AS :: Volume #63

#6298: Insta-kill of big long leg

Has the enemy, their, walking for three days was safe, Xia Tian also knows that the opposite party also wants further understanding their strength, but did not have the opportunity.! 有敌人,他们这一路,走了三天都是安全的,夏天也知道对方还想要进一步的了解他们的实力,只不过是一直都没有机会。! However now the opportunity comes. 不过现在机会来了。 Now is just right, the people of these interceptions all came. 现在正好,这些截杀的人全都来了。 Xia Tian can also set up the prestige with this opportunity. 夏天也可以用这个机会立威。 Dew point real skill.” The Xia Tian windward crane said in a low voice. “露点真本事。”夏天对风鹤低声说道。 Wind crane nod slightly, he and Xia Tian had the unusual tacit understanding early. 风鹤微微的点头,他和夏天早有非同一般的默契了。 At this time hears the Xia Tian words, he naturally also yes what's the matter, definitely is Xia Tian wish makes him set up the prestige. 此时听到夏天的话,他自然也明白是怎么回事了,肯定是夏天想要让他立威了。 Tread! 踏! He forwarded directly two steps: Rolls to me.” 他直接向前走了两步:“都给我滚出来。” greatly. 一声大喝。 The wind crane rarely spoke for these days, additional Xia Tian usually also said his unusual is not affable, therefore small 11 always do not dare to go to his side to ask the situation, now hears wind crane sudden one to drink greatly, frightening him is also the whole body trembles. 风鹤这几天很少说话,加夏天平时也说他非常的不好惹,所以小十一从来都不敢去他身边问情况,现在听到风鹤突然一声大喝,吓得他也是浑身一颤。 However he also responded quickly, definitely was the surroundings has the ambush. 不过他也是很快反应过来了,肯定是周围有埋伏。 No one comes out. 没人出来。 His vision took a fast look around two in the surroundings. 他的目光在周围扫视了两圈。 No one comes out. 还是没有人出来。 Was they misreads?” Small 11 brow wrinkles. “难道是他们看错了?”小十一的眉头一皱。 Whiz! 嗖! At this time, the body of wind crane vanished in suddenly same place, when he appeared again, his leg lengthened suddenly, swept away nearby that mountain all of a sudden directly. 在这时,风鹤的身体突然消失在了原地,当他再次出现的时候,他的腿突然变长了,一下子直接横扫到了旁边的那座山。 Rumble. 轰隆隆。 In a flash, the entire mountain was all crushed, was given the smashing by his leg. 只是一瞬间,整座山全都被粉碎了,被他这一腿给粉碎啊。 ! 啊! The pitiful yell sound passed from the mountain. 惨叫声从山里面传了出来。 My Fuck! small 11 mouths could not shut, although he had also seen fierce of wind crane before, but he has not thought such fiercely, then a mountain, his such foot kicked horizontally, directly mountain Tichuan. “我靠!”小十一的嘴巴都闭不了,虽然他之前也见过风鹤的厉害,可是他没想到这么厉害啊,那么一座山,他这样一脚横踢,直接将山踢穿了。 Moreover here unexpectedly real hiding people. 而且这里居然真的藏人了。 courting death!” The wind crane body moves, later his both legs unceasing horizontal flies, the powerful force does not have. 找死!”风鹤身体一动,随后他的双腿不断的横飞,威力强大无。 Mountain one after another was put down by him like this completely. 一座一座的山这样被他全部扫平了。 But Expert of these Mishan holes the mountain hidden were also all cut to kill by him. 而山隐藏的那些密山洞的高手也全都被他斩杀了。 Very powerful.” The young 11 whole person was shocked, although he knows before the wind crane is very fierce, but he has not thought, unexpectedly becomes this appearance fiercely, that pair of big long leg of wind crane, is fighting it, can the sudden length of side to dozens meters. “好强。”小十一整个人都惊呆了,虽然他之前知道风鹤挺厉害的,但是他没想到,居然厉害成这个样子,风鹤的那双大长腿,在战斗之,可以突然边长到数十米长。 Looks at the unusual terrifying. 看去非常的恐怖。 Any object seems the bubble is the same in his front, can crush with ease. 任何的物体在他的面前都仿佛是泡沫一样,可以轻松的粉碎。 Less than several rounds. 不到几个回合。 Surroundings that several hundred Expert, are instantaneously by Insta-kill. 周围那数百名高手,都是瞬间被秒杀 Small 11 heard the pitiful yell sound, remaining has no sound, these people do not even have the opportunity of begging for mercy, like this was cut to kill, he knows, the Mishan hole chases down his person strength definitely is very strong. 小十一只听到了惨叫声,剩下没有任何的声音,那些人甚至连求饶的机会都没有,这样被斩杀了,他知道,密山洞来追杀他的人实力肯定都是非常强的。 Handled. 搞定了。 Expert of these Mishan holes were all handled by him. 那些密山洞的高手全都被他搞定了。 That revering Senior strives to excel.” Small 11 arrived at the Xia Tian side to say. “那位尊者前辈好强啊。”小十一走到了夏天的身旁说道。 This is nothing, has not displayed including 1/10 skills.” Xia Tian very optional saying. “这算什么,连十分之一的本事都没发挥出来。”夏天非常随意的说道。 é! 额! Small 21 stare, later his face is the surprised facial expression, at this time he was also shocked completely, he quickly here situation record, will wait for one to pass on the news. 小十一一愣,随后他的脸全都是惊讶的神情,此时他也是完全被震惊了,他急忙将这里的情况记录下,等着一会将消息传回去。 This is a blockbuster news, his father gives in his mission, needs to investigate these two person strengths, now he also had a big understanding of these two people finally. 这可是一个重磅消息啊,他父亲给他的任务里面,有一个是需要探查这两个人实力的,现在他也算是终于对这两个人有了一个大的了解。 Although these two people have not fought with these top Expert, but now the minimum guarantee is, the strengths of these two people should not super Expert be weak. 虽然这两个人还并没有和那些顶尖高手交手过,不过现在最起码的保证是,这两个人的实力应该不超级高手弱。 Senior, by your such strength, if outside, that absolutely is topest Expert, can enjoy the endless glory, splendor, riches and honor.” Small ten probe from the beginning again, he said these, to discover Xia Tian their interest and weakness. 前辈,以您这样的实力,如果在外面的话,那绝对是最顶尖的高手,可以享受无尽的荣华富贵。”小十一开始再次试探,他说这些,是为了找出夏天他们的兴趣和弱点。 If looks, can report. 如果找出来的话,也可以报。 Therefore now he uses various means. 所以现在他是利用各种办法。 Brat, what is the glory, splendor, riches and honor to me? You know that I was big? I this year over 80,000 years old, you think I will care about these?” Xia Tian cast aside one slightly 11. “臭小子,荣华富贵对于我来说算什么?你知道我多大了吗?我今年都八万多岁了,你认为我会在乎那些吗?”夏天撇了一眼小十一。 But Senior, you such strong strength, if the hidden world, that were really the waste.” Small 11 has followed in Xia Tian behind, he said that several words start to commend Xia Tian, can say, people like him is very difficult to make people think repugnant. “可是前辈,您这么强的实力,如果一直隐世的话,那真的是浪费了。”小十一的一直跟在夏天的身后,他说几句话开始称赞夏天,可以说,他这样的人真的是很难让人觉得讨厌啊。 Moreover he displays also very real, if not Xia Tian knows that he harbors ulterior motives, that Xia Tian will also really be given to plan by him. 而且他表现的还非常真,如果不是夏天知道他别有用心的话,那夏天还真的会被他给算计了。 Boy, when you had the strength to understand, people like us, wanted the unceasing effort, broke through themselves and tracks down, naturally, but must protect own subordinate, therefore our two this talents will come out, otherwise our day threshold did not allow to meddle outside matter casually, after this time we handled that wind crane, wanted the horse to go back.” Xia Tian light saying. “小子,等你有了实力明白了,我们这样的人,想要不断的努力,突破和追寻自己,当然了,还要护着自己的手下,所以我们两个这次才会出来,否则我们天地门是不允许随便插手外面的事情,这次我们搞定那个风鹤之后要马回去了。”夏天淡淡的说道。 Hears the Xia Tian words, small 11 are also the unceasing nods: Senior, what do you go to the heart region to make?” 听到夏天的话,小十一也是不断的点头:“前辈,你们去心区域做什么啊?” If before, he absolutely may I ask, once because he asked that that will likely cause the suspicion of Xia Tian, therefore he waited to be familiar intentionally asked, such Xia Tian can also not have that big caution to him. 如果是之前,他绝对不敢问,因为一旦他问了,那可能会引起夏天的怀疑,所以他故意等熟悉了才去问,这样夏天也能对他没有那么大的警惕心理。 „Before looks for you, has said that North Pole wolf fang.” Xia Tian said. “去找你之前说过的那个北极狼牙。”夏天说道。 Do not look for the wind crane? How can look for the North Pole wolf fang?” Small 11 puzzled asking. “您不是要找风鹤吗?怎么又要去找北极狼牙呢?”小十一不解的问道。 It is said at that time my person hand/subordinate was first injured by the North Pole wolf fang, will therefore die in the wind crane goes well, must therefore first handle the North Pole wolf fang, he is also guilty.” Xia Tian said directly. “据说当时我手下的人是被北极狼牙先伤的,所以才会死在风鹤得手,所以必须先去搞定北极狼牙,他也有罪。”夏天直接说道。 é! 额! Hears here time, small 11 are startled immediately. 听到这里的时候,小十一顿时一惊。 This is the flash news, big matter. 这可是大新闻啊,大事情啊。 He has not thought, these two person unexpectedly must look for the trouble of North Pole wolf fang. 他没想到,这两个人居然是要去找北极狼牙的麻烦。 He does not dare to hesitate, directly used the quickest pass on message symbol, passed to his father this news directly. 他不敢犹豫,直接使用了最快的传讯符,直接将这个消息传给了他的父亲。 This news was really big, he was unable to control, now he must pass to his father this news, making his father decide, he knows, if these two people really had to cut to kill the skill of North Pole wolf fang, that matter was noisily big. 这个消息真的是太大了,他自己已经无法掌控了,现在他是要将这个消息传给他的父亲,让他的父亲定夺,他知道,如果这两个人真的有斩杀北极狼牙的本事,那事情闹大了。 Senior, you know the North Pole wolf fang fierce?” Small 11 exploratory asking. 前辈,您知道北极狼牙的厉害吗?”小十一试探性的问道。 The skill of North Pole wolf fang in the normal person eyes absolutely is the legend. 北极狼牙的本事在正常人眼绝对是传说啊。 Road inquired, heard that is very fierce, but our time comes to here, to get rid of his.” Xia Tian light saying. “路打听了一下,听说是很厉害,不过我们这次来这里,是为了干掉他的。”夏天淡淡的说道。 é! 额! Small 11 do not know at once should say what was good. 小十一一时之间不知道该说什么好了。 Clever sect it. 鬼宗之。 Em?” When the little 11 fathers see this news, stares, later his face revealed an excitement of faint trace: Interesting, was really interesting, it seems like had the good play to look.” “恩?”当小十一的父亲看到这个消息的时候,也是一愣,随后他的脸露出了一丝丝的兴奋:“有意思,真是太有意思了,看来有好戏看了。”
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