AS :: Volume #63

#6219: Walking sideways

Aristocrats! 贵族! Xia Tian they just entered to the central area time, some people told him, do not offend the aristocrat, said to all outsiders, they most curious what was your head of the clan. 夏天他们刚刚进入到中心区域的时候,就有人告诉他,千万不要得罪贵族,对所有的外来人说,他们最好奇的就是贵族长什么样。 Now Xia Tian they saw. 现在夏天他们看到了。 Naturally, before Xia Tian them, has seen a crown prince. 当然了,夏天他们之前就见过一个亲王了。 At this time Xia Tian in front of them unusual of your head of the clan is fat, the big head, the thick neck, medium sends, has an ugly and fierce look, walking time about shakes, every time walks one step, fat and is pregnant trembles, above his ten fingers is the ring, moreover is the rings of rare gem. 此时夏天他们面前的这个贵族长的非常胖,大脑袋,粗脖子,中等发,一脸横肉,走路的时候左右直晃,每走一步,身上的肥肉和大肚子都是一颤一颤的,他的十个手指之上全都是戒指,而且都是稀有宝石的戒指。 The eye is not big, but on the face actually wrote all over rude and unreasonable. 眼睛不大,但是脸上却写满了蛮横 Is bedecked with jewels all from top to bottom, moreover on the clothes has a golden line, this line Xia Tian has seen , before is on nine princes, the body of opposite party has six Gold Thread. 浑身上下全都是珠光宝气,而且衣服上有一条金黄色的线,这个线夏天见到过,也就是之前的九王爷身上,不过对方的身上有六道金线 But on this person also has together. 而这个人身上还有一道。 Here division should also be the Duke Uncle Hou child male, from the smallest start: Baron, Viscount, Count, the marquis and duke, again above was a crown prince, this person was the Baron rank.” Xia Tian answered. “这里的划分应该也是公侯伯子男,也就是从最小的开始:男爵,子爵,伯爵,侯爵和公爵,再上面就是亲王了,这个人是男爵级别。”夏天解释道。 In the wind the vision of crane has also looked at this Baron. 风中鹤的目光也是一直看着这个男爵。 Has saying that in his look is the facial expression of dislike, he solely from the walking posture and appearance on dislike this person of front person. 不得不说,他的眼神之中全都是厌恶的神情,他单单从面前这个人的走路姿势和长相就厌恶这个人。 Do not visit him with this look, was discovered troubled.” The Xia Tian reminder said. “不要一直用这种眼神看他,被发现就麻烦了。”夏天提醒道。 Em! 恩! In the wind the crane had not said that looks. 风中鹤也没有说那么看下去。 Tread! 踏! That Baron walks, seems hitting these tables intentionally, but these person of do not dare to be angry, the surrounding female service personnel quickly run the reception. 那个男爵走路的时候,仿佛是在故意撞那些桌子,但那些人一个都没有敢生气的,周围的女服务人员一个个急忙跑上来接待。 Finally that Baron arrives at that position that beforehand Xia Tian they sat. 最后那个男爵走到了之前夏天他们坐的那个位置。 Gets up.” Baron unemotional saying. “起来。”男爵面无表情的说道。 That several people without delay, quickly stood, although they are local tyrant, some also people support, but this, they still no one dare to offend the aristocrat even. 那几个人二话不说,急忙站了起来,虽然他们都是地头蛇,身后也有人撑腰,但就算是这样,他们也没有人敢得罪贵族。 The side of this aristocrat, attendant does not have, no one protects, because these he does not need. 这个贵族的身边,一个跟班的都没有,也没有人保护,因为这些他都不需要。 Anybody arrives at his front, is useless, he shouted casually, in this city guard everywhere all to/clashes immediately, moreover here business and nearby many people are also meet first to catch up with the help. 任何人来到他的面前,都是无用的,他随便一喊,这个城市里面到处的守卫就全都会立刻冲过来,而且就连这里的商家和附近很多人也都是会第一时间赶过来帮忙。 This is an aristocrat. 这就是贵族。 In the central area dominates existences absolutely in all above. 在中心区绝对是凌驾于一切之上的存在。 Sir, what do you need?” These female service personnel all kneel on the ground inquired that they do not even dare to raise the head, can say, this treatment absolutely is only then the aristocrat can have. “大人,您需要什么?”那些女服务人员全都是跪在地上询问的,她们甚至不敢抬头,可以说,这待遇绝对是只有贵族才能有的。 Although these people in tavern are still chatting, but the sound also pulled down obviously much. 酒馆内的这些人虽然还在聊着,但声音也显然是压低了不少。 This Baron is here lead, here besides him, other anybody cannot seize in his ray. 这名男爵才是这里的主角,这里除了他以外,其他的任何人都不可以夺在他的光芒。 Hahahaha!” At this moment, a person in tavern chatted suddenly happily, laughed. “哈哈哈哈!”就在这时,酒馆之内的一人突然聊开心了,大笑了起来。 His smiled, captured the attention of many. 他这一笑,吸引了不少人的目光。 That Baron is also a brow wrinkle, later stands up. 那名男爵也是眉头一皱,随后站起身来。 é! 额! Sees the Baron to stand, everyone very ominous premonitions, they felt that must have an accident, is now, they have not known that exactly what happened. 看到男爵站起来,大家都有一种非常不祥的预感,他们都感觉是要出事,可是现在,他们还不知道到底会发生什么事情。 That Baron that not the big eye is also one horizontal, looked directly to that smiling man. 那名男爵那本就不大的眼睛也是一横,直接看向了那个正在笑的男子。 The laughter of that men's speechless to stop. 那个男子的笑声哑然而止。 Flash peaceful. 一瞬间就安静了下来。 But the Baron moved toward him, sees the Baron time, he was also above the instantaneous forehead presented the sweat. 可男爵还是走向了他,看到男爵的时候,他也是瞬间额头之上就出现了汗水。 Quick, the Baron arrives at the front of that person: What do you smile?” 很快,男爵走到那个人的面前:“你笑什么?” He almost walks sideways. 他几乎是横着走过来的。 Sir, I have not smiled anything.” That person quickly said. “大人,我没笑什么。”那个人急忙说道。 „Are you laughing at me to be fat?” Asking of Baron coldly. “你是不是在笑我胖?”男爵冷冷的问道。 No.” “没。” ! 啪! His words just said that on face by Baron numerous came a palm of the hand, this palm of the hand very resounding, that person who pulls out directly sees stars, he can actually hide a moment ago, because the speed of this Baron is not fast, but he actually does not dare to hide, he knows that oneself hid this, that troublesome was possibly big. 他的话刚刚说完,脸上就被男爵重重的来了一巴掌,这个巴掌非常的响亮,直接抽的那个人眼冒金星,他其实刚才是能躲掉的,因为这个男爵的速度并不快,可他却并不敢躲,他知道自己躲了这一下,那麻烦可能就大了。 Sir, the villain knew wrong.” That person is also the hurried apology, although he has not truly ridiculed that Baron, but he must apologize, because he knows, oneself cannot offend the opposite party. “大人,小人知错了。”那个人也是急忙道歉,虽然他确实没有嘲笑那个男爵,但他还是要道歉,因为他知道,自己得罪不起对方啊。 ! 噗! A Baron palm of the hand hit again on his face, this time, Xia Tian saw that his ring suddenly presented the sharp thorn, these sharp thorns also dug on the face of opposite party directly, moreover he made an effort, directly covered with blood that the half face of opposite party drew. 男爵再次一巴掌打在了他的脸上,这一次,夏天看到他的戒指内部突然出现尖刺,这些尖刺也是直接扎入到了对方的脸上,而且他用力一拉,直接将对方的半张脸都拉的血肉模糊。 Very pitiful, now looks, the face of that person does not have the human appearance. 非常凄惨,现在一看,那个人的脸已经没有人样了。 The body of that person is shivering, perhaps is because angry, perhaps because of ache, expression that but he has no, has not shouted any sore character. 那个人的身体在颤抖,也许是因为愤怒,也许是因为疼痛的,但他并没有任何的表示,也没有喊过任何一个疼字。 Kneels down.” Baron unemotional saying. “跪下。”男爵面无表情的说道。 Goes too far. 欺人太甚啊。 In the wind the crane must begin, but actually held on by Xia Tian. 风中鹤显然是已经要动手了,但是却被夏天拉住了。 You can save a person, but this matter here day happened at least several hundred times, coming that you rescue?” Although Xia Tian also looked that this Baron is not feeling well, but Xia Tian has not understood how even got rid of this Baron to be able? “你能救一个人,但这种事情这里一天最少发生几百次,你救的过来吗?”夏天虽然也看这个男爵不爽,但夏天也没明白,就算是干掉了这个男爵又能怎么样? Central area here aristocrat number definitely is very many, even if got rid of him, that will still also have other aristocrats, when the time comes is the same must bully the person. 中心区域这里的贵族数量肯定是非常多的,就算是干掉了他,那也同样还会有其他的贵族,到时候一样是要欺负人的。 Here biggest internal injury in the center of aristocrat, if not change this point, that makes anything to be useless. 这里最大的病根就是在贵族的中心,所以如果不改变这一点的话,那做什么都是无用的。 Moreover Xia Tian does not want to stir up trouble as far as possible early, will otherwise make them then very passive. 而且夏天尽量不想这么早惹事,否则会让他们接下来非常被动。 Em!” In the wind the crane nods. “恩!”风中鹤点了点头。 If in the normal situation, he has begun to kill people, but there is Xia Tian to draw, he did not have to do. 如果是正常的情况下,他早就动手杀人了,不过有夏天拉着,他就没有那么去做了。 That man clenches teeth, at this time he seems wants to begin. 那个男子咬了咬牙,此时他仿佛是想要动手。 The sons have the gold, he how possibly casual kneeling down. 男儿膝下有黄金,他怎么可能随随便便的就跪下。 But at this moment, in the hand of that Baron presented a crossbow, seems like very attractive crossbow. 可是就在这时,那个男爵的手中出现了一柄弩,看上去非常漂亮的弩。 ! 噗! He touches off the trigger directly, seven color rays pierced the knee of that person together directly: Kneels down!!” 他直接扣动扳机,一道七彩光线直接洞穿了那个人的一个膝盖:“跪下!!” He said again. 他再次说道。 The knee of that man was pierced, the body is also supporting. 那个男子的一个膝盖被洞穿,身体也还是在支撑着。 However he recognized instigated, he understands, the opposite party can kill him with this crossbow at this time, moreover no one will take responsibility for him, his table of several people of were also one dare to move did not have. 不过他还是认怂了,他明白,对方此时用这个弩就可以杀死他,而且没有人会替他做主,就连他这一桌的几个人也是一个敢动的都没有。 passes! 噗通! That man knelt above the ground directly. 那个男子直接跪在了地面之上。 „A words of pleasant to hear dog.” That Baron said that must walk toward outside directly. “好听话的一条狗啊。”那个男爵说完直接就要向外面走去。 Tread! 踏! Baron turn around walks toward outside directly, he arrived here, as if to seek for goal makes him crisp one crisp, now he has ended happily, was must leave directly. 男爵转身直接向外面走去,他来到这里,仿佛就是为了寻找一个目标让他爽一爽,现在他已经开心完了,也是直接就要离开了。 Ah! 啊! At this moment, the pitiful yell sound sends out from the mouth of that Baron together. 就在这时,一道惨叫声从那个男爵的口中发出。
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