AS :: Volume #65

#6468: formidable acts

Although similarly is the Saint level eight, but Xia Tian absolutely is Saint level eight in strength strongest existences, his strength, dominates above the same rank completely, the strength of courtesan in his eyes, is completely not anything. 虽然同样是圣级八品,但夏天绝对是圣级八品里面实力最强的存在,他的实力,完全是凌驾于同级别之上的,花柳的实力在他的眼中,完全就不算什么。 Easily defeats. 轻松击败。 What?” The body hit of ruthlessly courtesan above the ground, at this time his on the face is the inconceivable facial expression, obviously the opposite party is only the Saint level eight, just like him, but why can beat itself in the flash? “什么?”花柳的身体狠狠的撞击在了地面之上,此时他的脸上全都是不可思议的神情,明明对方只是圣级八品啊,和他一样,可是为什么能够在一瞬间击败自己呢? This matter is not really able to imagine. 这种事情真的是无法想象啊。 With that day that since I oppose, will be doomed you to have such fate.” After Xia Tian said that moved toward the courtesan directly. “和我作对的那一天起,就注定了你会有这样的下场。”夏天说完之后,直接走向了花柳。 Stop!” The courtesan behind that man of quickly shouts. “住手!”花柳身后的那名男子急忙喊道。 Em?” Xia Tian looked to that man: A while tidies up you again!” “恩?”夏天看向了那名男子:“一会儿再收拾你!” I make you stop, he is the Huagangshan greatly young master, if you killed him, you thorough with Huagangshan was the enemy, when the time comes you same must die.” That man shouts again. “我让你住手,他可是花岗山大当家的公子,如果你杀了他,那你就彻底的和花岗山为敌了,到时候你一样是要死。”那个男子再次喊道。 What's the big deal? I did not kill him, can't we for the enemy?” Saying that Xia Tian disdains, he saw this matter, can say, the homicide did not kill the opposite party, that Huagangshan can with him for the enemy . Moreover the personality of by courtesan, will not let off him absolutely. “那又如何?难道我不杀他了,我们就不会为敌了吗?”夏天非常不屑的说道,他见惯了这种事情,可以说,他杀不杀对方,那花岗山都是会和他为敌的,而且以花柳的性格,也绝对不会放过他。 Courtesan does not die, you are not do not die the continuous scene, if the courtesan died, that Huagangshan can not die with you when the time comes continuous, all and your concerned people.” That man said. “花柳不死,你们就不是不死不休的场面,如果花柳死了,那到时候花岗山一定会和你不死不休,还有所有和你们有关的人。”那个男子说道。 A Xia Tian brow wrinkle. 夏天的眉头一皱。 Moreover I with you said directly, my rescuing is Butler of Li, although I am not the person of aristocratic family, but you should understand that Butler in the position of aristocratic family, person who I must deal with, no one can preserve, today's matter I, I guaranteed even after me, will not feel embarrassed you, but you cannot kill the courtesan.” That man said directly. “而且我直接和你说吧,我的救救是李家的管家,虽然我不是世家的人,但你应该明白管家在世家的地位,我要对付的人,没有人可以保得住,今天的事情我就算了,我保证我以后不会为难你,但你不能杀花柳。”那个男子直接说道。 Threat. 威胁啊。 His started to threaten Xia Tian. 他这是开始威胁夏天了。 Xia Tian also understands, with own character, with here aristocratic family or the big influence on on is sooner or later matter, who was not understood to lower the head by oneself, does not want to offend, has offended. 夏天也明白,以自己的性格,和这里的世家或者大势力对上是早晚的事情,谁让自己不懂得低头呢,可不想得罪,也已经得罪了。 If oneself put them to leave like this, after that also same is troublesome. 如果自己就这样放他们离开的,那以后也一样是麻烦。 Whiz! 嗖! When Xia Tian hesitates, the body of courtesan rushed to Xia Tian instantaneously behind, in the hand the long spear/gun pierced brave they five bodies later directly. 就在夏天犹豫的时候,花柳的身体瞬间冲到了夏天的身后,随后手中长枪直接刺穿了勇一他们五个的身体。 What?” Xia Tian stares immediately, he has not thought that courtesan unexpectedly at this time, but also dares to sneak attack, moreover killed brave one their five directly. “什么?”夏天顿时一愣,他没想到,花柳居然在这个时候,还敢偷袭,而且是直接杀了勇一他们五个。 Angry! 愤怒! This Xia Tian was really angry. 这次夏天是真的愤怒了。 Whiz! 嗖! He killed directly to the courtesan, a strength of big group pounded directly. 他直接杀向了花柳,一大团的力量直接砸了过去。 ! 呼! But at this moment, the body of courtesan by one group of water glare packages, the body vanished in directly same place. 可是就在这时,花柳的身体直接被一团水光包裹,身体消失在了原地。 Left. 离开了。 The courtesans left like this. 花柳就这样离开了。 What's the matter?” Xia Tian had not looked how completely the clear courtesan leaves here. “怎么回事?”夏天完全没看明白花柳是如何离开这里的。 However was brave their five dead, this was actually the absolutely true matter, he arrived here time, was wants to preserve their five, but he failed finally. 不过勇一他们五个死了,这却是千真万确的事情,他来到这里的时候,就是想要保住他们五个,可最后他还是失败了。 He cannot preserve these five people. 他没能保住这五个人。 Is you.” Xia Tian vision stubbornly is staring at front person, this person words of made Xia Tian produce hesitant, because of this, therefore brave their five were attacked by the courtesan. “是你。”夏天的目光死死的盯着面前的这个人,这个人刚才的话让夏天产生了犹豫,也正是因为这样,所以勇一他们五个才被花柳攻击了。 Has not related with me, is the courtesan does, is not I does.” That man quickly said. “跟我没关系,是花柳做的,又不是我做的。”那个男子急忙说道。 Bang! 砰! The place of his dantian directly by Xia Tian ruthlessly came a fist: I do not kill you, but later do not appear before me again.” 他的丹田之处直接被夏天狠狠的来了一拳:“我不杀你,但是以后你不要再出现在我面前。” Ah! 啊! The pitiful yell sound shouted from the mouth of that person. 惨叫声从那个人的口中喊出。 The dantian was destroyed, that person from now henceforth was a disabled person. 丹田被毁了,那个人从今以后就是一个废人了。 Tread! 踏! Xia Tian walks toward outside directly, in this long alley, has several corpses, but brave their corpses by Xia Tian tidying up. 夏天直接向外面走去,这条长长的巷子里面,有着几具尸体,不过勇一他们的尸体已经被夏天给收拾起来了。 Xia Tian just started to arrive at Heavenly Formation Continent time, he felt that here fills warm, when his time here lengthens, he saw the darkness of this world gradually, this world is very dark, his time was sees clearly. 夏天刚开始来到天阵大陆的时候,他感觉这里还是充满温暖的,可是当他在这里的时间变长的时候,他渐渐的看到了这个世界的黑暗,这个世界是真的很黑暗啊,他这次算是看得清清楚楚了。 No wonder everyone will tell him, compared with here, the Ziyun mountain range is a cozy nest. 难怪所有人都会告诉他,和这里相比,紫云山脉就是安乐窝。 Xia Tian found a peaceful place, the tombstones of here also many people: Here, hopes that your five can not be boring.” 夏天找了一个安静的地方,这里也有很多人的墓碑:“在这里,希望你们五个能够不无聊吧。” Softhearted! 心慈手软! If Xia Tian a moment ago were not hesitant, if were not softhearted, their five may not die. 夏天刚才如果不是犹豫了,如果不是心慈手软了,他们五个可能就不会死了。 Naturally. 当然了。 Xia Tian also understands, even if Xia Tian this time can rescue their five, but next time is uncertain, stared by these people, that fate has almost been doomed. 夏天也明白,就算是夏天这次能够救得了他们五个,但下一次也不一定,被这些人盯上,那下场几乎就已经注定了。 These people work are that resorting to all means. 这些人做事都是那种不择手段的。 By above the tombstone, Xia Tian started to drink, he bought more than ten pot liquor a moment ago. 靠在墓碑之上,夏天开始喝了起来,他刚才买了十多壶酒。 After arriving here, he finally started occurrence gradually to transform, he must from that softhearted person, turn into one cruel and merciless generation, because this world was this, law of the jungle. 来到这里之后,他终于开始渐渐的发生蜕变了,他也必须从那个心慈手软的人,变成一个心狠手辣之辈,因为这个世界就是这样,弱肉强食。 In Huagangshan. 花岗山之中。 What's the matter?” Huagangshan manages a household to see own son greatly, his son now from top to bottom is the wound, moreover his son a moment ago used, but he spends the high price to auction for the thing that his son maintains life, this thing even he, still only then, moreover buys the second money to be insufficient. “怎么回事?”花岗山的大当家看到自己的儿子,他儿子现在浑身上下全都是伤,而且刚才他儿子使用的可是他花大价钱拍卖回来为他儿子保命的东西啊,这东西就算是他,也只有一个,而且买第二个的钱都不够的。 He worried that oneself son will have an accident, gives to buy specially. 他就是担心自己的儿子会出事,才特意给买的。 But now, his son unexpectedly use. 可是现在,他儿子居然使用了。 Moreover made into this appearance. 而且还弄成了这幅模样。 Father, you must revenge for me.” The courtesan first few words flushed the amen the hatred. “父亲,您一定要替我报仇啊。”花柳第一句话就冲阿门了恨意。 Good, no matter who, dares to harm my son, I will not let off his.” Huagangshan saying of big anger. “好,不管是谁,敢这么伤害我的儿子,我都不会放过他的。”花岗山的大当家的愤怒的说道。 Tian Xia, he called Tian Xia, now in fierce Yangcheng, is he injures me.” The courtesans said. 田下,他叫田下,现在就在烈阳城,是他将我打伤的。”花柳说道。 Field? Is the people of aristocratic family?” Huagangshan greatly asking, if is really the person of aristocratic family, that troubled, he may be unable to offend the person of aristocratic family. “田?是世家的人吗?”花岗山大当家的问道,如果真的是世家的人,那就麻烦了,他可得罪不起世家的人。 No, he is only Formation Master, the ability of fight is also very formidable.” The courtesans said. “不,他只是一个阵法师,不过战斗的能力也是非常强悍的。”花柳说道。 Third child!” Huagangshan greatly loud shouting. “老三!”花岗山大当家的大声喊道。 Whiz! 嗖! Together form fast flew from outside. 一道身影快速的从外面飞了过来。 In!” “在!” You lead 100 brothers, gives me to go to fierce Yangcheng to kill a person named Tian Xia.” Huagangshan greatly shouting. “你带领一百名兄弟,给我去烈阳城杀一个叫做田下的人。”花岗山大当家的喊道。 Yes!” Three turn around leave directly. “是!”三当家的转身直接离开。 „It is not the person of aristocratic family, unexpectedly also dares to injure my son, it seems like I for a long time have not really set up the prestige very much.” Huagangshan greatly vision ice cold looks at the distant place. “不是世家的人,居然也敢伤我的儿子,看来我是真的很久都没有立威了啊。”花岗山大当家的目光冰冷的看着远方。 After that was destroyed by Xia Tian the dantian man was saved, what words had not said. 那名被夏天毁了丹田的男子被人救走之后,什么话都没有说。 What's the matter? Said.” His father anxious shouting. “怎么回事?说啊。”他父亲焦急的喊道。 But that man was anything still had not said. 可那名男子依然是什么都没有说。 Brother-in-law, what's the matter?” A man walked from outside. “姐夫,怎么回事?”一名男子从外面走了过来。 This person is rescuing of this man, is Butler of Li. 这个人就是这名男子的救救,也是李家的管家
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