly. 这种雷电和刚才五雷所使用的可完全不是一种啊,天差地别啊。 The thunder and lightning of five thunder in the front of Xia Tian thunder and lightning, look like the child to be the same completely. 五雷的雷电在夏天雷电的面前,完全就像是小孩子一样。 What?” On the face of grain is the color of shock, he also wants to rush for oneself younger brother a moment ago revenges, but he discovers now, oneself radically not close to the opposite party, but own body has started to be numb, if do approach the opposite party? “什么?”五谷的脸上全都是震惊之色,他刚才还想冲上去替自己的弟弟报仇,可是现在他发现,自己根本就没有靠近对方,可是自己的身体已经开始发麻了,那如果自己靠近对方呢? Does not dare to imagine. 不敢想象啊。 Such matter seems like such terrifying. 这样的事情看上去是那么的恐怖。 He has believed, oneself younger brother cultivation thunder and lightning, should not be weak in the Yu Clan thunder and lightning, but he has not thought, in this world, unexpectedly also has such powerful thunder and lightning strength, before this and him, sees, is completely not a rank. 他一直认为,自己弟弟修炼的雷电,应该是已经不弱于羽家的雷电了,可是他没想到,这个世界上,居然还有这么强大的雷电力量,这和他之前看到的,完全不是一个级别啊。 This flash! 这一瞬间! He revolts did not have at heart. 他连反抗的心里都没有了。 Why he does not understand, oneself unexpectedly will have this type at heart. 他不明白为什么,自己居然会有这种心里。 What powerful enemy before no matter he saw, has not had this feeling. 以前不管他见到什么样强大的敌人,都没有过这种感觉。 So to be how strong, is this human? My fear so will be why serious, the feeling why I revolt against does not have, was actually my how?” Grain in innermost feelings unceasing is struggling. “怎么会这么强,这还是人类吗?为什么我的恐惧会这么严重,为什么我连反抗的感觉都没有,我这究竟是怎么了?”五谷在内心之中不断的挣扎着。 Whiz!? 嗖!? Saw that Xia Tian must begin to kill people, at this moment, a pretty form comes mister from the distant long-range raid directly, please accept to be forgiving.” 眼看着夏天就要动手杀人,就在这时,一道靓丽的身影直接从远方奔袭而来“先生,请收下留情。” Hears this sound time, the body of beautiful woman jade instantaneously weak on the ground. 听到这个声音的时候,美人玉的身体瞬间瘫软在地上了。 This time she, as if pulled out to empty by the soul was the same, but she understands, oneself present can relax finally. 此时的她,仿佛是被灵魂都掏空了一样,但她自己明白,自己现在是终于可以松一口气了。
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